Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy Page 44

by Mackenzie Morris

  Oh, Apollo. She has to be careful to not let him know that he's dead. It's not her place to tell him. "That's . . . that's right. Well, ever since Uriel took over Olympus, he has been changing the laws regarding Nymphs. Pure and impure Nymphs can get married and have children together. Impure Nymphs aren't slaves anymore. I guess he is trying to gain favor with everyone so he has more supporters. I don't have an owner and it feels wonderful."

  "Good for you."

  "Oh, I'm sorry. You're still a Forgotten and a slave."

  Troy stares off into the far dark corner of the room. "I know. I'm fine belonging to Orion. We're friends."

  "That's good at least . . . if being a slave can ever be a good thing."

  "I used to think that was impossible, but I've learned so much from being Orion's slave. It has helped to bring out a different side of me that I was trying to hide. I used to be afraid to admit that I needed someone. But with Orion providing for me and training me, I realized that it only makes me stronger. I can rely on people when I need help."

  "Like now?" Nova asks.

  "Exactly like now."

  "We'll get you all better so you can be our king."

  "I'm not going to be king, Nova."

  "Of course you are. You're the rightful heir. Everyone wants you to be king. Our people need you. After we get rid of Uriel, there won't be anyone standing in the way."

  "Why are we targeting Uriel?" Troy asks.

  "Because he's the one trying to take control of the galaxy. He's insane."

  "No. This is all wrong. I need to speak with Mistress and Samuels immediately. Think about this entire situation for a minute. Where is the archon shutdown button?"

  "How do you know about that?"

  "Atlas filled me in on what everyone has been doing for all this time. I know Mistress found it in Daedalus's laboratory when they raided it after you killed him. Now tell me who has the button that can kill all the archons."

  "Gabriel. Since he's an archon, we thought we would put that power in his hands."

  Troy absentmindedly plays with the IV in his arm. "Exactly. Gabriel would give his own life to end this conflict. So why would he not have already pushed the button to simply kill Uriel instantly?"

  "I don't know."

  "I do. Because he knows that Uriel isn't the true threat. Uriel is just a pawn, a piece of the puzzle. Everything is being controlled by someone behind the scenes. A puppet master. And I know exactly who that puppet master is."

  "Who is it?" Nova asks.

  "A boy with a past filled with pain and humiliation who wants to have one thing he can control. And he's picked a big one. When the mask comes off, you will see that the puppet master's face is covered by burns on one side and his eyes are clouded with the darkness of his defiled innocence."

  "Not Paris."

  "Exactly Paris. All of the torture and abuse that Uriel has put him through in an attempt to control him has only ignited that ambition. Paris is a ticking time bomb waiting for the prime second to explode. You watch. The only reason Paris is still going along with Uriel's orders is because he wants to. He's letting Uriel believe he has the power. Paris is no longer submissive because he's scared. He is submissive because he's plotting."

  How can that be? "No. That can't be right."

  "Believe me, I hope I'm wrong. I really do. However, I know what can happen to children who are hurt so much when they're young and don't get the help they need. We need to focus all of our efforts on Paris, not Uriel."

  Atlas flips through a holographic book. "Troy has a point. After all, why else would Uriel need Paris other than to make him his successor? We already know Paris is supposed to be some kind of weapon, right? Well, what if Paris discovered how to unlock those abilities on his own? He wouldn't need Uriel anymore."

  "But he's a child."

  "He's eighteen now." Troy says. "He's old enough to know right from wrong. Making the mistake of thinking of Paris as if he's still that innocent twelve year old boy has the potential to be a fatal one. If he actually is evil, he wants to play off of our emotions and the memories people have of him. You never knew Paris like I did. We were very close and I'm the one suggesting that he could be the biggest threat to the universe."

  "What does Paris have to gain by doing that, though?" Nova asks.

  "Isn't it obvious? He wants revenge. And not just against the people who hurt him. He will attempt to eliminate anyone he feels has the slightest potential to harm anyone in the future."

  "Couldn't that include nearly every person alive?"

  Troy runs his shaky hand through his long hair. "Precisely. That's where this problem becomes more than a child's petty attempts at revenge. If Paris is able to control the nanobots by communicating with them and issuing detailed orders, he could be unstoppable. Those destructive nanobots aren't something to play around with."

  Atlas comes over to the bed as well. "I know. Brother, do you know what I was working on at the academy? Nanotechnology. I've been focusing on destructive nanobots and dark matter research for the past six years. I know about all this stuff and how they work."

  "Wonderful. So you understand why this could have such devastating consequences if left unchecked."

  "Absolutely. I also know why Uriel went from being a kind and friendly robot to being bloodthirsty and cruel. Nova, you remember how the nanobots temporarily took over your mind and no matter what you did, you couldn't separate insanity from reality? That is what has happened to Uriel. Uriel infected Paris with the same nanobots from his blood so Paris may very well have lost his mind as well. In that altered state, there is no telling what they will do."

  "What's our plan, then?" Troy asks.

  "We will talk to Mistress and Samuels when we're done here. Surely they can get a plan going."

  Troy moans a bit and rubs his eyes.

  "Is the medication helping you at all?" Atlas asks.

  "Yes. Gods, yes. Getting away from Delphi is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I don't know how much longer I could have survived out there like this."

  Nova squeezes Troy's hand. "You will get better. Have faith, darling."

  He raises an eyebrow. "Darling?"

  "Yes. I want to be with you again."

  "With me? What are you-" He closes his eyes as Nova's lips touch his

  Nova runs her fingers through his white beard. "I've been waiting for you to come back to me. I need you. That is, if you can forgive me. I'm sorry for causing you so much pain."

  "It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have surprised you like that. Oh, I had the most awkward conversation with your father. He was scared you were pregnant. I'm glad to see that didn't happen."

  Oh. That. "Uh . . . yeah. Me too.

  "What? You had a baby? I'm a father?"

  "No, no. I was pregnant, but Dion ended the pregnancy."

  Troy looks like someone kicked him in the stomach. "Why? Who is Dion?"

  "Orion's brother."

  "Oh, that's right. Why did he kill my child?" Troy starts to get up. "I'm going to kill him!"

  Nova pushes him back down. "No, you're not. Dion didn't want to do it. Uriel made him. He's a good guy."

  "I don't think Orion feels the same way."

  * * *

  They stop at opposite ends of the hallway. One has the suntanned skin and green glass beads woven into his hair with a hardened dignity in his eyes. The other's blue mohawk, pale skin, and baggy pants reflect his relaxed and lackadaisical attitude. Both brothers glare at each other, making the length of the hallway seem infinitely large yet dangerously small at the same time. A tangible adrenaline fills the air like electricity.

  Orion is the first to speak. "Hello, Dion."

  "Hello, baby brother. It's been a while."

  "Indeed, it has."

  Dion crosses his arms as he studies Orion. "Nice hair."

  "Don't you dare mock my tribal beads. I am proud to be a green man. I have a family and five wonderful children and one on the way."

  "Orion, hold on a minute. I don't want to fight. I said that because I genuinely do like it. We are working together now. There's no reason to hold on to past anger."

  "You claim we're working together?" Orion asks. "Well, Dion, did you tell them about the contract you made with Uriel? Did you tell them how you tried to assassinate Troy when he was only ten?"

  "That's . . . that's not . . . true."

  "Oh? Is it not?"

  "No. Well, it was . . . but I've changed. That was all because I made that contract with Uriel. And you of all people know why I had to do it."

  Orion sighs and releases his pent-up anger. This isn't worth fighting over. There is one thing to make sure of first. "And our inheritance?"

  "Nope. It's gone. Uriel took all of them. The computer archon army in Paradise has been moved. We don't know where. With the nanobots gaining self-awareness and ways to communicate, the possibilities for destruction are great. But see? That is why you and I are needed here. We know how this stuff works."

  "You know how it works. I never learned. I might as well go back to my family. What good can I do around here? I will only be in the way."

  "You're my brother."

  "Sort of."

  "We've been apart for far too long." Dion says. "With my knowledge of our family's long legacy of research and your skills in scouting, we are a valuable team that will contribute to this cause."

  "And what cause is that at this point?"

  "Nymph freedom. Now that we have our rightful king, we can take over the capital and unify all tribes, families, and bloodlines. That glorious vision of a perfect future for all Nymphs is our goal. Your tribe will be protected and provided for. Don't you want your children to have the best life possible without the fear of dying to diseases? They wouldn't have to give up their way of life. We could make that way of life better. Don't you want that? Think of your children."

  Orion does think about his children, particularly his son. If there's any way possible to prevent them from suffering like Troy has, then he will do it, even if that means working with his brother. He holds out his hand. "I'll stay and work with you for my family."

  Dion takes his hand. "That's all I wanted."


  Uriel pours the bucket of icy water over Paris who is shivering violently in the cold room. He tosses him a towel. "You ready for round two?"

  Paris dries himself off then wraps the towel around his bony hips. "How many times are you going to inject me with that stuff?"

  "As many times as I need to in order to break you."

  "Please. I haven't eaten anything in four days. I was left strapped to that bed all this time. I'm exhausted. I'm in pain. Don't do it to me again."

  "Go back in the room and lie down on the bed. It's time for more injections."

  "Can't I eat something first?" Paris asks, trying to sound as pathetic as possible.

  "Nope. I won't make that mistake. I will starve you if I have to."

  Paris starts laughing darkly.

  "What's so funny?"

  He continues his giggling as he wipes the water from his face.

  "Paris, stop laughing. That's an order."

  "I said don't do it to me again." Paris pushes his wet hair out of his eyes and glares at Uriel. "I wasn't asking."

  "You don't make the rules here."

  "Oh? Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. Neither do you." Paris lunges at the archon, knocking him backwards against the concrete wall. With a surge of nanobots, he unleashes the dark mater into the wall beside Uriel's face. "I'm done playing around. I will kill you if you try to have all this power for yourself."

  Uriel grins. "Well done. How about you calm down, call off your nanobots, and we will go back up to the mansion? I'll have the servants make you a nice dinner and we will discuss our new partnership."


  "You are obviously ready to take some control in my plan, yes?"

  "That's not good enough. I'm ready for the final step. Do it now!"

  "Then let's go eat, get you cleaned up, and discuss your coronation."

  Paris's nanobots vanish, not leaving behind any signs of dark matter or damage to the wall. He pushes Uriel towards the door. "I want to be king."

  "You will be king. Then you can do what you've wanted all along."

  "Kill Silver?"

  "Of course. Also, I have heard that Troy has arrived on Himmel. Do you want to kill him too?"

  "Not yet." Paris says. "I'm not going to kill anyone of importance just yet. I want to savor this. You gave me plenty of time to formulate my plans when you left me locked up down here. King Paris has some new laws to enact. But first, every king needs a queen, don't you think?"

  * * *

  Troy rolls down the hallway in the wheelchair and into Silver's room. It has been ten days of surgeries, injections, nanobots, and recovery. He is exhausted, but at least he is able to move around. The operations on his eyes were the worst. It hurts to see any light at all now so he has to wear sunglasses even inside except for in dimly-lit rooms. Directly after the surgeries, he couldn't see anything. He had been so afraid that he pretended that everything was fine until one of the nurses tested his eyes and found out he had temporarily gone blind. That prompted another operation. If it wasn't for Atlas, Nova, and Orion being there to keep him company, Troy is convinced he would have gone insane from all the poking and prodding.

  Beyond that, he is thrilled to be wearing modern clothes. Jeans and a t-shirt have never felt so good. Oh, and underwear. He never thought he would miss it as much as he has. What else has he missed? Soap that wasn't made from animal fat, sugar, and deodorant. They are simple things, but things he has so much more appreciation for. Orion might want to go back out to that village, but Troy isn't leaving civilization ever again.

  The room is lit only by a couple of lamps, just as Silver promised, so Troy places his sunglasses up on top of his head. Empty wine bottles are littering the floor. Sticky shot glasses cover the counter in the tiny kitchen. The place is a mess. "Silver? Are you here?"

  A disheveled Silver stumbles out of the bathroom. His brown and grey hair is tousled, his white t-shirt is painted with a myriad of assorted stains, and his eyes are bloodshot. "Come on in. Care for a drink? I have plenty."

  "I . . . see that. Don't you think you've had enough?"

  "I'm a grown man. Don't judge me. If I want to have a drink, I can have a drink."

  "This is much more than just a drink."

  "What did you say?" Silver asks.


  He leans against the counter. "How are you feeling?"

  "At lot better."

  "In a wheelchair?"

  "It's easier this way."

  "Really?" Silver asks. "That's easier than walking?"

  Who is he to ask such questions? "You don't know how much it hurts."

  "I know what it's like to have both legs amputated at the same time. Does that count for something? And guess what? I wasn't in a wheelchair."

  "The doctors said I might never walk again. They told me my muscles are very weak in my legs."

  Silver scoffs. "What did you come here to talk to me about?"

  "The laws regarding pure and impure Nymph relationships have been changed by Uriel. I guess he is trying to win over the public before he unleashes his evil plans on them. I want everything to happen in Athens, my home city, so my family and friends can be there. They know Nova as well. You know that. It would be perfect. We still have that peace treaty in place. Uriel would have to be insane to break that, especially during a wedding."

  "A wedding? Troy, if you have something to say, then say it."

  Troy pulls out a small black box from the pocket of his hooded sweatshirt and opens it to reveal a glittering band of diamonds. He hands the ring to Silver. "I want to ask for Nova's hand in marriage."

  Silver doesn't say anything. He begins pacing back and forth across the kitchen. He picks up a bottle of red wine from the cou
nter and drinks straight from the bottle. His hands are shaking.

  Did Troy say something wrong? What if Silver says no? Was this all a big mistake? "Sorry. I'll leave."


  Is he serious? "What?"

  "If you want to marry my daughter, then stand up like a man. You don't need that chair, do you? Has the mighty Troy fallen that far?"

  "I . . ."

  "You're not crippled." Silver says. "You're too weak to stand simply because you've lost the will to do so."

  "But the doctors-"

  "I don't give a damn what the doctors said. They don't rule your life, Troy. Only you can decide what you can or cannot do. I've seen people like you. Once someone in a white coat tells you how bad off you are, you accept it and never try to get better. Well, I'll let you in on a secret. Doctors don't have the final say on your life. I didn't give up when I lost my legs. I worked through it and got my metal ones. It was rough, but I managed. Now I'm stronger than ever. But you? You've given up on walking again because they have convinced you that you can't do it. You were walking before you went to the hospital. Did they break your legs? Did they paralyze you? If so, then tell me and I'll admit I was wrong. But you're not going to. You know why? Because they didn't do anything to you. You chose to give up."

  Troy throws down the ring box and grabs onto the arms of the wheelchair. "No. I haven't given up. I will never give up!" There's no way he's going to let Silver talk to him like this. What does he know? He will prove him wrong. He will prove them all wrong! With a surge of desperation, Troy lifts himself up on his weak arms to his feet. His legs are wavering as he forces them to hold his weight. He can do this. He has to do this. With tears stinging in his eyes, Troy lets go of the wheelchair and clenches his fists.

  Silver grins and slowly claps his hands. "Now ask me the right way."

  Troy takes three painful steps forward before falling to his knees. "Please, Mr. Cunningham. With complete respect and humility, I ask you to give consent for me to take your daughter as my bride. I love her."

  Silver takes Troy's hands and helps him to his feet. He embraces him. "Welcome to the family, son."

  "Dad, I brought you a muffin we made." Nova enters the room then stops. "What is going on here?"


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