Heart of the Sunset

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Heart of the Sunset Page 25

by Rex Beach



  Dave Law slept for twenty hours, and even when he awoke it was not to aclear appreciation of his surroundings. At first he was relieved tofind that the splitting pain in his head was gone, but imagined himselfto be still in the maddening local train from Brownsville. By and by herecognized Paloma and Mrs. Strange, and tried to talk to them, but theconnection between brain and tongue was imperfect, and he made a badbusiness of conversation. It seemed queer that he should be in bed atthe Joneses', and almost ludicrous for Mrs. Strange to support himwhile Paloma fed him. In the effort to understand these mysteries, hedozed again. After interminable periods of semi-consciousnessalternating with complete oblivion, he roused himself to discover thatit was morning and that he felt better than for weeks. When he hadrecovered from his surprise he turned his head and saw Mrs. Strangeslumbering in a chair beside his bed; from her uncomfortable positionand evident fatigue he judged that she must have kept a long andfaithful vigil over him.

  A little later Paloma, pale and heavy-eyed, stole into the room, andDave's cheerful greeting awoke Mrs. Strange with a jerk.

  "So! You're feeling better, aren't you," the latter woman cried,heartily.

  "Yes. How did I get here?" Dave asked. "I must have been right sick andtroublesome to you."

  Paloma smiled and nodded. "Sick! Why, Dave, you frightened us nearly todeath! You were clear out of your head."

  So that was it. The breakdown had come sooner than he expected, and ithad come, moreover, without warning. That was bad--bad! Although Dave'smind was perfectly clear at this moment, he reasoned with a sinkingheart that another brain-storm might overtake him at any time. He hadimagined that the thing would give a hint of its coming, but evidentlyit did not.

  Mrs. Strange broke into his frowning meditation to ask, "How long sinceyou had a night's sleep?"

  "I--Oh, it must be weeks."

  "Umph! I thought so. You puzzled that pill-roller, but doctors don'tknow anything, anyhow. Why, he wanted to wake you up to find out whatailed you! I threatened to scald him if he did."

  "I seem to remember talking a good deal," Dave ventured. "I reckonI--said a lot of foolish things." He caught the look that passedbetween his nurses and its significance distressed him.

  Mrs. Strange continued: "That's how we guessed what your trouble was,and that's why I wouldn't let that fool doctor disturb you. Now thatyou've had a sleep and are all right again, I'm going home and changemy clothes. I haven't had them off for two nights."

  "Two nights!" Dave stared in bewilderment. Then he lamely apologizedfor the trouble he had caused, and tried to thank the women for theirkindness.

  He was shaky when, an hour later, he came down-stairs for breakfast;but otherwise he felt better than for many days; and Blaze's opendelight at seeing did him as much good as the food he ate.

  Dave spent the morning sunning himself on the porch, reading the paperswith their exciting news, and speculating over the significance of hismental collapse. The more he thought of it now the more ominous itseemed. One result which particularly distressed him was the change ithad wrought in Paloma Jones's bearing; for of a sudden the girl hadbecome distant and formal. The reason was not far to seek; Dave couldnot doubt that the knowledge of his secret had frightened her. Well,that was to be expected--he would probably lose all his friends intime. It was a bitter thought; life would be very dull and flat withoutfriends. He wondered how he could bear to see those who loved him turnaway; to see their liking change to restraint and fear, as itthreatened to do in Paloma's case. Better anything than that.

  There was, however, one friend who, Dave knew, would not shun him; oneof whose lasting affection he felt sure; and at memory of her he cameto his feet. Montrosa would trust him. She had given him her heart, andher loyalty would never waver. With a clutch at his throat, and alittle pain in his breast, he stumbled down the steps and went insearch of her.

  Now during Dave's absence Paloma had done her best to spoil the mare,and among other marks of favor had allowed her free run of the yard,where the shade was cool and the grass fine, and where delicioustidbits were to be had from the kitchen for the mere asking. Inconsequence, Dave did not go far until he was discovered. Montrosasignaled, then trotted toward him with ears and tail lifted. Herdelight was open and extravagant; her welcome was as enthusiastic as ahorse could make it. Gone were her coquetry and her airs; she nosed andnibbled Dave; she rubbed and rooted him with the violence of abattering-ram, and permitted him to hug her and murmur words of loveinto her velvet ears. She swapped confidence for confidence, too; andthen, when he finally walked back toward the house, she followedclosely, as if fearful that he might again desert her.

  Phil Strange met the lovers as they turned the corner of the porch, andwarmly shook Dave's hand. "Teeny--my wife--told me you was better," hebegan, "so I beat it out here. I hung around all day yesterday, waitingto see you, but you was batty."

  "I was pretty sick," Dave acknowledged. "Mrs. Strange was mighty kindto me."

  "Sick people get her goat. She's got a way with 'em, and with animals,too. Why, Rajah, the big python with our show, took sick one year, andhe'd have died sure only for her. Same with a lot of the other animals.She knows more'n any vet I ever saw."

  "Perhaps I needed a veterinary instead of a doctor," Dave smiled. "Iguess I've got some horse blood in me. See!" Montrosa had thrust herhead under his arm and was waiting for him to scratch her ears.

  "Well, I brought you some mail." Strange fumbled in his pocket for asmall bundle of letters, explaining: "Blaze gave me these for you as Ipassed the post office. Now I wonder if you feel good enough to talkbusiness."

  Dave took the letters with a word of thanks, and thrust them carelesslyinto his pocket. "What seems to be the trouble?" he inquired.

  "You remember our last talk? Well, them Mexicans have got me rattled.I've been trying everywhere to locate you. If you hadn't come home I'dhave gone to the prosecuting attorney, or somebody."

  "Then you've learned something more?"

  Phil nodded, and his sallow face puckered with apprehension. "RosaMorales has been to see me regular."

  Dave passed an uncertain hand over his forehead. "I'm not in very goodshape to tackle a new proposition, but--what is it?"

  "We've got to get Mrs. Austin away from here."

  "We? Why?"

  "If we don't they'll steal her."

  "STEAL HER?" Dave's amazement was patent. "Are you crazy?"

  "Sometimes I think I am, but I've pumped that Morales girl dry, and Ican't figure anything else out of what she tells me. Her and Joseexpect to make a lump of quick money, jump to Mexico, get married, andlive happy ever after. Take it from me, it's Mrs. Austin they aim tocash in on."

  "Why--the idea's ridiculous!"

  "Maybe it is and maybe it ain't," the fortune-teller persisted. "Morethan one rich Mexican has been grabbed and held for ransom along thisriver; yes, and Americans, too, if you can believe the stories.Anything goes in that country over there."

  "You think Jose is planning to kidnap her? Nonsense! One man couldn'tdo such a thing."

  "I didn't say he could," Phil defended himself, sulkily. "Remember, Itold you there was somebody back of him."

  "Yes, I remember, but you didn't know exactly who."

  "Well, I don't exactly know yet. I thought maybe you might tell me."

  There was a brief silence, during which Dave stood frowning. Then heappeared to shake himself free from Phil's suggestions.

  "It's too utterly preposterous. Mrs. Austin has no enemies; she's aperson of importance. If by any chance she disappeared--"

  "She's done that very little thing," Strange declared.


  "She's disappeared--anyhow, she's gone. Yesterday, when I saw you waslaid up and couldn't help me, I 'phoned her ranch; somebody answered inSpanish, and from what I could make out they don't know where she is."

  Dave wondered if he had understood Strange aright, or if this could be
another trick of his own disordered brain. Choosing his wordscarefully, he said: "Do you mean to tell me that she's missing and theyhaven't given an alarm? I reckon you didn't understand the message, didyou?"

  Strange shrugged. "Maybe I didn't. Suppose you try. You sabe the lingo."

  Dave agreed, although reluctantly, for at this moment he wished nothingless than to undertake a mental effort, and he feared, in spite ofStrange's statement, that he might hear Alaire's voice over the wire.That would be too much; he felt as if he could not summon the strengthto control himself in such a case. Nevertheless, he went to thetelephone, leaving Phil to wait.

  When he emerged from the house a few moments later, it was with aqueer, set look upon his face.

  "I got 'em," he said. "She's gone--left three days ago."

  "Where did she go?"

  "They wouldn't tell me."

  "They WOULDN'T?" Strange looked up sharply.

  "Wouldn't or couldn't." The men eyed each other silently; then Philinquired:

  "Well, what do you make of it?"

  "I don't know. She wasn't kidnapped, that's a cinch, for Dolores wentwith her. I--think we're exciting ourselves unduly."

  The little fortune-teller broke out excitedly: "The hell we are! Why doyou suppose I've been playing that Morales girl? I tell you there'ssomething crooked going on. Don't I know? Didn't I wise you three weeksago that something like this was coming off?" It was plain that Philput complete faith in his powers of divination, and at this moment hisearnestness carried a certain degree of conviction. Dave made an effortto clear his tired brain.

  "Very well," he said. "If you're so sure, I'll go to Las Palmas. I'llfind out all about it, and where she went. If anybody has dared to--"He drew a deep breath and his listlessness vanished; his eyes gleamedwith a hint of their customary fire. "I reckon I've got one punch leftin me." He turned and strode to his room.

  As Dave changed into his service clothes he was surprised to feel a newvigor in his limbs and a new strength of purpose in his mind. His brainwas clearer than it had been for a long time. The last cobweb was gone,and for the moment at least he was lifted out of himself as by astrong, invigorating drink. When he stood in his old boots and felt thefamiliar drag of his cartridge-belt, when he tested his free muscles,he realized that he was another man. Even yet he could not put muchfaith in Phil Strange's words--nevertheless, there might be a dangerthreatening Alaire; and if so, it was time to act.

  Phil watched his friend saddle the bay mare, then as Dave tied hisWinchester scabbard to its thongs he laughed nervously.

  "You're loaded for bear."

  The horseman answered, grimly: "I'm loaded for Jose Sanchez. If I layhands on him I'll learn what he knows."

  "You can't get nothing out of a Mexican,"

  "No? I've made Filipinos talk. Believe me, I can be some persuasivewhen I try." With that he swung a leg over Montrosa's back and rodeaway.

  Law found it good to feel a horse between his knees. He had notrealized until now how long Montrosa's saddle had been empty. The sunwas hot and friendly, the breeze was sweet in his nostrils as he sweptpast the smiling fields and out into the mesquite country. Heat wavesdanced above the patches of bare ground; insects sang noisily fromevery side; far ahead the road ran a wavering course through adeceitful mirage of rippling ponds. It was all familiar, pleasant; itwas home; black moods were impossible amid such surroundings. Thechemistry of air and earth and sunshine were at work dissolving awaythe poisons of his imagination. Of course Dave's trouble did not whollyvanish; it still lurked in the back of his mind and rode with him; butfrom some magic source he was deriving a power to combat it. With everymile he covered his strength and courage increased.

  Such changes had come into his life since his last visit to Las Palmasthat it gave him a feeling of unreality to discover no alteration inthe ranch. He had somehow felt that the buildings would look older,that the trees would have grown taller, and so when he finally came insight of his destination he reined in to look.

  Behind him he heard the hum of an approaching motor, and he turned tobehold a car racing along the road he had just traveled. The machinewas running fast, as a long streamer of choking dust gave evidence, andDave soon recognized it as belonging to Jonesville's prosecutingattorney. As it tore past him its owner shouted something, but thewords were lost. In the automobile with the driver were severalpassengers, and one of these likewise called to Dave and seemed tomotion him to follow. When the machine slowed down a half-mile aheadand veered abruptly into the Las Palmas gateway, Dave lifted Montrosato a run, wondering what pressing necessity could have induced theprosecuting attorney to risk such a reckless burst of speed.

  Dave told himself that he was unduly apprehensive; that Strange'swarnings had worked upon his nerves. Nevertheless, he continued to rideso hard that almost before the dust had settled he, too, turned intothe shade of the palms.

  Yes, there was excitement here; something was evidently very muchamiss, judging from the groups of ranch-hands assembled upon the porch.They were clustered about the doors and windows, peering in. Brieflythey turned their faces toward Law; then they crowded closer, and heperceived that they were not talking. Some of them had removed theirhats and held them in their hands.

  Dave's knees shook under him as he dismounted; for one sick, giddyinstant the scene swam before his eyes; then he ran toward the houseand up the steps. He tried to frame a question, but his lips were stiffwith fright. Heedless of those in his path, he forced his way into thehouse, then down the hall toward an open door, through which he saw aroom full of people. From somewhere came the shrill wailing of a woman;the house was full of hushed voices and whisperings. Dave had but onethought. From the depths of his being a voice called Alaire's nameuntil his brain rang with it.

  A bed was in the room, and around it was gathered a group ofwhite-faced people. With rough hands Law cleared a way for himself, andthen stopped, frozen in his tracks. His arms relaxed, his fingersunclenched, a great sigh whistled slowly from his lungs. Before him,booted, spurred, and fully dressed, lay the dead body of Ed Austin.

  Dave was still staring at the master of Las Palmas when the prosecutingattorney spoke to him.

  "God! This is terrible, isn't it?" he said. "He must have diedinstantly."

  "Who--did it?"

  "We don't know yet. Benito found him and brought him in. He hasn't beendead an hour."

  Law ran his eyes over the room, and then asked, sharply, "Where is Mrs.Austin?"

  He was answered by Benito Gonzales, who had edged closer. "She's nothere, senor."

  "Have you notified her?"

  Benito shrugged. "There has been no time, it all happened so quickly--"

  Some one interrupted, and Dave saw that it was the localsheriff--evidently it was he who had waved from the speeding machine afew moments before.

  "I'm glad you're here, Dave, for you can give me a hand. I'm going toround up these Mexicans right away and find out what they know. Whoeverdid it hasn't gone far; so you act as my deputy and see what you canlearn."

  When Dave had regained better control of himself he took Benitooutdoors and demanded full details of the tragedy. With manylamentations and incoherencies, the range boss told what he knew.

  Ed had met his death within a half-mile of Las Palmas as he rode homefor dinner. Benito, himself on his way to the house, had found thebody, still warm, near the edge of the pecan-grove. He had retainedenough sense to telephone at once to Jonesville, and then--Benitohardly knew what he had done since then, he was so badly shaken by thetragedy.

  "What time did it happen?"

  "It was noon when I came in."

  Dave consulted his watch, and was surprised to discover that it was nowonly a few minutes past one. It was evident, therefore, that Benito hadindeed lost no time, and that his alarm had met with instant response.

  "Now tell me, who did it?"

  Benito flung his hands high. "God knows! Some enemy, of course; but DonEduardo had many."

  "Not t
hat sort of enemies. There was nobody who could wish to kill him."

  "That is as it is."

  "Haven't you any suspicions?"

  "No, senor."

  "You say Mrs. Austin is gone?"



  "I don't know."

  Dave spoke brusquely: "Come, Benito; you must know, for your wife wentwith her. Are you trying to keep something back?"

  "No, no! As God is my judge!" Benito declared, "I didn't know they weregoing until the very last, and even then Dolores would tell me nothing.We were having bad times here at Las Palmas; there were stormy scenesyonder in the house. Senor Ed was drinking again, you understand? Thesenora had reason to go."

  "You think she ran away to escape him?"


  Dave breathed more easily, for this seemed to settle Strange's theory.The next instant, however, his apprehensions were doubled, for Benitoadded:

  "No doubt she went to La Feria."

  Law uttered an incredulous exclamation. "Not THERE! Surely she wouldn'tgo to La Feria at such a time. Why, that country is ablaze. Americansare fleeing from Mexico."

  "I hadn't thought of that," Benito confessed. "But if she didn't gothere, where did she go? Saints above! It is a fine condition ofaffairs when a wife keeps secrets from her husband, eh? I supposeDolores feared I would tell Don Eduardo, God rest his soul! This much Ido know, however: not long ago there came a letter from GeneralLongorio, offering settlement for those cattle he stole in hisgovernment's name. Dolores told me the senora was highly pleased andwas going to Mexico for her money. It was a mark of Longorio's favor,you understand me? He's a great--friend, an ardent admirer." Benitowinked. "Dolores told me all about that, too. No, I think they went toLa Feria."

  Dave remembered his first conversation with Phil Strange and thefortune-teller's insistence that some powerful person was behind JoseSanchez. More than three weeks ago Strange had forecast something verylike murder of Ed Austin. Dave felt as if he were the victim of anhysterical imagination. Nevertheless, he forced himself to ask, quietly:

  "Is Jose Sanchez anywhere about?"

  The range boss shrugged. "I sent him to the east pasture this morning."

  "Did he go?"

  "Eh? So! You suspect Jose of this. God in heaven! Jose is a wildboy--But wait! I'll ask Juan if he saw him; yes, and Victoria, too.That is Victoria you hear squalling in the kitchen. Wait here."

  Benito hurried away, leaving Dave a prey to perplexity; but he was backagain in a few moments. His face was grave.

  "Jose did not go to the east pasture," he said.

  "Where is he now?"

  "No one seems to know."

  Law walked to his horse, mounted, and galloped away. Benito, whowatched him, saw that he turned toward the river road which led to theLas Palmas pumping-plant.

  The more Dave thought about Ed Austin's death, the more certain hebecame that it was in some way connected with Alaire's disappearance;and the loose end by which the tangle might be unraveled, it seemed tohim, lay in the hands of Rosa Morales, Jose's sweetheart. That Sanchezwas the murderer Dave now had little doubt; but since the chance ofapprehending him was small, he turned his attention to the girl. Hewould make Rosa speak, he told himself, if he had to use force--thiswas no time for gentle methods. If she knew aught of Alaire'swhereabouts or the mystery of her departure from Las Palmas, he wouldfind a way to wring the truth from her. Dave's face, a trifle toosomber at all times, took on a grimmer aspect now; he felt a slow furykindling in his breast.

  Years of experience had taught him to be always alert even during hismoments of deepest preoccupation, and so, from force of habit, when hecame to the pump-house road he carefully scanned it. In the dust werefresh hoof-prints leading toward the river. Now he knew this road to beseldom used, and therefore he wondered who could be riding it at agallop in this blistering midday heat. A few rods farther on and hisquick eye detected something else--something that brought him from hissaddle. Out of the rut he picked a cigarette butt, the fire of whichwas cold but the paper of which was still wet from the smoker's lips.He examined it carefully; then he remounted and rode on, pondering itssignificance.

  Dave loped out of the thicket and straight across the clearing to theMorales house. Leaving Montrosa's reins hanging, he opened the door andentered without knocking. Rosa appeared in the opening to another room,her eyes wide with fright at this apparition, and Dave saw that she wasdressed in her finest, as if for a holiday or for a journey.

  "Where's your father?" he demanded.

  "He's gone to Sangre de Cristo. What do you want?"

  "When did he go?"

  "This morning, early. He--"

  "Who's been here since he left?"

  Rosa was recovering from her first surprise, and now her black browsdrew together in anger. "No one has come. You are the first. And haveyou no manners to stride into a respectable house--?"

  Dave broke in harshly: "Rosa, you're lying. Jose Sanchez has been herewithin an hour. Where is he?" When the girl only grew whiter and raiseda hand to her breast, he stepped toward her, crying, "Answer me!"

  Rosa recoiled, and the breath caught in her throat like a sob. "I'lltell you nothing," she said in a thin voice. Then she began to tremble."Why do you want Jose?"

  "You know why. He killed Don Eduardo, and then he rode here. Come! Iknow everything."

  "Lies! Lies!" Rosa's voice grew shrill. "Out of this house! I know you.It was you who betrayed Panfilo, and his blood is on your hands,assassin!" With the last word she made as if to retreat, but Dave wastoo quick; he seized her, and for an instant they struggledbreathlessly.

  Dave had reasoned beforehand that his only chance of discoveringanything from this girl lay in utterly terrorizing her and in profitingby her first panic; therefore he pressed his advantage. He succeededbetter than he had dared to hope.

  "You know who killed Senor Ed," he cried, fiercely. "The fortune-tellerread your plans, and there is no use to deny it."

  Rosa screamed again; she writhed; she tried to sink her teeth into hercaptor's flesh. In her body was the strength of a full-grown man, andDave could hardly hold her. But suddenly, as the two scuffled, from theback room of the house came a sound which caused Dave to release thegirl as abruptly as he had seized her--it was the clink and tinkle ofMexican spurs upon a wooden floor.


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