Tempting the Badman (Russian Bratva #5)

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Tempting the Badman (Russian Bratva #5) Page 23

by Hayley Faiman

  “Dominik was supposed to be mine. My whole life he’s been the man I was to marry. I was supposed to be living like a Russian princess; but instead, he fucked around, and then he knocked you up,” she growls. “I don’t even understand it. You’re ugly and fat,” she pouts.

  “I’m pregnant,” I say shakily.

  “You carrying that baby in your ass too?” she asks, arching a brow. The man behind her chuckles at her stupid insult.

  “What do you have that I don’t?” she asks, taking a step closer to me before she circles my chair.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She’s scary and unpredictable. She steps right in front of me and stares at me, her face just inches from mine as she studies me.

  “I would have let him keep you on the side, of course, in secret,” she whispers. “Now, he can’t have you at all. How stupid of him, really.”

  “Wh—what do you mean?” I whisper. I’m pretty sure I know exactly what she means, but for some reason, I stupidly ask the question anyway.

  “I’m supposed to be his wife, and I’m going to be his wife as soon as you die,” she giggles.

  “Larisa,” the man warns. She takes a step back.

  “No, daddy, she’s dying. There’s no other way around it. He is so disrespectful, and we can’t stand for it,” she says, stomping her foot.

  “Yes, I know,” he murmurs, shaking his head.

  “Do you really think he’ll marry you, love you, and make children with you?” I ask.

  “Love? I don’t give a shit about love. I could give a shit about kids, either, but I need at least one to secure my place in the Bratva. Yeah, he’ll marry me, because I’ll seduce him and he’ll have no choice,” she clucks.

  “Why now?” I ask, “Why didn’t you seduce him years ago?”

  “Because I like a bevy of dicks to choose from, whore,” she says. I’m not quite sure why she’s calling me a whore when she’s admitting to being a slut herself. “He wanted to play around, and so did I. There was no rush. But when he started fucking only you, I knew it was time to up my game. Then you went and got yourself pregnant,” she accuses.

  Though I know he caught her with another man before I even knew I was pregnant, I don’t say a word. The bitch is obviously mentally unstable.

  I glance at the windows and notice that it’s really dark outside. I don’t know how long I was out, but it was after seven when I arrived, so it’s probably well into the night by now.

  Dominik must be worried about me, especially if he went home for dinner to find me not home. I curse myself for not calling Matvey before I arrived. My client wasn’t supposed to be here until eight. I was going to open the house and then call Matvey so he would be here before the client—I had it all planned out.

  “I want to play with her before we kill her,” Larisa announces. Her father smiles indulgently, as if he’s going to give her what she wishes.

  “I thought we were going to send Dominik her picture with a ransom message first?” he asks. I can’t believe this girl is in charge.

  “I want to fuck her up, the bitch,” she stomps her foot.

  “Ransom?” he asks.

  “I don’t care. I have way too many ideas on how to damage her before we kill her. That’s what I wanna do,” she grins wildly.

  “Okay, Larisa, my princess. Have at her.”

  “ALMOST BROKEN IN,” OLIVER says on the other end of the phone.

  Oliver is a computer expert. He lives in California, and his husband is part of the Bratva. I didn’t know who else to call to break into Inessa’s computer, hoping that there would be some clue as to where she’s at somewhere in her calendar. After hanging up with Matvey, I contacted Yakov, and he suggested the call to Oliver.

  “Okay, I’m in,” he mutters as he starts pulling things up on the computer remotely.

  I’m not computer savvy at all, so it’s amazing to watch the windows open and close as he rifles around her computer.

  “She got an email,” he mutters, pulling up her messages. “It came in around six this evening,” he continues. “It came from a public place, not someone’s home.”

  My blood turns cold at what that could mean. I had hoped that she’d call while I was starting this hunt for her, that maybe she would just show up, but this is confirming that there’s been foul play.

  I didn’t want to believe it; I had hopes that it was something else, that she was just pissed and went to a hotel to punish me or something. I didn’t want to believe that after she’s already had an attempt on her life, that anything more could possibly happen to her.

  “Dominik?” Oliver’s British accented voice calls out.

  “Yeah,” I grunt.

  “This is where the house is. They were supposed to meet at eight,” he murmurs as the email shows up on the screen.

  “Thank you,” I mutter as I write the address down on one of her sticky notes.

  “You call me tonight, let me know. I’ll keep looking around to see what else I can find,” he offers. I thank him again before I end the call.

  Pavlov, Matvey, Yakov, and I pile into my SUV, and I slip Matvey the address.

  “She always calls either me or Stas, and she knew it was me today. I don’t understand,” he mutters as he speeds toward the home.

  Once we’re on the right street, he turns the lights off and coasts until we’re parked directly across from the house. Everything is dark except for a light shining from what looks like a front bedroom, or possibly the dining room. What fucking idiots to do anything in front of the house. Then I notice a car parked in the driveway, and Inessa’s red corvette along the curb. Fucking morons is what they are—not just idiots.

  “Oliver, run these plates,” I murmur into the phone before reading off the license plate numbers of the car in the drive.

  “Comes back to an Oleg Ivanov,” he announces.

  “Fuck,” I hiss. “Thanks, I think we found her.”

  I hang up and tell the men with me whose car is in the drive. I watch as not only Pavlov’s eyes darken, but so do Yakov’s and Matvey’s. This is not only fucked up, it’s treason. If he’s hurt her in any way, then he’s going against the organization. She’s my wife, protected not only by me, but the organization as a whole.

  If he’s hurt her in anyway whatsoever, he’s going against the Bratva, which means death. I know that he’s stupid and that he allows Larisa to run their home, but I didn’t realize he was this weak of a man.

  “How do you want to go in?” Yakov asks, turning to me. My wife, my mission, my duty to make the decisions.

  “Two in front, two in back,” I mutter. They nod, pulling their guns out of their waistbands as they go.

  Yakov and Pavlov go around the back together, and Matvey and I go through the front. Luckily, the front outside lights aren’t on, so the neighbors won’t get a front seat show to what’s about to go down.

  When we reach the front door, I slowly turn the handle, surprised that the door was left unlocked. Matvey shrugs and steps inside before me, clearing the way for me.

  There is talking where the light is on, and I follow behind Matvey as his back up. Yakov and Pavlov catch up to us quickly, and the four of us slowly, and quietly, make our way toward the voices. I hear Larisa’s shrill tone, and it’s like nails on a chalkboard every time she speaks.

  “Okay, Larisa, my princess, have at her,” I hear Oleg say.

  I quickly step into the room and point my gun at Oleg’s head, watching his eyes widen while Matvey wraps his arm around Larisa’s center just as she’s lunging for Inessa, who is tied to a chair.

  “I wouldn’t suggest anything of the sort, Ivanov,” I murmur.

  My eye’s meet Inessa’s and I scan her body from head to toe and then back up. She looks scared shitless, but she’s not bleeding and she’s breathing.

  “Fuck,” Matvey hisses. “The cunt bit me,” he rumbles as Larisa wiggles in his arms.

  “Restrain her,” I order to Pavlov. He nods as he
walks over to Matvey and Larisa.

  I don’t realize he’s got his medical bag in his hand until he sets it down and starts fiddling around. Then, without so much as a word, he slides a needle into Larisa’s neck, and her whole body sags in Matvey’s arms in seconds.

  “What did you do to her?’ Oleg cries.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Yakov grates out. “Dominik, you care for Inessa and we’ll take care of these two,” he suggests.

  I don’t question him as he pats down Oleg and rids him of his weapons before I walk over to Inessa, who is talking quietly to Pavlov.

  “Is she okay?” I ask the doctor.

  “She is. She needs some fluid and food, but she’s okay,” he murmurs as he helps me untie her.

  I don’t let her stand, choosing to pick her up, and then I carry her to a bathroom clear on the other side of the house, knowing that whatever they’re going to do to Oleg and Larisa is going to be messy.

  I won’t lie. I’m disappointed that I won’t be the one to make them pay for what they’ve done to Inessa, but my priorities are to her—to make sure that my Inessa is all right.

  Once we’re inside of the bathroom, I close and lock the door behind us before I set her down on the countertop. I cup her cheeks with my hands and I press my mouth to hers in a hard, closed lipped kiss. Her hands fist in the sides of my shirt, and she shakes beneath me.

  “Are you okay, yagodka?” I whisper, pressing my forehead to hers.

  “I thought I was dead,” she whispers shakily. “That bitch is fucking crazy.”

  I chuckle as I move my hands to wrap around her back and pull her closer to me, pressing one hand against her head as I hold her against my chest.

  “Inessa, are you okay?” I ask, trying to calm my racing heart.

  “They didn’t touch me. You saved me,” she whispers. I push her back slightly and place my hands on her shoulders.

  “If it weren’t for me, none of this would have happened. This is all my fault,” I admit.

  “She’s insane. It wouldn’t have mattered who you were with, she would have done the same thing,” Inessa murmurs, placing her palm against my chest.

  “How’s my baby, hmmm?” I ask, placing my hand on her belly.

  “I think we’re both going to be just fine, thanks to you,” she whispers, looking up at me.

  “Why’d you come alone?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “They weren’t supposed to be here until eight. I showed up at seven with my phone in my hand. I was going to unlock the house, and then call Matvey. They were already here, though, inside the house,” she whispers.

  “You didn’t see their car?” I ask with confusion.

  “There was no car. I parked on the street so that when they arrived they could use the driveway.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re safe. That’s all that matters right now,” I murmur.

  I hold her until there’s a knock on the door. Only then do I release her to find Pavlov on the other side.

  “Yakov wants to talk to you. Can I see Inessa?” he asks.

  I nod, letting him past me. I leave them in the bathroom before I make my way over to Yakov, who is standing in the foyer of the home.

  “We loaded them in Oleg’s car. Matvey is going to drive them to the warehouse. I didn’t want to deal with cleanup here in this neighborhood. You’re more than welcome to join us at the warehouse, but we’re dealing with them tonight,” he mutters.

  My initial reaction is to tell them no, because I don’t want to leave Inessa alone; but then I think about how all of this is partially my fault. Larisa and Oleg are my problem, and I need to be the one to deal with them.

  “I’ll join. I’m going to have Pavlov take Inessa home and stay with her until we’re finished,” I announce.

  It doesn’t take me long to make my way toward the warehouse. Our warehouse is where all of our dirty business is handled, concerning the Bratva. Nobody can hear anything out there, the room is practically soundproof, and it’s always deserted.

  I walk into the room to find Larisa and Oleg tied to chairs while Matvey and Yakov just stare at them from across the room. The nervous energy from the two pieces of shit fills the air and I shake my head in disgust at the both of them—they should be nervous, as a matter of fact, they should be terrified.

  I grab a metal pipe that’s hanging on the wall and walk up to Oleg. Without a word, I start to beat him in the face. Larisa screams from her chair as blood sprays everywhere around me. I don’t stop until his face is completely unrecognizable and then I start in on his body.

  Once he looks like a giant blob of blood, I whip out my cock and I piss on him. He’s nothing to me. He’s not Bratva, he’s not a man, he’s fucking nothing but trash. No man disrespects me, or my fucking wife, the way that he has. I won’t stand for it.

  “Please, please, I’ll do whatever you want,” Larisa pleads through her sobs.

  “You will?” I ask arching a brow.

  “Whatever you want, Dominik,” she blubbers.

  She cries uncontrollably as I tip my head to the side, tucking in my dick, and stepping back to take her in. Fucking hell, she’s ugly as shit, when she cries. Her face is all bunched up and already puffy. I don’t always like it when Inessa cries, but she always looks beautiful while doing it.

  “Matvey, untie her,” I order.

  Matvey doesn’t say a word as he walks up to her and unties her from her chair. Then goes back to his place against the wall to watch.


  Larisa stands on shaky legs, and watches me with wide-eyes. She looks almost innocent right now, she plays a good part, I have to give her that much. I know that she’s rotten, dirty, and disgusting straight to her core though. Maybe we were the perfect match after all?

  “I want to fuck your ass with this pipe that’s covered in your father’s blood,” I rumble.

  “Wh-what?” she stutters.

  “You heard me, bend over and drop your panties,” I demand.

  “If I do this, then you won’t kill me?” she asks.

  I don’t say anything. I could lie to her and give her false assurance, but that’s not the man I am. Instead, I patiently wait for her to do as I’ve asked. She gives up waiting for and answer and I hear both Matvey, and Yakov let out a cough as she picks up her dress over her hips and drops her panties. She spreads her legs and bends over, bracing her hands on the back of the chair, for support.

  I drop the bloody pipe onto her father’s body and pull my gun from my waistband. I close the distance between me and Larisa, my eyes scanning her trembling legs, bare ass, and bared pussy. She would do it, she would let me fuck her ass with a bloody pipe at a chance to live.

  I wonder how desperate a person must be to accept that over death? I’ll probably never know.

  Taking the barrel of my gun I slide it through Larisa’s pussy lips then through the crack of her ass. She shakes even harder and I get a sick satisfaction from her fear.

  This cunt was going to torture my wife and child, she wanted to kill them, and she thinks she gets to live? It’s almost comical.

  Reaching up I wrap my hand in her hair and wrench her body back so that my lips are at her ear.

  “I wouldn’t fuck any part of your body, with my cock, or an object, if your holes were the last on earth. Eat shit you suka,” I chuckle, calling her a bitch, before I point the gun at the back of her head and pull the trigger.

  I watch as her blood, brains, skull, and hair fly all over the place before I drop her lifeless body to the ground.

  “You’re one sick fuck,” Yakov chuckles.

  I turn to him and grin.

  “I hear you’ve cut a guy’s dick off and then shoved it in his own ass?”

  “Touché,” he chuckles.

  I lift my chin to Matvey who already has his phone out to call a cleanup crew to not only clean the warehouse but also dispose of the bodies.

  “Wipe that shit off your face before you go home to your wife,
” Yakov calls out as he throws me a box of baby wipes.

  The cleanup crew shows up just as I’m finishing wiping my face. I throw the bloody wipes on the bodies, before I leave, so that it can all be destroyed together. Hurrying to my car, I pull out a towel and drape my seat with it before I leave, so that I don’t transfer any blood and then I head home to my wife.

  I DON’T ASK DOMINIK why Uncle Pavlov is taking me back to our apartment. Instead, I press my lips against his and tell him that I’ll see him when he gets home.

  It’s late, pushing midnight, and I’m exhausted. I also can take a guess as to what he’s going to be doing, and I have no desire to get details on it. I’m just going to ignore it and go home with my uncle.

  Once we arrive at the apartment, Uncle Pavlov demands I go take a warm shower and dress comfortably. When I’m finished, he also demands that I get in bed, assuring me that he’ll be in shortly with food and water. I don’t question him. He’s being fatherly and bossy, something he only does when he’s worried.

  When I’m clean and in bed, surrounded by the warmth and comforting scent from my sheets, which still smell very much like Dominik, I smile. Then, the door opens and Uncle Pavlov walks in with a food tray.

  I sit up a little straighter when he sets it down, and I see that he’s made me eggs, toast with honey, and a bowl of bananas. There’s also two bottles of water and a warm tea.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as he sits down in the chair in the corner.

  “I thought you were lost to us. Eat your protein,” he says without skipping a beat. I take a bite of eggs before I respond.

  “I thought I was gone, too,” I admit on a whisper.

  “You have to be more careful, Inessa. You’re not just my adopted daughter anymore, you’re out in the open. You’re a Brigadier’s wife who’s pregnant with his child. You have to have a Byki with you,” he urges. I nod as I take a sip of warm tea.

  “I know. I was planning on calling Matvey, it wasn’t like I forgot,” I say.

  “Two scares are quite enough for me. I’m getting too old for this shit,” he grumbles as I take a bite of toast.

  “I have a feeling Dominik won’t be letting me out anywhere alone ever again, anyway.”


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