Alien Soulmate (Paranormal Romance Aliens)

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Alien Soulmate (Paranormal Romance Aliens) Page 11

by Cristina Grenier

  Vivian sped through the rest of her cleaning and then changed into Carver's shirt. She always wore it to bed these days, and she'd even been reluctant to wash it because it had smelled so much like him. Now it smelled like her laundry detergent, but it was still good enough.

  With a sigh, she settled herself in the bed and opened her book, forcing her mind to stay put on the words and not wander off to things she couldn't have. That wouldn't do anyone any good at all.

  It was some time later when a sound from outside woke her. Her neck was stiff from the position she had accidentally fallen asleep in, and it took her a moment to puzzle out what was going on. The lamp that she had been reading by was still on, but the room was unnaturally bright.

  Vivian shaded her eyes and peered out the window, heart racing when she saw a light flare and then dim.

  Even if someone was outside, it was unlikely that they would get close enough to the cabin to find the door. She was safe as long as she stayed put.

  Carefully, she pulled the blankets higher over herself and tried to be still. Making noise would just alert someone to the fact that there was more to that supposed wood pile than met the eye, and she didn't need that happening.

  As she listen, though, the footsteps got louder, and there was definitely someone coming up to the door.

  "What the hell?" she hissed between clenched teeth, looking around for something she could use as a weapon.

  The door opened, and she swallowed hard, heart pounding painfully in her chest. Something clattered to the floor in the outer room, and a muted swear in a familiar voice made her freeze.

  It couldn't be.

  Could it?

  Before she could think about why it might be a bad idea, she was slipping out of the bed and padding softly to the door and peering through to the other room.

  And there he was. His hair was longer, and he looked a bit thinner than he had the last time she'd seen him, but there was no mistaking that she was looking right at Carver.

  It occurred to her that she could be dreaming, considering the fact that she'd had this dream many times before, but when she emerged into the other room and was immediately staring into those green eyes she knew so well, she knew that this was real.

  "You're back," Vivian breathed, eyes wide as if she were afraid to look away from him.

  "You're here," he murmured in return. "Did you… know I was coming back today?"

  She shook her head. "No. I… come here sometimes. When I need quiet. And to make sure everything's clean and working and all that."


  They stared at each other for a second more before the sheer desire to be touching surged through Vivian and she was pelting across the room to throw herself at him. He was solid and warm and smelled like he had before, and she was so, so happy to see him. "Oh my god, you're here," she mumbled into her shirt, and she was at least fifty percent sure that she was crying.

  "I am," Carver replied, arms tight around her. "I am. I told you I would return. Did you doubt me?"

  She just laughed and hugged him tighter, and when he tipped her chin up and kissed her, she wasted no time in kissing him right back, all of the longing and desire that she had been feeling for months pouring out into it.

  He kissed her like he had been longing to do for weeks now, and when he pressed her back towards the bedroom, she didn't stop him.

  It was easy enough for them to shed their clothes on the way to the bed, and they reacquainted themselves by touch and sight. His hands were everywhere, his mouth following behind them, and she moaned and spread for him, everything in her burning to let him in and let him claim her all over again.

  She'd touched herself while he was gone, but it hadn't been the same. Nothing could compare to the overwhelming feeling of perfection that washed over her when his hands met her skin and he stroked her nipples and down her stomach. It just felt like it was supposed to, like she had been waiting for this for her whole life, and she was loathe to even think about letting it go again.

  When Carver sank into her at long last, Vivian knew. It didn't matter if she believed in soul mates or not, there was no way she could be without this for too long without craving it. She wanted him, and that was all that mattered.

  There would be time for them to take it slow later, or so she hoped, but this was rough and fast, need and pent up want pushing them to move faster and pull each other as close as they possibly could.

  Vivian gasped Carver's name into his mouth and parted her lips, letting him kiss her and conquer her mouth all over again. The room was filled with the sounds of their breathless murmurs and their bodies joining, and it wasn't long before they were both losing themselves in each other.

  It wasn't until later, when the sweat was cooling on their bodies and they were wrapped around each other with the blanket thrown over them to ward off the chill that Vivian had the presence of mind to ask properly.

  "What are you doing here? Is this just a visit?" Her heart ached at the thought of saying goodbye to him again and not knowing when or if he would be back.

  But she needn't have worried. Carver was shaking his head and kissing her forehead. "No, it's not. I've decided to stay here. It's… it's not my home, but there is something here that I cannot be without."

  Vivian blinked and the wiggled out of his arms so she could sit up and stare at him. "But… what about the Sitheri? You're supposed to be their leader, aren't you? I thought Ithril was too unstable to lead."

  "And so he is," Carver agreed. "But he is not my only sibling, and there is someone who deserves the position much more than either of us. Someone who will do with it what needs to be done and bring our clan into a time of prosperity while making sure that everything gets taken care of."

  She frowned but then understood. He'd told her about how well his sister had handled things while he was gone, and how she'd stood up to both Ithril and the Des'kos. "E'lira."

  "Yes. She will be wonderful at it. I couldn't be their leader when my heart wasn't in it. You see, my heart belongs to someone else already, and I would prefer to be with her. Besides, there are supposed to be Sitheri on other planets to help smooth things along just in case we even need to flee there, and Earth doesn't have any. Well, it didn't. I will still be serving my clan, but also serving myself for a change as well. Being back was wonderful, but... But I couldn't enjoy it like I was meant to because you weren't there. Because every five seconds I was thinking about you and wondering if you were alright and wanting to see your face and kiss your lips. Being unable to was maddening. So I am back, and I am staying."

  Vivian grinned and blinked back tears. He was staying. He was staying for her. Carver had given up being with his people and his title to be with her, and it felt like the most perfect thing anyone had ever done for her. "Thank you," she murmured. "I can't promise you won't regret it, but I will try so hard."

  "You don't need to," he said, drawing her down into another kiss. "I know it will be fine."

  The certainty in his voice was reassuring, and Vivian kissed him back before settling in with him.

  "You know, this just means we have another transporter to hide. We're starting to build up quite a collection at this rate," she said.

  Carver snorted. "Maybe you can use your brilliance to help put the broken one back together. Or find a use for the parts. I'm interested to see what you could come up with." He kissed the side of her head. "But there will be time for that later. Go to sleep."

  "Bossy," Vivian mumbled, but she was already close to sleep as it was. It had been ages since she'd felt this relaxed or this content.

  It was late, and she knew there was a lot of work ahead of them to make this work properly. Carver would have to find a job most likely and build a life here, and eventually she would have to tell Eli and her mother something to explain him, but that could wait until later. For now, she just wanted to revel in having him back and knowing that they had both found something they were meant to have.

felt good.

  About The Author


  So this is the part where I’m supposed to talk about myself. I write so many stories but I often I have a hard time telling my own. Funny how that works.

  My name is Cristina Grenier and I have been writing stories for as long as I could remember . I’m a sucker for romance. I draw from past experiences and from others around me when I write. I enjoy creating characters that everyone can relate to.

  Besides writing, I also enjoy painting and figure drawing. I’m a bit of a homebody, my ideal night consists of a chilled bottle of wine, some pasta and Netflix. I really hope you enjoy the stories I create.

  If you enjoyed this title and want to keep updated with my new releases and frequent FREE book giveaways, please visit my website and submit your email.






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