Fire Pearl (Beyond Ontariese 5)

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Fire Pearl (Beyond Ontariese 5) Page 1

by Cyndi Friberg



  Fire Pearl

  By Cyndi Friberg


  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2013 Cyndi Friberg.

  Cover art by Dar Albert

  Editor: Mary Moran

  Electronic book Publication, April 2013

  Trade Paperback Publication, April 2013

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Praise for Beyond Ontariese

  Taken by Storm

  “Taken by Storm had it all–tense action, suspense, erotic sex, humor and a wildly imaginative plot. ” The Romance Studio

  “Unplug the phone and put the kids to bed; once you start reading Taken by Storm you won’t want any interruptions!” Fallen Angel Reviews

  “For a story that will delight, entertain, and keep you on the edge of your seat, I highly recommend TAKEN BY STORM and award it RRT's Perfect 10.” Romance Reviews Today

  Operation Hydra

  “I highly recommend OPERATION HYDRA…it’s one of the best science fiction romances I’ve ever read.” Perfect 10! Romance Reviews Today

  “Outstanding! This segment only whetted my appetite for more. The heat between Kyrsta and Trey could cause a nuclear meltdown” Simply Romance Reviews

  City of Tears

  “WOW! City of Tears by Cyndi Friberg is one amazing blend of science fiction at its best and romance at its hottest…” eCata Reviews

  Titles by

  Cyndi Friberg

  Beyond Ontariese:

  Taken by Storm

  Operation Hydra

  City of Tears

  Mystic Flame

  Fire Pearl


  Rebel Angels:

  Rage and Redemption

  Echoes and Embers

  Splendor and Darkness


  Tainted Hearts

  Tears of the Dragon

  Therian Heat:

  Therian Priestess

  Therian Prey

  Therian Promise

  Therian Prisoner

  Therian Prize (Coming Soon)

  Fire Pearl

  Cyndi Friberg

  Beyond Ontariese, Book Five: Lord Drakkin promises his dying friend that he will protect and train Aria. He will unleash her latent abilities and help her reach her Mystic potential. But first he must find her.

  Drakkin tracks Aria to Earth, but quickly realizes it’s too dangerous to leave her there. He is shocked by her resistance and the passion she ignites in him. He is honor bound to keep his vow, with or without her cooperation.

  After years of abuse and isolation, Aria has found a life of her own. Then Drakkin sweeps in and kidnaps her, claiming his bizarre behavior is for her own good. Despite the attraction smoldering between them, she wants nothing to do with the arrogant Bilarrian. No one will ever control her again, not even the charismatic stranger who sends her senses reeling every time they touch.

  Note to Readers: This book contains detailed descriptions of sizzling passion only suitable for mature readers.

  From Cyndi: Drakkin and Aria’s story was originally the second half of Crossfire. But numerous emails requested that I separate and expand the story into its own book. I’ve always been fascinated by Drakkin, so it didn’t take much to convince me to delve deeper into his character. I more than doubled the length of the original story and I hope everyone will be satisfied with the result. Though Fire Pearl is primarily a scifi romance, it also has some fun paranormal and mystery elements. So, here is the new and improved Fire Pearl. Enjoy!


  Tingling and breathless, Aria Myer rolled to her side and snuggled against her lover. Faujer sprawled on his back, eyes closed, panting. She smiled, pleased by his obvious satisfaction. At times the responsibilities of commanding a Rodyte Cutter distracted him from their lovemaking. Tonight, however, he’d been ravenous, almost insatiable.

  She glanced at his ruggedly handsome face, framed by curly dark hair, then trailed her finger from the base of his throat to his navel. He caught her wrist before she could complete the descent.

  “Go to sleep.” His tone was more grumble than command, so she splayed her fingers against his belly and tried to relax. Desire simmered and her body ached, despite their recent tumble. She savored the excitement of having Faujer inside her, but true fulfillment always remained just out of reach.

  The past few weeks had conspired to keep them apart. It wasn’t that she needed to be near Faujer night and day, but he’d been especially preoccupied lately. She slipped out of bed and crossed the compact cabin. Sector patrols kept the ship continually in motion. The all-male crew knew better than to speak with the captain’s woman. Even direct eye contact was discouraged. She understood the practice was for her safety. Still, she was restless and often alone.

  Stepping into the utility room, she activated the cleansing mist. Her mind drifted as the fresh-smelling spray coated her skin. Her mother had been a space pet, the sort of pleasure servant assigned to most Rodyte ships. Faujer’s security team had stopped the ship on which her mother was stationed for a routine inspection. Annoyed by the delay, one of the crewmembers sneaked away for a quick visit with her mother. He found Aria alone in her mother’s cabin instead and decided to break in the new pet. Faujer responded to Aria’s terrified screams and challenged the brute for the right to her virginity. A vicious fight ensued and Faujer killed the abusive man. Knowing the crew would turn on the women as soon as he left the ship, Faujer had seen no option but to take them with him.

  Night after night, Aria waited for Faujer to claim his prize. Even her mother didn’t understand why he hesitated. When he finally summoned her to his quarters, he explained that he had no desire for a pet. If she were willing to be his lover, he would welcome her in his bed, but he wouldn’t share her with his crew.

  She had no misconceptions about the nature of their relationship. She was his sexual companion, nothing more. Turning to face the mist dispenser, she rubbed the silky film into her skin. Faujer’s possessiveness had allowed her to avoid her mother’s vocation, but he treated her with no real significance, no true affection. Despite their passionate interludes, she felt isolated and empty. If only there were some way she could reach beyond his disciplined reserve. If only…

  Her heart gave an uncomfortable lurch, so she let the thought trail away. She was the daughter of an insignificant space pet. Why should she expect more out of life? She scrubbed her hair and ignored the ache building deep in her abdomen.

  Echoes of sensation rippled through her body. Warm hands stroked her flesh and a hungry mouth moved against hers. She brushed the tops of her breasts and dipped low across her belly. Faujer always took her quickly, thinking only of his release. She was there to pleasure him. Her satisfaction was incidental. Tonight had been no different. He’d kissed her briefly, caressed her long enough to make her wet then thrust fast and hard until he shuddered with release.

  Her nipples gathered as she imagined his lips, his tongue, his teeth, nibbling and sucking her breasts until she cried out and arched her back. The images focused, making the fantasy more intense. Sweat gleamed on his smooth chest. Dark tendrils of hair clung to his sculpted cheeks. He knelt between her thighs, pressi
ng against her entrance.

  No. She wasn’t ready. She was never ready when he took her. She eased her hand between her thighs, imagining his fingers touching her, building her need. Immersing herself in the fantasy, she pictured him raising one of her legs to his shoulder and gazing into her eyes.

  The incandescent blue rings separating his irises from his pupils darkened then gradually transformed. Faujer’s features shifted, growing sharper, starkly compelling. Her heartbeat raced and she struggled against the vision’s sensual pull. She didn’t know this man, hadn’t been with anyone but Faujer. The stranger lowered his mouth to her folds and caressed her with his tongue. Shocked and intrigued, she squirmed against his mouth as his gaze branded her soul.

  Pleasure gathered, spiraling up through her body. Who was he? How had he intruded on her fantasy? She shook her head, unable to banish the carnal images. Hot. She felt so incredibly hot.

  Mine. She heard the word clearly and her body vibrated on the brink of orgasm. He licked and sucked her most intimate flesh, taking her to the edge again and again. Shaking, she stumbled back against the shower stall.

  He raised her other leg to his shoulder and pushed into her throbbing core. Inch by glorious inch, he filled her. He drew back just as slowly and her inner muscles clenched, not wanting to let him go. Each slow, deep thrust drove the sensations higher until she feared she’d go up in flames. This was so different from anything she’d felt with Faujer. Who was…? Wh…? Her thoughts scattered as pleasure burst through her abdomen. She pressed her thighs together and smothered a cry.

  The vision faded, sensation receding along with the stranger’s face. She licked her lips and finger combed her hair out of her eyes. Muddled and shaky, she pushed away from the wall and turned toward the spray.

  “Rinse.” She lifted her face to the cool water. What had just happened? She often had vivid dreams. Some of her dreams corresponded so closely with events that she was afraid to talk about them. Still, this was the first time a vision had taken over her mind.

  Her body tingled and heat rolled across her nerve endings. Why was she so hot? She’d become adept at releasing the sexual frustration Faujer created with his selfishness. Still, none of those orgasms had begun to compare with the pleasure she’d just felt.

  Deactivating the shower, she grabbed a towel off the rack and searched her memory for the stranger’s identity. She had to have encountered him at some point, she simply couldn’t remember when. Pulling on a gown of shimmering jewel tones, she ran a comb through her hair and returned to the adjoining cabin.

  Faujer had rolled onto his side, not bothering to pull up the covers. How would she ever be able to tolerate his careless treatment now that she knew what she was missing?

  Your assignment is complete. You will bring her to me at week’s end.

  Aria pressed her hands to her temples as the voice erupted in her mind. She didn’t recognize the first man, but Faujer replied, But, Sir, if the crisis is past, there is no reason—

  Are you questioning my orders?

  She was hearing Faujer’s thoughts, no, his dreams. How was this possible?

  You will deliver her to me and that’s final.

  Was this why Faujer had been so eager? Was he about to give her to another man? A terrifying possibility took shape within her mind. Did the demanding voice belong to the man with the red-ringed eyes? Her mind reproduced his image with disconcerting clarity and a violent shiver shook her body.


  The room swelled in and out of focus. She grasped at Faujer’s desk, but her hand passed right through. Panic surged. She screamed, the sound lost in the building roar. Her arms flailed and her legs kicked, but she hung suspended in space. Rushing colors consumed reality.

  I will find you, my love.

  Aria sobbed. Despite the endearment, she couldn’t tell if the statement was a promise or a threat.

  Chapter One

  Silence descended on the theater as the house lights dimmed and the audience stilled. Lord Drakkin watched from his vantage point in the second row of the balcony, fascinated by the palpable excitement rippling through the crowd. A spotlight illuminated center stage and the narrator recited the prologue from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. From this point on, each performance took on a life of its own.

  The narrator finished his introduction and the massive black curtain behind him rose, revealing a bustling market scene. Colorful lights and inventive shapes lent an “alien” air to the set. Drakkin smiled. At least some human’s idea of how an alien world might look.

  Two mouthy servants from the planet Capulet wended their way through the market. They exchanged sexual innuendos and thinly veiled threats mostly regarding the obscene things they’d like to do with the women of planet Montague. Drakkin shifted in his seat, anxious for the first two scenes to conclude. He wanted to see her again.

  Aria, the show’s vibrant star.

  Aria, the reason Drakkin had come to Earth.

  This was the third time he’d watched Star-Crossed. Interaction with less-developed races held inherent risks. He needed to be sure of his information before he contacted her directly. Still, these voyeuristic encounters were frustrating at best. He needed to speak with her.

  He crossed his legs and followed the action onstage, mildly amused by the lively performance. The dialogue had been updated. The elegance of the original script exchanged for conversational prose and revealing costumes. At five points during the play the audience voted, determining which course the story would take. Three options were offered each time the audience voted, so conceivably a person could watch Star-Crossed one hundred and twenty-five times and not see the same show twice.

  Amid a burst of iridescent bubbles and flashing lights, the queen of planet Capulet glided onto the stage. Finally. The queen called for her daughter and a light appeared, revealing Aria standing on a platform elevated at stage right.

  A noticeable hush fell over the audience. Drakkin thought himself prepared for her appearance—after all, this was his third time—still his heartbeat paused for a moment then raced until blood roared through his ears. Heat washed over his body in slow, tingling waves. He shook his head and narrowed his gaze, amplifying his vision so he could see every detail.

  What was it about this woman that so completely captivated him? He wasn’t the only one affected by her mystique. Tension built and movement ceased as every eye absorbed the beauty of “Juliet”.

  Shimmering silver-blonde hair flowed to her waist, a scattering of mauve tendrils offering contrast to the pale mass. She grasped the pole in front of her and spiraled to the stage in a graceful swirl of silver hair and shapely legs. Her costume hugged every contour of her tall, curvaceous form. Drakkin’s cock hardened with male appreciation while a dark, protective impulse urged him to snatch her from the stage and spirit her away.

  He had only seen images of a jumanna in the massive archives known as the Wisdom of the Ages. How Aria had ended up with the distinctive coloring of a fire pearl he had no idea. It would account for her sensual grace and mesmerizing presence, but he would have to touch her before he could determine if she possessed the rare gift or just the coloring.

  She moved across the stage, her hips gently swaying. Didn’t she realize how dangerous it was to display herself so openly? Even if she wasn’t a jumanna, the Rodytes had to be searching for her. It didn’t make sense that she would be so reckless. So much of this didn’t make sense. He had lurked in the shadows long enough. It was time for them to meet.

  * * * * *

  Expelling a long, ragged sigh, Aria closed her dressing room door and rubbed her stinging eyes. Another VIP party. She groaned. Preston Carmichael, the director-producer of Star-Crossed, had warned her he intended to promote the hell out of the show. She’d agreed to smile for the camera and shake hands with whomever he ushered her way so long as she could do it in character. In public, she would always appear as Juliet, ill-fated alien from the planet Capulet.

  Aria claimed to have an extreme skin allergy that required her to employ a personal makeup artist. Preston shrugged off her odd routine as long as she arrived on time each day ready to take the stage. The other cast members were friendly, if a bit put off by her eccentricities.

  She wiggled out of her damp costume and slipped on a silk dressing gown. Glancing in the vanity mirror to her left, she spotted a tall, dark-haired man behind her. She cried out and spun around.

  No one was there.

  With her hand pressed over her thundering heart, she looked back into the mirror. Her wide-eyed reflection stared back, but she was alone in the dressing room. “You’re losing it, Juliet,” she whispered to her reflection.

  A firm rap sounded at the door. Aria started then chuckled as she turned toward the door.

  “Is everything okay?” Stephanie’s familiar voice came through the panel.

  “I’m fine, Mom. I just saw a mouse.” Not very imaginative, but Steph took her onstage role as her mother very seriously.

  “Are you decent? Can I come in?”

  Aria pulled open the door and smiled at Steph. “Those are two different questions.” Steph slipped into the dressing room and Aria closed the door.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You seemed a little off tonight.”


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