Dragon's Hoard

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Dragon's Hoard Page 8

by M. A. Church

  “Excellent. I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock.” Once again Warwick turned away.

  Seriously? That’s all he had to say? Avery reached out, snagging his sleeve. “Wait, where are we eating?”

  Warwick turned back, that blush on his cheeks darker. “My apologies. I have a standing table at The Bronze Avenue. Is that acceptable?”

  Avery blinked, then let go of Warwick’s sleeve. Even his father had trouble getting a table there, and he was the Alpha of one of the largest werewolf packs around. Yet Warwick had a standing reservation? “I love that place, so yes, that’d be great. I, ah, I’ll see you tonight, then.”

  “Yes, tonight,” Warwick said.

  Warwick didn’t move; neither did Avery. Seconds ticked by as they stared at each other. Avery finally decided he was going to have to break the stare-off, but then suddenly Warwick threaded his hand through Avery’s hair. Avery stumbled as Warwick jerked him into his arms.

  While he held Avery’s head firmly, Warwick’s lips crashed down on his. That same spark of desire flamed up once more. Ho-ly shit. Avery’s fists clenched in Warwick’s shirt. Everything around him receded—the pack house, Clarence standing nearby, voices he heard in the other room. Nothing mattered except for Warwick kissing him as if it was the last kiss he’d ever have. Desire bloomed. He wanted Warwick, wanted him more than anybody he’d ever met. He wanted him with a need that bordered on madness.

  The kiss ended, and with a gentle brush of lips, Warwick stepped back. “Your father and I are going to discuss whatever mating rituals werewolves have.”

  Avery shook his head in an effort to clear it. How the hell did Warwick jump from one subject to another so damn quickly… especially after trying to kiss Avery senseless? Avery’s toes were still curled in his shoes. “Okay, and…?”

  “And the sooner we are officially mated, the sooner I can take you to bed.”

  Stunned, Avery watched as Warwick strode through the house as if he owned it. Can we do the mating ritual tonight? Otherwise, there was a very good chance Avery was going to die from blue balls. Clarence shot him a gleeful wink and hurried after Warwick. Leisurely, Avery lifted his hand and touched his lips. They still tingled.

  He wasn’t sure he’d survive the mating night.

  Turning, he drifted toward the stairs, his mind for once pleasantly blank. He licked his lips. He could still taste Warwick. There was no denying Warwick definitely knew how to kiss. He stopped, resting his hand on the banister, as his brain began to race.

  Yeah, did he ever know how to kiss. The pleasant blankness faded as more insidious thoughts occurred. An ugly ribbon of jealousy uncurled within him. How many lovers had Warwick had through the years? Obviously several, if he was to go by that kiss. Since no one seemed to be able to pin down Warwick’s age, it stood to reason he’d had many. Avery tightened his fist on the railing. How could he compete?

  Thanks to Avery leading a somewhat sheltered life, teenagers probably had more experience than he did. Gay porn could only get him so far, even though he’d watched plenty. He might not have had sex, but he understood how it worked. But understanding and experiencing it were two different things. What if he couldn’t satisfy Warwick? He tried to imagine Warwick wrapped around another man. His stomach roiled nastily, and his wolf growled harshly.

  He wasn’t about to share Warwick with anybody, so Avery was going to have to put that thought out of his head. His wolf paced in his mind, grumbling in agreement. Avery’s claws sprouted from the tips of his fingers. Surprised, he looked down. Wow, that was a first. He didn’t consider himself to be possessive, but his wolf’s reaction clearly said just how violent his response would be if Warwick tried to go outside of the bedroom for his needs. Avery’s wolf snarled, his lips pulled back, exposing his sharp, deadly teeth.

  “Yeah, right there with you, buddy.” Neither he nor his wolf liked that image. It didn’t bear thinking about. Damn his parents for keeping him so inexperienced.


  Avery took a deep breath as he tried to calm his wolf. When he glanced back down, his nails once again resembled fingernails, not claws. “Yes?”

  “Is everything okay?” Vale, a servant, asked.

  Distracted, Avery nodded. “Yes, thank you.” He really needed to get himself under control. He started up the stairs, but stopped and glanced back down at Vale. “Apparently I’m going to be moving out soon. Would you mind checking around to see if you can find some boxes for me to pack up my belongings?”

  “Not at all,” Vale said. “I believe there are some in the attic. I’ll check and bring what there is to you.”

  “Thank you.” Fortunately Avery made it to his bedroom without running into anybody else. His good mood had taken a less-than-desirable turn.

  After he entered his room, he locked the door. It was a large room, decorated in browns and blues. A king-sized bed sat against one wall and a chest of drawers against the other. Another wall had a dresser and mirror. He stood in the middle of the room, assessing it. He had a large desk and TV. There were several pictures on the wall done by up-and-coming artists, and knickknacks that coordinated with the bedroom colors.

  Everything went together perfectly… and none of it reflected his personal touch. His mother had good taste, but the stuff could have been bought off the showroom floor—there was nothing of him there.

  His laptop sat on the desk, and he walked over to it. Okay, that he’d picked out. His mother didn’t care for electronics. Unnerved by the obvious lack of his personal taste in the room, he wandered into the attached closet.

  Again, it was more of the same. The only things that really showed his influence were some of his clothes, but even then, his mother had steered him toward certain brand names. His tie collection was all he could really claim as his own. It was… eclectic, and his mother often claimed they were brash.

  “A tie collection.” Avery shook his head sadly. “What a rebel I am.”

  He dropped down on the bed, more than a little disgusted by not fighting harder as they molded him into the proper image of an Omega.

  “Well, screw that. I’m no longer answerable to them.”

  No, he was now answerable to a dragon who he knew next to nothing about.

  Chapter Eight

  WARWICK waited until Alpha Montgomery took his seat, then sat too. Clarence settled into the chair next to him and pulled out the papers. “Let’s get this over with. I have a date tonight.” Warwick crossed his legs. “Oh, and before we leave, I have some questions for you.”


  “It is as we agreed,” Warwick said in regard to the contract. “When you sign them, outside of the three businesses I want and mating your son, your debt is officially paid in full. So there’s no questions in the future, I’d highly advise having a lawyer look over the amended contract.”

  Alpha Montgomery nodded as he read. He placed the papers down on his desk, picked up his cell phone, and fiddled with it. “My lawyer will be here shortly.”

  “Wise choice.” The delay, while irritating, was necessary. The last thing Warwick wanted was for Alpha Montgomery to challenge the legality of the contract later.

  “I understand you have a date tonight?” Alpha Montgomery nonchalantly asked after he picked up the contract and continued reading. “Does my son know?”

  Warwick’s dragon huffed irritably in his mind. Did Avery’s father really think he’d do such a thing after taking a loss in order to obtain Avery? “I’m not sure such an inflammatory statement needs a response, but nevertheless, I will answer. Obviously my date is with your son. Don’t be an idiot.”

  Alpha Montgomery glared over the papers. A low rumble sounded in his chest. “I have killed for less.”

  Warwick calmly met his gaze. “I have no time for idiots, Alpha. Not to mention, before you finished shifting, you’d be dead. Just because I’m not in shifted form doesn’t mean I can’t access my power.”

  “I—” Alpha Montgomery paused when a h
ard knock came at his door. “Come in!”

  A female werewolf opened the door and stepped inside. “You want to see me, Alpha?”

  Alpha Montgomery motioned for the other werewolf to enter the office. “Yes, Lisa.” He waved the contract at her. “Look this over.”

  Warwick quickly categorized the other werewolf as she walked through the office and stopped beside Alpha Montgomery’s desk chair. She was tall and toned, had long, wavy dark brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. She wore pants, a nice sweater, and heels. Next to him, Clarence perked up.

  Lisa took the contract while Alpha Montgomery briefed her about the contents. Warwick waited patiently as she scanned it.

  Her eyes widened as she read—probably noticing the amount her Alpha owed and defaulted on. “Everything is in order and clearly laid out as per what you told me.”

  “Thank you. Now, if you would excuse us?” Alpha Montgomery held his hand out, and Lisa returned the contract to him.

  “Yes, Alpha.” Lisa turned, quickly assessed both Warwick and Clarence, then nodded as she left.

  Warwick couldn’t help but notice the interest rolling off the Clarence. “Who was that?”

  Alpha Montgomery picked up his pen. “Hmm?” With a flourish he signed the papers. “That was the pack lawyer, Lisa Stevens.”

  “I see.” Warwick discreetly shot another glance at Clarence. Clarence met his gaze and subtly nodded. “Might I inquire if she is dating or mated to anyone?”

  Surprised, Alpha Montgomery glanced up. “As far as I know, she’s not involved in any relationship, nor is she mated. Why?”

  “Do you allow pack members to date other species?” Warwick asked, not yet saying why he wanted the information.

  “Sure.” Alpha Montgomery shrugged. “We normally stick to our own kind, but I don’t have a problem with it. Some of my wolves have not only dated, but also mated with humans.”

  Clarence finally spoke up. “You wouldn’t have a problem if I called her?”

  Alpha Montgomery turned to look at Clarence. “Of course not. Not if she’s interested in receiving a phone call from you, that is. She has an office here in the pack house.” Alpha Montgomery gave Clarence directions.

  Clarence gulped. He straightened in his chair, ran a quick hand over his hair, then turned to Warwick. “Since I’m no longer needed, would you mind if—?”

  “Go, please. If you don’t return shortly, I’ll find you when I’m ready to leave.” Since he and Alpha Montgomery had come to an agreement, he didn’t worry something dire would happen to Clarence.

  “Thank you, sir.” Clarence bounced up from the chair and hurried out of the office.

  Alpha Montgomery watched him leave, a small smile playing around his lips. “To be young again.”

  “I wouldn’t remember,” Warwick said. It had been a very long time since he was young.

  “Ah, yes. Speaking of age, Avery has asked me how old you are.” Alpha Montgomery’s focus returned to Warwick.

  “Much older than him. Honestly, I stopped counting a long time ago. I’ve seen the rise and fall of many empires through the years. I’d like to leave it at that.” Warwick hated when someone pressed him about his age. He could remember when the first permanent English colony on the American mainland was established, and his memory went back further than that.

  Alpha Montgomery pushed the signed contract across the desk to Warwick. “Are you sure you don’t find Avery too young for you? Before you say anything, I’m not trying to insult you. Avery’s mother and I raised him as a modern werewolf.”

  Meaning he wasn’t? Well, Warwick supposed to some degree that was true. “My dear Alpha, outside of a few vampires, everybody is younger than me. I have no plans to subjugate your son, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Irritated, Warwick glared at Alpha Montgomery. “As much as I appreciate the sentiment, isn’t this something you should’ve asked me before you signed the contract?”

  Alpha Montgomery closed his eyes briefly before opening them again. “I know you think I’m a horrible father, but please believe me when I tell you I love my son. But sometimes… sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few. I made a dreadful mistake, and now Avery will pay the price. All I ask is you don’t mistreat him because of my… incompetence.”

  Warwick tilted his head, more than shocked by the admission. “I must say, I’m surprised to hear you admit you’re at fault. I thought Alphas admitted to no wrongdoing.”

  Alpha Montgomery slumped in his desk chair. “Any perceived weakness can lead to a challenge. I don’t know if you understand that, since you don’t live in a pack, but to you I will freely admit my fault.”

  Now that the situation is resolved, of course you will. “I’m glad to hear that, at least. I have no intentions of mistreating Avery. Dragons don’t mate as werewolves do, but I wouldn’t enter into such a pair-bonding if I hadn’t planned to treat Avery as the treasure he is.”

  Alpha Montgomery hesitated. Finally he spoke. “But can you be faithful to him? He deserves that.”

  “Ordinarily I’d be offended by such a question, but since you know nothing about me—or, I’m assuming, dragons in general—I’m going to let it go. The answer to your question is yes. Since we’re on the subject, I need you to tell me about werewolves’ mating rituals.”

  Alpha Montgomery picked up his pen again. He fiddled with it for a moment, dropped it, then sighed. “I’m not sure a mating between the two of you will work since you’re a dragon, but basically our ritual involves two main things. The Chase is first.”

  Intrigued, Warwick leaned closer to the desk. “Interesting. Does it mean what it sounds like?”

  “Yes.” Alpha Montgomery folded his hands on his desk. “The night before the full moon, which is due in two days, the pack will gather here at the pack house. As you probably know, we can change at will, but during the full moon is the one time we cannot deny the shift.”

  Warwick leaned back into his chair. “Actually, no, I didn’t know since I never bothered to learn much about them.”

  Alpha Montgomery nodded. “Yes. Since we’re forced to shift on the full moon, the Chase happens a day before. Once the pack has gathered and night has fallen, I’ll make the announcement that you and Avery plan to mate.”

  “Sounds simple enough, but I’m sure it isn’t. What happens then?”

  “We offer a chance for other suitors to speak up and make a Challenge. If they do, they battle the dominant werewolf for the right to ask to take their place in the Chase. A Challenge almost never happens, though, since werewolves tend to deal with potential interlopers long before this. When a werewolf finds their mate, we won’t let anything stand in the way.”

  Warwick mentally shrugged. Given he would easily make mincemeat of any werewolf who dared Challenge him, this part of the ritual didn’t interest him. “Okay, assuming there’s no Challenge, then the Chase happens?”

  “Yes. That involves the couple wanting to mate stripping down, shifting, and one chasing the other. The chaser is usually the more dominant of the two. The chased—in this case, Avery—will do his very best to elude you for as long as possible until he allows you to catch him. In other words, you will hunt him.”

  “Fascinating.” Warwick’s first thought was correct. It was very primitive, but his dragon found the concept to his liking. “Am I to assume this is like a real hunt?”

  “Yes. The more Avery makes you work for it, the better it looks for you. No werewolf worth their salt is going to make a Chase easy.”

  Dragons could chase as well as the next predator. “Is there a time limit?”

  “Sunrise. But it’s usually over sometime before midnight.”

  So he basically had all night to obtain his goal. “What if I don’t find Avery by then?”

  “It’s never been an issue. He wants you to find him, understand? We are wolves. Hunting is what we do. Plus, it gives the two wolves a chance to learn about each other’s thought processes during the ‘try
ing to elude but not entirely’ thing. It’s more of a skills test and a way to show off.”

  “I see.”

  “We, of course, don’t hurt our mate during the hunt. They are ours to love and protect. We can tell our mates by a certain scent, which is one major advantage in the Chase when it comes to tracking.”

  The idea of a chase appealed more and more to Warwick. Excitement began to thrum through his body. “Avery’s told me. He said I smell like chocolate.”

  “Huh. Since you’re not a werewolf, I wasn’t sure the mating scent would happen.”

  “Apparently it has.”

  “Good. Back to your question about the time limit. Remember, the mate who is being chased wants to be found. They’re not going to make it easy for you, though.”

  It’d been a long time since Warwick truly had to work for something. “After I find Avery, then what?”

  “The two of you return to the pack house, where we will be waiting. In the olden days, werewolves consummated their mating as soon as they returned and in front of the pack. Now, the couple retires to one of their homes. Once they’re there, they make love. That’s when the mark happens. That’s pretty much what it sounds like too.”

  “The mating bite, right?”

  “Yes. Again, since you’re a dragon, I’m not sure how it’ll work. But usually the dominant partner bites the other. Normally it’s as orgasm happens. A werewolf bites where the shoulder and neck meet. A scar is left. A mating bite shows a werewolf is claimed.”

  What was it with werewolves and their burdensome rituals? Although he was very much looking forward to this. “Does the less dominant one not bite his mate?”

  “The more submissive a werewolf is, the harder it is for them to bite the dominant one. So not usually.” Alpha Montgomery shrugged. “With you and Avery? I simply have no idea what’ll happen. Since you’re not a werewolf, I’m not sure the bite will take. I am pretty sure, though, your two scents will mingle. That’s yet another way we can tell a werewolf is mated. The mated pair’s scents comingle.” Alpha Montgomery fell silent.


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