Beth and the Barbarian

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Beth and the Barbarian Page 11

by Honey Phillips

  The storm of emotion pressing at her was beyond her ability to resist. The room was too small and the feelings too intense. She might have been able to handle the lust, the desire for the sight of her naked body, but too many of them wanted pain. They wanted to see a brutal fucking that left her hurt and bleeding. Tears streamed down her face. Her knees collapsed and Dragar lifted her in his arms. She buried her head in his shoulder trying to breathe in his scent, trying to build her barriers, but she could only cry and shake.

  “What are you doing?” Rianen’s voice was loud and angry.

  “There have to be witnesses.” Kievan sounded as cold as ever but the words were almost…defensive.

  “Damn you, Kievan. She’s a sensitive. You’re hurting her.” Dragar sounded so angry. She wanted to reassure him but she was incapable of speech. Spikes of pain hammered her head and the walls began to spin.

  “Please. Stop this.” He was begging Kievan. Begging for her. He couldn’t do that. She tried to force out a protest. All that emerged was a tiny whimper.

  In addition to all of the other emotions, she could feel Kievan’s rage—rage mixed with the slightest hint of doubt. Unable to help herself, she whimpered again.

  “Very well.”

  The torment ended as suddenly as it had begun, but she was too weak do more than clutch Dragar’s shirt with trembling fingers. Wincing at the movement, she turned her head to the end wall. The glass wall had reappeared and as she watched, a curtain covered it, hiding them from the crowd beyond.

  She managed to turn her head enough to see Kievan. His jaw was clenched and his eyes angry.

  “Do you realize what this will cost me?”

  “I do. Thank you,” Dragar said quietly. For a fleeting instant Kievan’s eyes softened.

  Rianen sighed. “I thank you also, Kievan.”

  “I don’t want your thanks, either of you.” But he didn’t sound sincere. Beth wondered how much he had missed the acceptance of other Sardorans. Her head had finally stopped spinning and she pushed a little against Dragar’s hold. He didn’t need to hold her like a baby. His arms tightened. She wasn’t going anywhere.

  The four of them looked at each other. Kievan’s face was once again cold and mocking.

  “Our deal remains the same. You must complete the full Claiming Ceremony. Rianen and I will witness.

  “Oh no, I will not,” Rianen immediately protested.

  “Fine. We only need one witness. But I am not leaving. I have decided that I prefer a private show anyway.”

  Dragar looked down at her and she tried to smile reassuringly. She could handle this.

  Rianen looked at Kievan. She seemed to realize that he had been pushed as far as he was going to go. “At least turn down the lights and let them have the illusion of privacy.” She nodded at Beth. “Good night, little sister.”

  “Thank you, Rianen.”

  The doors closed behind her and this time the three of them looked at each other.

  Kievan hesitated, then dimmed the lights. He could still see them but the soft lighting created the illusion of an outdoor setting again.

  Dragar lowered her to the claiming platform.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Beth laid back and closed her eyes. The platform was soft but the black silk covering was cold against her bare back. A faint trembling made her body quiver as she tried to slow her breathing.

  “Ssh, little one.” Dragar settled down next to her and stroked her hair. His tenderness only made her shake harder.

  “Let’s try this another way.” Gently he lifted her into his lap, surrounding her with his warmth. She buried her face in his neck, trying to calm her racing heart. He held her until her shaking stopped, stroking her head and murmuring soothingly. Gradually she relaxed into the safety of his embrace.

  As her fear left, she became more aware of his body, the hard strength of his broad chest, the pebbled texture of his skin, the corded muscles of the arms that held her so protectively, the heated length of his cock under her thigh. Her nipples tightened against the soft silk of her gown.

  When she lifted her head, he kissed her. His mouth was gentle, just brushing hers, and she wanted more. She wanted the heat of his mouth, wanted his tongue thrusting against hers. She licked the seam of his lips but he didn’t open. Angling her head, she bit down on his lower lip. That did it. His mouth came open, surging down over hers with the heated intensity she longed for. She moaned and opened for him. Instinctively she moved closer and she felt his cock jerk against her. Her pussy pulsed and she squirmed in his lap. His hand cupped her breast, thumbing her taut nipple through the thin silk, but she didn’t want anything between them.

  “Take my dress off,” she whispered. He looked over her head and she knew he was looking at Kievan but she no longer cared. Everything she wanted was right here in front of her. He clenched his teeth and nodded. With slow, careful hands, he drew the dress up over her head. The silk caressed her over-sensitive body and her breath caught as the sensation rippled through her. When the dress was off, he laid her down on the platform. She caught a glimpse of Kievan over his shoulder. He was watching them intently, his eyes glowing. The knowledge sent a shiver of forbidden excitement down her spine. She felt beautiful and sensual.

  Dragar pulled off his clothes and laid down over her, shielding her body. He kissed her again and she forgot everything except the pleasure of his mouth and his intoxicating taste. When she was breathless, he moved lower, nibbling at the sensitive curve of her neck. She moaned. He growled a laugh and his mouth dropped to her swollen breasts. He pulled as much of the soft mound as he could into his mouth and she arched against him. His tongue tormented her nipple, circling it, rolling it against the roof of his mouth, and then he scraped it with his teeth. The slight sting went straight to her aching clit and she pushed against him, desperate to relieve the growing tension. He held her still and repeated the process on her other breast.

  By the time he spread her legs and parted her thighs, she was dripping. Her engorged clit throbbed and she cried out as he brushed it gently with his tongue. He repeated the motion and she came with a shudder, crying out his name. He soothed her with his tongue and gently pushed one thick finger into her throbbing pussy. She wanted more and pushed against his hand. He inserted another finger, spreading the tight channel and her nerves sparked. He felt so good. She pushed against him again and he tried to add a third finger. It didn’t hurt but she felt her body resist. He froze.

  “Don’t stop.” She tried to push against him but he had already removed his fingers. He lifted his head and looked at her. The sorrow in his eyes devastated her.

  “I can’t hurt you, little one.”

  “So you’re just going to give me up?” she whispered.

  “Never. I will return to work for him.” Her breath caught as she realized what he meant. He was going to fight for Kievan in exchange for keeping her safe. She grabbed his shoulders but he was already starting to pull away. She could feel his determination. Dammit. This wasn’t the answer. Rianen’s words came back to her. She was going to have to fight him. She only hoped that neither one of them would regret it.

  “Then let me up.” She kept her voice cold and started pushing against his arms instead of clutching him. His hands tightened immediately. “I said, let me up.” She struggled harder.

  “Why are you doing this?” His voice deepened.

  “If you aren’t man enough to take me then I might as well go to Kievan right now.” The words seared her tongue but she forced them out.

  “Never,” he roared. His eyes were turning white. Her heart was racing but she couldn’t stop now. With a sudden twist of her hips, she slipped free of his hands. Before she could take advantage of her freedom, he pounced on her. His massive body covered hers, holding her immobile between his strong thighs. The feel of his thick cock against her swollen cleft forced a groan of pleasure from her lips. She pushed feebly at his legs but he grasped her hands and pulled them over her head. Th
e position arched her body against his and he held her there as he slid the entire hot, hard length of his cock between her distended labia. Forgetting her plan, she wrapped her legs around his hips, desperate to increase the contact between them. Using one hand to keep her wrists in place, his other hand reached for her breasts. His eyes were still white with anger and his fingers twisted her engorged nipples mercilessly. The tight pinch sent eclectic sparks straight to her throbbing pussy. Her breasts throbbed, her pussy throbbed, her entire body demanded his touch.

  His hand moved lower, grasping his cock and positioning the swollen head against the tiny opening to her body. He felt so big and fear flickered through the daze of lust. He thrust once and the engorged crown forced its way into her tight channel. It burned as he spread her open and she cried out. He froze immediately but she locked her legs around him so he wouldn’t retreat.

  “Just give me a minute,” she panted.

  “I don’t know if I can. I want you so much.” His voice was hoarse, tortured.

  Despite the urgency of his words, she could feel his doubts starting to surface. She couldn’t give him time to think.

  “I want you, too.” Biting her lip, she twisted against him, wrestling with his hold on her wrists at the same time she thrust her hips up. With a roar he surged into her until he was completely embedded. He was enormous, burning her, stretching her until she was split open beneath him. Tears sprang to her eyes but along with the fiery pain was an equally fiery burst of pleasure. Her body clenched around him and she tried to breath.

  “Goddess. So tight. So hot.”

  He pulled back slowly and she cried out as the sensations bombarded her. The pain was still there but so were sparks of pleasure. Her body didn’t want to release his. He moved his hand to the top of her cleft and circled her sensitive bud with his thumb. The swipe of his rough digit against the engorged flesh sent the flames roaring higher. She caught her breath as he paused with only the massive head inside her body. She couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. His muscles tensed and then he surged into her as he pressed down on her clit. She exploded, her body clenching around his rigid length. The feel of her body convulsing around his rigid cock sent her over again and a second climax shuddered through her.

  Dragar roared and thrust into her over and over, pounding into her body in shock-waves of pain and pleasure. She rose to meet him, desperate for him, wanting him to possess her completely. He seemed to grow even larger and then he thrust so deeply that she could feel him against her cervix as his body convulsed and his seed flooded into her. She came again, sobbing out her climax and shuddering with pleasure.

  He collapsed over her and she threw her arms around his neck, holding him in her arms as his body shook. When he finally raised his head, he saw her tears and flinched.

  “I’m so sorry, little one. When you fought me I lost control. I didn’t mean—”

  She put a finger firmly across his mouth. “I knew what would happen. I wanted it. I wanted you. I love you, Dragar.”

  His eyes blazed silver. “I love you, too, little one.”

  Before his mouth closed over hers, Beth heard the door shut as Kievan quietly left the room.

  They lay together for a long time. Dragar cradled Beth in his arms and she sighed with contentment. He started kissing her neck, sending shivers down her arms, and she felt him start to harden against her. Rational Beth pointed out that her body probably wasn’t ready for round two yet but she ignored her and turned to face Dragar. As he started to caress her, a knock sounded.

  Dragar spun to face the door, sitting up, and pushing her behind him. J’Ssett entered, head bowed and eyes respectfully averted.

  “My masster has ssent me to return the female to the barrackss.”

  “No,” Dragar growled.

  “My masster assked me to remind you that you owe him three rounds. He won’t rissk your performance because you are…disstracted.”

  “He knows damn well that I won’t be distracted.”

  An almost imperceptible shrug. “Perhapss. Those are his orders. Your female may join you again tomorrow night for a visit.”

  Dragar sighed and nodded. “Very well. Wait outside.”

  “I don’t want to leave you,” Beth whispered.

  “I know, little one. I don’t want to leave you, either. Kievan is playing games but it’s within his rights as the fight master. Let’s get you dressed.”

  He lifted Beth to the floor. She tried to conceal it but she winced as she stood up. He noticed it immediately.

  “I did hurt you.”

  “I’m a little sore,” she admitted. “But under the circumstances, that’s perfectly normal.”

  He wasn’t listening. His eyes searched her body and he flinched. Following his gaze, she realized that he had left a number of marks. Her nipples were red and swollen, a bite mark clearly visible on the inside curve of one breast. Fingerprint shaped bruises circled her wrists and marked each hip. Her thighs were streaked with semen and a tiny amount of blood.

  “I didn’t even smell the blood. I’m so sorry, little one.” His voice was desolate and she reached for him but he held her gently in place, using the silk coverlet to cleanse between her thighs before slipping the dress over her head.

  “Dragar, I’m fine.”

  He nodded but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. Again she tried to reach for him but he stepped back and dressed quickly.

  As soon as he finished, she stepped forward. “Dammit, listen to me.”

  J’Ssett opened the door before she could continue. She could have screamed with frustration.

  “Take care of her,” Dragar ordered, and strode out of the door. He didn’t even kiss her goodbye.

  Fighting tears and an overwhelming sense of despair, she followed J’Ssett back to the barracks. For all intents and purposes, this was her wedding night and she was spending it in a cell with another woman. Of course, the way Dragar was acting, she wouldn’t have been much better off with him. The stubborn man wouldn’t even listen to her. By the time J’Ssett ushered her into Rianen’s room, anger was beginning to override her sorrow.

  The lights were dimmed but Rianen sat up as soon as she entered. “Why are you back? Is everything all right?”

  The concern in her voice was too much and Beth burst into tears. Cursing softly, Rianen sat her on the bed and put a comforting arm around her shoulders. She didn’t speak until Beth finally quieted.

  “Now, tell me what happened. Did that bastard Kievan cause any problems?”

  “No. He stayed but it was okay. At first I was really conscious of him but in a weird way, it was kind of exciting.” She hoped it was too dark for Rianen to see the color staining her cheeks. “But then I forgot him and it was just the two of us.”

  She heard Rianen sniff quietly and give a low laugh. “It doesn’t usually happen this quickly but I can already tell that the mating bond was formed. So Dragar obviously overcame his reluctance.”

  “Not completely. I had to fight him a little bit.”

  “Are you hurt?” Anxiety sharpened Rianen’s voice.

  “No, I’m not,” Beth snapped, then sighed. “I’m sorry. Dragar thinks I am and he wouldn’t listen to me when I told him that I was fine.”

  “Why does he think you’re hurt?”

  “He left some marks. And I’m kind of sore,” she admitted reluctantly.

  “How sore?” Rianen still sounded anxious.

  “Would you stop? I’m fine. It was a little painful but it was exciting and wonderful and I was so happy. But then Dragar freaked out and J’Ssett dragged me back here and Dragar didn’t even kiss me goodbye. He’s never going to touch me again.” She was crying again by the time she finished talking.

  “Of course, he’s going to touch you again. A warrior can’t resist his bound mate. No matter how guilty he felt, I’m surprised he let the two of you be separated.”

  “Kievan insisted. He said that I would distract Dragar.”

  “He’s probably
right, but he’s still a bastard. It’s not like Dragar is one of his stable.”

  Beth sighed. “I really wanted to stay with him, even if I wasn’t quite ready to…try again. And the longer we’re apart, the longer he has to convince himself that he hurt me and that he’s a terrible person.”

  “When are you going to see him again?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  “Good. That gives us time to think up a plan. Go take a shower. There is some salve on the shelf that will help.” She handed Dragar’s shirt to Beth. “Then put this on, surround yourself with his scent, and go to bed and dream of your mate.

  Beth tossed restlessly most of the night and woke as soon as the lights brightened. All she could think about was Dragar. She needed him so badly it was a constant ache. Rianen studied her pale face and cursed Kievan again.

  “I can’t believe he separated a mated pair immediately after the Claiming Ceremony. It’s just cruel. You need to be together.”

  “I need to be with him, but he doesn’t seem to need to be with me.” She couldn’t keep the depression out of her voice.

  “Beth, listen to me. I am absolutely sure that his entire body is demanding you.” She shook her head. “I can’t even imagine the type of self-control he must have to resist that call. It is amazing enough that he resisted when the two of you were alone on the ship, but now? He is in actual physical agony.”

  “I don’t want him to be in pain.” The thought horrified her.

  “I know. And your presence will ease him, just as his will ease you. You just have to wait until tonight.”

  “And hope that I can get past his wretched self-control.”


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