A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

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A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3) Page 11

by Matthew Mitchell

  "My name is Chuck. I am the appointed leader of this group of crazy people." He looked around at them. "We all used to perform by ourselves, however we now travel together and enjoy performing like we did tonight." He took a deep drink.

  Some of the other players were talking to themselves, some were sitting quietly enjoying the fire and conversation surrounding them. All of them looked tired.

  "It was amazing!" Raven commented.

  Chuck grinned, "Thank you, young Raven. We are glad you enjoyed it."

  Raven blushed that he knew her name, "How did you know my name?"

  Chuck laughed gently, "Everyone knows about your group. Stain, the master healer. Ott, his apprentice. Raven, his guard and apprentice in some healing. The animal companions and pack animals that travel with you. A betrothal and in-grafting to occur. There has been much gossip around all the campfires recently about your group." He grinned and looked at Stain, "I am glad to hear that some of the stories are false. I fail to see how you could be an evil warrior come to corrupt us or how you enslaved these young people to do your bidding."

  Stain laughed at these, "I have heard worse. People have a way of making up things to fear, even when there is nothing to fear."

  Chuck nodded, "This is true. Of course this same creative spirit helps create beautiful things, like music. So I can not bring myself to hate them." He poked on of the other players, "Were you going to ask your question?"

  The player looked surprised and blushed, "I guess I could. I never thought to actually ask." He was young, a few years younger than myself. He looked around and smiled gently, "I was wondering if you, Master Stain, would be able to heal my foot? I have heard rumors that you are a great healer." He blushed much worse, turning nearly purple in the firelight.

  Stain frowned, "What happened to it? What harm has occurred?"

  The boy hesitated, "It was long ago. All the other healers claim there is nothing to be done." He bent down and pulled his boot off of his foot. His foot was twisted in a horrid fashion, it must be painful to walk on it for any length of time. "It was set wrong and never healed correctly. They have tried to break it and allow it to heal straight, but it just gets worse." He seemed suddenly fearful. "I understand if you can not do anything. Every other healer I have talked to has assured me that nothing might be done." He seemed frustrated. "I have to ride between camps. Walking long distances is simply impossible."

  Stain kneeled next to the boy and looked at the foot. "The biggest problem is that the bone broke part of the way through before it healed. When it healed it did so in a crooked manner. Each break after caused the crook to get worse." He pushed gently on the foot and nodded. "The bones have grown together. I imagine that when a storm is approaching you are aware before most people?"

  The boy nodded, "It hurts so bad then. Putting any weight on it is agony."

  Stain looked around at all the players, they looked on expectantly. He looked over at me, "Ott, perhaps you should look at it?"

  Chuck looked worried, "The apprentice? Surly the master should do such a work?" He even stood in his concern.

  Stain stood and looked at Chuck. "A master is the master of his craft not just for his knowledge. But also for his wisdom. I know my limits and that in some things my apprentice is more able to perform the proper work. Now, shall we continue?" His tone was the one I knew he used when he asserted his authority. Chuck sat back down and nodded, once and sharply. He was unhappy but unwilling to challenge Stain's authority.

  I stood up and walked around to kneel beside Stain and the boy. Taking his foot in my hands I looked at it. I could see how it had been shaped and reformed, much like a vase broken and glued back together in an imperfect manner. Not once, but multiple times until it no longer resembled the original vase. "What is your name?" I asked the boy.

  "I am Samuel." He whispered this softly.

  I could tell it hurt him to let us look and touch his foot. He felt shame and anger at having this foot, but also in how others saw him because of his foot. I looked up at Stain, the question in my eyes. Stain looked down at me and nodded, resigned to me doing what needed to be done.

  "Drink deeply first. Raven, please get the stamina potion, the purple one with a green wax seal, out of my bag." He pointed over by his tent to his medicine bag.

  Raven retrieved the potion and handed it to me. I opened it up and drank it down in one gulp. I tossed the vial in the fire and nodded. "Could I have a little room?" I asked. Everyone but Samuel, Stain, and Raven backed away from the fire. Tulip moved closer, to have a better view. I looked over at her.

  She smiled, "Get on with it. I wanted to see how you worked."

  I looked up at Samuel. "This is going to hurt. Once I start I can not stop. Please be as still as you can and do not yell." He nodded, fear and hope battling in his eyes. Putting my hands on either side of his foot I opened up my mage sight and focused on casting the spell. I wanted his foot back to what nature intended, to the way it was before all the damage occurred. I could see in my mind how it would look. I focused more and cast the spell. The magic rushed out of me and into Samuel's foot. Sinking deep into the muscles, bones, and sinew. Samuel jumped and nearly pulled his foot free from my grasp. Chuck grabbed his shoulders and held him still. My magic crawled through his skin, breaking through in places. The skin bubbled and pulled, bones reshaped and moved. His whole foot twisted and turned, reforming. After what seemed an eternity of focusing the spell ran it's course. Samuel sat there with two good feet, both straight and normal. I leaned forward, feeling Stain rush to grab me in case I fainted. I patted his hand. "I am okay. Just dizzy."

  Samuel leaned down, tears flowing from his eyes. "You fixed me. I never thought I would ever walk normal again." He grabbed me and hugged me. His sobs of relief and joy shook us both. I hugged him back, tears of joy and exhaustion flowing down my cheeks.

  Chuck stood behind Samuel in shock, amazed at what had just occurred. "Ruth failed to mention you were a wheel handler. And a powerful one at that." His voice was barely a whisper, he looked over at Stain and his eyes showed his thoughts. "I am assuming that since he is your apprentice that you also share such abilities?" Stain nodded carefully. Chuck looked over at Raven, "Even the pretty, young Raven?" Raven blushed but nodded softly. Chuck sat down suddenly. "Things start to make sense. No wonder Tulip wants to stand in as your vine." He looked over at Tulip. "I thank you for bringing them into the camp. We are in your debt."

  I stood up, leaning on Stain for support. "It seemed easier that time."

  Stain nodded as he helped me to sit on my seat. "The more you work a spell the easier it gets. So do those related to it. The more healing spells you do the easier other healing spells get to be to cast." He sat down. Looking around he frowned, "Our abilities need to be kept secret, Chuck."

  Chuck grinned and nodded. "We are well aware of that. Us singers know many secrets, yet share few. Also, Tulip endorsed us to this group a few years ago, so we are indebted to her already. Plus we owe you also, now." He stood up and everyone gathered up their possessions. "We will leave you. If you have need of anything, at any time, come find us and we will willingly help." He bowed and led the group out of the campsite. They burst into song, singing and cheering as they walked. Their voices showed true joy and happiness.

  Tulip smiled, "That was well done." She poked Ruth. "How did you know I wanted young Samuel to meet Ott?"

  Ruth poked Tulip back, "Well of course you would. I know how you think old lady. Plus I so enjoy their music." She looked quite happy.

  Tulip rolled her eyes, but grinned a wide grin. "I am glad you were able to help young Samuel. He was a child when a wagon wheel broke and slammed into his foot. The healer was helpless to do any real good. Just one more example why I would love to have you three with us." She smiled a sneaky smile, "Perhaps we could convince you to stay or eventually return?"

  Stain smiled, "All things are possible. However, we do have previous commitments." He stood and looked around.
"I think you need to sleep." He stated this bluntly to me. "You look ready to fall over and pass out. Make it to your cot before we have to do it for you." He grinned, taking the sting from his comment. "I myself am tired. I will see you all in the morning." He walked over to his tent and pulled the door curtain shut.

  I stood carefully, Raven helping me balance for a moment. "He is right. I am about ready to fall over." I started heading to my tent.

  "Good night Ott. You did a great thing tonight." Tulip's voice was choked with tears. "Sleep well."

  "Sleep well, Ott." Raven hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek at the entrance to my tent. "I will wake you up in the morning." She stood there as I entered my tent. I could hear her walk back to the fire, Ruth and Tulip talking to her gently. I laid down, weary but content. I had been able to truly help Samuel. Things were coming together with the wagon. It had been a good day.


  "Wake up sleepy head!" Raven's voice called. She was standing just outside of my tent. "Wake up or I will send Mophar in to wake you up. And he is soaking wet!"

  I could hear Mophar complain about he had just needed a quick bath, not to be dunked in the barrel. I smiled, "I am awake. Give me a few moments."

  "Hurry up. I have your food ready." She walked off.

  Mophar walked into the tent. "She is mean. I simply stated it was about time to get the dust out of my fur and she proceeded to drop me into the barrel full of rain water!" He was rubbing himself, trying to get the water out of his fur. I could not help but laugh. He looked at me and grinned, "Laugh at my misery will you?" He suddenly flew across the room and wrapped himself around my bare chest. He was cold! I jumped up yelling and trying to pull him off me. By the time I peeled him off of me we were both laughing.

  "I guess I am awake all the way now." I got dressed for the day and headed out of the tent, leaving Mophar to dry himself the rest of the way.

  "It is about time." Tulip was sitting beside the fire, working on another stitching job. "Breakfast is just about over. Grab something, we have a busy day today." She went back to her work.

  I sat down and filled a bowl with food. I ate and looked around. Everyone seemed to be working at some minor task. Most likely waiting for whatever would happen after breakfast. I finished up and cleaned up after myself. "What now?"

  Ruth walked into the campsite at that moment. She grinned to hear my question, "Now we get to work on this wagon!" She led a group of men and women into the campsite. Some she directed to the wagon and others she led to sit beside the fire. "These are the master's who have agreed to work on your wagon. Each has a specialty and years of experience. Once they know what you need they will get the work done quickly. The painters will be here in three days, so all the heavy construction needs to be done by then." She addressed this to the masters. They each nodded or looked slightly alarmed at this news. Ruth pointed them out and named them and their specialty of work. Some were there for minor changes, others would require major work. Ruth established an order that they would work, to best to finish each project in the order it must be done. "Now, those who do not need anymore input, off with you. We will send someone for you when it is your turn. Get your stuff together in the meantime." A good half of the masters stood and left. Notes of what changes and our needs in their hands. Ruth looked at the rest. "Who needs to ask questions first?" She was clearly in control and seemed fine with that fact.

  One older man raised his hand gently, "I do believe I have a few questions for the young couple." His manner was such that I instantly liked him. This was the master who had designed the stoves and such for use inside a wagon.

  Ruth grinned, "Master Yod, how can we help you?"

  He smiled, "As I understand it, you want the ability to cook inside. This requires a stove. However, being healers, what other needs might you place upon the stove? Also, will you use this for a heat source in cold weather? What fuel will you most likely use?" His manner was such that his knowledge was apparent.

  Raven smiled, "I think we will need to be able to heat up multiple items at a time." She looked over at me.

  I nodded, "We will make many of our own salves and potions. So, plenty of cooking space. We do hope to use the stove to heat the wagon, but we also need to be able to use it in hot weather. As far as fuel, I do not know. I would think the ability to use various fuels would be best."

  Stain interjected, "The surface must be able to handle a size three cauldron. Also, they will be using all sorts of fuels, so a versatile design is needed." He paused as Master Yod made notes. "I think also that a storm cap would be ideal."

  Master Yod seemed to appreciate Stain's clear ideas. "I have just the stove for this work. It will take up some space, the floor will need to be modified." He looked over at one of the other master's and asked, "If I make some notes could you make a few holes and reinforce a few spots?"

  The master nodded, "Just let me know what you need. I will take care of it before you install the stove. I am assuming ember wood would be best?"

  Master Yod grinned, "I think that would advisable. I will give you my notes in a while." He looked at Stain. "I will also draw up some plans for fuel storage, vent pipe, and the storm cap and give them over to the various master's. My apprentices will bring the stove over tomorrow to be installed. I will see to the final fitting." He stood up. "Thank you for allowing me to work with you." He bowed and then gave Tulip a hug. "It is good to have you back dear." He walked slowly out of the camp.

  Ruth grinned, "Well that is one major change arranged. Who is next?"

  Another master raised his hand, "I need to know what sleeping arrangements they will have." He was the master in charge of all the softer items; curtains, beds, even the awnings.

  Raven answered this question, "We will have one bed, at the front of the wagon. We also have a need for small hammocks to be hung above the stove area. These are for our friends." She pointed to Pat, who was sunning himself. He looked up and blinked.

  The master nodded, "All very simple to do. I will need to check for sizes. What about awnings? What kind, how many, and where shall they hang? Have you picked colors and designs?"

  Tulip grinned, "I believe they want the full assortment. One over the driver's seat, one over the stairs, and one on each side for when it is parked."

  I nodded, "I think we also decided that they need to be out of waterproof canvas."

  The master grinned, "Good, that is the best material for that use." He made a note on a scrap of paper. "What about color?"

  Raven smiled, "We were thinking purple with green leaves. Amelia has the exact color's written down."

  He frowned for a moment. "I do not think I have any purple canvas at the moment." He pulled out a notebook and flipped through it. "I have enough for one awning, not all four."

  Stain smiled, "What would it take to get enough for all four?"

  The master looked nervous, "I believe one of the merchants has a roll of purple canvas. There is not too much of a demand for it. Which is why I have not purchased it yet." His tone was a little short.

  Stain grinned broadly, "Purchase it and charge us for the cost. Perhaps a tent could be made from the extra?"

  The master grinned suddenly, "Such a thing can easily be done. Any other needs I can help with at the time?"

  Tulip nodded, "I think they should have some hammocks that hang outside the wagon. They will need to rest during the day at times. Make them a standard length and to match the wagon."

  The master nodded and stood, "I will get to work today. My apprentices shall deliver all of this in two days time." He bowed and left the campsite.

  Ruth seemed pleased, "Okay, that's another hurdle handled. Who is next?"

  A short man, built like a barrel, stepped forward. "Will you have a need for any camp furniture to be made?" He was gruff but friendly.

  Stain nodded, "A normal load out will be needed. Also a healer's load out that fits into a size five chest."

  The short man blinked and the
n nodded. "We have all of that. What wood are you hoping to have these made from?"

  Stain grinned, "I do not suppose you have rock willow?"

  The short man grinned suddenly, "I do have one set made from such a wood. Not many know of it or can afford it." He looked closely at Stain. "Usually healers are the only ones."

  Nodding Stain stated, "I think that will do for them. Lightweight but sturdy."

  The man stood and nodded, "My apprentices will bring everything over tomorrow. It is all packed away at the moment." He turned and walked away.

  Ruth shook her head at his manner, "A brilliant man, if strange. Alright, what is left?"

  A thin man stood, "I believe I know most of what I need to supply your kitchen. However, I do have a few questions. I assume you need a full healers load of prep instruments?"

  Stain shook his head, "Ott already has that. They do, however, need a full set of potion making implements They will also need a campsite set, for cooking over a fire and working near a fire."

  The thin man looked disappointed at first yet made notes. "Would any material work?"

  Stain again shook his head, "Please use the finest silver for the potion making implements Black iron would be best for the rest."

  The thin man nodded and left.

  Ruth nodded to the last master, "Master Thorn. I figured you would need to stay the longest, being the foremost carpenter in the camp."

  Master Thorn smiled, "Just Thorn please Ruth. We have known each other since we were babes." He looked over at Stain, "I think I have a good idea of most of the changes that will be required. I have the understanding that no expense should be spared?"

  Stain nodded and grinned, "I want to make sure that this wagon will last a long time on the road."

  Thorn grinned, "Then I will get my workers together. We have a lot of work to do. I will be asking a few questions throughout the day, please all of you be available. Most of what I need to know is simple stuff. Just to make it a more comfortable fit." He stood and walked towards the wagon. "I will be getting to work right away."


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