Hunter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #2

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Hunter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #2 Page 9

by C. D. Gorri

  “It’s fine. Just, not now, okay?” I couldn’t deal with all that. Not right then.

  Ronan nodded and I was glad he seemed to understand. I knew that I would have to take a long hard look at my feelings and soon. But right then I had other worries on my mind.

  “I’m going to case the room.” Ronan looked towards the other Wolves and walked away from me. I watched him leave and turned back to my cousin. She took another swig of the spiked punch and pointedly ignored me. Whatever.

  Okay, so this was my first party and I was not enjoying myself. Without Ronan to keep me grounded, the noise level and reckless behavior of the crowd started making me tense. I have never liked large groups of people. Now was no different.

  Especially when said people were showing questionable judgment. I watched some of Julianna’s clones shake themselves all over some shady looking guys. They rubbed themselves all over these guys like cats in heat.

  It was gross. Julianna was not an active participant yet, and I was glad. But I knew it would be short lived. The throbbing crowd was swaying and laughing and moving as if they were all part of one larger being. The mad mob. My Wolf was already on high alert. Danger could come from anywhere in a place like this.

  Sweat, perfume and alcohol infused fruit punch invaded my nostrils and made me want to gag. The flashing lights seemed to take on a new level of intensity and the bass of the never ending techno beat pounded in my brain. I took a few calming breaths to stop my senses from overloading.

  I focused on my own scent and the beating of my heart. Then I took another long drink from my bottle of purified water and my breathing was normal again.

  I opened my eyes and saw Sebastian enter the party. I smiled. Now maybe I could relax a bit. He was dressed as some kind of zombie soccer player as were his buddies, Tyler and Mike. He came right towards me. A wide slightly crooked smile on his perfect face.

  “Hey there, baby!” His smile turned to a smirk and he bent towards me. His mouth was open and his tongue protruded from it as he tried a full on kiss.

  I turned my head last minute and he caught the corner of my mouth instead. To say I was surprised is an understatement. What the heck is going on?

  “Sebastian? What’s the matter?”

  “Wow! You look hot. You dress that way for me?” He pulled on my sleeves and the hem of my too short shorts. Julianna and her clones came over and she fingered the fabric of my shorts too. I was too stunned to move.

  “Yeah, my little cousin turned up some slut huh?” Julianna laughed drunkenly and spilled the contents of her drink on the front of her glitzy bra/top.

  “Come over here with me, little shawty.” Some guy dressed in an oversized t-shirt and drooping jeans came and took her by the hand. He led her away to the dance floor. His blonde hair clashed with his wannabe rapper attire and I didn’t get what he was doing at a cosplay party till I saw the fake whip and handcuffs dangling from his belt. He must be a gamer too.

  Julianna did not seem to mind at all. That was weird. She didn’t like rap and made fun of the kids in school who dressed like that. She preferred clean cut boys. Like Sebby. I felt a slight pang of guilt. I watched her walk away with the stranger and admittedly let down my guard. It was stupid of me.

  “Hey Sebby. Grazi’s looking hot.” Mike grabbed my arm and looked me up and down. It was weird because I didn’t think he even knew my name. I shrugged out of his hold and took a step back.

  “Yeah man, damn I can almost feel those tight abs. Hey there baby girl, can I touch them?” Tyler leaned over Sebby and grabbed at my waist. I took another step, but Sebby was right behind me, pulling me tight to him.

  “Yeah, Sebby can we touch your girl?” Mike started to lean in too and I realized I was being herded back into a corner by the three of them. Sebastian just ducked his head and blew in my ear.

  I was seriously getting uncomfortable. I slapped his friends’ hands away as one of them reached out to touch me again. Sebby just laughed and pulled me closer into him. His grip was tight and his voice menacing as he spoke.

  “You don’t mind do you, baby? Sharing is caring. Ha ha ha.” I turned my head in disbelief. Then I noticed his eyes.

  His usually warm chocolate brown eyes were cold and glazed over. There was something off in their color too. They looked a little bit purplish. Maybe it was from the lights and the fog machine? Or maybe it was drugs or alcohol. I smelled neither.

  I struggled out of his hold, but he seemed to have developed another pair of hands. I got a good whiff of his breath when I turned to get out of his arms yet again. Tyler and Mike were laughing and their eyes took on a purple glow as well.

  I sniffed closer to Sebby’s open mouth and picked up the too sweet, nauseating fragrance of grape cough syrup. Witches. I growled deep in my throat and felt four pairs of eyes turn and focus on me. Ronan was at my side in an instant and the Macconwood Wolves followed.

  “Hey Grazi, what’s this? You two timing me?” I could smell the anger and jealousy coming off Sebby. He shoved me hard and I hit the wall.

  Had I been prepared I doubt he could’ve moved me, but I was completely caught off guard. Ronan grabbed Sebby by his zombified soccer jersey and threw him to the hard floor. Sebastian paid him no mind. His maniacal gaze focused in me. He lifted himself off the floor with little effort. His face was twisted in an angry snarl.

  “You little slut! You’ve been seeing him haven’t you? Answer me Grazi!”

  “Sebby stop!”I raised my hands to ward off his progress. He was leaning to the side. Blood dripped from his lip where his face hit the floor, but he didn’t even seem to notice.

  “Maria, get back.” It was Ronan. His Wolf shone from his eyes. He’d kill Sebby in that state. I had to stop him.

  “Ronan it’s ok.”

  “Grazi, you owe me! I risked my whole reputation to take you to that dance. My dad thought I was nuts! He wanted me to take a cheerleader, but I chose you. Do you know how lucky you are? You owe me!” Sebby grabbed me and tucked his hand into the waistband of my shorts. I pulled at him, but he held on, unnaturally strong.

  Ronan’s growl was loud and I knew others could hear it. Not just those of us with supernatural hearing. Before he could attack a pair of giant arms wrapped around him and held him back. It was Rafe Maccon.

  “Boys, let’s get zombie Beckham outside. I’ll take our little brother here.” Rafe was having a hard time keeping Ronan in check. He tightened his grip. He knew better than to let up on him. Thank God.

  “Okay little one, just step out the back with us and we’ll see to your buddy here.” It was Randall. He had just grabbed Sebby’s arms in a full nelson and was restraining him.

  “Hey, what are you guys doing with Sebby?” Mike and Tyler seemed totally unaffected now and watched anxiously as the huge men dragged Sebby and Ronan outside.

  “It’s alright, you guys. Um, he’s just not feeling well.”

  “Oh, uh, are you sure?”

  “Yeah, he’ll be fine.” I turned them away and went outside. Randall had Sebby on the ground. I watched as he leaned forward. His face was serious behind all that hair and beard. He narrowed his eyes and sniffed. A growl escaped his lips.

  “You smell that? Witches.” The large Macconwood Wolf and, in his spare time, game developer shifted his hold on Sebby to address us. It was hard for me to reconcile his two personas. But I guess if he could do it, I certainly shouldn’t have a problem. I mean I was a high school student and a Werewolf, right?

  Before my thoughts ran away with me I looked towards Rafe. He had released Ronan by then. But he kept his gaze fixed on him.

  Ronan stood apart from the rest of us. His eyes were closed and his shoulders relaxed. He was doing breathing exercises.

  Okay, cool. I was impressed with his self-control. Ronan seemed fine for the time being. Besides I was more worried about Sebby. He was laughing and throwing his head back.

  His eyes were totally purple now and they looked around wildly at us. Obscen
ities shot out of his mouth. Things that the Sebastian I knew would never say.

  “Why is he acting this way?” My heart was hurting for him. For my friend. I realized that was how I thought of him. A friend.

  “He’s been cursed.” Rafe answered. His large hands rested on his jean clad hips.

  “How do we fix it?” My anxiety was loud and clear to everyone present. Dear God, did I do this to him? Did knowing me get him hurt?

  “Yeah, don’t we kill him?” Ronan seemed a little too pleased with the suggestion and I narrowed my eyes at him. So much for self-control.

  “Not so fast there, little Hound. Jeez, you think you Catholics would be a little more forgiving.”

  “Call her.” It was Randall, he was glaring at the other Wolf among them.

  “Way ahead of you, boss.” The one named Seff had a cell in his hand and was speaking into it in another language. One I didn’t recognize. He had a smile on his face and seemed to enjoy the conversation.

  “She’s on her way.”

  “Guess she forgives you.”

  “Yup. They always do, my man.” Randall grunted at Seff’s self-assuredness and continued to hold Sebby down. He was struggling to get up.

  “You’re not going to hurt him are you?”

  “Nah, let’s go into this office building where no one can see us.”

  We ducked inside the next building. Interestingly Rafe had what looked like one of those black remote thingies for a car and used it to open the electronic locks.

  A woman dressed in a long white coat followed us inside. I was startled and I wasn’t the only one.

  “Jesus, woman!” mock irritation from Randall as he smirked and nodded a more formal greeting. How did she sneak up on us?

  She threw back her hood and I recognized her immediately. Sherry. The woman who owned the salon that Angela took me too before the SHPS Harvest Dance. She seemed agitated and tonight I could see something shimmery surrounding her. It was a faint green sort of glow. I recognized it somehow as non-threatening and very powerful.

  “Where is he? Those black Witches give everybody a bloody bad name! Hello darling, nice to see you again! You’ll come back for a trim soon, yes?” She spoke rapidly and with the same faint accent I remembered. She glared at Seff who ducked his head and rubbed his nape. I was picking up on some serious sexual frustration there. Ew,TMI!

  “You brought a Witch here!” Ronan’s outrage was loud as a neon sign. I tried calming him with a look, but he wouldn’t stop.

  “Witches deal in blood and contracts. They are evil!”

  “No, little Hound. Dark Witches do all that. I’m a white Witch. I deal in herbs and Mother Nature. The weather those dark Witches have caused harms all of us and we who follow the white are sworn to protect the earth at all costs.”

  “I’ll not stand for this here. I’m calling our Alpha.”

  “Wait. Please Ronan.” He looked at me and I could feel his indecision.

  “If she can help, please let’s let her.” He dropped his hand. Defeated by my plea. If only I could make him understand. I just couldn’t let Sebby get hurt.

  “I am on your side, little Hound. Whether your Alpha recognizes us or not is inconsequential. This boy has been hit with a nasty hex. Do you want my help or not?”

  “Yes.” I spoke up and earned an angry glance from Ronan. Too bad. I wouldn’t let Sebby suffer because of me. Dark Witches harmed him because of me. The thought made me sick to my stomach.

  “Hmm, whoever did this was very professional too. Not some meddler. Looks like the work of the Scarred Sisters coven to me.”

  “But there are only evil Witches? Why are we letting her live?” Ronan’s vibes were all confused and anxious. They were getting to me, but I knew Sherry. I liked her. I closely watched as she mixed what looked like herbs and water into a small vial and shook it.

  There was a small spark and I could feel the hum of magic in the air. It was different from the magic I felt when I communicated with my Wolf. This was very old and powerful. No one else mentioned it so I wasn’t sure if they felt it or not.

  “Are things ever so black and white? Is there really only one way to live? To think? To see? To believe? You know nothing about life yet, little hound. But hopefully you will be granted long life. Like most Werewolves have been blessed with. Perhaps then you will live to change your mind. Here now, help me sit him up. He must drink this quickly before the poison settles in him.” Seff sat Sebastian up and Sherry poured the vial of brownish liquid down his throat. He seized for a second, gasped and slumped down into Seff’s arms.

  “There now. He needs rest and water to filter out the negativity. The hex was a strong one, but not intended to kill him. It magnified his natural urges, fears, insecurities and of course, his rage and anger. Teenagers have those in abundance I’m afraid. So, water, got it? Lots of it. Distilled is best. When he wakes up tell him he drank too much and needs to stay hydrated.”

  “But he doesn’t drink. He’s an athlete.” My voice was low. I just couldn’t believe it. I did this. I put him in danger.

  “Yes, well, then tell him someone slipped something in his Gatorade.”

  “Here, Sherry. For your trouble.” Seff took out a wad of bills and held them out to her. Not quite meeting her eyes.

  “Seff McAllister you take that money and shove it where no sun shines!” She stormed out without another word. I ran outside to talk to her, but she was gone without a trace. Just like that. Hmm. White Witch? Why didn’t Uncle Sean or Rolf ever mention that?

  “Maybe she didn’t forgive you?” Randall said with a smirk. Seff rubbed his hair again.

  “We’ll get your boy here home without a problem alright? I know the county sheriff, I’ll get him to tell his dad the kid got sick that’s all.”

  “Okay. Are you sure? You’ll take care of him?” I rubbed my hand across his forehead. He was feverish. He looked the same. Dark brown hair, incredible good looks. Only he was different now. In my eyes anyway.

  I wasn’t familiar with the Sebby the spell had called forth. It was not a side of him I liked. I wasn’t sure what to think of him now, but I knew I wouldn’t rest until I find out exactly what had happened to him. I owed him that much. As a friend.

  “He’ll be fine. Look, I just texted your guards, Sascha and Dimitri. They’ll be here shortly. We’ll see to it Sebastian gets home, alright?”

  “It’s not that I don’t trust you Mr. Maccon-“

  “Call me Rafe please, Mr. Maccon is my dad.”

  “Dude, she thinks you’re old!” Seff grinned. Randall coughed, but I suspected he was hiding a laugh.

  Rafe looked sternly at both of them and they turned their heads down and to the side. He was clearly the Alpha. A good one too since they were still smirking even with throats bared. I couldn’t help but smile.

  Ronan and I went back to the party to let Angela know we’d be leaving. Only when we walked in, there was no way we were leaving. My cousin, yeah you know the one. Julianna. Miss I-am-perfect was dancing.

  Not on the floor like a normal prom queen type. Nope. She was on top of a table. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, Mr. Rapper-Wolf-Moon-player-dude was running his grimy hands up her legs and looking up her non-existent skirt. Great, Jules. Just great.

  Lizette and Jennifer were nowhere to be found and my cousin was now seriously out of control. I narrowed my eyes and felt Ronan at my side. He was angry too. Great. I couldn’t get sidetracked by my own petty jealousy here. I needed to put a stop to this. I took in the crowd, not many were paying attention to my cousin’s show except for a familiar head of bouncy red curls.

  Angela was standing a few feet from Julianna’s display. A look of complete shock on her face. I only hoped she didn’t take a few pictures for NewsFlash. She saw me and Ronan and ran towards us.

  “OMG! Grazi! What are you gonna do? You have to get her out of here before something happens!”

  “Selfies!!!” Julianna stumbled off the table and took he
r cell out.

  She snapped pics of her and her new boyfriend. They were slobbering all over each other in a way that would turn her hair white in the morning. I took a fortifying breath and ran over. I tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Julianna, we have to go. Now.”

  “Eew. Go away, Grazi. You ruin everything. Besides I am having sooo much fun.”

  “Julianna trust me, you don’t want to be doing this.”

  “Hey, she’s fine right here.” Thug boy gave her thigh a squeeze and I grabbed his hand.

  I could tell by the look of utter and complete shock on his face that I was hurting him. Oh well. What the heck? It’s not like he doesn’t deserve it. A little more pressure and he cried out and dropped to one knee.

  “Get away from my cousin.” I spoke very slowly and clearly. Just to make sure he understood.

  “Alright, alright. Jeez, what are you on steroids or something?” He held onto his sore hand and walked away. I could feel his hard stare from across the room. Creep.

  “Hey! That was my friend, Grazi. Not that you would know what that is. Oh, hi, Ronan, you’re my friend too aren’t you?” Julianna hung onto Ronan and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked unsure of what to do so I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to pick her up. Even drunk she was beautiful Oh well, no one said life was fair.

  “Come on. Sascha’s out front.” Julianna tripped and Ronan lifted her completely off her feet. She giggled stupidly and leaned back. I held her head up so she didn’t hit it when we walked out the door. I’d probable regret that later.

  “What’s wrong with pretty girl?” Sascha asked as he held the door open for Ronan. I hopped in first planning to take care of my cousin. But Julianna had other plans. She wouldn’t let Ronan go so he was forced to squeeze in the back with both of us.

  “Not the middle, I need air.” She scooted across my lap and pushed me towards the middle seat. Next to Ronan. We were both so tall the only way we fit was if I half sat on top of him.

  “I’m really sorry.” I said to him and I meant it. My cheeks were flushed and the ridiculously small outfit I had on was making me self-conscious.


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