Dangerous Dancer (Dangerous Series Book 1)

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Dangerous Dancer (Dangerous Series Book 1) Page 14

by L. P. Rose

  My body momentarily tensed when his finger finally made its way inside of me, quickly followed by a second one. He worked them in and out of me slowly while his other hand rubbed against my clit. “Yes,” I cried loudly when I felt my body begin to spasm and my hips moved against the working of his hands. My body was on fire, my brain felt frazzled. I began to see blinding white light behind my closed lids when his pace picked up. I was close, so fucking close but his fingers alone were not enough to push me over the edge he had kept me balanced on.

  I needed his mouth.

  “Let go, Myshka,” he murmured as he pinched my clit, sending pleasure and pain to rocket through my core. Angling my head towards him, Nikoli closed his mouth over mine and desperately sank his tongue into it, swallowing my cries and moans when my body finally gave in and the almighty orgasm I had been so desperate for, crashed through me.

  I knew what had just happened was sinful. And as Nikoli continued to kiss me, I realized I didn’t give a shit if this was wrong. I had wanted this and he had given it to me.

  The devil inside of me had finally won.


  As I slowly opened my eyes, I had completely forgotten where I was until I felt the tickle of Nikoli’s gentle breaths on the back of my neck, the warmth of his arms wrapped around my naked body, cocooning me close to his bare chest and a smile grew wide on my lips. My eyes closed again and I basked in the glorious feeling of waking up with a tremor of excitement cutting a path right through my core. I hadn’t awoken feeling like this for such a long time, normally the second my eyes opened I’d be overcome with dread for what the day ahead would entail that I had forgotten what it felt like to smile when the mornings came around.

  I felt like today, I was waking up a slightly different woman than on previous mornings. I’d always thought Max was the only man who would want me, and that was mainly because the seed of; No other man would look at you the way I do, you’d be nothing without me was planted and repeated to me continually over the time I’d been with Max, that I believed him.

  I believed I wasn’t good enough for another man, I believed that I would be nothing without Max, but Nikoli had proven to me how wrong that statement was. He wanted me completely, so completely that he had refused to sleep with me until I was free of Max. The thought of being with Nikoli properly at some point in the future thrilled me yet also terrified me at the same time.

  I let out a small sigh of contentment and silently willed myself to go back to sleep and cut all sudden thoughts from the night before of his hands roaming over my body. But it was no use, the second the memory entered my brain it rejuvenated my groin to life. Slowly I brought my left thigh up to lie flat against my right and squeezed them together to try and kill the rampant need for his hands to work their magic. I heard a low chuckle break out behind me, his hand swept across my thigh and pulled it back and I inwardly groaned that he’d caught me. His mouth was on the back of my neck as he peppered it with kisses, “Good morning, Myshka,” he said huskily, further igniting the flames between my legs.

  “Morning,” I whispered meekly and turned myself around to face him. I gulped at the sight of him, his threads of dark hair were stuck up in different directions, his eyes were half open and his jaw was coated with the start of dark stubble; giving him that just fucked look. He smirked and pushed up on his elbow, balancing his head on his hand, then leant over me and swooped down to capture my lips with his, I let out a deep moan straight into his mouth and brought my hand up to rest behind his neck, keeping him in place.

  “Did you sleep well?” He murmured against my mouth when he tried to pull away. My hand refused to move causing his mouth to crash back to mine with severity.

  “Uhm huh,” I moaned, then whined in protest when his hand slid between us and he gently pushed me back, my hand automatically slid from the back of his neck and I balled it into the bedding. His eyes flickered over my face briefly before he locked them on mine.

  “You look adorable in the morning,” he said quietly when he brought his thumb up to my mouth and trailed it across my bottom lip.

  “I do?” I asked, unconvinced. I could feel my face flare red with heat at his compliment. I moved my eyes towards one of the large windows to focus on the whites of the clouds breaking out in the sky.

  His finger hooked under my chin and pulled my face back to his direction, “Please, don’t do that,” he said.

  “Do what?”

  “Look away in embarrassment, when I pay you a compliment.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and blew out a deep breath, “I can’t help it, I’m not really used to them,” I replied flatly.

  “Well, you’d better get used to them, Raine. I mean everything I say to you. You’re beautiful inside and out, I see that and I wish you could see it, too.”

  I wrinkled my nose and opened my mouth to mutter a protest, but sensing what was coming he kissed me steadily and passionately. His hand skimmed up and down my neck, and it caused sparks of static to dance over my skin. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Raine,” he mumbled. His hand slid up towards the back of my hair and coiled a handful of it around his fingers then he pulled, ensuring my head lifted enough for his mouth to devour my neck. The same magical feeling he had created within me the night before, surfaced again, and it left me shivering in pleasure and ecstasy.

  I moaned quietly when I felt the hard contours of his naked body press firmly against mine, my right leg automatically hooked over his hip as I pressed my crotch straight in to his erection. His lips kissed along my collarbone at the same time his hand moved from within the tangles of my hair to slowly massage my breast, I arched my back and softly gasped when he seared the heat of his mouth over my nipple and circled his tongue around it, teasing it to attention. My chest began to rise and fall dramatically as my senses were taken to a new high by his mouth and when his lips and tongue moved from their assault on my breast and moved down over my rib cage, my abdomen, then paused briefly at my navel before continuing south, my fingers coiled and tugged in his hair and I began to wriggle underneath him.

  “I want you,” I groaned. His lips suddenly began its ascent back up towards my mouth, the warmth of his breath against my skin and the delicacy of his touch were leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

  He smiled and winked devilishly, “You will have me, one day soon. Not now.”

  I shook my head and tried to move from his grip, “You can’t tease me like this, Nikoli!”

  His hooded, dark, hungry eyes rested on mine and a smirk curled onto his lips. He shifted himself to move his body from mine and lean over me, “Tease you? I’m not teasing you,” he replied huskily.

  “Yes! Yes, you are. Your hands, your mouth, oh, god your damned tongue… all over me, it’s driving me fucking insane,” I half-panted and half-gasped at him.

  My outburst caused his smirk to spread further then he pulled his bottom lip in and held it in place between his teeth, cocked his head to one side and skimmed his fingertips, erotically over my naked body. “I’m not teasing you, Myshka. I’m preparing you,” he whispered when his hand moved lower and pushed my legs open.

  “Preparing me for what?” I whispered nervously and wide-eyed unsure what he meant. I silently prayed it wasn’t anything kinky that involved inanimate objects or an orifice that shouldn’t be used.

  “My mouth,” he replied, moving himself between my legs. He hesitated when I let out the breath I was holding in one long hiss of relief.

  Smiling like a cat that had gotten the cream, I licked my lips and winked, “Well, in that case please, don’t let me stop you, Nikoli,” I replied tartly. He grinned. I opened my legs further, and prepared myself to wilt under his influence.


  “Did you bring any spare clothes?” He asked as I took a seat at the table and looked down at the breakfast he had made.

  “Nope,” I mumbled. I scrunched my face up in annoyance that in my haste to get to Nikoli last night, I had forgotten t
o bring clothes with me, how stupid could I be? Pushing my stupidity to one side, I attacked the bacon with my cutlery and greedily proceeded to eat it. I was starving, I had concluded it must be the amount of orgasms he had given me in the last fourteen hours that had left me ravenous.

  I heard him chuckle as he poured me a coffee. “My shirt looks rather sexy on you. But you can’t wear it home.”

  At the mere mention of the word home I felt my appetite fade away and sickness took up its place. “I don’t want to go back home,” I whispered. I placed my cutlery back down on the plate and lowered my head to look at my lap.

  His hand reached out and covered mine, “If it’s any consolation, I don’t want you to go back either. Only you can make that decision, I’ll support you either way,” he said as he squeezed my hand.

  I smiled and brought my head up to look at him, “Thank you. I don’t want to go, but I have to go.”

  “I know,” he responded. He moved his hand from mine, sighed then attacked his own breakfast. “I’m glad you turned up last night, it was a bit of a shock, but it totally made my birthday.”

  I felt my lips tug into a broad smile, “I’m glad. I was going to call you but I thought it would be more fun to surprise you.”

  “Oh, you surprised me all right, Myshka, you and your sudden confidence. I have to say, I loved that side of you,” he replied through a mouthful of sausage and egg.

  “You did?” I asked as I took a sip of my coffee and waited for him to finish his chewing of food.

  “Damned right I did. It’s a side to you I hadn’t seen yet and believe me, I want more of it. I don’t want you to feel embarrassed, ashamed, afraid, or nervous around me. I think I’ve proven to you I’m not in this just to have your body. I want you, all of you.”

  “Is that why you’ve refused to sleep with me? To prove to me you don’t want me for a quick shag?” I snapped harsher than I intended, but I held the steely gaze he had pinned my way at my attitude. Funny how I can seem to express my emotions quite easily and naturally around Nikoli without a second thought, but I can’t speak this way around Max. It was something else that was changing about me, that Nikoli was changing about me.

  “If that’s what you think, you’re wrong! I had my reasons not to take advantage of you, Raine! I wasn’t trying to prove shit to you!” He snapped back. He dropped his cutlery loudly to the plate and turned himself to face me.

  I didn’t flinch at the loud clattering of cutlery, instead I rolled my eyes. “Why didn’t you want me then?”

  Standing up slightly, he dragged his chair towards me and when he physically couldn’t get any closer to me, he sat back down and gripped his hand at the nape of my neck, pulling my head closer to him. “I wanted you the moment my eyes met yours outside the studio that day, I’ve wanted you ever since. I wanted you last night, this morning and even now.”

  “But?” I whispered as my hand stroked up and down his thigh.

  “But I can’t do it knowing you’ll be going back home to your husband and I know deep down you would have regretted sleeping with me, the guilt would have eaten you up. Look how you freaked out over the kiss outside the club, imagine how you would feel today if more had of happened between us last night,” he replied quietly.

  I leant forward and buried my face into his neck and inhaled deeply allowing his scent to soothe and calm me. “You’re right, I would have freaked out,” I mumbled more to myself than to him.

  “Once you’ve broken away from him, I’m yours in every way you want me, whether that’s today or in two weeks,” he whispered sullenly. He kissed my cheek then untangled himself and moved back towards his original seat at the table.

  “Two weeks,” I muttered. I picked up my cutlery and forced myself to eat the breakfast Nikoli had gone to the trouble of cooking for me, while I had sat on the couch, taking my full opportunity of ogling him. He was a welcome sight.

  “Two weeks,” he mumbled in agreement, seemingly disheartened by my decision to go home.

  As I watched the way his jaw flexed as he chewed, the way his tongue licked against his lips, and the way he periodically brushed his hair from his face, I couldn’t help but feel that these next two weeks were going to be the longest two weeks of my entire existence.

  I wasn’t sure I would be able to wait two weeks.

  In fact, I knew I wouldn’t be able to wait out the next two weeks. Not now.

  I needed to move my plan forward.



  I would like primarily to thank my family for their never-ending support and encouragement. I love you.

  My editor, Carol Tietsworth Thank you. You helped me once again, see the errors I was so blinded to.

  My Cover designer, Michelle at ebookcovers Online. Thank you for all the art work you have supplied me with for Dangerous Dancer and the fantastic book trailer.

  All my beta readers, ARC readers, and my slowly growing street team that have helped to get word out with this book, you’re all amazing and I thank you.

  Last, but not least thank you to YOU for buying and reading this novel.


  L.P. Rose has always been a bookworm from an early age and says that her over active imagination and her passion for living within the pages of books, are what drives her to come up with such diverse storylines. Residing in the UK, where the weather is often wet and windy, she loves nothing more than curling up with a coffee and a good book in her PJ’s and take herself off into a fantasy world for a few hours.

  Her Favorite Quote: “Never let anyone dull your sparkle” -MARILYN MONROE

  Find me on the following Links:

  AMAZON: https://www.amazon.co.uk/L.P.-Rose/e/B06XQVL8S1

  FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLPRose/

  INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/authorlprose/

  TWITTER: https://twitter.com/lrose94

  WEBSITE: https://www.lila-rose.co.uk/




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