Daddy Needs a Date

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Daddy Needs a Date Page 3

by Sean Michael

  “Which is better than come into my parlor, I guess.”

  “Oh man, I’ve seen some scary spiders.” Alex shivered.

  Ryan’s eyes went wide. “Oh dude. Like scary jungle spiders?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Man-eating scary spiders that aren’t fit for polite company. There might have been some very unmanly screaming in my past.”

  “I can understand that. Seriously. I mean, I kill all the spiders—it’s one of my jobs—but nothing man-eating.”

  “I used to catch and release on spiders. That was until I met the man-eating ones. Now they all see the bottom of my foot.”

  “You’re not serious, are you?” Ryan asked. “They aren’t really man-eating?”

  “No, but some of them are about the size of my fist and deadly poisonous.”

  “That’s just… that’s wrong, Alex.”

  “I totally agree.” He laughed. “Unfortunately, nobody consulted me about them.”

  “Well, okay then. You and I have officially consulted, and any situation wherein the words ‘flying spider’ are used is not okay.”

  “Oh God, I don’t even want to think about them being able to fly.” He shuddered dramatically, but he really didn’t want to run into any spider that could fly, let alone the big ones.

  They looked at each other and started to laugh—warm, happy laughter.

  Their mains arrived while they were still chuckling, and Alex actually moaned at the sight of the meat. “Oh God, that looks so good.” Just the smell was making him drool.

  “Look at you. You obviously need that. You’re like a lion with a gazelle.”

  “I so do. My aunt is a casserole woman. It’s been tuna casserole this and turkey festival casserole that for three whole days.” She did not spring for steaks, and when he’d suggested picking them up himself, she’d asked if there was something wrong with her cooking. He hadn’t brought it up again.

  “I like casseroles, but that steak trumps tuna anything.”

  “I shouldn’t complain. It’s a nice change from rice, but this…. I like steaks.” Grinning, he grabbed his knife and fork.

  The steak was tender as butter, the knife just sliding through. He moaned again, his stomach snarling. God yes. And he was definitely drooling. He put the first piece in his mouth and chewed slowly. It was the best thing he’d ever tasted.

  Ryan started in on his fish, humming softly with pleasure, but Ryan didn’t understand.




  Alex ate slowly, savoring every single bite. He was taking his time, making it last.

  “Would you like a bite of my fish, Alex?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. I don’t want to sully the taste of this beautiful piece of meat.”

  “Listen to you!” Ryan laughed again, the sound soft and happy.

  He grinned, pleased he’d been able to make Ryan laugh. It was a good sound on him. Maybe they were going to entirely rescue this date. He thought maybe they both deserved that.

  Alex closed his eyes and made an exaggerated so-good face and noise, putting on a show for Ryan.

  That drew more laughter out of Ryan. “Definitely lion with his gazelle.”

  “Who, me? No, no. Would you like a piece?” He didn’t want a bite of the fish, but he could totally share his steak. Totally. He was on a date, after all.

  “No, honey. You need that. I’m enjoying my fish.”

  He liked the way Ryan said honey. Maybe it was the steak talking, but he liked a lot about Ryan. Funny, because he would have said half an hour ago this was going to be a terrible date. Now he had steak in his belly and a companion he’d bonded with over flying spiders.

  All they had to do now was enjoy dessert.

  Alex didn’t lick the plate, but it was a close thing. He ate every single vegetable and used the last of his potatoes to sop up the sauce left on the plate. He sat back when he was done, feeling wonderfully full. He’d make room for dessert, though, because he could.

  “Feel better?” Ryan asked.

  “I’m feeling very mellow,” he admitted. He hadn’t been this full since before he’d left for Haiti. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m good. That was an amazing haddock.”

  “So this place gets four stars in our book, then. You wanna indulge in dessert?” As good as their entrees had been, Ryan figured the desserts would likely be decadent and delicious.

  “I absolutely want to.”

  “Awesome. We’ll tell the waitress we want to see the dessert menu when she comes for our plates.” He finished the dregs of his whiskey.

  “And a cup of coffee. There’s nothing like a good cup of coffee.”

  “Coffee is good. It’s been my one constant all around the world.” And he’d learned to drink it no matter what it tasted like.

  “I have two cups a day—one in the morning and one after supper.”

  “Why so regimented?”

  Ryan grinned. “I would drink it all day and never sleep?”

  He laughed. “A bit of an addiction there, I take it?”

  “Yes. God yes.”

  Their waitress arrived at their table with dessert menus. “Did you want to take a look at these?”

  “You must have read our minds,” Alex teased.

  “It’s my job. Psychic waitress.”

  That had both him and Ryan chuckling. “Does that mean you already know what we’re going to choose?”

  “Chocolate mousse for you and cherry pie for you.”

  Alex had to admit he was fond of chocolate mousse. Quite fond. “Well, Ryan—you a cherry pie man?”

  “I am, to be honest. Very much.”

  “Oh wow. He’ll take the cherry pie, and I will indeed have the chocolate mousse. And you are a little bit scary.” Not flying spider scary, but that had been kind of spooky how she’d nailed them both.

  “Cream with your coffee?” she asked.

  “Aw damn, the psychic streak is over. I prefer mine with milk. What about you, Ryan?”

  “Just sugar for me, please.”

  “The coffee vibes are much weaker than the dessert vibes.” She gave them a wink and left with their plates.

  Alex shook his head. “That was weird, eh?”

  “Not really. That was human nature. Steak is a rich meal. You’re indulging yourself, so, chocolate. The cherry pie? It’s the only fruit-based dessert, and I had the fish.”

  Ryan was smart. He liked that. Hell, he liked Ryan.

  “Yeah, you’re right of course.”

  Ryan beamed at him, winked. “I just pay attention.”

  “I was distracted by the steak,” Alex admitted.

  “You were making love to that steak.”

  Alex found his cheeks heating. “It had been a long time. And it was a damn good steak.”

  “I’m glad you liked it. I liked watching you enjoy it.”

  “Thanks.” His cheeks were still warm.

  Ryan grinned at him, the look knowing.

  “You want to go for a walk after supper? There’s a lovely little park just around the corner.” Alex found himself not wanting the evening to end.

  “Absolutely. I need to call home, make sure Mel is okay.”

  “Sure, go ahead. I could hit the head if you wanted some privacy?” Was that the right etiquette when your date called to check on his kids? Alex had no experience in this area and was hoping he was doing the right thing.

  “No worries. I’ll just text her.” Ryan’s fingers flew over the phone.

  Maybe he should get Ryan to show him how to use a lot of the features of his phone. He never used the damn thing except for when he was home, and he’d just bought a new one the other day. It was still a mystery. He could text, though. Slowly. Not all nimble and quick like Ryan was doing.

  “What’s your trick?” he asked.


  “The magic fingers with the texting. How do you do it?”

  “Hours of practice. You should s
ee Mel. Her fingers blur.”

  “I’m all thumbs.” Alex sat back as the waitress set their coffees and dessert plates in front of them.

  “She says that’s the secret. Using your thumbs.”

  “Seriously?” Huh. Alex looked at his thumbs. He wasn’t sure how that would help, but he wasn’t a teenager. He had a feeling that had a lot to do with it.

  “I think it’s generational,” Ryan said. “They have faster thumbs.”

  Oh, that amused the shit out of him, and he started chuckling. Ryan smiled at him, eyes twinkling.

  Alex focused on dessert and licked his lips at the sight of his chocolate mousse. It looked positively decadent. Almost as good as Ryan. Whoa, that thought was strong again, like it had been at the bar before he’d known Ryan was his date. Excellent.

  He hadn’t expected much from this date in the first place, and then it had gotten off to a rocky start, but maybe this had potential.

  Smiling at Ryan, Alex grabbed his spoon and dug into his mousse. Oh God, pure heaven. He moaned over the bite, his eyes crossing. This was even better than the steak, and that was saying a lot.

  He looked up to find Ryan watching him, and his cheeks heated; he usually wasn’t this much of an animal when it came to food. “Um… you want a bite? It’s pretty good.”

  “I would love one, please.” So polite. So hot.

  Alex approved.

  He gathered some of the mousse onto his spoon and leaned across the table, offering the mouthful to Ryan.

  Ryan opened up for him, tongue sliding out. Damn. He swallowed hard and slid the spoon into Ryan’s mouth. This was even hotter than it had been during the salads.

  “Oh….” Ryan’s eyes rolled up in his head.

  “They say chocolate is an aphrodisiac.” Alex thought maybe it was the act of sharing chocolate that was the aphrodisiac. Or Ryan himself.

  “Do they? What do they say about cherries?”

  “That you should pop them.” The words shot out of his mouth without passing through his brain first. Oh God, that had been bad.

  Ryan looked at him and snorted. “Right.”

  “I don’t know why I said that.” Except he did, somewhat. Ryan was hot, sexy, and nice, and Alex was trying to flirt. Not doing a great job of it, but trying.

  “Hopefully because we’re two guys out on a date and it was funny,” Ryan suggested.

  “I’m glad you think so.” He grinned and nodded at Ryan’s pie. “So are you going to let me pop one of yours?”

  “I will. I’ll even give you first choice.” Ryan managed not to cackle, but Alex could hear the laughter in the low voice.

  “You’ll have to let me know what cherries you still have available.” God, he could hardly believe this was coming out of his mouth. He’d started it, though, he might as well muscle his way through.

  “Oh honey, after eight years, you get them all back.”

  “Then I’ll take your kiss cherry.” He leaned across the table, holding Ryan’s gaze.

  “You’re serious? Here?” Ryan’s eyes were so pretty, that unique combination of blue and green.

  “Why not?” Okay, now that Ryan hadn’t met him halfway, it was starting to feel like it maybe wasn’t a great idea. Should he give Ryan another moment to move in, or should he draw back before he looked like even more of an idiot?

  “Right.” Ryan leaned over, then met him. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Their lips pressed briefly, then again, a little harder this time. Oh. Damn that was nice.

  Alex sat back, smiling like an idiot. He was glad he had given Ryan time to meet him halfway.

  “Was it as good as the mousse?” Ryan asked.

  “Yeah, I think it was. Of course, I might need more data. You know, another bite of mousse, another kiss.”

  Ryan ate a bite of his pie, chuckling softly. “More data. A scientist, are you? I like it.”

  “If it gets me another kiss, I’ll definitely be scientific about this.” He pointed his chin at Ryan’s pie, which he hadn’t had a taste of yet. “Is it as good as the mousse?”

  “No, but it’s good.”

  “I tell you what, I’ll share my mousse, but there’s going to be a price.” He couldn’t believe he was flirting so hard with Ryan, offering to share his mousse for kisses. He had to admit that it felt good, though. Easy and fun, with a thread of excitement running through.

  “Is there now?” Ryan teased back.

  “Yep. Another kiss for every spoonful.” Hell, he imagined he’d give up the entire bowl if he was getting kisses in return.

  “We’re going to get thrown out. I’m in.”

  Alex giggled at that—an honest-to-God giggle. He hadn’t had this much fun in a long time. Especially not on a date.

  He scooped a small spoonful—no reason not to stretch this out—and offered it over.

  Ryan opened up. “This is the most fun.”

  Which was just what he’d been thinking. “Yeah, yeah, it totally is.” He slipped the spoon into Ryan’s mouth, trying not to moan as Ryan’s lips closed over it. He pulled the spoon out, then leaned in, puckering his lips.

  Ryan kissed him, slow and soft, nothing that would really get them tossed out. Still, he felt the kiss from his lips all through him, right to his toes. Groaning, he offered over another spoonful of dessert.

  “You don’t want any for you?” Ryan asked.

  “I prefer the kisses,” he admitted.

  “I do too.”

  Oh, that worked for him.

  “You want to get out of here and indulge in more of them?”

  “Yes. Yes, please.”

  “Good. Me too.” Alex didn’t have the details down on where they might go to indulge in those kisses, but they would figure it out.

  Waving down the waitress, he mimed getting the check and pulled out his wallet. Hopefully this wouldn’t take too long and ruin the mood.

  “Do you think they’ll split the check?” Ryan asked.

  “They don’t need to. It’s my treat.”

  “Really? Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. You can catch the next one.” There—he’d put it out there. There would be a next one. He waited to hear if that was copacetic with Ryan.

  “I’d be happy to.”

  Alex beamed at Ryan. “Good.”

  Their waitress arrived at their table with the check and the machine, and he paid for their dinner, leaving her a decent tip. He pocketed his wallet, stealing a couple more bites of the mousse—as delicious as it was, it would be a shame to leave it behind.

  “Thank you for supper, Alex. Really.”

  “It was my pleasure, and I mean that.” He’d have asked, “Your place or mine?” but he couldn’t bring Ryan home as he was staying with his aunt, and he didn’t figure the guy with four kids at home would be inviting him over for some casual nookie.

  “So… where can we go?” Ryan asked, clearly on the same page.

  He grinned. “I was just wondering that myself. I don’t live alone, and I know you don’t either.” Not with kids. “We could rent a hotel room?” That wasn’t skeevy, was it? It probably was.

  “For an hour? Mel’s doing good, but I want to be home by eleven.”

  “So we rent the room and leave when we’re done.” He didn’t have any other ideas.

  “Works for me…. You know what? It doesn’t. I’m not the hour-in-a-hotel type. I’m just not.” Ryan looked so embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Alex. I do want to spend more time with you, have more kisses.”

  “No, I get it. It seems kind of skeevy to go to a hotel room like that. There don’t seem to be a lot of places for two guys like us to go for a little private time.”

  “No. Come take that walk in the park with me anyway? I really have enjoyed talking to you.”

  “Ditto, and I’d love to.” He stood, and they headed out into the night.

  Chapter Three

  “POPSY! CAN I have a cookie?” Rosie came in, carrying her baby doll in one arm and a teddy bea
r in the other.

  Ryan grinned at her, kissed her nose. “Do you need a cookie?”

  God, she was a happy little chicken.

  “Uh-huh. I’m starving.”

  “Then I guess you’d better have a cookie.” He gave her a homemade oatmeal raisin cookie.

  Mel came in with her schoolbag under one arm, giving him the eye.

  “Hey, girlie-girl. What’s up?”

  “You took the words right out of my mouth. I wasn’t the one who went on a date last night. Dish,” she demanded.

  “Pardon me?” He chuckled and grabbed her, hugged her tight for a second. “He was cute. Like, really. No one had warned him about you guys, though.” Which was probably why there’d actually been a date at all.

  She hugged him back. “Well, we weren’t on the date with you. But back to the important stuff. You liked him? Are you going to see him again?”

  “I liked him. He has my number.” Ryan thought maybe it had been a mistake not to agree to a hotel room, but… it hadn’t felt right. He always told Mel, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. It was good advice, and he’d followed it. And if Alex didn’t want to see him again because they hadn’t…. Well then, Alex wasn’t worth seeing.

  Instead of going to a hotel, they’d walked along the main strip to the downtown park, holding hands. It had been… like he was a teenager again. Well, except he hadn’t stuck to just holding hands as a teenager, now had he?

  “That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?” She sounded disappointed.

  “Haven’t you ever heard of don’t kiss and tell?”

  She gasped. “You kissed him?”

  Oh Lord, how had he gotten into this? “I don’t think that’s any of your business, Mel.”

  “You so totally kissed him.” She bounced, and he shook his head. Silly girl.

  “Who you kiss, Popsy?” Rosie asked, cookie crumbs on the side of her mouth and a few more on her lips.

  “You have cookie mouth!” He went for the distraction, more than ready to put the subject to bed.

  “Are you kissing daughters, Popsy?” Daffy asked as she came into the kitchen, her homework book in one hand, her pencil case in the other.

  Lord, all they needed now was for Daisy to come in and hear the word and want to know about it too.


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