Ruins of Fate

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Ruins of Fate Page 6

by Jamie A. Waters

  “A circle? Like their emblem?” Leo pointed out an area where the floor was depressed. Such a dip was usually an indication of weakness in the structural members. If they stepped there, it might cause the floor to collapse or worse. It was best to avoid those areas whenever possible.

  “Hell if I know,” she muttered, making sure to keep her steps following Leo’s exact path. “I thought their emblem was an ‘O’ for OmniLab, but Tyler said there was more to it. He called it an ‘ouroboros’ or something. It’s a snake biting its tail.”

  “That’s fitting,” Leo said, gesturing toward another place that looked weaker, indicating she should avoid it. “They’re all snakes as far as I’m concerned. Did he say anything else?”

  “Bits and pieces. Tyler wasn’t exactly forthcoming with information, and I wasn’t eager to jeopardize my paycheck by asking too many questions. I got the impression he was uneasy about saying too much—maybe even afraid.”

  Leo glanced back at her and frowned. “Afraid of what? Not being allowed back in the towers?”

  “I don’t think so,” Skye said quietly, somewhat surprised by Leo’s curiosity. He didn’t usually ask about her time with the trading camp, preferring to leave the past where it belonged. “I once overheard a commlink call he was having with someone back in the towers—his sister, I think. She was involved with someone important in the towers, and Tyler freaked out about it. He started yelling about a circle and that she was jeopardizing everything.”

  “The circle again?”

  “Yeah.” She ducked under a beam that had partially fallen. “He acted strange after that call. He started talking about staying on the surface and even bringing his sister to live here. He asked me a lot of questions about what life had been like growing up here.”

  Leo glanced back at her again. “No shit?”

  Skye shrugged. “He never said anything more after that night. I guess my description of life here was worse than whatever had him freaked about the towers. It was only a month later that he left to go back.”

  “Hmm,” Leo murmured and then fell silent, testing the floor in front of him. “We’re getting close. The next building is just up a little farther.”

  She glanced around him. A doorway was ahead of them, and the garage angled toward it. “How far did you go?”

  “Only far enough to take a quick look. I didn’t have an opportunity to explore. Besides, I knew you’d want to come down here.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Aw, Leo, I’m touched. You wanted to share all the good loot with me?”

  He chuckled, motioning for her to walk in front of him. “Yeah, well, let’s see what we find in here first. If this building is mostly intact, we should get a good haul.”

  She grinned and moved forward. A staircase went up into the next building. It was in better condition than the one they’d just left, which was promising. A few of the stairs were broken, but they should be able to climb up easily.

  “A high-risk area? Valuable artifacts just waiting for my little hands? You’re getting me all hot and bothered, Leo. I’m surprised you waited so long to bring me here.”

  Leo snorted and swatted her butt. “Move your ass, Skye. We’ve got work to do.”

  Pressing her hand against the wall, she tested it for soundness. When it didn’t give way or collapse, she started to climb. They’d probably work through the first level of the building and then move upward. If this was an apartment building, the most valuable items would probably be found in the individual living units. Unfortunately, the closer they got to the surface, the more likely the floors would have already been picked clean. Their best bet would be to check the lower levels first.

  Skye finished climbing the first flight of stairs, stepping carefully through to what appeared to be a common area for the building. Ancient furnishings, some crumbling with the passage of time, were all covered by a heavy blanket of dust. She walked over to what appeared to be an expansive desk and began trying to pry open the cabinets. Leo started poking around on the other side of the room, picking up different items and pocketing others.

  The cabinet creaked and groaned open, and the door hinges broke apart at the intrusion. She placed the cabinet door on the floor and began digging through the contents. It was mostly papers, and they started to crumble the moment she began rifling through them. She found a handful of old-fashioned coins, but they were novelties, nothing more.

  Whenever their scavenging camp needed items, they sometimes tried to barter or trade between other ruin rat camps. It was only with the OmniLab traders that they were extended lines of credit to purchase certain critical goods and supplies. Medicine, technical equipment, and some foodstuffs were hard to come by among the surface camps. In her experience, OmniLab always had the best toys.

  Skye scooped up the coins and dropped them into her pouch. During her time working in the trading camp, she’d learned quite a bit about the types of items OmniLab was most interested in acquiring. They didn’t care much for the precious metals or equipment the ruin rat camps prized. Instead, they were interested in trinkets or decorative items. Most of these things had cultural or historical significance, but they did little as far as helping anyone to survive.

  The lessons she’d learned in Tyler’s trading camp had come in handy. Skye had shared that knowledge with Leo, and they’d both found their scavenging hauls had become much more profitable. She’d also started schooling Veridian on the history of the area, bringing him old video files, books, or other items she discovered. If Veridian could learn more about what items might be interesting to the Omnis, it would only help him survive later. He’d proven to be an apt pupil, eager to study anything and everything related to pre-war cultures.

  Skye pulled open a drawer and it came apart in her hand. Ducking down, she reached into the crevice to unceremoniously scoop out the contents. A small chain fell out, tiny enough it would fit around her wrist. It must have been overlooked or fallen behind the drawer centuries earlier.

  “Find something?” Leo moved to stand beside her.

  “Looks like a bracelet,” she said, standing up to study it. It was mostly metal, but there was a small green stone in the center. “It’s nothing remarkable, but it’ll be worth at least a few hundred credits. Maybe more if it cleans up well. Those Omnis like their sparklies.”

  Leo nodded, scanning the room again. “I don’t think we’re going to find much in here. I’m starting to think these aren’t residences at all, but rather some sort of big commercial area. It’s all indoors. There’s an exit right over there. I looked, and there are some other places that probably have a ton of loot. There must be dozens of stores out there.”

  Skye dropped the bracelet into her bag and rubbed her injured hand. “If we can manage to find a few thousand credits’ worth of artifacts, it’ll take some of the pressure off. We can come back in a few days for a better haul.”

  “Your hand’s bothering you again, isn’t it?”

  She glanced over at Leo to find him frowning. He always worried too much. She offered him a smile. “It’s fine. Just a few twinges.”

  Leo walked over to her and captured her hand in his. He turned it over so her palm was facing upward, but it was too heavily bandaged to see anything.

  “A few twinges, my ass. I told you to tell me if it was getting worse. If it’s bothering you this much, chances are good an infection’s setting in. You tried to do too much with moving supplies around during that storm.”

  “Leo,” she began, starting to withdraw her hand but he held it tightly. “I’m going to be fine. It’s sore, but that’s to be expected.”

  “Dammit, Skye,” Leo muttered, his gaze hardening. “We’re not leaving here until we find something we can trade for another metabolic booster and a round of antibiotics. I’m not willing to risk anything happening to you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “If we earn enough for those supplies, they need to go to Niko. I’m not any more special than anyone in our cam
p, and this injury is nothing compared to what he’s going through. You need to stop treating me differently.”

  Leo took a step closer, his eyes flashing dangerously. “Fuck that. You are special… to me. I don’t give a shit about the rest of them.”

  “Liar,” she retorted, inclining her head in challenge. “You care about every single person in our camp. You’re the one always running interference with Daryl. You’re the one who sneaks Veridian extra portions of our rations, especially the sweets. You’re the one who adjusts people’s schedules if they’re not feeling well or have an injury. You cover for all of us, Leo. You protect all of us. And that’s exactly why you’re going to be the best camp leader we’ve ever seen—because you care.”

  Leo grabbed her and hauled her against him, lowering his head to take possession of her mouth. Unable to resist him or his unspoken demand, Skye wound her arms around his neck and softened her body against him. Desire, strong and heady, flowed through her, and she showed him with her kiss how much she wanted him. Down here, below the surface and away from the prying eyes of their camp, they could be free to embrace their true emotions.

  When she whimpered, wanting more, Leo suddenly broke the kiss. She panted, staring up at him in surprise. Barely restrained passion filled the space between them, but he didn’t kiss her again. Instead, Leo shook his head.

  “Don’t think you’re going to distract me, baby. As much as I want you, I need you healthy more.”

  Her insides melted at the look in his eyes and the depth of emotion she saw within them. “I probably shouldn’t enjoy trying to distract you so much, but I can’t seem to help myself where you’re concerned. You’re always so serious at camp. I like seeing the real you.”

  Leo swallowed. “Skye, baby—”

  She lifted her hands to cup his face. “This. Right here. This is who you are. Strong but compassionate. Determined but impassioned.” She trailed her fingertips along his jaw. “Don’t hide from me, Leo. You can wear a mask when we’re in camp, but never with me.”

  “I don’t know how you do it,” he murmured, his gaze softening as he searched her expression. “I’m not perfect, but I feel like I can accomplish anything with you by my side. You make me want to be a better man. I never believed someone like you could exist.”

  Skye swallowed, the intensity in his gaze making her heart soar. No one else had ever made her feel this way. It was humbling and empowering at the same time. “You’re better than you believe, Leo. I’ve always known who you are. I see it every day.” She placed her hand over his heart. “It’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with you.”

  “Skye, you shouldn’t—"

  She placed her fingertips against his lips to silence his objections. “We’re not in Daryl’s camp right now. I don’t care what he says about emotional entanglements. Not saying the words doesn’t make it any less true. I love you, Leo.”

  Leo rested his forehead against hers and tightened his hands on her hips. “You’re impossible to resist, Skye. I started falling for you the moment you stepped foot in Daryl’s camp. You’d lost everything, but you were so damn fierce and determined. You faced me and Daryl down, demanding we give you a place in the camp.”

  She laughed at the description. “It seemed to work well enough. But you were far more intimidating than Daryl.”

  His mouth curved upward. “But you don’t find me intimidating now.”

  “No,” Skye admitted with a small smile and placed her hand over Leo’s heart again. “I know what kind of man you are now. I admire you in so many ways.”

  His eyes softened. “You’ve become the most important thing in the world to me. These moments with you just aren’t enough. One day, when I’m camp leader, we’re going to stop hiding what’s between us.”

  “We’re free to be true to each other down here,” Skye whispered, needing to show him with more than words the depth of her emotion for him. She wanted to erase all his worries, even if it was just for a short time.

  “I need you, Skye,” Leo murmured, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her closer. He lowered his head again, claiming her mouth. She knew he was worried about her injury and would refuse to leave until they found something, but life was fleeting. Happiness needed to be grasped whenever they could find it, and with Leo, she’d found a piece of hers.

  He kissed her, but it was more than just a gentle pressure of his mouth against hers. His lips were soft, but there was a dangerous edge to his kiss, as though he was trying to restrain his passion. Skye wasn't about to allow it—not with her. She wanted every part of him, even the ones he kept hidden from the rest of the world.

  She ran her hands down his chest, and then slid them up and under his jacket to touch his heated skin. Nipping at his bottom lip, she said, “Don't hold back, Leo. Not with me.”

  “You don't know what you're asking,” he murmured, unzipping her jacket and pulling it off. “Fuck, Skye, you take me to the edge of all self-control. I want you in every way imaginable.”

  “Then take me,” she demanded, tossing her hair back and looking up at him with a challenge in her eyes. “Or I’ll take you.”

  Her words had their desired effect. Leo spun her around, his hands sliding underneath her shirt. He caressed her stomach, sliding his callused hands over her bare skin. She shivered at his touch, wanting more. He pushed her shirt upward and cupped her breasts. Skye gasped as he ran his thumbs over her sensitive nipples and leaned into his touch.

  “Please, Leo,” she managed, closing her eyes as his hands explored her body. It had been too long since he’d touched her like this, and she needed him like she needed her next breath. Almost agonizingly slow, he unhooked her UV pants and slid them downward, taking the opportunity to worship every inch of her body with his hands and mouth. Skye trembled at the delicious shivers that went through her as he slowly moved back upward.

  “I want to drive you as crazy as you make me,” he said, brushing her hair aside and kissing her neck.

  “You already do,” she whispered, feeling the press of his hardness against her ass. This slow seduction was exquisite torture. Determined to get him to stop teasing her, she started to turn back around, but he grabbed her hands and placed them against the column in front of her.

  “Hold on, baby,” he said, placing another kiss against her neck. “This is going to be fast and hard. I don't think I can hold back any longer.”

  She gripped the column, and he fisted her hair, pulling her tighter against him. With a gasp, she arched her back, feeling him slide inside her welcoming heat. He gripped her hip as he began to move, first slowly and then faster. As the momentum between them built, so did the sensations coursing through her body until she shattered into a thousand pieces. A moment later, Leo withdrew from her body and groaned his own release.

  Skye rested her head against the column, trying to catch her breath. Panting softly, she managed, “Wow. You should lose control more often.”

  Leo chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back against him, wishing these moments with him would last forever. He kissed her shoulder and murmured, “I love you, Skye Levanthe.”

  Her heart soared in response. Every time he said those words, it was a precious gift. Leo had never been one to offer pretty words unless he actually meant them. Skye turned around, searching his expression. The love that shone in his eyes was staggering and overwhelming.

  Reaching up to cup his face, she whispered, “I never thought I’d be thankful OmniLab made me leave their trading camp. But having you in my life is better than anything they could have ever offered. I don’t want to ever lose you, Leo.”

  “You won’t,” he promised and captured her hands in his. “And I don’t want to lose you either, which is why we’re going to heal your hand and help Niko. I’ll move heaven and earth to keep you with me, Skye. No matter the cost.”

  Leo bent down to pick up her jacket. She pulled it on and finished adjusting her clothing. Standing on her toes, she kis
sed him lightly on his lips.

  “I’d do the same for you. Now, come on. Let’s go find some shinies for the Omnis.”

  He chuckled and reached down to grab their bags. She smiled, wishing they could linger longer. Seeing Leo relaxed and happy didn’t happen often enough. Once the storm season passed, they’d have more time alone together. But until then, these moments between them needed to be treasured.

  She took her bag from him. “Do you want to try scavenging farther into the building?”

  “Yeah. The store next to this one looked promising.”

  Leo took a handful of steps toward the exit when Skye began to shake. Or rather, something did. She gasped as the ground started trembling beneath her feet. She slipped, falling to the hard floor. Dust and small pieces of debris began falling around them. A scream ripped out of her throat as she struggled to climb to her feet.

  Leo grabbed her, tucking her head into the crook of his arm. “Keep your head down!”

  She held on to him, unable to see anything, but she heard things falling around them. Deeper within the chasm, she heard the sickly sound of groans and then deafening booms as though buildings were collapsing. It seemed to go on for an eternity, and when the shaking finally stopped, she lifted her head.

  Her hands were still trembling as she ran them over Leo’s chest, searching for any injuries. His jacket was dusty and torn but that was all she could see. “Are you hurt?”

  “No,” he said, looking her over too. “Are you okay?”

  Skye nodded and glanced toward the exit Leo had mentioned. It looked stable for now, but the thought of heading deeper into the shopping mall made her uneasy. “Maybe that’s why people avoid this area. Could the ground be that unstable down here? I don’t think the shaking was because of that storm. We haven’t seen any flooding.”

  “I’m not sure,” Leo said, standing and helping her to her feet. “I’ve heard a few stories about people getting turned around or not being able to get through blocked passages. I’ve never heard any rumors about earthquakes though. I would never have brought you here.”


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