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Goldilocks Page 19

by Patria L. Dunn

  Through his father’s memories, Jake had witnessed several past council meetings, and knew every face by heart, but the anticipation of seeing them in the flesh for the first time had his heart racing almost as fast as Hannah’s. He felt her pressing into his thoughts, questioning his quiet demeanor, but she didn’t speak it, and he didn’t have to say it for her to know how monumental their next few moments would be.

  The connection of the council Kinds was flagrant as they approached the clearing that didn’t exist in daylight. Only the stars, as bright as the ones tonight, revealed the cocoon of ancient stones hidden beneath draping upon draping of Spanish moss that seemingly grew from nothing and nowhere.

  Jake’s chest tightened as his mental block was broken with little effort, his head now throbbing as it was invaded in a rush. His fingers slipped from Hannah’s, his body shielding hers as he took one step into the moonlight shining down on the six figures that stared his way.

  You come to us in human form?

  The beast of a mountain lion was the first to break the silence that had settled between all of their thoughts.

  You shouldn’t be here! Rone chastised his son openly, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he noticed what the others already had.

  He brought a human!

  “Not just any human,” Jake spoke out loud for Hannah’s benefit. “My human.”


  Hannah’s breath caught at Jake’s claim to her. Her mind was abuzz with what felt like a thousand feelers prodding and poking through her thoughts at such a rapid pace, she felt dizzy.


  Rone’s command was quiet, but with authority, his head nodding slowly for Jake to approach.

  “Her name is Hannah,” Jake introduced, stepping aside for the others to take her in.

  Hannah’s neck stiffened to keep her head from dropping in embarrassment, her eyes widening as she took in the six beasts that were each equally comparable to Rone’s size. Mountain Lion, Eagle, Wolverine, Bison, Ape, and Bear…

  She is why we’re here, Rone sighed heavily. Creed’s banishment is no longer secure for the way this world has evolved. None of us can kill him without sacrificing our own lives. An honor that I would have gladly taken in just a few short months…

  Hannah’s arm caught Jake’s as he jerked forward in surprise at his father’s revelation.

  They would kill you before you even got close!

  He’s had thousands of years to strengthen!

  Even broken and bound, his Kinds, once unleashed…

  It’s not a war we could win…

  The girl is full bear kind. Jennings spoke last, his wings lifting him so that he settled in the middle of the circle. She is the only one that can kill Creed and live. The odds of us ever having another chance like this is impossible. Human, with a full unbroken blood lineage…

  She’s weak!

  Too weak!

  They’d rip her to shreds!

  Is this a joke?

  Silence! Rone’s roar was audible, the wind catching it and hurling it back at them with force. This war has been a long time coming, and whether we are ready for it or not, she will fight without us. We are the council sworn to protect this breed that we created, this mess that could have been avoided. They are our masters now, and without them, without her, we cannot win.

  With her, we will surely fail.

  She doesn’t have to be weak, Jennings stopped Rone before he could speak again. Though human, she is full bear kind, which means…

  Which means nothing. You do not suggest what we all swore to never do again? The wolverine snarled, beady eyes fixing on Hannah. Bringing it forward could kill her.

  She’s dead if we don’t, Rone’s eyes moved to Hannah, admiring the girl’s determination despite the fear that obviously trembled through her. She plans to reveal us, and Creed, in an effort to save the other humans that live here.

  So that’s what this is about, the wolverine snarled again, this time in Hannah’s direction, his sharp fangs barred for only a moment before he shrank back suddenly.

  Hannah’s skin grew hot as she glanced towards Jake and then gasped. He’d changed without a sound, his jowls set firm as he took a defensive stand in front of her. She could hear everything the counsel was saying, but she was quickly becoming lost in the conclusions they were coming to.

  She’s not becoming one of us, Jake spoke quietly, his eyes still holding the wolverine in its place.

  A few puny human lives, for ours?! Rone surely you have taught your son better than to talk…

  Careful Yoshur, Rone warned, a low growl in his throat as he crossed to stand in front of his son.

  Hannah’s breath held as Jake shook his head. She could feel him trying to block her out but there were too many holes. With the others pressing to listen in, it was coming to her like a far off echo, but there was no mistaking what needed to happen.

  You said it wasn’t possible!

  Isn’t this what you want?

  It’s not about what I want! Of course I want to be with her, but if you change her you can’t change her back right?

  No we can’t, but…

  Then there is nothing to think about. She will fight as a human. I will train her.

  Even with the best training she would die son, you know this.

  I’m not going to let it happen. Forever is a long time. She would resent me. She..

  “Can hear you,” Hannah’s voice cracked as she interrupted the argument between father and son, her heart skipping a beat when Jake’s next growl was directed at her.

  “You don’t scare me, and neither does Creed and his pack,” Hannah ignored Jake and addressed the council. “I’d rather become one of you, than lose my father. He is more than a puny human. He is all that I have, so yes, I would even sacrifice myself to protect that Yoshur,” she addressed the Wolverine purposely, her shoulders squaring when his head cocked to one side as if to challenge her.

  Hannah, you don’t know what you are saying. Having that ability to change, living with this secret…it’s not how you should have to live. There’s more to it… Jake took a step away as she tried to reach for him.

  You’d be bound to him forever, Rone explained. It’s the only way we could give you the ability to fight as one of us. Your blood is full bear, yes, but shifting is something only the original council and their direct kind possess. It would mean…

  “Marriage?” Hannah’s face grew hot at how awkward the word felt on her tongue.

  Yes, Rone confirmed, watching her closely now. It’s why we couldn’t ask this of your father. Jake is the only one of us not bound to another.

  Her thoughts were spiraling out of control before she could contain them, her heart slamming in her chest at the sudden block Jake forced into her head. It almost crumpled her, her legs growing weak at the throbbing headache it caused.

  Silly girl, Yoshur shook his head, and laughed inwardly at the fantasy filled glimpses he’d seen of her ‘white dress’ dreams dissolving into bleakness.

  “That’s not what I meant,” Hannah defended, meeting Jake’s solemn stare with one of her own. “I want this. I want to be…” with you “one of you,” she managed, embarrassed that the council could probably see every feeling she’d already developed for Jake.

  Hannah you’re seventeen…

  “As are you,”

  I was born this way. What happens after you save the world and your very mortal father? You would be stuck with me.

  “Don’t say it like that, I…”

  You what?!

  Enough! Rone ordered and Hannah jumped back as he rose to his full height.

  There is much to be discussed, and this isn’t a decision to be made lightly. The council will be here for several more moons. You’re free from patrol tonight son. Take her home.


  Let’s go, Jake stopped her with a gruff shove against her side, already leading the way back into the dark forest.

  It was Rone�
��s eye that she caught as she turned slowly to follow, his soft warning echoing in her thoughts long after the shadows had claimed her once again.

  Forever is a long time Hannah, think about it.

  Chapter 26:

  “Will you please wait, I can barely keep up,” Hannah snapped just as she caught herself from falling a second time, a sharp pain shooting though her ankle as she jerked her foot free from a tangle of vines.

  They’d been on a steady downhill trot for almost five minutes without a word or thought between them. Jake had thrown up a block so strong that she hadn’t even been able to probe at the outer reaches of his mind. He was angry, but that was all she knew.

  “Just talk to me!” Hannah nearly shouted as she caught up with him, her hands thrown up in exasperation when he tossed a brief look back at her before continuing on without a word. “If that’s how you’re going to act then fine. I’m going this way!” she did shout this time, spinning on her heel to climb back up the way they’d just come.


  “Don’t talk to me now!” she snapped, her legs extending so that she put an even greater distance between the two of them.

  Hannah don’t be stupid! You can’t be in the woods at night by yourself!

  “I shouldn’t be in the woods at all, but I am!”

  You know what I mean. Hannah stop! Jake’s voice was irritated, his roar audible as he turned to chase her back up the incline.

  Hannah climbed faster, her direction blind in the dark as she let her feet lead the way. She was almost at a jog when she felt Jake’s breath hot on her back, the surprise of his nearness causing her to stumble off the path. Her hands scraped against bark as she reached wildly for anything that would break her fall, her body suddenly secure in a cocoon of soft fur that held her steady despite the sideways tumble they now took together. His heartbeat thumped like an angry drum against her cheek, her face pressed into his chest as they slammed to a stop, her on top of him.

  “You can let go now,” Hannah’s voice trembled as she pushed herself up on shaky arms.

  Did you hurt anything? Jake’s tone was sincere, his muzzle inhaling her scent as he pressed into her neck, holding her tighter.

  “Like you’d care,” Hannah muttered, pushing harder against the furry arms that trapped her in a vice like grip. “Maybe what you really meant to say back there was that you don’t want to be stuck me!”.

  Yeah, because there are so many other options out there! Jake snapped, releasing her so suddenly that she rolled to the ground with a thud.

  “Oh, so that’s it. I’m the only option. I see how it is,” Hannah couldn’t stop her voice from quivering now, tears stinging her eyes as she remembered the last kiss they’d shared.

  Hannah! Please! Jake rolled to his feet so that they were face to face. Do you really believe that?! Even if there were a million other girls out there with pure bear kind blood, you’re the only one that I’d ever want or choose. I’m falling in love with you, can’t you see that!?

  Hannah froze at his words, her eyes jerking up so that she caught his in the dim moonlight. The block was gone, and her heart constricted as Jake shared his feelings for her in all their nakedness. He would die for her. He planned on it.

  “I’m falling in love with you too,” she whispered, her fingers trembling as she buried them in the thick fur around his neck. “So why don’t you want me to…”

  We’d be bound forever. I’ve hated this life for as long as I can remember. I don’t want that for you, no matter how much it would hurt to lose you. I’d rather see you go, than see you stuck like this.

  “But I wouldn’t be stuck. You live as a human most of the time…”

  But I also hide. Is that what you want?

  “Then we wouldn’t hide,” Hannah shook her head in determination. “These people aren’t grateful for your protection because they don’t know that you’re protecting them. Once they knew…”

  One battle at a time, Jake warned, nudging his head against her shoulder playfully.

  “Well, I can’t go home,” Hannah sighed, her head turning to find the lights from the cabin just below them. “That’s one battle that can definitely be avoided.”

  Meaning? Jake questioned, his brow lifting in concern at her hesitation.

  “I told my father that I was spending the night with Beth tonight,” Hannah explained. “It was the only way he was going to let me out this late.”

  Then I’d better keep you safe, Jake laughed, turning to offer her his back. How about a ride? I’d like to show you something.

  Even with him almost on his belly, she had to jump to pull herself up.

  Not exactly how you’d imagined your first piggy back ride from a guy huh? Jake smiled to himself when she gave his head a playful push.

  “Stop reading my thoughts!” Hannah giggled, grabbing a handful of fur as she let each leg dangle against his sides. “I don’t know if I trust this. I might fall off!”

  Just hold on, Jake laughed as he started back toward the path.

  “No running!” Hannah squealed, but it was already too late.

  Her eyes squeezed tight against the blurred shadows of the trees as they whizzed past, her body leaning so that she lay almost flush between the ridges of his shoulder blades. The connection between them had never been stronger, and she reveled in it, this new memory created together and shared. She never thought the ache in her chest would go away, but with him she barely felt it. She wasn’t just falling in love with him. She loved him.


  Hannah shivered as they crossed the summit of the Northern pass and continued to climb higher. It seemed like only days ago Jake had saved her from the wolf that had been hell bent on tearing her apart. She hadn’t been this high up during her daily runs since that day, and was now wary that they were exposed and out of the semi safe covering of the forest.

  Don’t worry, Jake assured her, reading her thoughts before she could speak them. I’d smell them coming from a mile away at least. We’re safe up here.

  “I wasn’t worried,” Hannah fibbed, clinging tighter to him as the terrain became even steeper.

  I come up here to get away from it all. Let my thoughts be free if you know what I mean, Jake explained, pointing his nose towards the highest point of the ridge he now walked along.

  “It’s beautiful,” Hannah breathed into his fur, letting her eyes wander over the millions of tiny stars twinkling overhead.

  Back home the living room window had been her place to lose herself in her thoughts, her tear filled eyes focused on these very same stars as she spent long nights there, curled up talking to her mother. Up here, there was no glass separating her from what her mother had once told her were angels, way up high in the sky, watching over the ones that they loved. She could feel her now, her presence in the cool breeze that blew the loose strands from her face and brought tears to her eyes.

  We’re here…

  Jake’s voice was barely a whisper in the memories that now filled her head, Hannah’s breath catching as her eyes fell on the sea of stars that now twinkled just below where they stood.


  The Glass Lake, Jake supplied, nodding to the edges of the ravine they looked down into. The shadows allow for a perfect mirror image at night, and at noon during the day.

  “Thank you for bringing me to her,” Hannah whispered, her legs slightly numb as she slid to the ground on her own two feet again. “I know it sounds crazy, but I feel…”

  You don’t have to explain; I see her in your dreams, Jake followed Hannah’s gaze, tears filling his own eyes at the memory she shared of her and her mother doing this very same thing.

  It was a gift he’d planned to give her on her birthday, but tonight couldn’t have been more perfect. No words were needed between them as they sat and stared together, their thoughts intertwining, her body resting against his for warmth. He wasn’t just falling in love with her. He loved her.

  Chapter 27:
br />   “Why gold?” Hannah broke the silence that had stretched between them for over an hour, her fingers slipping into her back pocket to retrieve the golden claws Jake had made for her. “It’s a soft metal, hardly as deadly as steel or even iron.”

  If you’re worried about killing Creed, don’t. In your world gold is weak, good for nothing but wealth and riches. In ours, gold to a pure Kind is like kryptonite was to Superman, Jake smiled inwardly. It could kill me, just like it will kill Creed. One plunge straight through his chest and…

  “And I’ll be able to get that close?” Hannah shivered as she let her eyes meet Jake’s. “I’m not scared; I’m just worried that I’ll fail. What if…”

  Together, we won’t fail, Jake said firmly. Besides… You have the best teacher money can buy! He swiped playfully at her face, lifting on his hind legs when she ducked and rolled away from him taking on the crouching stance he’d showed her earlier that day.

  Good, but you’re watching my face when you should be watching my body. Which way will I move next!? Jake lunged before the words were fully out, knocking her over and pinning her back against the ground with less than half his weight.

  “I didn’t know this was a fight, but have it your way!” Hannah gritted out through clenched teeth, her breath quickening as she willed the gold into a solid block before slamming her closed fist into his side.

  It wasn’t a hard hit, but it was enough to shift his weight and allow her to roll from underneath of him.

  Careful Goldilocks, you might actually stab me, Jake laughed as she charged him almost immediately, her full weight slamming into him as she delivered another punch straight to his gut.

  He felt that blow, and doubled over from the force of it, his footing lost in the loose rock as he scrambled to right himself.

  “Gotcha!” Hannah gloated as he fell with a thud, her triumph cut short when her legs were suddenly smacked from under her.


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