by Roy J. Snell
As a rule, Johnny was a heavy sleeper. All the strange doings of the pastfew days must have gotten on his nerves, for next morning, more than anhour before dawn, he found himself lying in bed wide awake, thinking.
The ceiling of his room, he noticed, had dropped again during the night.This neither surprised nor disturbed him. In fact, in this strange househad the attraction of gravity been reversed and had he found his bedresting on the ceiling instead of the floor, he would not have beengreatly surprised.
He was, however, curious about many things. This room that had a way ofgrowing small, with its strange light where there were no lamps,intrigued him.
The matter of the locked door of the previous day had been solved. Felixhad been experimenting with a new type of time lock and had forgotten tothrow the electrical switch that controlled it.
"But that living picture on the wall!" Johnny thought to himself. "How isone to explain that?
"And the whisper? Where does that come from? It can't be a broadcast, andhe can't be close at hand." Drew had told him the evening before thatGrace Krowl had said she had heard the Whisperer in her room more than amile away.
"The message was not the same," he told himself. "Not nearly the same.She did not get my message. I did not get hers. He is a very particularperson, this Whisperer."
His thoughts went back to that day he bought the express package that hadcome so near causing his death.
"And I had those bonds!" he groaned aloud. How was this affair to end?Would Drew Lane and his band come up with these outlaws? Would there be abattle? Would he, Johnny Thompson, be in at the finish? He devoutly hopedso. He thought again of Madame LeClare and her fine children who had losta father. He saw the dark, smiling eyes of Alice. "As long as God givesus breath!" he repeated. It was a pledge and a prayer.
His thoughts had returned to the mysterious Whisperer when he was given asudden start by the loud jangle of a bell.
He sprang out of bed. The bell appeared to be in the room. "Like an alarmclock," he told himself. "But there is no clock."
He looked at the reflector on the wall. The moonlight was falling uponit--or was that some other form of light? He could not tell. The soundseemed to come from there.
He began pacing the room. The bell still jangled. But of a sudden hehalted in amazement. As he crossed before the reflector the sound hadceased for the space of a second, then began again. He tried it again andgot the same result.
"That's strange!" he told himself.
Just then the jangling ceased and in its stead came the familiar voice ofthe Whisperer:
"Johnny! Johnny Thompson! Are you there? Are you awake?"
"The Whisperer?" Johnny breathed.
"Johnny," the message went on, "I have an important message for yourfriends. Phone them at once. The men they want are at 1046 Blair Street.They are in a small, yellow sedan. They are in a garage, having their carrepaired. Hurry!"
Johnny did hurry. He called the shack and had Drew on the wire at once.
"Yes," Drew said, "Tom is here with me, and so are the Captain andSpider. Thanks for the tip, Johnny. We are on our way at once."
"Well, that's that!" Johnny sighed. He knew, though he regretted ittremendously, that he could not hope to join them in this adventure.
"Stay here and wait for any further message," he told himself. "Wonder ifDrew and the rest will really come up to Iggy and his gang? If they do,man! oh, man!" He could just hear the guns popping.
There was, however, no such luck, at least for the moment. As the happy,fighting four, Drew and his band, neared the garage at 1046 Blair Street,they saw a low, yellow sedan pop out of the garage door and go speedingnorth.
"That's sure to be them. After them! Give her the gas!" the Captainshouted.
Drew sent the Captain's powerful car speeding after.
The yellow car shot straight north for a mile. Then it whirled round acorner on two wheels.
When Drew and his band rounded that corner there was no car insight--only a huge, lumbering moving-van two blocks to the east.
"Street ends two blocks west," the Captain snapped. "Must have gone east.Drive slow and watch the north and south streets."
This they did. They were still going slow as they passed the van. Spider,who had been sitting in the back seat with Tom Howe, was startled amoment later to find that Tom was no longer with him. He was not in thecar. He was gone.
* * * * * * * *
In the meantime, Johnny Thompson was in the midst of a strange discovery.Ten minutes after the first message had been delivered, the bell beganits jangle once more.
"Hello!" Johnny exclaimed. "Big Ben again!"
Springing to his feet, he began walking back and forth before the roundreflector. As on the other occasion, the bell ceased jangling as hepassed.
A series of rapid experiments with a hat held in his hand showed him hecould shut off the bell by holding the hat in certain positions. Thesepositions, he found, must be higher and higher as he receded from thereflector toward the window.
"One thing I know," he assured himself. "That sound is produced by someforce outside my window. And the person who produces it must be very highup.
"In fact--" He caught his breath as he looked out of the window and awayto the east. "There is but one place it could come from. That is the topof the six hundred foot tower of the Sky Ride on those deserted Centuryof Progress grounds. The Whisperer--"
He broke off short to listen with all his ears. The ringing of that bellceased, the whispered message was beginning.
* * * * * * * *
What had happened to the slender young detective, Tom Howe? Somethingrather strange, I assure you.
Having slipped from the slowly moving police car, he had mounted therunning board of the vast lumbering van. From this point he slid to aposition beside the driver. As he did this he prodded the driver in theribs with an automatic and whispered, "You will drive as I say and whereI say, or you are a dead man!"
The driver never took his eye from the road. He drove straight on.
* * * * * * * *
The message Johnny Thompson received after the second ringing of the bellwas but a repetition of the first, so his mind was soon put to rest. Hewas left with plenty to wonder about, for all that.
But dawn was now breaking. Like departing fairies, the Whisperer hadother business that must be attended to. He was heard next in GraceKrowl's little parlor on Maxwell Street.
"Christmas Eve will be here in three more days," he was saying. "OnChristmas Eve everyone is in a mellow mood. That is the time forconfiding secrets. On that evening, my friend Grace, you are to inviteNida McFay to your room, seat her beside your table and induce her totell her story. I shall be looking in upon you from my high tower a mileaway."
"High tower, a mile away!" she thought. "How can one see that far? Andthe shade is always half drawn. It is impossible!" And yet, the Whispererhad more than once convinced her that he did see her face.
"But Christmas Eve!" she exclaimed indignantly. "How can one ask anotherto bare her life's secrets at such a time?"
It was a sober-faced Grace Krowl who seated herself before the table fora few moments of quiet thought. In the days just past she had tried outher plan of writing to people whose stories she had found in lost trunks.She had offered to return all their little treasures without cost. Theresults had been disappointing and disheartening. Their attitude she hadfound difficult to understand. In their letters they seemed to say, "Youhave all the things in my trunk. You have a right to none of them." Shehad returned the pictures and letters from six trunks. She had paid theexpress charges out of her own meager funds. Not one of them all had madean effort to repay these charges.
"Not one returned to thank me." She stared at the wall. "Can it be thatuncle is right? That I am merely letting myself get
She thought of the priceless Bible tucked away at the bottom of thelittle horsehair trunk. Is it strange that a half-formed hope shouldenter her mind, the hope that no one would appear to claim that treasure,and that she might have it for her very own?
"A fortune! Thousands of dollars!" she whispered. "And yet--"
* * * * * * * *
When Tom Howe mounted to the seat of that lumbering van he took one lookthrough a narrow slit of a window behind the driver. The inside of thevan at that time was completely dark.
After riding with the driver for fully two miles and directing his courseall this time, Tom cast another sidewise look through that window. Hislips parted in an unuttered exclamation. The back of the van was nowopen, the gate was down, and back two blocks, just turning the corner,was a low, yellow sedan.
His face was a mask as he turned his attention once more to the streetthat lay ahead. Two blocks before them a red crossing light gleamed. Asthe van paused for this light, he sprang from the seat and was away likea shot.
"Well! What became of you?" the Captain roared as a half hour later heentered the shack.
"You lost their trail?" Tom grinned.
"I'll say we did!"
"So did I," Tom said quietly. "In the end I did. But I stayed with themlonger than you did."
"You stayed?" Drew exploded.
"Sure I did. You remember that van on the street? They were in there, carand all! Pulled a swift one on us. Driver lowered the back gate and theydrove up and in. Then he lifted the gate.
"I had 'em trapped like rats, I thought. I'd have made the driver takethat van right into our squad-car garage. And then, would there have beenfun!"
"But what happened?" Drew was staring now.
"Near as I can find out, the driver released the gate with some footcontrol. Iggy and his gang took the hint and backed right out while wewere going. I saw them shoot round a corner. The trap was sprung, no ratin it--so I came home.
"How about a cup of coffee?" He moved toward the stove in the corner.
"Well that," Drew said slowly, "is something!"
"There'll be another day," the Captain grumbled.