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Claiming the White Bear: White Bear Series, Book 2

Page 21

by Terry Spear

  "Thank you for loving me still."

  "That was a given." And then he sighed, ran his hands over her breasts, and knew it wouldn't be long before he was making love to her again.

  AFTER A WILD NIGHT OF IT, either she or he started it, the next day, Robyn and Edward went to the tavern and while he helped served meals until early closing, Robyn took videos of the fun Christmas Eve activities to show off for next year while the boys continued to play video games in the game room. She was glad that while she and Edward had been away, their uncles had taken them polar bear fishing!

  Then she got a surprise call from Callahan's brother Richard. "I received the notarized birth certificates and the DNA verification that shows Edward is the boys' father. Thanks for sending them. We know you weren't able to take many of your belongings with you in the pickup. You're free to come home and move them. My brothers and I will help you. Just let us know when and we'll make it a priority to help you pack.”

  She was still having a difficult time believing they would let her return and not hassle her. Or even more, that they would help her. "When did you start tracking the truck?" She'd wondered about that ever since she learned a tracker had been on the truck.

  "It was Dad's idea. You were taking so many trips with the boys, they were worried you were going to leave town for good. My brothers and I understand why now, but we didn't at the time. Anyway, I was supposed to monitor it, but I was busy with my job, and I had a hot date the night before you left. I slept in late, and I missed that you'd traveled so far away. Then it took me time to let Mom and Dad know it looked like you ran. And then I had to get my brothers all on the same page.

  "I want you to know we did what we did because we believed our parents really were the boys' grandparents. We were pissed off at them for knowing the truth and possibly sending us into a situation where Edward's sleuth could have killed us, all for a lie. He and his people had every right to protect you and your sons. By way of an apology, we'll do anything we can to help you pack up and leave. You have our word."

  "Thank you, Richard."

  "You were always good to us. Callahan loved you. He would have wanted us to look out for you, and he would have been furious with us if he'd known how we had terrorized you and the boys the way we did."

  "His dying words were that he wanted me to see Edward and tell him the truth about his sons. I didn't know if Edward and I could even get together again, or whether or not he was mated. But I had to tell him about his sons and he had the right to help raise them."

  "Callahan was right. I'm glad the boys are with you and their father. It's as it should be. You've got my number. When you get into town, just let us know."


  They ended the call and she was torn about returning to Yellowknife. She never wanted to go back there because of her hostile in-laws.

  "Is everything all right?" Edward asked, drawing her into his arms to comfort her.

  She loved him for always being so concerned about her feelings. "Yes. Richard received the paperwork you had sent to him and thanked us."

  "And the tracking device?"

  She explained when they had put it on and that Richard had failed to monitor it because of work and social commitments.

  "I'm surprised your in-laws hadn't been the ones to monitor it. They're no longer working, correct?"

  She nodded.

  "And they had all the reason in the world to keep track of you."

  "I agree. But they're very controlling. I can see them making their sons do their dirty work for them."

  "Did you want to return to Yellowknife and pack up your household?"

  "Yeah. I do. We left in such a hurry and just didn't have the room to take as much as we would have liked to. Like our skis and kids' books and clothes I planned to replace."

  "Okay, we'll fly there, hire a truck to pack it up and haul it here. We're not making that long drive out and back. And, I'll make sure we have some muscle when we go."

  She prayed they didn't run into any trouble.

  CHRISTMAS EVE, Robyn, Edward, and the boys drove over to Edward's cousins' house for dinner. Robyn admired the brothers for making most of the prime rib dinner, though she and the boys prepared brownies for dessert, Alicia made punch, and Genevieve threw together a green bean casserole.

  The roast had all the trimmings: potatoes, carrots, and gravy. Robyn figured the guys would make great husbands when they found the right ladies for them.

  When they got home that evening, they found a beautiful sign attached to the front door. Two polar bears and their cubs were featured on the sign and each of their names were engraved. A note was attached. “Oh, how lovely,” Robyn said, taking the card off the sign. “It’s the wedding gift from Josh and Jeremy.”

  “Hey, that’s me,” Garrett said.

  Bryan laughed and pointed to his name. “And that’s me!”

  They headed inside to read bedside stories to the boys so they could go to sleep. Edward took a couple of turns too.

  They wanted more stories read after that, but Robyn said, “Christmas is tomorrow. We have to go to bed so we can get up to open presents at your grandparents' home in the morning.”

  That was the end of bedtime stories and the boys eagerly agreed to go to sleep.

  “Now it’s time for our own Christmas Eve celebration," Edward said, after they slipped into bed for some loving before Ned played Santa Claus through the town.

  Edward had set the alarm and when it was time, he and Robyn bundled up to take pictures of Granddad Ned dressed as Santa Claus, calling out "ho-ho-ho!" as he rode by the house in a horse-drawn sleigh. Everyone loved it and was out watching the "show" as "Santa" drove past the tavern and shops in White Bear.

  Edward was glad his uncle got to finally play Santa for his own grandchildren, though the boys were sound asleep.


  Early the next morning, Edward and Robyn and the boys went over to his aunt and uncle's home to have Christmas. The boys were so excited to see all the gifts sitting around the Christmas tree. The boys looked like they were ready to dive into the gifts, but Alicia, Rob, and their babies arrived, and Alicia had to take the family pictures first.

  All Edward's cousins were there too: Andy, Craig, and Ben. Some years, Andy and Craig had to work and they delayed Christmas for them, but today was perfect with the whole family here and sharing in the fun.

  ROBYN COULDN'T BELIEVE how different it was for her and the boys living with Edward now and with his family. They'd all had a ball opening Christmas presents, and she was thrilled that everyone had loved the gifts she'd gotten for them. It was the best Christmas ever.

  They were getting ready to eat Christmas dinner while Ned was carving the turkey and the boys were setting the silverware on the table. Grandma Genevieve was making sure the boys helped and they were eager to. Christmas music was playing in the background, Alicia and Rob's babies were sleeping, and Alicia was taking all the family photos, though Robyn was taking family videos also.

  The boys had made Christmas cookies with Grandma the day before and had been eager to show them off to Robyn and Edward. She was so proud of them and glad their grandmother was such a good influence on them. Robyn set the bowl of potatoes and the pitcher of gravy on the table when she got a call. She pulled out her phone and thought it might be from one of her brothers wishing her a Merry Christmas. She was surprised to see the call was from her dad.

  Maybe he was going to thank her for helping to save her brothers' lives. She wasn't holding her breath though.

  "I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier, but we've spent the last couple of days visiting Karl at the hospital."

  She had just assumed he would get checked out and then would be sent home. "Is he going to be all right?" She imagined the others would have had x-rays and their broken bones casted, well, except for Maverick, and then gone home.

  "Yes, he's being released tomorrow. He's pretty pissed off that your mother wanted them to chase you down and
then you ended up having to rescue them. I didn't know about it. I was working on downed power lines. Your mom didn't tell me where your brothers had gone. Though they're grown men, so it isn't like I keep track of them all the time. I would have straightened your mom out and told the boys not to go after you. You'd made your choice and we all will live with it. I was furious with her over the whole damn matter." Her father took a breath.

  "You never objected…forget it." She knew her mother wore the pants in the family. Her dad would raise an objection, but once he was overridden, he would just give up. He never set her mother straight. She suspected after her brothers were all injured, her dad had finally had the gumption to tell her mother off. Or not. He was a wimp when it came to her mother. Not so with the boys though. "Forget it. It's Christmas Day and I don't want to get into this with you."

  "I didn't mean to dredge up the past. All I'm trying to say is I didn't send your brothers or that ass of an ex-boyfriend of yours after you. I want to see you and my grandsons if you'll allow me to. I have to warn you that your brothers want to come too. Not Maverick. He's out of the picture."

  "And Mom?" She suspected her mother wasn't interested in coming. They'd been so close at one time, the only daughter in the family, and her dad had doted on her for the same reason. Then she dated Edward, and everything was a mess after that.

  Edward came over to her and wrapped his arms around her in a supportive manner. She so loved him for being aware she was talking to her family and might need his comfort. The boys were watching her, but Ned quickly took over and had the boys take glasses of water to the table for everyone.

  "I suspect she'll come around. Your brothers could do nothing but praise you for all you did for them. We have you to thank for saving their lives. All the shifters in Anchorage know what you and Edward and your friend did. You're welcome to visit the city any time you like. And if you do, let me know and we'll get together. The boys said the same. Just be careful about running in your polar bear coats in Denali."

  She knew he was trying for lighthearted humor, but she was still upset with her mother. "But Mom won't see us."

  "She'll be the only one then and it's her loss. Do we have a deal?"

  "Can you come here for New Year's Eve?"

  "Hell, yeah. We'll see you for New Year's Eve then."

  They ended the call and she and Edward kissed. "I take it was good news," Edward said.

  "Dad said he didn't send my brothers after us. My mom did. If he'd known, he would have tried to convince my brothers not to go after us."

  "Do you believe him?"

  "Yeah. Mom has always decided things in the family. Dad just worked all the time and let her rule the household the way she saw fit. At least everyone in Anchorage knows the story. And we're welcome to visit. Which is good. I'd like to take the boys there sometime to see the city and I might even get some marketing contracts if I've run out of work to do here."

  "Okay, good. How is Karl doing?"

  "He's still at the hospital, but they're releasing him tomorrow. Which will mean the whole family won't be celebrating Christmas until tomorrow. And my brothers are pretty banged up still, a good reminder not to listen to my mother when she's a terror and wanting them to do something they probably know in their hearts was wrong."

  "I'm glad to hear he's doing okay then. And I agree about karma biting them all in the butt." Edward smiled.

  "My dad and brothers want to come here for New Year's Eve."

  "We'll be at the tavern for a special New Year's celebration, which means we'll be ringing in the new year there. We'll work out something on the living arrangements, so they can stay through New Year's Day, if they would like."

  "Okay." She was glad things had turned around for her with the rest of her family. "Mom probably won't come." She didn't want to presume she might.

  "That's okay. We'll have fun and if she comes, fine. If not, she can stew about it at home."

  A WEEK LATER, Robyn was anxious about seeing her dad and her brothers at the New Year’s Eve party. The boys were excited about getting to play in the playroom at the tavern. Tamara was watching them and the babies in there so Alicia would be close by and could nurse them or help with diaper changes. Not that Alicia and Tamara wouldn’t have a whole lot of other help. Everyone adored the babies. Tamara had said she didn’t have a date and she was happy to watch them so Rob and Alicia, and Edward and Robyn could enjoy the party.

  Robyn and Edward arrived early to help decorate the tavern for New Year’s. The MacMathan’s had closed the tavern from seven to eight that night in preparation for the party that would go on until after midnight.

  The boys were even helping by setting napkins on the tables. And then everyone started arriving as the music began to play and drinks and food were set up on the buffet.

  The dancing began and the boys went into the playroom to play. Edward pulled Robyn into his arms and began dancing to the music. She loved how he always seemed to know how she was feeling and took care of her. The door opened and the snow leopard brothers came in, cheering everyone.

  But Edward wasn’t letting Robyn go and they kept dancing.

  “I couldn’t love you anymore than I do, Robyn. You and the boys are the best thing that could ever have happened in my life. My new year couldn’t be any better.”

  “I love you, Edward. I still feel I had to protect you six years ago and couldn’t have stayed with you, but I’m so thrilled we’re together again. You and the boys are the loves of my life.”

  “We’ve ended the year perfectly and there couldn’t be any better way to begin the new year.”

  The door opened and he glanced at the doors. “Looks like your family is here.”

  Robyn turned, expecting her brothers and her dad, but her mom was with them too.

  “Your mom,” Edward whispered to her.

  “Yes, shocker.” She hesitated to go to them, then took Edward’s hand and squeezed. “Ready to meet my mother and father?”

  “It’s too late to ask them permission to marry you.”

  Robyn chuckled. “I never needed their permission. My brothers sure look like they’ve been in a train wreck.” It hurt her to see them like that, even though they had been on a mission to cause her and Edward trouble.

  When they reached her family, her mother gave her a hug first, their eyes misty with tears. "I'm so sorry," her mom said. "We've been so foolish about all this. I…I don't know how to say how sorry I am. Will you forgive me?"

  Robyn sniffled. "Mom, we were always close. I just wanted it to be the same way between us again."

  "It will be. I promise."

  Then her dad hugged Robyn warmly. "Glad this business is over. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most."

  She knew things would be so much better with her family now and she was so glad.

  Her dad shook Edward’s hand. “Welcome to the family,” her dad said.

  "And you, sir," Edward said, shaking his hand back. Edward turned to Karl. “How are you doing?”

  “Good. Thanks for asking. And thanks for rescuing me. I don’t remember a lot of what happened.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Avery said, walking on crutches.

  Larson was still wearing a short cast on his broken wrist. “Thanks again for all your help.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Edward said.

  “Can we…can we see the boys?” Robyn’s mother asked.

  “Right this way.” Robyn and Edward led her family into the playroom. She never thought she would be showing her kids off to her family. “Mom, Dad, these are Edward and my boys—Garrett and Bryan. Boys, these are your grandparents, June and Jordan Conibear.”

  Her parents hugged the boys, though her sons were shy about meeting them.

  Then Robyn introduced her brothers to her sons. “Your uncles, Larson, Karl, and Avery.”

  After that, she had her family meet Edward’s family, except he did the introducing. Then the celebrating continued before
it was midnight and to Robyn’s surprise, her mom and dad danced, and so did Ned and Genevieve, and nearby, Robyn and Edward were in each other’s arms.

  It was getting close to bringing in the new year and Robyn and Edward went to get the boys so they could ring it in, but they were both sound asleep on mats near the babies’ playpen where the babies were asleep also.

  Robyn wrapped her arms around Edward's neck and kissed him as the countdown reached one and everyone, except for them, called out, “Happy New Year!”

  They didn’t cheer because they were too busy kissing and bringing in the new year right. It didn't matter about the hour, she knew when they arrived home, they would be putting the boys to bed and returning to their own bed to set off fireworks of their own.

  ROBYN AND EDWARD had decided that they would fly to Yellowknife the day after New Year's Day at a family gathering for a brunch with Edward's family and hers. When they talked about their plans, Craig and Andy said they were going with them too, just in case they had any trouble, and to her surprise, her brother Larson insisted he accompany them to protect her if he needed to. Which amused all of them since he was still recovering from a broken wrist. Avery still had a casted leg and she said no to his going. Karl wanted to go and she agreed. He hadn't had any issues after suffering the concussion in the truck accident during the earthquake.

  The next morning, Robyn and the men all boarded a flight for Yellowknife and they rented an SUV to take them to the house. Once they were there, Robyn felt a little sad about leaving the home where she'd raised her boys through their baby and toddler years. Edward noticed the ruler she'd attached to the wall and the marks she'd made for each boy as they'd grown inch by inch. He immediately looked for something to remove the ruler and take it with them. He was so sweet.

  For now, she began removing the food from the cupboards and pantry and Craig and Andy began to help her. Edward pulled out all the items from drawers so they could be packed in boxes, once the packers arrived.


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