Claiming the White Bear: White Bear Series, Book 2

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Claiming the White Bear: White Bear Series, Book 2 Page 22

by Terry Spear

  An hour later, the moving van arrived, and the two movers looked surprised to see all the help they would have. The men all started setting up boxes to pack what they could, and the movers began to haul out the furniture and secure it in the van. Robyn wasn't going to bother calling Richard and his brothers to ask them for help, figuring they already had enough, not to mention she still felt awkward about seeing them after the last fiasco.

  But with any good bear sleuth, the word must have spread through the Yellowknife sleuth that she was at her home with a moving van. She thought maybe some of the bears had been watching her place in case there was any activity at the house. They might have even been protecting it in case anyone had the idea of breaking and entering and stealing from her.

  In any event, Richard and his brothers all showed up at the house, bringing pastries and coffee for everyone, cream, honey, and sugar too. She was grateful to them for coming, to show there were no hard feelings. At least not from them. She was sure her in-laws were another story. Even her good friend Becky Whitestone came and promised she would visit when she could. Becky was an interior designer and she was eyeing Edward's bachelor cousins with interest.

  "We have room for you, whenever you'd like to visit," Robyn told her.

  "I would love that and as a wedding gift, if you would like, I could even give a house do-over."

  Robyn smiled. "Just seeing you would be enough, but you know me. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears." She gave her friend a hug, and then continued organizing the packing effort—telling Larson in no uncertain terms, again, that he wasn't allowed to use his broken wrist in any way, while everyone was helping to pack up. She gave all the food to her brothers-in-law, and anything else she thought they could give away to other sleuth members that they didn't need—like duplicate kitchen utensils and pots and pans. With all of them working together, they were soon finished packing and she and Edward thanked Richard and his brothers and Becky for helping them and said goodbye. Callahan's brothers told her to visit any time, but she figured that would never happen.

  At the airport, she gave her own brothers hugs and thanked them before they took a different flight home, though they hoped Robyn and her family would visit the rest of the family sometime soon and they would try to make arrangements to see them in White Bear too again.

  She couldn't have been more surprised to see Martha arrive at the airport, running to catch up to them before she and Edward went through security.

  Tears streaked down Martha's cheeks, and despite all that had gone on, Robyn couldn't help but be tearful to see Callahan's mother so distressed. She reached out to hug her, hoping that it was the right thing to do and that Martha wouldn't slug her for it. But the woman hugged her back. "I'm so sorry," Martha said between sobs. "I've been a witch about this whole situation. I was too ashamed to meet you at the house, but Richard warned me if I didn't do this now, we might never mend fences. I want to see the boys, and…" She sniffled and glanced at Edward. "They do favor you. I want to see you and their daddy and the boys."

  Fighting tears, Robyn smiled. "Of course. Anytime. You're welcome and so are your sons."

  Martha pulled something out of her oversized purse and handed an envelope to Robyn that she immediately recognized. It held her sons' birth certificates.

  "Callahan told me the boys weren't his sons. I didn't believe it. Not until he dropped off their birth certificates at the house. I wasn't home, and when I saw them, I just tucked them away. I didn't want anyone to know the truth. They were…my grandsons. But I know that was selfish of me, and it doesn't matter. We love them, like they truly are our own. Please forgive me."

  Robyn opened her mouth to speak, but Martha continued. "Thank you for the lovely gifts you sent for Christmas. We'll cherish them."

  Then Robyn saw Arnold hurrying to catch up to them, bags of Christmas packages in hand. "I think I got them all," he said, short of breath. "Martha was in charge of stopping you before you went through security." He cast them a lopsided smile. "I don't think I've gotten this much exercise in years. We just hope you forgive us for what we intended to do and let us see you and the kids when it's convenient for you."

  Robyn smiled. "You can't know how happy that makes me feel, and the boys will love seeing you again." At least if they knew they wouldn't have to live permanently with Martha and Arnold, she thought they would be happy to see them.

  Then they all hugged, and Robyn and Edward said goodbye, hurrying to get through security before their plane took off without them.

  She was glad she had been able to close that chapter of her life and move on. And she was thankful to everyone who helped to make it happen and that they had begun the year on better terms with both of the other sleuths.

  Now it was time for them to get ready for the household goods to arrive and try to sort out everything. But Edward surprised her even more by picking up the kids and taking her to a house out in the country. He showed her the woods, a lake, and a bigger home for their family.

  "Ohmigod, is it for sale?" Robyn asked. It was like the kind of dream house she'd always wanted, sitting on a picturesque, frozen lake, surrounded by woods.

  "Yeah, and the asking price is right too. If you love it, we'll go from there."

  "Can we see the inside?" She was so excited and so were the boys, already peering through the windows, trying to get a better look.

  A car pulled up and a woman got out. "Hi, I'm Eva Wright, a relator with White Bear Reality, and you are Mr. and Mrs. MacMathan?"

  "Yes. Can we see inside?" Robyn eagerly asked, smelling the woman's scent and realizing she was a polar bear too.

  "You sure can. And congratulations on your marriage." Eva unlocked the lockbox and led them inside.

  The kids quickly went to look for their rooms. Robyn surveyed the beautiful kitchen that would be great for big family events with an open dining and a living room just off that. A massive stone fireplace offered a perfect place for family gatherings. Picture windows looked out on the lake and a big deck stretched out from the house. She went in search of the master bedroom and she was sold. A whirlpool tub, large walk-in shower, and double sinks. A big walk-in closet was perfect for all their clothes and storage. A nice big bedroom would give them room so they could spend some quality time together when the boys were off to see the grandparents, in school, or asleep at night! And it had three extra bedrooms for guests when her family or Callahan’s dropped in to see them.

  Yep, this was the place for her.

  "I don't know," she said to Edward, hoping he could get them to come down on the price of the house, if she acted reluctant to buy.

  He smiled. "I've made an offer, contingent on you liking the place."

  She smiled broadly. "Let's go for it."

  "We can move your things into storage until the sale of the house goes through. Ben wants to buy our place so he can be close to the tavern since he works there, and just in case he meets the woman of his dreams."

  "Have I told you how much I love you?" She wrapped her arms around Edward's neck and leaned against him to kiss him.

  "As much as I love you." He kissed her right back.

  THREE WEEKS LATER, Robyn, Edward and the boys had moved into their new home. Ben was already living in their old one. Being with Edward, watching him help raise the kids—she was living her dream. And the boys adored their father. Likewise, Edward couldn't have been any happier than he was now, being with her and his sons.

  The bear fight that had broken them apart was in the past and all they had now was a beautiful future. Not that there wouldn't be bumps along the way. That was all part of life. But for now, as she and Edward settled on the deck in each other's arms while the boys slept, they watched the northern lights flaming across the sky, reminding her of the fun they had when they were in the hot tub at the resort on their honeymoon. Nothing could be more perfect.

  "Do you want to get warmed up in the bath?" Edward asked, kissing her cold cheek.

  Okay, so
that could make the night even more perfect!

  "Absolutely." She hurried off his lap, grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the house to enjoy some more mated bliss with the polar bear of her dreams and fantasies.


  Robyn was excited about having fun with the kids and Edward and his family for Easter. The family brunch was all planned, and she didn't think anything could ruin the celebration for her, except she felt she was coming down with the flu. Next year, they planned to have the dinner at their new home on the lake, but this year, they were doing it at Ned and Genevieve's home. Alicia and Rob's babies were seven-months-old now and they were just starting to crawl. Garrett and Bryan were always getting down on the floor with them, and showing how it was done, which entertained everyone, including the babies. They loved the boys.

  While Robyn was helping Genevieve and Alicia make the dinner: baked ham with brown sugar mustard glaze, deviled eggs, honey glazed carrots, creamy spring peas, four-cheese scalloped potatoes and asparagus and cheese tart, Rob and Edward and their cousins were making colorful Easter eggs with the boys. Ned was happy to take over babysitting duty for the babies.

  Robyn had been eating way too much the last couple of weeks and it was showing. She really needed to cut back on calories and exercise more. She was getting lots done with her promo work though, videos for several businesses in town, including a pie shop where she filmed them making their scrumptious pies. And that had made her really happy.

  Even Edward, Rob, and Casey's tour business had picked up a lot of new customers because of her advertising efforts for their spring tours. The tavern was experiencing even more out-of-town business, which went to show her marketing for them had really paid off. Even Jeremy and Josh had record sales after she had taken videos of their merchandise, Easter eggs, a couple of Arctic wolf pups, courtesy of one of the wolf shifter families in White Bear, a couple of white Belgian hares, Alicia and Rob's babies and Bryan and Garrett, starring as polar bear cubs. The video went viral. Not only did the brothers have a huge increase in sales for spring, but she also ended up with tons more marketing gigs. She'd even farmed some of her work out to Alicia, who happily had been helping her out.

  But here it was Easter and they had so many things planned, and she really didn't feel well…like really didn't feel well. She hoped she wasn't coming down with the flu, especially with being around the babies. "Uhm, I'll be right back." She hurried off to the guest bathroom, luckily made it in time, and promptly threw up in the toilet.

  Edward came into the bathroom to see what the matter was as she flushed the toilet and went over to the sink. "Are you okay?" He rubbed her back as she washed her face and rinsed out her mouth.

  "I think I might have the flu."

  "Are you sure?"

  "I've been on birth control pills!" she blurted out.

  He ran his hand over her belly and kissed her mouth. "It didn't help the last time."

  She took a deep breath and released it. "I have felt tired and extra hungry. I hadn't wanted to check my weight."

  He smiled. "To tell you the truth, I've noticed. Alicia and Genevieve too. If you're pregnant, I'm happy." He placed his hand on her forehead. "You're not running a fever and if you have no other symptoms than gaining weight, being tired and hungry, and having morning sickness, or in this case, early afternoon sickness, well then…" He shrugged his shoulders. "At least we still have three spare bedrooms and one can be used for a nursery."

  She couldn't believe she could be pregnant. "Well, if it's true, you're shooting some determined sperm."

  He chuckled. "Where there's a will, there's a way. Are you all right to eat?"

  "Yeah, I feel fine now."

  "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt, but I have one of these for you if you want to test it out," Alicia said, handing Robyn a pregnancy kit.

  "How, why—" Robyn said.

  "Genevieve and I figured you were, and we worried you were afraid to find out for sure."

  Robyn loved them for being concerned and interested. She guessed she had been worried that she was pregnant, trying to give any other reason for the symptoms that, in the back of her mind, had reminded her of the first time she'd gotten pregnant. She'd been concerned that Edward might not be receptive to having another kid, or two, or three, and she hadn't wanted to confirm being pregnant one way or another.

  If this wasn't like six years ago.

  "Thanks, Alicia. I'll try it." She knew that she should try it first thing in the morning, but she suspected with the symptoms she had, she was pregnant, and the test would turn positive, especially when everybody else thought so too.

  Alicia smiled and left them alone. Edward closed the door and Robyn sighed. "After this, if we're pregnant again…"

  "I'll have it fixed."

  Then she peed on the test strip and sure enough, two lines appeared. "We'll need to go in for a blood test, but it looks like you're going to be a papa bear again." She flushed the toilet and washed up.

  "And you're going to be a mama bear again."

  He hugged her gently as if he'd squish the baby or babies, and then they headed into the dining room to have brunch with the family.

  "Well?" Rob asked, everyone else looking eager to hear the news.

  "Looks like I'm going to be a papa bear from the ground floor up this time." Edward was smiling broadly, as if this was the best news yet.

  "The babies will come in the fall?" Genevieve asked.

  "Uhm, yes, if I'm truly pregnant, and we have more than one. We might just have one this time."

  "Or three," Ben teased, "like my brothers and me."

  "And you used birth control both times?" Craig asked, looking astounded.

  "Seems that it doesn't work when she's with me." Edward smiled.

  Bryan and Garrett were listening to the talk and Robyn finally told them, "You may be having a baby brother or sister, or some combination thereof, about the time you start school."

  "Will they go to school with us?" Garrett asked, sounding hopeful. He'd been worried no other polar bear kindergartners would be in their class.

  Edward shook his head and pointed to Alicia and Rob's babies. "Remember how little they were when you first saw them? Well, the babies we have will be even smaller than that. It takes five years to get to be big boys like you."

  Everyone offered them congratulations in case the news turned out to be true, and everyone suspected it would.

  Edward held Robyn's hand at the table as the family sat down to eat, the babies sitting in highchairs. He couldn't believe they were going to have babies again, and he was sure there would be more than one. But he was thrilled. This time, the family would be staying together. "I love you and the boys." He leaned down to kiss her as everyone served up the food.

  She smiled up at him and sighed again. "The boys and I love you too."

  They enjoyed watching the boys hunt for Easter eggs and candy after they ate, the kids racing around the house to find the hiding places while Alicia and Robyn recorded the fun. They all had a great time. After everyone in the family congratulated them again for the real possibility of them having a new baby or two, Robyn and Edward finally went home with two tired boys, and she was one tired mama bear.

  The next day, she and Edward and the boys all went to see the wolf shifter doctor to learn the truth, together, as a family. She was pregnant, the babies were due in September, and she was having another set of twins. By the looks of it? Two more boys.

  "Are you happy with the news?" she asked Edward.

  He hugged and kissed her. "Hell, yeah. We'll have a great time. Though Garrett and Bryan will have to teach them what not to do."

  "Yeah, like no riding an ice floe out to sea," Garrett said, hugging her.

  "Yeah," Bryan agreed, joining in to get a hug.

  Thrilled at the news, they all piled into the Jeep to drive to the theater and see an animated movie. Once again, Robyn had turned Edward's world upside down, but all for the good. And this time, h
e would be there for every blessed minute of it, for which they were both grateful.


  Thanks so much to Donna Fournier and Darla Taylor for beta reading this book! All their comments were so helpful and much appreciated starting out the new year!


  Bestselling and award-winning author Terry Spear has written over sixty paranormal romance novels and four medieval Highland historical romances. Her first werewolf romance, Heart of the Wolf, was named a 2008 Publishers Weekly’s Best Book of the Year, and her subsequent titles have garnered high praise and hit the USA Today bestseller list. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry lives in Spring, Texas, where she is working on her next wolf, jaguar, cougar, and bear shifter romances, continuing with her Highland medieval romances, and having fun with her young adult novels. When she’s not writing, she’s photographing everything that catches her eye, making teddy bears, and playing with her Havanese puppies and grand-baby. For more information, please visit, or follow her on Twitter, @TerrySpear. She is also on Facebook at And on Wordpress at: Terry Spear’s Shifters


  Heart of the Cougar Series:

  Cougar’s Mate, Book 1

  Call of the Cougar, Book 2

  Taming the Wild Cougar, Book 3

  Covert Cougar Christmas (Novella)

  Double Cougar Trouble, Book 4

  Cougar Undercover, Book 5

  Cougar Magic, Book 6

  Heart of the Bear Series

  Loving the White Bear, Book 1

  Claiming the White Bear, Book 2

  The Highlanders Series: Winning the Highlander's Heart, The Accidental Highland Hero, Highland Rake, Taming the Wild Highlander, The Highlander, Her Highland Hero, The Viking’s Highland Lass, His Wild Highland Lass (novella), Vexing the Highlander (novella), My Highlander


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