Room for Recovery

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Room for Recovery Page 12

by D. J. Jamison

  “And by clutter you mean empty fast food bags and junk food wrappers?”


  Miles laughed with him, and Beau relaxed a fraction. Nothing date-like was going to happen until after they marched with the band, so there was no point getting all worked up.

  Beau glanced out the window. It was cold but clear. “Looks like there won’t be rain at least.”


  They’d officially sunk to talking about the weather. That wasn’t a great sign, was it? Beau could fully admit he had no game.

  “Cold, though,” he added, lamely.

  “All the more reason to stand close to you,” Miles said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

  Beau laughed off the flirting, not sure how to respond, but the high school came into view seconds later. Ashe was a small town. While he cursed that when he wanted to delay parting ways with Wade, he was relieved now. It wasn’t that he didn’t like spending time with Miles, but he needed some time to get used to the new reality of Miles as a boyfriend candidate.

  Would he be so nervous if Wade asked him out? His heart cartwheeled in his chest at the thought. Maybe he would. He’d probably faint from the shock, and then Wade would have to give him mouth to mouth, and then . . .

  “Beau?” Miles asked, and he blinked back to reality. They were parked, and Miles was looking at him with an annoyed expression.

  He flushed. “Sorry, guess I zoned out.”

  Fantasizing about one boy while on a date with another had to be against some kind of etiquette. Why couldn’t he get Wade out of his head? The guy was straight. Sure, he’d warmed up to Beau over the semester, but he was still several degrees cooler than Miles. Miles smiled at him, genuinely pleased to see him every day they met up in class. He’d sought out Beau and his friends at lunch a time or two, as well. Wade hadn’t tried to expand their relationship beyond their chauffeur and tutor roles. He probably never would.

  “I said, I hope you don’t mind walking a ways,” Miles repeated. “My dad will kill me if this car gets dinged up.”

  Beau glanced out the windshield to see they were at the far western edge of the lot near the back. He didn’t relish the idea of walking the extra distance in the cold, but he nodded and smiled. “Sure, no problem.”


  Wade wasn’t sure why he was at the Ashe High football game. He’d asked his mother if he could go and she’d been so excited he wanted to go to something as trite as a football game that she said yes even though he was technically still grounded from everywhere but Beau’s house. Probably didn’t hurt that he’d gotten a better grade on his paper rewrite either.

  He swung by Shane’s place and picked him up, and now they sat in the bleachers — Shane with popcorn and soda because he was a bottomless pit and had to eat at all times — and watched the game.

  Shane was so easygoing he hadn’t asked why Wade had a sudden interest in high school sports. Wade’s gaze drifted to the marching band huddled up on a section of bleachers close to the field. They watched the game, waiting for halftime to march, and he noticed Beau and Miles were leaning in close, heads together, to talk during the game.

  He caught sight of a big smile on Beau’s face, and his chest tightened. Beau had one of the best smiles, and Wade didn’t like that this one wasn’t for him.

  “What do you know about this Miles kid?” he asked Shane.

  “Huh?” Shane squinted at the field. “Is there a Miles playing?”

  “In the marching band, next to Beau.”

  Shane looked over, following Wade’s gaze. “Hmm.”

  “Hmm? What does hmm mean?”

  “It means, isn’t it interesting that Wade is interested in something besides himself?”

  Wade flipped him the bird, and Shane laughed, unfazed.

  “Seriously,” Wade said, “you know him or not?”

  Shane nodded. “I’ve seen him around. I think he dated Chrissy Harrison last year? Pretty sure he’s a junior.”

  “So, he’s not gay,” Wade said. He tried to keep the relief out of his voice. He didn’t want Beau to date some guy. That would just make him more of a target as the gay kid, and Beau had enough trouble since that damn party.

  At least, that’s what he told himself.

  “Why would you think he’s gay?” Shane asked, and then not being dumb, made the connection. “Wait, because he’s friendly with Beau? Does that mean Beau’s gay?”

  “Lower your voice,” Wade muttered, glancing at the stands filled with students who would be all too happy to run with the latest rumor. “You saw the video of him at the party like everyone else, and I know you’ve heard the rumors circulating ever since.”

  “It’s open to interpretation. Some guys are just . . . not super masculine,” Shane said, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth. Like with everything else, he seemed indifferent about the topic of Beau’s sexuality. “Maybe he was just joking on the video about getting naked with a guy? Though that’s probably not the typical straight guy kind of joke.” He sounded thoughtful. “How come no one is calling out the guy who suggested he strip?”

  Wade shrugged. “He’s off-screen, and I’m not sure who said it. But whoever did would probably just play it off as messing with the drunk guy, right?”


  A loud boo went up as their quarterback was sacked. They turned to watch the game, Wade fighting the urge to cheer at Jason Trumbull getting his ass handed to him. The only thing better would be watching Jeremy get his face shoved into the dirt, but he was riding the bench.

  When halftime arrived, and the band made their way down to the field, Shane continued the conversation as if it had never been dropped.

  “You know Beau better than I do. If you think it’s true, you’re probably right.”

  Wade shrugged. He never should have called Shane’s attention to the possibility Beau and Miles were together.

  “You think they’re dating?” Shane persisted.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I hope Miles is cool. Maybe we should track them down after the game and say hi? Check out Beau’s new beau?” He chuckled at his pun. Wade was less amused, but he liked the way Shane thought.

  “Yeah,” he said as he watched the band move into formation. “Good idea.”

  Excellent idea.

  Chapter 14

  By the time the march was over, Beau was one big ball of nerves. Marching beside Miles, knowing Miles was interested in more than friendship, made it difficult to focus, but it had also given him a heightened awareness of his body. Each stride forward in sync with Miles, each pivot on his heel, each time they halted and marched in place, marking time, felt more significant.

  When the last note sounded and they returned to the bleachers to wait for the end of the game, performing a few crowd-pleasers in between plays, Beau watched Miles from the corner of his eye. Unlike Beau, he seemed relaxed and happy. Not at all nervous as he exchanged jokes with some of their bandmates about the game lasting just long enough to fit neatly around their performance.

  Miles was full of energy, bouncing his knee and fidgeting in his seat. He moved every time he laughed, jostling Beau’s shoulder. He also touched Beau more than he ever had before, leaning into him, whispering into his ear when he could have just spoken. But confusingly, he also flirted with the first-chair flutist in front of them, Caroline. He tugged her ponytail to get her attention, leaned forward to speak close to her ear, and asked about her weekend plans.

  Beau wasn’t sure what to expect when they filed out of the bleachers. The band left before the game officially ended so they could beat the crowd to the parking lot. Beau walked alongside Miles, focused more on the shivers wracking his body than what Miles might have in mind now that the game was over. He’d lost the fizz of happy anticipation when he watched Miles whisper in that girl’s ear.

  He startled as the warm weight of Miles’ arm landed on his shoulders. “You seem cold,” Miles said, tugging Beau against
his side.

  Beau huddled in, happy for the warmth as they trekked toward the far end of the parking lot.

  “So, Caroline?” Beau said. “What’s the deal with her?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You were flirting during the game.”

  Miles drew back, and Beau almost regretted his words as the cold rushed back between them. He hunched his shoulders and ducked his head as wind gusted into his face.

  “I thought we’d get past the first date before you got jealous,” Miles said playfully.

  Beau shook his head. “I’m not jealous. I’m confused. It this just a joke to you?”

  Miles drew Beau to a stop by a large blue pickup with oversized tires. It helped block the wind, so Beau didn’t complain, even if he’d prefer to do their chatting in a heated car.

  “It’s not a joke,” he said. “I thought we could hang out tonight.”

  Suddenly, Beau wasn’t feeling it. Any of it. He didn’t even know why he’d accepted this date. Using Miles to get over his crush wasn’t the answer. As cute as Miles was, as friendly as he’d been in band, Beau didn’t feel any sparks.

  Not like you spark for Wade. The guy would be horrified if he saw the inside of your mind.

  “I’m not so sure about hanging out. I’m kind of tired,” he said. “I can’t wait to get this uniform off.”

  “Whoa,” Miles said, holding up his hands and taking a step back. “I’m not ready to see you naked.”

  Beau’s eyes widened, heat rushing into his face. “Oh my God, I didn’t mean it like that!”

  Miles laughed at him. “I’m just kidding, Beau. You’re cute when you panic.”

  While he was still processing this, Miles leaned in toward him. Beau only panicked more at the thought Miles was about to kiss him. They were screened by the vehicles, but they were also in a parking lot flooded with people. With students.

  And Beau wasn’t anywhere close to ready.

  “Wait,” he said, throwing out a hand and nearly clocking Miles in the face. Miles flinched back, eyes widening. Beau was about to apologize when he realized that Miles’ reaction wasn’t about his flailing hand, but something behind him.

  “I don’t believe this,” Miles muttered.


  “Your not-a-boyfriend is here.”


  “Wade Ritter,” he hissed. “He’s walking this way. If he kicks my ass because you lied about dating him . . .”

  “I didn’t lie!”

  Miles grasped his shoulders and turned him to face the parking lot. “See for yourself.”

  Sure enough, Wade jogged toward them. A few strides behind, Shane followed at a more comfortable pace.

  “He’s really not your boyfriend?” Miles murmured next to Beau’s ear, his breath warming his neck.


  “But you want him to be?” Miles said.

  Beau hesitated a fraction too long, then shook his head. A note of humor entered Miles’ voice. “Liar.”

  “No, I mean . . . He’s straight.”

  “Let’s make him jealous,” Miles suggested, ignoring Beau’s protestations. “As long as you’re sure he won’t freak out and bash us?”

  “He wouldn’t do that.”

  Beau realized he’d inadvertently given Miles the green light, but Wade arrived before he could say anything else.

  “Hey, Beau. Everything okay?” Wade asked.

  “Yeah,” Beau said, pushing the word past his dry throat. “What are you doing here?”

  Miles’ hands were still on Beau’s shoulders, and he tensed as Miles moved one hand to his hip and pulled him back against his chest, then settled his chin on Beau’s shoulder. “Yeah, Wade. What are you doing here?” he mimicked.

  Wade’s eyes immediately focused in on Miles’ hands on Beau, and Beau felt his stomach flip. Could Miles be right? Wade never pinged Beau’s gaydar, though. Wade had never liked Miles, so maybe that explained his dark expression.

  Wade stuffed his hands in the pockets of his coat. The temperature was steadily falling, and Wade wasn’t wearing a hat or gloves, the idiot.

  “Just came out to the game,” he answered casually, but his gaze remained fixed on them.

  Miles slid his hand up Beau’s flank, and Beau pushed it down. “Don’t,” he muttered under his breath.

  Miles huffed a laugh. “Look at how crazy it’s making him,” he murmured, placing a kiss on Beau’s neck. He added a lick, and Beau reflexively jerked away.

  Wade stepped forward, looking pissed. “How about you back off?”

  Beau hastily shoved Miles’ hands off him before Wade came to his defense and punched him. “I’m fine, Wade.”

  Miles held up his hands in a show of peace, taking a step back. “He is fine, isn’t he, Wade?” he said, his voice dripping with innuendo.

  Wade gripped Beau’s arm, drawing him behind him. His whole body was vibrating with restrained energy, and Beau worried for Miles’ well-being. He clung to Wade’s arm just in case he was tempted to take a swing and forced a laugh.

  “He’s kidding! He doesn’t know when to quit,” he added, giving Miles a pointed look.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re playing at, but knock it off,” Wade said, his voice a low growl that raised goosebumps on Beau’s skin. He was being a total Neanderthal, which should not be attractive, but as Beau had come to realize, his attraction to Wade knew no bounds.

  “Yo!” Shane’s voice cut through the tension. “I’m hungry. Let’s go for a burger.”

  Beau glanced over his shoulder, surprised to see Shane watching them with a neutral expression. How long had he been watching this exchange, and what did he make of it? Beau almost wished he could know his thoughts because he didn’t know what the hell to think. He realized he was still wrapped around Wade’s arm. Dropping his grip, he stepped back.

  “In a minute,” Wade said grimly, not taking his eyes off Miles.

  Miles laughed, like the lunatic he apparently was. Beau never realized the friendly sax player had a death wish, but it seemed that way now.

  “I’m heading home, since your knight in shining armor is here,” Miles said, continuing to push his luck. “He seems well equipped to serve your needs.”

  Beau burned with embarrassment, his face hot even in the cold. “That’s not how it is,” he said weakly.

  Miles shrugged. “Just call it like I see it,” he said. “See you around.”

  “But what about … I need a ride home!”

  “I think you’ve got it covered,” Miles said, before stepping past a statue-still Wade. He looked strung tight, all his muscles locked in place with the effort it took not to react.

  Beau watched Miles go, stunned that he’d just been ditched in a parking lot. Miles paused a few feet away, turning to walk backward. “If you decide you want to hook up some other time, I’m still game. Maybe after band practice next week!”

  “Asshole,” Wade muttered under his breath as Miles laughed and jogged across the parking lot toward his car.

  “Well, that was awkward,” Shane said.

  “Thanks a lot, Wade,” Beau said, turning his frustration on the easiest target. “Now I don’t have a ride home!”

  “Don’t be dumb. I’ll make sure you get home,” Wade said without concern.

  “Oh, I’m dumb now. Well, that’s just great,” Beau said.

  “Uh, guys?” Shane said.

  Wade ignored him, his eyes locked on Beau. “Miles only wanted one thing from you. You’re dumb if you don’t see that.”

  Beau’s jaw dropped. “Excuse me? How would you know what Miles wanted?”

  “I’ll just wait in the car then,” Shane said cheerfully as no one responded to him. After he turned and ambled off, Wade stepped in close.

  “He had his hands all over you, and as soon as it became clear he couldn’t mess around with you, he ditched you. Ergo, all he wanted was a piece.”

  “Ergo, you’re an asshole,” Bea
u mocked, watching Wade’s shocked expression with satisfaction. He was tired of catering to his moods. “I don’t need you to swoop in and protect me. I had it handled.”

  “Looked more like Miles had it handled,” Wade said, giving Beau’s body a pronounced once-over to make his point.

  “Like what you see?”

  Wade flinched. “What—”

  “Don’t look at me like that unless you want to take Miles’ place,” Beau said, so mad that he didn’t filter his words before they came out.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Wade said, pressing in closer. He wasn’t pinning Beau to the truck behind him, but it was a close thing.

  “You know what it means,” Beau said, his voice shaking. Wade’s face was so close Beau could imagine their lips coming together in a way he hadn’t been able to picture with Miles. Wade’s breath caressed his lips as he spoke, but his words cooled Beau’s overheated fantasies.

  “I was just trying to look out for you. We’re like family.”

  That tired line fired up Beau’s temper even more. “Why are you being like this?” he demanded. “It’s not like you care about me.”

  “I care.” Wade drew back, sounding hurt. And lost. Like he wasn’t sure he understood why he cared, but he did. “We’re friends now.”

  Fingers brushed Beau’s, then curled around his palm. Beau looked down at their joined hands. At Wade, purposely holding his hand. He finally knew how it felt to have his hand enfolded in Wade’s larger one. It was warm, and secure, and sent a thousand tendrils of want unfurling in Beau’s body.

  Wade squeezed once and let go. Though it didn’t last long, Beau’s next breath came easier. The tightness in his chest relaxed.

  Just like that, his anger was gone.

  “Nothing was going to happen,” Beau said quietly. “And now he’s ditched me.”

  “He didn’t ditch you. You got a better offer.”

  Beau raised his eyebrows in question, and Wade nodded toward his car where Shane waited. “Burgers with me and Shane.”

  Beau accepted the peace offering. “I guess I could eat.”


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