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His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3)

Page 9

by Maggie Ryan

  "Sit down." He spoke the words calmly, his eyes never leaving hers. When she remained motionless, he shook his head. "If you don't choose to obey and sit, then, young lady, you may stand…" Seeing the triumphant look in her eyes, he lifted a hand and pointed to the wall behind her as he continued, "You may stand in that corner, nose pressed against the wall, hands behind your back, and contemplate the fact that you earned yourself an additional round of my hand against your naughty bottom."

  If it hadn't been such a serious step in their journey, he would have laughed at the expressions that crossed her face, one after another. Surprise was shown with a widening of her eyes, confusion quickly followed as she followed the direction of his finger, actually turning her head to see that he was, indeed, pointing to the juncture of two walls and, upon turning back, there was no triumphant glitter in her eyes. Instead, shock was registered, with her beautiful lips pursed into a small "O" of disbelief as her last expression registered defiance.

  "You… you can't be serious!"

  "I am," he assured her, taking the time to stand slowly until he loomed above her shorter frame. "And, Teresa Marie, every moment that you continue to stand there and attempt to convince yourself that you don't deserve to be punished, only ensures that you will be over my knee for a much longer period of time."

  "You said you forgave me. You said you loved me!"

  "I did and I do," he said, reaching down to take her hands again, pleased that she didn't attempt to pull away. "Because I love you with all of my heart, I will do whatever is necessary to protect you and to help you become the best person you can be. When that requires taking you in hand and warming your bottom, never doubt that I will do exactly that."

  Her face turned scarlet as she attempted to tug her hands from his. "This is… outrageous. I am not going to be sent to the corner like a naughty child!" Her foot stomped against the floor as if to emphasize her next statement. "I'm sure Pa would find your threatening to spa—well, he'd be appalled!"

  "Teresa, I assure you that your pa is completely aware of my intentions. He gave me not only his blessing in asking for your hand, he gave his complete approval…" he paused to make sure he had her full attention, "…for me to use my hand on your bottom."

  Her mouth dropped open. "He-he couldn't… he wouldn't…" she sputtered. Evidently seeing no evidence of uncertainty on her fiancé's face, her foot stomped again. "I-I don't want a spanking!"

  "Naughty girls seldom do but, my love, you are going to get one," he said firmly, knowing this was a vital step along their path. "We've talked about this before. You knew what would happen the next time you chose to be naughty…"

  "But I didn't think you were serious!"

  "I assure you I am most serious. You are going to be punished whenever you misbehave or do something that puts you in danger. The only question now is how long your corner time before and after that spanking is going to be."

  Her expression left him no doubt that while corporal discipline might not be a totally foreign subject to her, the very mention of corner time was an entirely new concept. He'd not miss the opportunity to further her education. "You'll stand in the corner before your spanking, in order to clear your mind and think only about why you're going to be punished. After you've come to me and made a proper confession, you'll get your bottom warmed, and spend time again in the corner to reflect on what lesson you've learned." He gave her a moment to digest his words. "Once I've released you, then, my darling, I will hold you and make sure you understand that you are forgiven and very much loved. The discipline will be over and your slate clean. Understand?"

  It took her a few moments before she indicated she did, with a very hesitant little bob of her head. It wasn't enough to satisfy him.

  "Whenever I ask you a question, little one, I need you to answer me. I don't wish there to ever be any confusion about what we are discussing or what is going to happen. Try again. Do you understand?"

  "I-I… guess but I…"

  "Excuse me? The proper response is 'yes, sir.' Try again."

  "Yes… sir."

  Though he knew her response was given a bit begrudgingly, he allowed it to pass—this time. "Good girl. Thank you. Go ahead, take your place in the corner."

  "You mean I still have to go stand like some—"

  "Naughty little girl?" he supplied, and nodded. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

  "Roger, please… it's too embarrassing…"

  "Teresa, I didn't ask your opinion, I asked if you understood what is expected. Now, do you need a few swats to send you—"

  "No! I'll go but I am not happy!" she said, jerking her hands free. Giving him a scathing look that said she certainly did not agree with his tactics, she turned and stomped across the floor to stand a few feet from the wall. With a look over her shoulder that bordered on severe impertinence, she tossed her hair and turned away with a loud huff.

  Not moving a single muscle, Roger said, "Step into the corner, young lady. If I don't see your nose touching the wall and your hands crossed behind your back in the next second, I promise you'll have a valid reason for being so unhappy."

  It was more like three seconds, but after turning her head and evidently seeing a man with his arms crossed and his eyebrow cocked, his entire presence stating he could stand there all day, her expression changed. Time seemed to stand still for a moment but then she took the three steps necessary to place herself properly, and he could tell that her hands were trembling slightly as she placed them behind her back, linking her fingers together.

  Though Roger was pretty certain that she wasn't thinking about her behavior while facing the wall for the first time, he didn't make her stand long. After ten minutes, during which time he listened to exaggerated sighs and huffs of indignation, he removed his coat and moved a straight backed chair from the dining room into the parlor.

  "Come here, Teresa."


  Teresa took a deep breath and, releasing her hands, turned slowly away from the wall. She was furious at having to stand in the corner like a child, and she fully planned on letting him know her feelings. However, seeing him calmly rolling up his right sleeve, she felt her determination slip a bit. Catching sight of the chair, her heart stuttered and her tummy flipped—he appeared to be seriously intending to spank her. Perhaps now wasn't the time to argue. No, she'd appear meek and apologize profusely even though it had all been Barbara's fault.

  "Teresa? Come here," he repeated when she hadn't moved a single step forward.

  The closer she got, the larger he appeared. Had his hands always been so huge? Where was the soft smile he always gave her? God, he was so handsome even when he was looking at her so… so sternly. A good three feet away, she began.

  "Roger, I really am sorry."

  "I'm glad to hear that," he said, reaching out to her.

  Just seeing his gesture made her feel better. After a couple of steps, she took his hand. Whereas standing in the corner had made her feel alienated, the moment his fingers closed around hers, she felt reconnected. "You don't have to spank me," she said quickly. "I mean, I realize that I shouldn't have allowed Barbara to pull me into a… an argument and I promise…"

  "Teresa, we aren't here to discuss Barbara's naughtiness. We are here to discuss yours."

  "Stop calling it that!" Her tone was sharp with embarrassment at his choice of words. "You make it sound like…"

  "Exactly what it is," he said without hesitation. "I believe in honesty, and expect my fiancée, my wife-to-be, to face the truth."

  "But… husbands don't spank wives."

  "I don't know about all husbands, but I assure you that your husband won't hesitate to punish you when you've earned it."

  She wanted so desperately to turn back the clock. Why had she gotten into such a stupid argument, one that appeared to have earned her far more than a lecture? Somehow she just knew that even if he ended this awful discussion with a kiss, she'd be receiving it while her bottom burned. If she allowed this
punishment, then wasn't she giving him the power to punish her whenever she was naughty?

  Well, well, look who's finally admitting that she was naughty. She barely had time to attempt to push that thought away before he gave her hand a tug.

  Before she realized it, he was seated in the chair and had hold of both of her hands, keeping her between his spread legs. "I intend to start as we will finish," he said.

  "What does that mean?"

  "You are the one who wants to become a teacher," he said, keeping his eyes on hers. "Tell me what you believe it means."

  Shuffling her feet, she realized that taking a thrashing from her pa would have been far easier than this. Before her pa had stopped disciplining them, he'd never spent a moment forcing his daughters to think about anything. If they were to be punished… well, he'd simply had them bend over a chair or table and given them a quick spanking. This was torture in comparison.

  "Eyes to me," Roger said softly, though his voice seemed to fill the room. Once she focused on him, he nodded. "Answer the question, Tessa."

  She loved hearing his name for her. She'd been called Tessie by her family for years and yet this name, Tessa, sounded so much dearer. Realizing it wasn't the name but the man uttering it, she felt her anger dissolve.

  "It means you want me to know you are serious?"

  "While I am serious, that's not all that I mean. It means that you can count on me, trust that I will do things the same from the very beginning. You won't ever have to wonder what happens. I won't change from day to day. You won't have to be confused from this day until our last together. You'll know that you are cherished and loved every moment…"

  "But what does that have to do with your… your wish to spank me? I mean, you have to see how silly it seems… a grown woman being smacked. I'd prefer we simply discuss—"

  "Tessa, if I didn't love you, if I didn't care, I most certainly wouldn't take the time to discipline you. As for discussions, we shall have hundreds throughout our lives together. However, the only discussion we need about discipline is that you need to understand that anytime you are naughty, each and every time you've earned yourself a punishment, I will be right here to administer it." He squeezed her hands. "And you'll always know that after it's over, I'll make sure you know exactly how much your husband loves you. That is if you still wish to marry me."

  "Oh, I do," she said without a moment's hesitation. "I-I just don't want you to spank me. Can't you just lecture me instead?"

  "Not this time…"

  "But I promise to listen even if I don't like talking about—"

  "Tessa, I understand it might not be your favorite topic of discussion but, young lady, it is an important subject, especially in view of what occurred both last week and just a while ago. After today, you'll know exactly what to expect when you choose to be naughty. Now, are you ready to tell me why you are going to get a spanking?"

  Sweet Jesus, she'd never expected the question nor expected the feelings it was evoking. Forget attempting to thrust the blame onto her sister. Even a small child understood that it took more than one person to get into an argument… no, it wasn't an argument, it was a fight. A fight over something as ridiculous as making a cake. Children threw tantrums, and it was time to prove to this man that she wasn't a child.

  "I got into a fight with Barbara and threw a tantrum. I-I acted like a child when I'm a grown woman but, Roger, I promise I won't do it again."

  "What sort of child?" he asked, seeming unconcerned about her promise.

  He knew exactly what made her feel about two years old, didn't he? Shuffling her feet again, she sighed. Evidently he was trying to make her say the very words she hated hearing him utter but she just couldn't.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You know exactly what I'm asking."

  "I already said I behaved like a child…"

  "No, the question was, what sort of a child. The kind who continues to be stubborn over something she knows she needs to admit to."

  God, he was so persistent. Still she hesitated, her cheeks coloring, until she simply knew he'd repeat the question until she gave him the answer he wanted. "Fine… a nau… naughty one."

  "That's right. And what happens to naughty little girls, Tessa?"

  Her bottom clenched beneath her skirts as butterflies took flight in her tummy. "They… they get punished."


  "They… they stand in the corner."

  He smiled and she felt her cheeks heat knowing she must sound ridiculous. Not like a teacher but like an unruly pupil attempting to deny what they knew was going to happen. What on earth was wrong with her?

  "And after they've stood in the corner? What happens then?"

  "I suppose they… they get a spanking."

  "No supposition, Teresa, naughty little girls get themselves placed in a corner and then over a lap at the very least to get their bottoms attended to, don't they?"

  Her face as hot as the freshly stoked stove in the kitchen, she managed to whisper, "Yes." When his eyebrow quirked, she remembered his earlier instruction. "I mean, yes, sir."

  "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

  "No, sir." Good Lord, it was one of the hardest things she'd ever done and yet for some unknown reason, she felt, well, a little better. How could that be? It made absolutely no sense to her but his smile of approval had her blood pumping faster and her tummy doing a little flip… like it did when he'd been about to kiss her.

  "Good girl." Lifting their linked hands, the kiss he gave her knuckles had her heart filling but his next words had it stuttering. "All right. Let's get this done. I want you to place yourself over my knee." Releasing her hands, he patted his left knee. It took him uttering, "Now, Tessa," before she moved. Lowering herself, she was grateful when his arm came around her waist as she settled herself awkwardly.

  "Hands flat on the floor, please. You'll keep them there and your feet on the floor, as well."

  Easy for you to say, she thought as she placed her palms onto the carpet. Her short stature meant only the tips of her boots were able to scrape the floor behind her. Despite her position, she realized that she didn't feel unbalanced. She felt her cheeks flush with the thought that she was actually enjoying Roger's arm tucked firmly around her waist, holding her close to his stomach. She wiggled a bit as if attempting to get even closer to this incredible man. That was until she felt her skirts being lifted!

  "Stop that!" she demanded, attempting to twist up again but finding his comforting hold was also unbreakable.

  "Since this is your first spanking, I'll forgive that outburst. In the future, once you are in position, you will not speak unless asked a question," Roger said, his action to raise her skirts continuing. "I'm lifting your skirts and petticoats."

  "But… you can't!"

  "I just did," he said, proving it as the heavy weight of her clothing settled on her back. She was absolutely stunned and then shrieked when his palm moved to rest on her… her bottom!

  "Roger, you can't touch me there!"

  "Where? Your bottom? Tessa, where else do you expect to be spanked?"

  She felt as if her cheeks were going to burst into flames at his mention of such a private part of her anatomy. "I don't know… I didn't consider… Roger, it's… this isn't proper!"

  "Teresa, I promise it is not only proper, it is absolutely imperative. Giving you a spanking over your clothing would be a waste of time and effort. The purpose of punishment is that you not only feel it given, but that the discomfort of receiving a spanking will help you remember the lesson. A tender, hot bottom will remind you that it is better to behave every time you sit, for a few hours at least." He gave her backside another pat before shocking her further. "And, Tessa, once we are wed, not only will your skirts and petticoats be lifted, your drawers will be lowered."

  "But… that would mean I'd be bar… that you'd see… oh, no…"

  "Oh yes, that will bare your naughty little bottom for its proper chastisement."

sp; Before she could fully assimilate what he'd just said, his hand lifted and her spanking began.

  Chapter Ten

  Despite the fact that his palm was landing on white cotton versus bare flesh, it didn't take a half dozen smacks before he knew his errant little educator was getting the point. Her head arched back as he swatted her left buttock once and then again in exactly the same spot. He'd paid attention to quietly offered advice from the married men on the ranch.

  Roger had gone to Wyatt for advice because not only was he a man he truly admired and respected, he'd watched as Wyatt courted Agatha on the trail and been pleased when they'd wed. He and Matthew had been surprised to learn that the road to wedded bliss was as rocky as the road beneath their wagon's wheels. But somehow, Wyatt had persevered, and after a few hellish months, the couple had become one of the happiest he'd ever known.

  He'd heard Agatha beg him not to give up on Teresa and understood that she had feared Wyatt would give up on her. But he hadn't, and neither would Roger. There had been several quiet conversations, mostly with Wyatt but some with the other married men. The only man whose advice he ignored was Matthew's as it only consisted of one thing—the warning that women were not worth the trouble.

  What Roger did pay attention to was the sage advice from men who not only adored their wives, but who were adored in return. He'd been told that it took far more to keep a marriage happy than just love. It took determination to prove that love in all ways… including being strong enough to take his love in hand when she needed a reminder that naughtiness would—each and every time—earn her a trip across her husband's lap.

  "Repeating a swat in the same spot a few times intensifies the lesson," Wyatt had said one day when they were stacking hay bales in the barn's loft. "It's important to let her know she doesn't have to worry about her balance by keeping her tightly against you, or letting her hold on to the edge of a table, or the seat of a chair. But keeping her off-balance during her spanking by not being able to anticipate where exactly your hand, or strap, or switch is going to land, is definitely a plus. She needs to know that while her behavior brought her to this place, she is not the one in control once she's put herself into your hands."


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