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Lust Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “How does Holly cope with that?”

  “They don’t have to touch the women. Duke gets the final say, and if he’s not here, Pike deals with it.”

  Sliding his finger in and out of her pussy he knew Daisy and Floss were watching him. He didn’t care. Her cream was the tastiest thing he’d ever had in his mouth.

  “How did Holly and Mary become old ladies?” she asked. Her voice was a mere whisper combined with a groan at what he was doing to her slit.

  “First, the men who want them have to be in love with them. At least that was the case for Pike and Duke. They both loved their women. Crazy, not so much.” When his finger was soaking with her cream, he slid the digit to the puckered hole of her ass.

  She tensed up, but he kept on talking in an attempt to distract her.

  “There really are no rules for an old lady. It depends on the man. If he doesn’t want to share her, doesn’t grow bored, and is in love with her, then that’s all they need to finally claim her.”

  “What happens for the club to know she’s not to be touched?”

  Raoul stared down into her hypnotizing green eyes. “Then she’s fucked by that one person in front of the brothers, and they cannot touch. They cannot be part of it. That’s what sets an old lady and a club whore apart in our world. Not every MC does it, but this is how the Trojans work. If they’re a club whore, anyone can fuck her. An old lady, she’s not to be touched by anyone else.”

  He slipped his slick finger into her ass. Only the top of his finger and she tensed.

  “You better get used to having this ass played with, baby. I’m going to be fucking it real soon.” He kept playing with her while they both watched what was going on. Daisy and Floss moved on, finding one of the bitches that serviced the club. Crazy was finally spent and came to sit next to Raoul, swiping a beer.

  “She yours?” Crazy asked, eyeing up Zoe.

  “You can look, but you don’t touch.”

  “Hands off, got it.” Crazy held his hands up in the air before taking a sip.

  “You’ve not fucked any other bitch but Suz since Strawberry was born. What’s going on?” Zoe was not taking the whole of his finger into her ass. She squirmed by his side, but he could tell she was listening to him talk.

  “Let’s just say her days as my wife are numbered. I’ve got Diaz working on some proof.”

  “Dude, you could have gotten proof months ago. What’s different now?”

  “She was supposed to watch Strawberry for me tonight. Instead, I almost scared the shit out of my babysitter because Suz told her it was best for her to take my daughter. You should see Leanna and Strawberry together. They’re more like mother and daughter.”

  Raoul took a sip of his drink. “What are you going to do?”

  “First, I’ve got to find the proof I need to have leverage over Suz. I’m not going to kill her, but I need to make sure she can be silenced.”

  “Then what?”

  “I’m going to give my little girl the mother she deserves. Leanna’s days of being single are numbered, too. I’ve already had Diaz look into her.”

  Raoul frowned. “That’s a little cold, isn’t it? Using your babysitter to be a mother.”

  “She’ll be getting me out of it as well. It’ll be a mutually beneficial arrangement.” Crazy got up from his seat, walking away from them.

  “He doesn’t even realize how cold he sounds,” Zoe said, drawing his attention back to her, not that he could forget.

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  “Raoul, take me back to your room and fuck me. I can’t take much more.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. Removing his fingers, he wiped them on the outside of the briefs he’d put on her.

  Zoe hadn’t run away when he told her about the club. That was much better than Holly and Mary.

  You’ve not told her about her not being your first fucking virgin.

  Maybe he could get away with never telling her.


  Zoe removed the shorts and shirt from her body as she walked to the bed. Raoul closed and locked the door.

  “You did this on purpose,” she said, sitting on the bed. “You made me so damned horny that I wouldn’t care what you did to me.”

  She moved onto the bed, spreading her thighs wide.

  “Do you have a problem with that?” he asked.

  “No. I liked what you did.”

  Zoe watched as he kicked out of his jeans. His erect cock sprang free. The tip was slick with his pre-cum. She watched as he slid a condom over his cock.

  “I don’t want to take any chances tonight. I’m going to fuck you, Zoe, and fuck you hard.”

  “I’m waiting for you.” She licked her lips watching his eyes flare. The lust shining in them reminded her that she was playing with a man of experience. In comparison to Raoul, she was a mere butterfly spreading her wings.

  “Open your legs.”

  “I have.”


  She spread her thighs wide, lying back on the bed.

  “Hold your legs open for me.”

  She cupped her legs under her knees, gasping as he dropped down so that his face was above her pussy.

  “You look so fucking pretty.” His tongue penetrated her pussy, sliding in but doing nothing in the way that his cock could do.

  “Raoul?” She cried out his name as he flicked his tongue over her clit.

  He lifted up and over her. His arm disappeared between them as he grabbed his cock. There was no time for her to get used to the feel of his cock before he slammed the entire length deep inside her. Raoul was not small or slender but thick and long. She panted for breath. The pleasure and pain masked everything in her mind. She didn’t know if she was to enjoy it or hate what he’d just done. He pulled out until only the tip remained within her. She stared into his eyes as he slammed back within her. Over and over, he slammed every inch of his cock inside her, going deeper than ever before.

  Zoe couldn’t contain her screams as he took her to the peak but still didn’t allow her over the edge.

  “Please stop tormenting me.” She begged and pleaded with him to stop but not to stop. Zoe didn’t want the pleasure to end. She wanted to come.

  “You’ll come when I give you permission to come. Not a moment before.”

  She cried out as he pulled all the way out of her body. In quick easy movements, he flipped her onto her stomach, and pushed a couple of pillows beneath her hips, raising her up a little.

  Zoe didn’t have the chance to understand what he was doing before his dick was back to pounding inside her.

  Clawing at the bed, she lost focus.

  “You’re all mine, Zoe,” he said, kissing the back of her neck. He wrapped her hair around his wrist, tugging on the length. “I’m going to spend every chance I get fucking you. You’re fucking perfect for me.”

  She listened as his lips slapped against her ass.

  “I’m going to fuck your ass one day, Zoe, get you all nice and ready to take me. I’ll own every single part of you. That’s what will make you an old lady, Zoe. You’ll only ever know my cock.”

  Raoul didn’t let up in his thrusts, pounding away inside her. The hand holding her hair, tilted to the side as he thrust his other between her thighs. “Come all over my dick, Zoe.”

  There really was nothing left for her. He’d kept her at the peak of pleasure for hours. With a few strokes of his fingers, she came apart, seeing stars before her eyes.

  “That’s it. Fucking perfect. Perfect cunt. All mine.”

  His words ran together. She didn’t make any sense of them.

  He pulled out of her pussy at the last moment, tearing the condom off and jerking his seed all over her ass. She didn’t move as he collapsed beside her. He cupped her hip, kissing the back of her neck.

  “You really need to get on the pill.”

  “You could have finished in the condom.” She pushed some hair off her face, glancing at him over her should

  “I needed it.”

  “Why?” Heat filled her cheeks as he caressed down her back until his fingers smeared in the natural lubricant.

  “I wasn’t making it up. I’m going to fuck your ass, but I don’t have any lube upstairs.” He gathered his cum onto his fingers, working them at her ass.

  She tensed up.

  “I’m clean, and I know you are. I promise you, Zoe, I’d never put you at risk.”

  “I don’t know if I want you to fuck me there.”

  “Let me show you how good it can be.”

  “You’re not trying to change my mind?”

  “I’m always going to try and change your mind. I know what I like, and I know what I can give you.”

  Licking her dry lips, she nodded. “Fine. Who am I to argue with the master?”

  “Master? I like that.”

  She burst out laughing only to stop as his finger stroked over her ass, going across the puckered hole that, to her, was forbidden.

  “I’m just going to get you nice and slick. You know, in the olden days men used to fuck women in the ass just so they couldn’t get pregnant.”

  Rolling her eyes, she chuckled. “That’s not true.”

  “Sure is. Or, at least I think it is.”

  “You’re a history buff?”

  “No. Not a chance. I’m a sex buff.”

  “Well, this is the modern world. If I don’t like it we can use the old fashioned method if you don’t want to wear condoms.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, kissing her shoulder.

  “The old fashioned method?”


  “We don’t have sex.”

  “I’m good with condoms. I like modern methods just like every other modern man.” He kissed her neck, nibbling over her pulse. “But I hope you like the old fashioned way for not getting pregnant.”


  “I love your ass, and there’s going to be nothing better than watching you come while I ride it.”

  “You’re bad.”

  “No, baby. You’ve not seen bad. With you I’ve been fucking saintly.”

  She stopped chucking as the tip of his finger pushed into her ass, going past the tight ring of muscles. Zoe gasped, making him stop with her hand up. “Please, stop.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “It burns.”

  “I’ll take it slower.” He pushed his other hand under her neck, moving down to cup her breast. He pinched her nipple, bringing another gasp from her. “I told you I want you to like this.”

  She didn’t argue or fight with him. The last thing she wanted to do was fight with the man who had a finger up her ass.

  Swallowing past the painful lump in her throat, she tried to relax. In and out he pumped his finger, using his semen as a lubricant on her flesh.

  “I’m not going to play for much longer. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Okay.” She nodded even as he increased the pace of his finger. He rimmed her ass with a second digit but didn’t thrust it inside her, which she was thankful for. She couldn’t handle a second finger just yet.

  He didn’t stop immediately though. Raoul kept working her ass with one finger, and she was shocked after several minutes to find a spark of arousal start to ignite within her.

  “That’s it. I know you feel it, Zoe.”


  “Your pussy has just gotten wet. You want this now.”

  “How do you know?” She frowned. He wasn’t anywhere near her pussy.

  “You’ve started pushing back against my hand. You want me to fuck you, take you harder than ever before. I won’t, not tonight.”

  He slid the second finger inside her, taking her completely by surprise. She didn’t try to fight him, welcoming the sudden burn and fullness it created.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

  “Touch your clit, Zoe. Come for me.”

  It was her turn to reach between her thighs, stroking her pussy. She teased her clit like he’d shown her, giving herself pleasure. He kissed her neck, finger-fucking her ass at the same time. With her other hand, she reached for his cock. The angle was awkward, but she started to work on his erect cock, moaning as he surrounded her.

  This was an entirely heady experience, one she couldn’t wait to repeat.

  “Come, Zoe.”

  Her body was no longer her own but Raoul’s to command all of his own.

  She came apart, riding his fingers. He groaned in her hair, and more of his cum landed on her back. When it was over, they were both panting for breath.

  “You’re going to fucking kill me, Zoe.”

  He withdrew his fingers, and she released him. Raoul didn’t give her any reprieve, lifting her up into his arms, and carrying her through to his bathroom. He ran them both a bath, not letting her go. Zoe was thankful in that moment. She couldn’t have handled being alone right then.

  She climbed into the bath as Raoul settled behind her. He washed his fingers before touching her. Instead of being disgusted she found the action incredibly sweet.

  “I’ve got you. I’m not letting you go.”

  “What do you plan to do with me?” she asked, locking her fingers with him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You mentioned about me being an old lady. How does that work?” She rested her head on his chest.

  “I want you to be my old lady. I want you to meet Pike and Mary, spend a bit more time at the club, and then I want to claim you as my old lady.”

  “I don’t want to stop going to college.”

  “I’m not going to stop you from doing anything that you want to do.”

  She nodded. “I can still go to college while I’m your old lady?”


  “You don’t think it’s too soon?”

  “No. I want you, Zoe. I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you since that night I first met you. Even with those bastards holding you down, I knew you were different, just by looking at you. You weren’t like any woman I’d seen.”

  She closed her eyes, suddenly feeling tired.

  “Zoe,” he said, waking her as she started to fall asleep.


  “Will you be my old lady?”

  She laughed. “Yes. I’ll be your old lady.”

  She didn’t know if he said anything else to her. Exhaustion finally took over, and she fell to sleep with his arms wrapped around her.


  The following afternoon Crazy pulled out his cell phone to see Diaz was calling. He watched Strawberry and Leanna having fun at the park. Neither of them knew he was there, and he didn’t want them to just yet. He wasn’t going to make a quick decision with Strawberry’s care at stake.

  Leanna was a good woman, a caring woman, but did she want kids?

  Strawberry slid down the slide, rushing toward Leanna, laughing. To any stranger looking on, they appeared as mother and daughter. The sight alone broke his heart. Suz would destroy that little girl if he let her, and the last thing he wanted was for Strawberry to suffer.

  “What do you have for me?” he asked.

  “Your wife has been a busy little bee, Crazy. I’m surprised you’ve not discovered what she’s up to.”

  “Just give it to me.”

  “She’s going to be in a heap of trouble with the cops if they ever get wind of this shit, Crazy.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. What I have, will it keep her mouth shut and out of my life?”

  “The shit I have, it’s going to have her begging you for mercy.”

  “Good. That’s exactly the way I like it.”

  Diaz gave him a rundown of everything Suz had been up to. By the time he was finished, Crazy was struggling to keep in control.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Dude, I’ll email you everything. I swear there’s nothing wrong in this information.”

  “Email me everything and send files my way. Meet me at the clubhouse barbequ
e in a week. I’ll pay you then.”

  Disconnecting the call, he rang Duke immediately. He wouldn’t do anything that would blow back on the club.

  “What’s the matter, Crazy?” Duke asked.

  “Suz. I’m going to divorce her. I want her out of the club business and away from my daughter.”

  “That’s pretty fucking dangerous. You know she knows club business.”

  “But I’ve got shit that will put her ass in jail for good.” He told him about the arrangement he had with Diaz.

  “We’ll have a club meeting immediately after,” Duke said. “This shit better not hit the fan, Crazy. I’m all for getting rid of Suz but not at the risk of the club.”

  “I’ll kill her if I have to.” Crazy didn’t like killing women, and with Julie gone it would put the heat right at their doorstep if another wife was to suddenly go missing.


  He disconnected the call as Leanna was walking with Strawberry out of the park. No longer wanting to be invisible to the woman, he stepped into her path. She paused, shocked. When she looked up, he saw that first flash of the fear that she’d had last night.

  “Hello,” she said.


  He bent down, picking up his little girl.

  “Hello, precious. How was your morning?”


  “How about I take you and Leanna out for lunch?”

  “No, you don’t—”

  “I’d love that.”

  Leanna wouldn’t argue with his little girl. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt another living soul, unlike his current filthy wife.

  “Then I’d love to come. If I’m not intruding?”

  “You’re not intruding at all.” He led the way toward the diner. If he was going to make Leanna a permanent part of his life, he needed to get her used to his company. At any moment she looked like she wanted to run for the hills. He couldn’t have that.

  Chapter Eight

  “What the hell is this?” Zoe asked the moment they entered her apartment. Landon was standing there playing pool as they entered. No one else was in the apartment, which Raoul was thankful for. He doubted Zoe would handle a string of girls coming and going. Before paying Landon’s rent, he’d given him a warning to keep the women quiet or to take them somewhere private.


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