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Lust Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Until that day, you’re staying safe and wearing a helmet.”

  She would have blown a raspberry if she wasn’t wearing a helmet. Snuggling up against his back, she enjoyed the drive, basking in having him between her thighs once more. One of the highlights of her life was these moments with Raoul. She felt closer to him than anyone else.

  The ride was long yet not long enough. She didn’t want to let him go. The moment they drove into the clubhouse parking lot, she saw the barbeque was already in full swing. Daisy was at the pit, flipping burgers. The guy she recognized as Russ held a woman his age by his side as he was smearing some kind of grease onto meat.

  “Who’s Russ with?” Zoe asked.

  “Sheila, his old lady. They come around to more of these events now.” Raoul didn’t add anymore. He took her straight into the clubhouse and up to his room. “Change into your skirt.”

  “You’re very bossy.” She didn’t bother trying to hide her body from him. Dropping her jeans, she stepped out of them, after kicking her sneakers aside. Pulling up the skirt, she heard Raoul hiss. The skirt was a black one but molded to her hips and ass like a second skin. She’d bought it hoping that it would complement her figure, not show off that she needed to lose a few pounds. Zoe loved eating and wasn’t about to stop now just because of Raoul.

  “You look fucking hot.”

  She tugged on her sneakers, pushing her hair off her face, she stood before him. “Am I decent for a barbeque?”

  “You’re more than decent. I want to mess you up a little and make you completely not decent.”

  Zoe laughed. “You’ve always got sex on the brain.”

  “I can’t think of anything better to spend my time than between your thighs.”

  “You’re bad. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  “A couple of times. I stopped listening.”

  He tugged her close, squeezing her ass.

  “What will happen tonight?” she asked, nervous about becoming his old lady.

  “Some of the guys will go home. The few families that have turned out to party will be gone. I’ll take you inside, and someone will watch the door. We won’t be disturbed. I’ll make you mine inside where the brothers will see but not touch. You’ll become mine.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little strange a tradition?”

  “No. It works for all the women and all the men. We’ve never had a problem with the men taking what wasn’t theirs to take. Being my old lady, Zoe, it means you support the club. No matter what happens, you can’t talk to the cops or anyone else about the club. You can talk to Landon, and any of the other women. No one else.”

  “Okay. Top secret MC business. I get it.”

  “Good. Duke won’t allow anyone to betray the club.”

  “I won’t.”

  He cupped her cheek, and she did her best to smile even though she was terrified. The clubs were a different walk of life, one she wasn’t used to.

  “When you’ve finished college, I’m going to marry you.”

  Zoe gasped, laughing, then stopped. “Was that your idea of a proposal?”

  “No. You becoming my old lady is a proposal. Marrying you is just so the law knows who you belong to.” He grabbed her hand, and she watched in amazement as he slid a ring onto her finger. “As far as anyone’s concerned, you belong to me.”

  “You’re a very possessive guy, aren’t you?”

  “Baby, I’ve never been possessive in my life, until you.”

  Zoe stared at the ring, twirling the single diamond around her finger. “Speaking of Baby, what happened to her?” She hadn’t wanted to bring it up until she saw him.

  “She’s out of the club for good. We don’t want anyone who is prepared to trick the brothers into getting her pregnant. The other women have been warned. If they try to break our rules, there will be consequences.”

  “Wow, that bad.”

  “We don’t abide liars or women who try to play their own games. They came into the club knowing what was required of them.”

  “They can’t have a change of heart?”

  Raoul locked up his room, shaking his head.

  “No, they can’t. They had a choice when they first come to the club. That’s not going to change.”

  Zoe shrugged. “It’s not my problem. I’m sorry you almost got drugged.” She kissed his neck, going on her toes to reach his flesh.

  He banded a hand around her. “It’s okay. Come on, let’s go out and party.”

  They entered the clubhouse compound, and she saw Holly was standing with her father, and another woman who she didn’t recognize.

  “That’s Mary. She’s lovely providing you don’t piss her off.”

  “Do you have firsthand experience with that?”

  Raoul closed off once again, and she couldn’t help but wonder what she was saying to shut him down. She didn’t get a chance to question him as they were pulled into hugs. Several of the men hugged her, smiling, and talking with Raoul. The welcome was amazing and not one she ever expected to get. Raoul wouldn’t let her leave his side. A burger was thrust into her hands, and he encouraged her to eat.

  When Holly and Mary beckoned her, Raoul shook his head, nodding toward the two women.

  Zoe didn’t think much of it. It was her first night in the MC. Maybe he was worried that she’d do something to embarrass him.

  Landon nudged her with his shoulder. “How are you doing, nerd?” he asked. His arm was around one of the women she recognized, Lori, she believed her name was.

  “I see you’re going to play when you get the chance.”

  “Hey, I’m trying to be nice to my roommate. She’s sensitive when I take women around to fuck.”

  “She should be. You’re a dirty bastard,” Zoe said.

  Raoul kissed her head, laughing along with Landon. “Don’t mind him. He doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants.”

  “I’m very much aware of what he can’t do. The man’s a walking advert for diseases or a condom.”

  All the men laughed at that.

  “Baby, you haven’t seen nothing yet.”

  She shivered as Raoul ran his tongue over her pulse, reminding her exactly what they were about to get up to. Zoe couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Ten

  Later that night, Raoul played pool with Landon, Daisy, and Zoe. Several of the guys found their way inside the clubhouse. The tension mounted, and he noticed that Zoe kept rubbing up against his body. Her nipples pressed against the front of her shirt. When she bent over the table to take a shot, he slapped the pool stick against Landon’s chest when he caught the guy staring.

  All Zoe did was chuckle. “You got a problem with him looking?”

  “I’ve got a problem with him looking when it’s mine that he’s looking at,” he said. She moved in front of him so there was just a small gap between their bodies.

  “I’m not yours yet.”

  Raoul threw the pool stick on the table, calling an end to the game. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tugged hard on the length. Zoe melted against his body, moaning.

  “You were mine the moment I first saw you.”

  There was a flash of fear in her eyes as she recalled that first time they’d seen each other.

  “No, you don’t have to be afraid again. I took care of it. I’ll always take care of you, baby.” He rubbed his face against hers, inhaling her vanilla scent. “They’re gone, and they’re never going to hurt you again.”

  “Raoul,” she said, whispering his name.

  “What, baby?”

  “I think I’m in love with you.” He pulled away enough to look into her eyes. The fear was back, but this time it was a different kind of fear. This fear was of the unknown. “I didn’t mean to—”

  He cut off her words with his lips. Sliding his tongue into her mouth, he lifted her onto the pool table. When he opened his eyes he saw Landon had moved the balls and pool stick out of the way. He was unhindered in his taking of Zoe.

sp; “If I didn’t love you, Zoe, I wouldn’t be here now. We only take the woman we love as an old lady. I’ve only known of one case where the guy didn’t love her.”


  “Yes. That was different. I’m here because I want to be, and so are you.” He opened up the buttons on her jacket, pushing it off her shoulders. Silence had fallen into the clubhouse. He’d been part of several claimings. This was his one and only time he’d ever take an old lady.

  Glancing past her shoulder he saw Duke and Pike sitting with their women. Landon had disappeared after taking the balls and stick. Daisy sat at the bar with Pie, Smash, Knuckles, and Chip around the room. Several of the brothers were behind him. He didn’t mind their eyes. Raoul hadn’t ever had a problem with being watched.

  Their gazes were not filled with lust for him or Zoe. They were filled with the promise to protect this woman in front of him. After tonight no other brother would try to take her, but they’d all try to protect her.

  She made to push his leather jacket off, but Raoul stopped her.

  “No, the leather stays on,” he said.

  “The rules?”

  “Yes, it’s my rule.” He pulled her in close, taking her lips in a searing kiss. She moaned, gripping his shoulders tightly. The leather protected him from her sharp nails. He didn’t doubt she’d leave marks on his body by the end of the night.

  “Please, Raoul. I need you.” She opened her thighs wider, and he stepped within them.

  “You know what’s going to happen.”

  “I know, and I don’t care.” She went straight for his belt. “If I can’t take your jacket off, I can take your pants down instead.” She smiled at him. “I’m doing this for you. I want to be with you, no one else. If this is what I need to do to become yours, then I’m more than happy to go through with it.”

  “You’re amazing.” He really didn’t have any other words to describe how this woman left him feeling. “I love you, baby.” Raoul didn’t care that the entire room of brothers heard that he loved Zoe. They all knew the truth as he was holding her close to him now. He’d not touched any other woman since Zoe had stepped back into his life.

  Tell her the truth.

  He couldn’t do it. Not here and not now. She’d walk out of his life, and he couldn’t bear it.

  Tugging her shirt over her head, he flicked the catch of her bra, exposing her tits. He pulled her close against him, wrapping her hair around his fist. Staring into her eyes, he ignored the stares that followed them.

  “Ignore them,” he said when Zoe looked past his shoulder. “I’m the only one who matters. Touch me, focus on me.”

  She sank her fingers into his hair, gasping out as he slid his free hand beneath her skirt. He tugged on the thin material of her thong, tearing it away from her body. She jerked at his harsh movements but didn’t stop him.

  “Grab the condom from my jeans.”

  Zoe reached into his back pocket taking out the condom he’d placed for this moment. When he got to his room with her, she wasn’t going to get the chance to get away from him.

  He intended to spend another weekend’s worth of fucking her, preparing her ass for him to fuck.

  “Please, Raoul.”

  “I’m going to hold you in place. Take my dick out and slide the latex over me.” He held her captive unable to move. This was what he loved about Zoe, along with everything else: she was more than prepared to give the power over to him. He didn’t have to fight her to get what he wanted. She gave herself to him willingly.

  She tore into the foil packet, and within seconds he was covered with the condom. He had to wait another week before the pill took effect. Raoul wasn’t prepared to get her pregnant just yet. He wanted her to finish college before they even considered a family.

  “Move to the edge of the table.”

  Zoe shuffled until she was on the edge.

  “Lie back.”

  She lowered herself to the table. He released her hair long enough to grip his cock, sliding deep within the tight walls of her pussy. Raoul sank his finger into her hair, holding on tightly as rode her pussy hard.

  The room filled with eyes disappeared, and Zoe became his only focus. She was so utterly beautiful, open, and breathtaking. He didn’t know what he’d done in life to get so lucky to have a woman like her.

  Zoe slid her hand between them, stroking her clit as he rode her hard, going deep within her.

  “I love you, Zoe. I love you so damn much.”

  It had been too long since he last was in her pussy. Within minutes he came inside her as Zoe cried out her own orgasm, squeezing his dick in the process. Pressing kisses to her breasts, he lifted her up in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he glanced over to Duke.

  “It’s done. She’s protected, and you now have an old lady you need to protect, Raoul.” The rest of the brothers nodded in agreement. He’d met the terms, and now Zoe was his old lady.

  With his cock still deep inside her pussy, he picked her up and carried her upstairs toward his room.

  “Raoul, you’re going to hurt something.”

  “I’m not going to hurt anything. You’re my woman, and I’m not leaving your pussy until I have you upstairs.” The brothers had seen enough of Zoe’s pale skin. They were not going to see more.

  “You’re going to kill us at this rate.”

  He handed her the key to open the door. Raoul kicked his door closed, throwing her to the bed. He removed the condom, following her down on the bed.

  In quick movements they were both naked, touching each other. “These long distance phone calls are not enough,” Zoe said, pressing a hand to his stomach before sliding down to his cock.

  Raoul was getting hard once again from her touch.

  Leaning over her, he pulled out his cell phone. This was his spare cell phone that he kept in his room.

  “How about we make that film? We can watch it whenever we need each other.”

  Zoe took the phone from his hands. “Okay, but we’ve got to share this. I don’t want a movie that only has my ass and pussy.”

  “I’d have your tits.”

  He listened to her pressing buttons. “No, we’re not just going to have my tits and my body. I want you. Smile for me, Raoul.”

  “What do you want, baby?” he asked, lying back.

  “None of that fake porn shit. I’ve seen it online. If I want to get off without thinking of you, I’d watch that.” She pointed the phone at his face then slowly slid down his body, resting on his cock. He gripped his shaft, and started to swell.

  Zoe bit her lip, her cheeks becoming incredibly flushed as he played with himself.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.


  He took the phone from her, pushing her back onto the bed. She lifted her hands above her head, and he did exactly the same to her. Zoe smiled at him as he pushed her thighs open. He moved the phone close to her core. “You’re already soaking wet.”

  “You’re bad.”

  “But you love it about me.”

  “I do.” She tugged him down, and the rest of the night they took it in turns to use the phone to make their own film.


  The weeks after becoming Raoul’s old lady were a blur. Zoe got caught up with finals at college, preparing for another semester after summer vacation. Her time was spent between college and Vale Valley. She loved spending time with Raoul at the club. When he couldn’t make it to her, they would both use the sex video they made together, talking while they watched it. She loved watching that movie and sometimes watched it without masturbating. Zoe loved to watch Raoul. The lust shining in his eyes, the strength of his body, it all helped her to feel safe, especially in the dead of night when she was alone. Holly had the baby a week ago, a baby boy who she’d named Drake. Duke and Drake, not very odd names, but still, she hoped Matthew didn’t have an issue with the name. Mary wasn’t due with her baby for another couple of months.

  Zoe had also been left alone when he went with several Trojans to go meet the new Prez of The Skulls. He didn’t talk about what happened there, and so she figured he didn’t want to share it.

  Landon collapsed onto the sofa after they both returned from their final exam.

  “Fuck me, I’m pleased that’s over for a couple of weeks,” Landon said, stretching.

  Zoe joined him, closing her eyes as she rested her head against the sofa. “I could sleep for a week.”

  They’d both been crash studying, neither of them leaving the apartment and using each other to learn.

  “I think words are singed behind my eyeballs,” Zoe said. “It’s all just going to be forgotten.”

  “When’s Raoul coming for you?”

  “I don’t know. He’s not said yet.” She rubbed at her temples while her head pounded.

  Landon pulled out his cell phone. “He wants me to drive you to the clubhouse.”

  Zoe groaned. “I’m not up to driving.”

  “Well, he might have a special party for us. You never know. It’s Raoul.”

  “Let me grab my bag.” She climbed off the sofa, padding toward her bedroom. Zoe kept a bag prepared for when Raoul picked her up as a surprise. Flinging it over her shoulder, she saw Landon move out of his room to do the same. “We’re becoming like brother and sister.”

  “Whatever. Please, remind me again why I went to college. I can fuck all night long and never be this tired.”

  “I’ve not got a clue why you went to college. I can’t even think of a good reason as to why I did.”

  They locked up their apartment, going for Landon’s car. She threw her bag into the trunk, heading into the passenger side.

  “So, when do you get to prospect?” she asked, once Landon started the car.

  “I don’t know. I think after I finish college in another two years. I’m not sure. I was going to talk to Duke about prospecting now. I don’t want to be waiting around to become a member of the club.” Landon tapped his fingers onto the steering wheel.

  Zoe grabbed her sunglasses, staring out of the window. She was so tired, but her body came to life at the thought of seeing Raoul. He always had this power with her body. It didn’t matter what he did, she wanted him more than anything.


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