Elemental Courage

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Elemental Courage Page 9

by M. W. McDonald

  “A meeting was called, to be held by the most powerful enchanters of our time. Ravall of earth, Loralyen of fire, Meniscall of wind, and myself. We all agreed, to hunt her down together, and end The Black Era. It took the four of us working in tandem for 3 days to get her weakened. It was understood that destroying Khorynn was the ultimate goal regardless of the cost. Ravall and Meniscall released all of their energy to bind Khorynn in one spot and keep her powers quieted. Loralyen went next and enveloped Khorynn in a massive magma bubble. I was supposed to crush her in a tidal bubble, the same blossom bubble I used on the assassins, but I couldn’t do it. All of the elements hardened because I couldn’t kill her. She stood there, encased in a massive blood ruby. I was alone, my fellow enchanters and friends were gone. Khorynn’s eyes bore into me, glowing red with hate. I couldn’t do my duty, I was selfish.” She paused again, whispering, ”I still can’t finish it.”

  “If I may ask, you were aware of just how evil she had become.” Dyaina nodded.

  “You knew what she was capable of.” Dyaina nodded again.

  “I am obviously thankful you are here, but why couldn’t you do it?” Brian asked.

  “I couldn’t kill her…I lost my father, I was so angry at his loss but when it came right down to it… I couldn’t kill my twin sister too.” She looked in William’s direction and saw the light of a rift open in the kitchen. She walked quickly to William to check on him, leaving Brian out on the balcony to think about the story.

  “Damn you, David. What have you gotten me into.” Brian looked down at the people in the streets once more, he felt even smaller now.


  Michael had rifted home, he didn’t know where else to go. Brian had told him to be careful rifting, and if he had to do it, he had to do it quickly. Exposure to the rift for unnecessary periods could kill William. He stepped through the exit rift into the kitchen of his home. His wolf form was carrying Alex on his back. Alex was limp and slumping forward. He shifted back to his human form, the fur shed, and his body reshaped. He now stood carrying Alex over his human shoulders.

  “Brian! Dad! Need your help in here!” Brian was the first to get there, he ran into the kitchen with David showing up a moment afterward.

  “Find anything out there?” Brian saw the limp body slung over Michael’s shoulder and rushed to help Michael lower him from his shoulders. “What happened?”

  “This guy and one other were fighting…Something.” Michael couldn’t describe the shade much better than that right now. He shook his head as what he saw conflicted with what reality should be.

  “Set him down and give him some air,” Brian said quickly, pulling out a chair. Michael set Alex down as gently as he could. Alex took in a few gasping breaths and opened his eyes. Alex’s eyes darted around the room quickly. He hurled himself from the chair and reeled backward with forearms ablaze. Alex didn’t know anyone except for Michael, and a 30-second introduction was hardly knowing someone.

  “Calm down Alex,” Michael spoke evenly. “Calm down, these men are friends, they will help us.” Alex looked into Michael’s amber eyes and sensed no hostility. The flames on his forearms subsided, but he still decided to stand.

  “So I take it you’re a shaman of fire,” Brian said, examining his still smoldering scar. “Or, do you just spontaneously combust for fun?” Brian chuckled as he calmly checked Alex’s pulse like the doctor he was trained to be.

  “What happened? Are you ok Michael?” Dyaina came into the room in quick, worried strides. Michael looked up, and Dyaina comes into the room, Michael was sure he was seeing a ghost.

  “Mom?” Michael looked disbelieving at her. Dyaina stood in the doorway as David and Brian were talking to Alex. Dyaina looked at her firstborn, tears in her eyes and nodded. Michael ran forward and hugged her tightly, lifting her off of her feet.

  “How is this possible? How do you feel?” Michael spoke words fired out of his mouth quickly, excitedly.

  “I’m tired, but I am getting better.” She stepped back and sized her boy. “Look at you, you look just like your father you know.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “It’s good to see you, Mike.” Dyaina turned to see Alex. “And who is this?” She asked walking up to Alex. He saw the beautiful woman approach him.

  “My name is Alex Castos,” he said as he offered his hand to Dyaina. She shook it and replied. “Dyaina Vrastal. What brings you to us Alex?” Her name tugged at Alex’s memory, but he dismissed it as quickly as it hit him.

  “He did actually,” Alex motioned to Michael. “A friend stayed behind to let us get away,” Alex said, respect was thick in his voice for his once adversary, now ever respected fallen friend. Pain shot through Alex’s shoulder, and he doubled forward, feeling a throb from his wound that felt like the blade all over again. Michael continued for him.

  “I went upstate just like you asked Brian.” Michael began recounting. “I found Alex quickly enough, and watched everything from a tree that wasn’t too far away.’ Alex listened intently as ann excruciating stab of pain wracked his body and chilled his spine. The sensation was subsiding now, but he let Michael continue. “Another man appeared and brought Alex to the same wooded area where I was watching from.

  “What other man?” David asked.

  “A hunter, I had been working for him for years and didn’t know it. The energy ripple that passed some time ago revealed his powers to me and mine to him.” Brian looked at Dyaina, and they both nodded.

  “He was after you?” Brian asked.

  “I thought so at first, but it turned out he saved me. He gave me a message to give to anyone who I thought could help. He told me to tell someone that the Shade of Khorynn is back, whatever that means.” Alex rubbed his lightly smoking scar.

  “I felt as if it was eating me,” Alex mumbled as he poked at his new scar. Everyone looked at Dyaina.

  “It was eating you.” She said softly. “Do you know who Khorynn is Alex?” Dyaina asked with an edge in her voice.

  “My grandfather spoke of her very little, but her name was mentioned. Something about a great evil that tried to destroy the world.” Alex said, shaking his head and searching for words.

  “The shade you encountered, if your friend was correct, is the child of Khorynn- the resurrected child of Khorynn in fact. You are fortunate to be alive.” Dyaina looked up at David and Brian. “I need to talk to William, the shade will be heading here. We have to leave now.”

  “We can kill it with all of us,” Alex said looking around and seeing able bodies. He was anxious to get back and confront his enemy.

  “No, we wouldn’t, it cannot die by normal means. If we fought it here, it would find my son. If it absorbed his life essence and use his powers against us, we would all die.” Dyaina looked at Brian. “I’ll need you to be my mediator again.” Brian nodded. “He may not be strong enough for it, but I will give it a shot.”

  “Alex, it is imperative that my son lives,” Dyaina continued. “Until he is strong enough, we will be on the move. If that is against what you believe to be necessary, then by all means rest but be on your way. You are welcome to move with us if you choose, but if you stay, you must do as I say.”

  “I’ll stay,” Alex responded quickly, he didn’t need to think hard about this choice. “If that thing catches me out in the open alone, I am history.” Alex realized he smelled like human barbecue as he absentmindedly rubbed his blackened shoulder before continuing. “Or worse yet, food. I’ll help however I can.” Dyaina nodded to him and smiled thankfully. “David, do you mind lending him a shirt?” Alex laughed realizing his lean, heavily tattooed chest was displayed for all to see. He turned his last shirt to ash after all. David returned quickly with a light blue button-down shirt. Alex took it from him. “I can’t guarantee you will get it back.” David smiled nodding his head. Alex noticed he had amber eyes too. Alex put the shirt on quickly, covering up his intricate tattoos then rolled up the sleeves until they were up past his elbows. Brian and Dyaina moved
to the futon where William lie.

  “I’ll need a minute or two to see if I can manage this. “ Brian said calmly as Dyaina nodded in agreement. Brian put his hands on William’s forehead and chest.

  “Here goes.” Brian’s entire being felt as if it was free-falling through the vast pit of William’s reserve.


  “William…” The voice was barely audible. “William…” The voice repeated again.

  “William, can you answer me?” The voice echoed in the blackness of his mind, it was familiar. William tried to answer, a massive jolt of pain shot across his forehead.

  “William? Your body is recharging, the pain will subside the more you stretch out your mind. Try and talk to me.”

  “Who?” William managed to say, his voice cracked shakily.

  “It’s me, Brian,” Brian replied.

  “What happened? “ William didn’t want to ask if his mom was alright. He was afraid of the answer. “You turned yourself into the worst possible lightning rod. It would’ve been safer to lick a light socket, my friend.” Brian reluctantly added. “awe-inspiring work, you have tremendous potential.”

  “Now if he would only use it for less stupid reasons.” A new voice that William recognized instantly added.

  “Mom?” William asked, excitement barely contained in his voice.

  “Yes, honey it’s me.” Dyaina’s voice was laden with tears. “Do you know how dangerous that was? You could’ve killed yourself or any number of other people.” Her voice was scolding now. “Do you realize you could have died?”

  “But I didn’t,” William responded simply, Brian stifled a laugh, and Dyaina shot him an annoyed glance. “What?” Brian shrugged at her. “He’s your son.”

  “I’m still trying to figure out how you did it, let alone it being the very first thing you ever attempted. Very, very stupid.” She was angry at his recklessness and wanted to scream at him and shake some sense into him. Get it through his head that he was more important, and that he shouldn’t throw his life away on simple chances.

  William didn’t mind getting yelled at, he was just happy she was ok. Dyaina sighed loudly, resigned to state the obvious. “I am very proud of you William.” William smiled. “You should know that your father will try and thank you at every opportunity. Try and be patient.” Brian smiled, overhearing everything. “We don’t have much time Dyaina.” Brian reminded her. “We have to leave soon.”

  “Leave? Where are you going, mom?” William asked.

  “We all must leave here. An unfortunate side effect of your rough abilities is acting like a beacon for other shamans.”

  “I’m sorry for putting everyone in danger.” William’s voice was solemn.

  “Oh, shut up,” Brian told him jokingly. “No one here is thinking twice about what you did, especially with the outcome.”

  “We need you to wake up Will, we can’t rift out if your body is on autopilot. The energy will kill you in your current state.” Brian said.

  “I tried, I can’t wake up.” Brian felt around in William’s mind and found the problem. William was fully open to receive energies but was closed to letting any out.

  “William do you know how our abilities work?” Brian asked.

  “Not really. I sort of demanded that everything around me save my mom.” Dyaina could picture William shrugging as he spoke.

  “It’s a little more complicated than that,” Brian said. “For each person, it’s a bit different. With myself, for example, I focus on my goal and my knowledge does the rest.”

  “For me,” Dyaina chimed in. “It’s merely a thought, I think about what I want to do, and I bend things, and draw from others to make it happen. You aren’t limited by a single element. You have them all at your disposal, if you think of it, it can probably be done.”

  “What we need you to do is to turn your body off. Turn off its collection process.” Brian said. “Do you think you can do that?”

  “I’ll try,” William said. He concentrated, the pain spread across his forehead again like strands of burning thread, but he tried to push through it. He found a spot within himself that felt different than the rest. It felt like there was a cold, refreshing breeze blowing through him here, filling him up slowly. This must have been what Brian was talking about. He willed the influx of energy in his being to stop. The energy flow slowed to a trickle and then subsided. He felt the energy in his center, spread out to his muscles with a warm tingle.

  “Good William, get up.” Dyaina spoke again. “Now.”

  “We are out of time,” Brian said quickly. “They are here.”


  “Stay with William, Dyaina.” She nodded to David as he walked briskly past. She knew that she couldn’t help this time, at least not yet. It was still a chore just to walk. Brian stood near the front door, off to the left. His hands were on the wall, and he was concentrating. David and Michael flanked him, and Alex stood behind them.

  “There are two coming from the elevator, and more on the bottom floor taking the stairs,” Brian said, feeling the energy of their approaching shamanic adversaries vibrate in the building. The smell of smoke was starting to waft in from below the door.

  Brian ran back to the living room and grabbed the glass of water off of the side table that was next to the couch. “Get to William now,” Brian spoke quickly with David and Michael. Brian took a drink of water and poured the rest into this hand. He closed his eyes again and concentrated once more. He bent the water into a bowl shape, about the size of a large punch bowl.

  “I know you don’t know me Alex, but I need you to trust me,” Brian said, his eyes still focused on his watery creation.

  “Do I have a choice?” Alex replied, and Brian just smiled.

  “No, not really. I want you to throw fire at me. A fireball is preferred, something projectile-ish if you don’t mind,” Brian added quickly. “I still plan on having kids someday so don’t kill me.”

  “What?” Alex thought he misheard him. Brian looked annoyed. “Just do it, and make it a strong one, I have a trick up my sleeve for these guys.” Alex nodded and looked down at his arms. The flames rippled down his tattoos, spiraling down his forearms through his wrists to collect in his palms in a dazzling display of chaotic control of a fire manipulator. He formed an open fist and shaped the flame into a rough orb.

  “Here it comes Brian.” Alex hurled the ball of flame at Brian. It bore down on Brian quickly, Alex thought it might actually hit him before its intended purpose could be carried out.

  “Look out!” Alex thought Brian waited too long. Brian lifted the bowl and caught the ball of flame with the basin of the watery conjuration. He willed the water to cover the flaming sphere. What Brian now held in his hand, resembled a large marble. Flame encased in water, the oxygen from the water kept the fire beautiful and strong.

  “What is that?” Alex asked, extinguishing his flames and staring at the orb.

  “An elemental bomb of sorts.” Brian rolled it in his hand. “Nice job, this will pack a huge punch. Took the hair off my hands though.” Brian laughed a little shaking one of his smoking hands trying to cool it off.

  “Why didn’t you let me drop the fire in the bowl?” Alex asked.

  “The energy of your throw is also trapped in here,” Brian said as he felt the integrity of the watery orb. Smoke was pouring in from under the front door now. “We have to get out of here, now.” Brian led Alex to the living room. William was sitting in bed, and his mother was hugging him and helping him stand.

  “You are going to have to carry two Mike,” David said calmly shifting his wolf form. He stood waiting for his passengers.

  “I’ll carry Dyaina and William, you carry the guys.”

  “No sweat,” Michael said confidently as he also shifted forms. Both large animals filled the room quickly. Alex helped William get onto David’s back and then assisted Dyaina. She wrapped her arms around William’s waist to steady his tired form. She held fast to David’s fur. “We a
re ready David,” Dyaina said, preparing for the rift entry. “Hold on William,” Dyaina said behind him. “Let’s go David.” Alex rose onto Michael’s back and extended his hand to Brian. Brian set his creation on the ground and started it rolling to the front door. He took Alex’s hand and raised himself on Michael’s back as well.

  David’s howl ripped through the apartment, cracking its windows. The air split and tore violently. The rift’s energy seemed agitated as if realizing the peril of its caretaker.

  “You must protect them from the energy Mike.” David’s voice was deathly serious.

  “Oh, right. I almost forgot.” His wolfish features managed a smile while Brian’s face went ashen. David leaped forward and passed through the rift. The globe was close to the door now, and smoke had almost filled the room. The red heat could be seen from just under the door. Michael leaped forward as well his large paws were a soft metallic whisper on the floor. Brian glanced back one last time as the door burst opened, their would-be attackers fired their elemental energies into the room blindly. Brian smiled as the orb came to a rest and exploded with a tremendous force as Michael passed through the rift, the blast wave barreled down on them but was denied as rift snapped shut behind them.


  The shade screamed in rage, the energy it had tracked just vanished. Hundreds of voices within the darkness echoed the disappointment of yet another elusive meal. It cried out in frustration as it climbed the outside wall of the tall apartment structure, leaping to and from the shadows cast by the city lights below. It clawed up the building towards the ruined corner apartment, in scavenger mode now.


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