Honky Tonk Hearts Volume 2

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Honky Tonk Hearts Volume 2 Page 8

by The Wild Rose Press Authors

  “Is that you, Chase?” The high voice shook.

  He let out a long sigh and rested the pans on the railing. “It’s me, Missy. Is there a problem?” The porch light snapped on, and he wondered if Honor had followed him from the kitchen.

  The brawny, brown-haired man beside Missy blinked in the sudden glare and cleared his throat. “No problem.”

  The curtain at the window twitched low next to the sill.

  Seeing tear stains on Missy’s cheeks, he frowned at Brady. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive,” she snapped.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Grabbing the pans, Chase hurried down the steps and opened the van door. It clicked sharply in the still night air. He dumped the pans and turned to face the pair on the porch. Missy wiped tears from her cheeks and sniffed loudly. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Brady stared at the weathered wooden floor.

  Honor walked through the doorway carrying the empty bean vat and paused, her gaze darting from Missy and Brady to Chase and back. She smiled hesitantly. He leaped up the steps and took the pot from her. Head held high, Missy gathered her pink skirt in a tight grip and descended the steps with Brady following.

  Honor raised a brow. “Did I miss something? Your ex looked ready to spit nails.”

  “Typical Missy. I really don’t care what’s bugging her.” He shoved the pot into the van and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Let’s finish loading the dishes. I want at least one dance with you before the band packs up for the night.”

  She gave him a teasing smile. “For all your hard work, I suppose you deserve one dance.”

  He dropped his arm from her shoulders to her waist and squeezed. “Since I can’t win you over with charm, I figured good old-fashioned elbow grease might do the trick.”

  “You figured right. I like a man who’s handy in the kitchen.”

  Bending, he whispered in her ear, “Darlin’, give me a chance, and I’ll show you just how handy I am.”


  Honor swayed in Chase’s arms to a smooth jazz melody. Closing her eyes, she let herself enjoy the feel of hard muscle beneath her fingertips and the heat radiating through his fine cotton shirt. Dancing with Chase was like slipping into a warm pool on a hot summer night. A drugging lethargy sucked her deeper until she was in over her head.

  His lips brushed her ear, sending a thrill straight to her core. When his tongue ran along the outer shell, she nearly lost it.

  “Stop.” Her protest was feeble at best.

  “Don’t want to.” His arms tightened, and his lips moved down the side of her neck.

  Her breath came in quick pants. “People will see us.”

  “Don’t care if they do. Anyway, it’s too dark.”

  Further argument died as his hand moved from her waist over her hip, pulling her close against the hard bulge in his pants. With a quick turn and twirl, he backed her away from the remaining guests and into the rose garden. Surrounded by heavenly perfume, he slowed to a stop and caressed her face. His lips touched hers, withdrew a fraction, then settled in, feeding the ache inside her.

  When she was certain the exquisite torture would tear her apart, she wrenched her mouth away. “I told myself I wouldn’t do this.”

  “It’s inevitable; we both know it.”

  She stared up, trying to read his expression in the dark. “Mind blowing sex, and then what?”

  “More mind blowing sex.” He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips, kissing the palm.

  The tender gesture weakened her knees. How long had it been since she’d felt this alive? When was the last time she’d let herself lose control? Maybe a fling with Chase wouldn’t kill her when it ended. Then again, even if it did, the primitive pleasure he offered might be worth it.

  “Okay, you win.”

  He stilled. “You’re certain?”

  “No, but I’m taking the plunge, anyway.”

  “I don’t want—”

  She pressed her finger against his lips. “Are you trying to talk me out of it?”

  “Lord, no. I’ve been dying for this since the moment we met.” Grabbing her hand, he led her through the garden and around the house. Their shoes crunched on the gravel driveway.

  She dug in her heels when he turned toward the barn. “I have to get the van back to Davis in the morning.”

  Adjusting course, he kept walking. “Of course you do. That’s why we spent half the evening packing it.” He tugged her up against his side, their hips bumping. “I don’t care who drives. For you, I’ll even walk home tomorrow.” Opening the door with a flourish, he grinned. “Your chariot awaits.”

  The flutters in her stomach increased tenfold. When Chase smiled…

  Honor swallowed and slid onto the seat. With shaking hands, she shifted into reverse and backed the van. The headlight beams dipped and swayed as she negotiated the rutted driveway. Hitting a bump, she bounced in the seat and eased up on the gas.


  He turned in his seat to face her. “Are you sure you’re ready for this. I don’t want you to have any regrets. It isn’t too late to turn around.”

  She could tell the words nearly strangled him. The fact that he’d made the offer was enough. Her uncertainties melted away, leaving only anticipation.

  “I don’t want to take you back home.” Reaching across the center console, she rested her hand on his thigh and felt the muscle twitch beneath his dress pants. “Tonight, I’m ready for trouble.”

  Chapter Seven

  Honor landed on her back on the daybed with Chase on top of her. Rolling, hands fumbling with buttons and zippers, the bed creaked ominously. He raised his head and cracked it on one of the brass finials.


  She slid her hand into his hair. “Are you hurt?”

  He touched a spot above his temple. “I’ll survive.”

  Nibbling at her lower lip, he stroked a finger along her jaw, sending a shiver through her.

  “We should have stayed at the ranch, though. My bed is a whole lot bigger.”

  “And less private. I can just see myself passing Elwood in the hall on the way to the bathroom.”

  “He wouldn’t care.”

  “Maybe not, but I would.”

  His soft chuckle rippled down her nerve endings. Then he kissed her, teasing pecks that made her squirm with longing. When he finally deepened the kiss, she moaned and clutched his face between her palms. “You’re killing me,” she whispered.

  “Good. I want you to enjoy every minute. I’m in no hurry.”

  Maybe he wasn’t, but Honor felt rushed, felt like she had to capture every second and savor it before it disappeared. She could only seize the moment and deal with the aftermath later. Feelings for this man, deep and true, had snuck up and burrowed into her heart.

  “What’s wrong?”

  His words were a warm caress against her skin.

  “Nothing, except we’re both wearing too many clothes.”

  “Easily solved.”

  He lowered the straps of her dress and skimmed them over her shoulders. Cool air feathered her breasts when her bra followed. He sucked one pink tip into his mouth and worshipped it. Desire, hot and urgent, stretched her nerve endings tight.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  She couldn’t think, could only feel. Her hands trembled as she worked the zipper of his pants down and touched the strength of his need, silky smooth, hard and hot. He jerked beneath her fingers.

  His breath hitched. “Okay, now I’m in a rush.”

  “I finally got to you, did I?”

  “Oh, Honey, you got to me all right.”

  They savored and stroked, then upped the tempo to a furious pace. Muscles tensed and quivered as damp skin slapped together, creating unbearable friction. Locked together, she pushed reality to the back of her mind and enjoyed the fantasy. Fulfillment came in one shattering moment that rocked her soul.

  “Wow.” Chase’s che
st rose and fell with his breathing.

  She traced a bead of sweat that ran in a trail across the smooth, muscled surface. Minutes ticked by before her heart rate slowed.

  “Wow doesn’t quite cover it.”

  His mouth curved, pressing against the side of her face. “Definitely mind blowing.”

  Trying to ease the kink in her back, she stretched, her foot running down the side of his hair-roughened calf. “Two in this bed is definitely a tight fit.”

  The hand playing with a strand of her hair stilled. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “Do you want to go?” Reality invaded, and she struggled to pull the sheet across her breasts.

  He covered her hand on the sheet, his big, warm palm cupping her breast. “I kind of like it right where I am.”

  She let out a breath. “Yeah?”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Honor.”

  “Not yet.” Her words fell into silence, landing with a hard thud. He didn’t move an inch, but she felt his withdrawal and bit her lip.

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say.”

  “Nothing.” She turned in his arms, pressing her cheek against his chest. “It’s been a long day. We both need some sleep.”

  “You okay?” His voice was whisper soft.

  Squeezing back tears, she nodded. “Never better.”


  Honor woke in the dark of the night. The blinds clicked and rattled as a gust of wind blew through the open window. Kicking at the sheet tangled around her legs, she stubbed her toe against warm, solid flesh and froze. Chase mumbled in his sleep and turned on his side, one long arm resting across her hip. She relaxed against him.

  Last night had been—incredible. On a scale of one to ten, the sex was at least a fifteen. He was a thoughtful, thorough lover, intent on her pleasure as well as his own. She didn’t doubt for a moment that he cared deeply. He was a man who cherished the woman he was with. Basking in the glow of his attention, she felt like a star shining bright in the night sky.

  The fall back to earth, however, could prove fatal.

  And she would spiral down eventually, when the novelty wore off and his ardor cooled. He already admitted he wasn’t looking for forever. She’d thought she was okay with that. But after the hours spent in his arms, she knew she was fooling herself. Chase Paladin wasn’t a man you walked away from without regrets.

  Burrowing closer against his chest, she listened to the steady beat of his heart. He was so much more than curl-your-toes-sexy with a double dose of charm. He was compassionate, caring, and funny. The man made her laugh, and she didn’t underestimate the value of a sense of humor in a relationship. When she talked, he actually listened. His concern was always genuine, showing in the hard angle of his jaw when she spoke of her childhood.

  But he didn’t love her, and if she wasn’t careful, he would break her heart.

  The arm across her hip tightened. His breathing quickened, stirred a tendril of hair over her ear. When his lips touched her neck and his hand caressed the length of her thigh, her pulse raced out of control.

  Honor turned into his arms. Tomorrow she’d worry about her battered heart. Tonight she would hold his affection tight, hoard it, and never let it go.


  Honor was gone when Chase woke. The only sound in the apartment was the ticking of the bedside clock and the faint clink and clash of dishes from the restaurant below. But something had awakened him, some noise that didn’t belong. In the far corner of the room, the refrigerator clicked on with a low hum. He stretched, enjoying the satiated feeling of good sex. Not good, great. Unbelievable.

  He frowned, wondering if Honey felt the same way. After the first time, she’d seemed upset. Regretful? He sure hoped not. When she’d looked at him, though, he felt the intensity of her regard clear to his toes. He’d only touched the surface of what made her special. Realizing he wanted to delve deeper shocked him upright.

  He swung his feet to the floor and searched the tangled heap of bedding for his pants and shirt. Finding them, he dressed in the wrinkled garments and focused on the ticking clock. Good God, it was after seven. Chase couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept beyond sunup. Pop was probably ready to kill him. There were all those tables and chairs from the reception to take down in addition to the usual chores. Thinking about the work waiting for him at the ranch when all he really wanted to do was find Honey and charm her back into bed made his temples throb. He stuffed his feet into his dress shoes and pulled open the door.

  A prairie dog stared up at him through lifeless eyes, its blood soaking the doormat. Pressure built in his head, threatening to explode. Swearing softly, he stepped over the disgusting mess, turned, and saw words printed in big, block letters across the door.


  “Good Lord all mighty!” For one excruciating minute, he thought the message was written in blood. Closer examination revealed red marker.

  He ran down the stairs and entered the café through the kitchen door. Marge stood at the grill, flipping eggs. Scooping them onto a plate, she added hash browns and a couple slices of bacon. Despite what he’d just seen, his stomach growled.

  She glanced up and grunted. “Look what the cat dragged in. If you’re hunting for Honor, she has a room full of customers to tend.”

  “Morning, Marge. Actually I need a shovel and a mop. I don’t suppose you could tell me where to find them.”

  Slowly the woman turned, brows lowering over snapping gray eyes. “Another dead armadillo on her doorstep?”

  His stomach tightened, and his appetite fled. “A prairie dog. This isn’t the first time?”

  “Yesterday, she found an armadillo.”

  The pulse at his temple throbbed in a harsh tempo. “What in the name of God is going on?”

  Honor pushed through the kitchen door, her arms loaded with dirty plates. Casting him a quick smile, she set them in the sink. “You finally decided to join the living?”

  He didn’t answer, just studied the innocent looking freckled face with wide blue eyes and twin braids hanging over her shoulders. His heart squeezed painfully. Who would want to hurt her?

  Her eyes darken. “Is something wrong?”

  Forcing a smile, he draped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her tight against his side. “Not a thing, but I know you’re busy. I don’t suppose Gramps is out there eating breakfast.”

  “He and his buddy, Lyle, were my first customers.”

  “Then tell him to finish up quick. I need a ride home.”

  She gave him another curious glance before nodding. “You could tell him yourself.”

  “I’d rather not be seen in bedraggled dress clothes. No point giving fodder to the gossips.”

  Picking up the waiting plates, she offered another shy smile. “Good point.”

  She left, and Marge pointed to a door in the corner. “You’ll find what you need in the closet, but maybe you should call the sheriff before you touch the evidence.”

  “What’s he going to do, send out a task force to fingerprint a prairie dog carcass?”

  She hunched one shoulder. “Do you plan to tell Honey?”

  “I haven’t decided, but I sure as hell don’t want her seeing that mess.” Opening the door, he grabbed a bucket and mop, a scrub brush, and a long handled dust pan. “Thanks, Marge.”

  She turned back to the grill. “I’m just glad someone’s looking out for her.”

  He removed the body, cleaned up the blood, and was working on the door when Elwood started slowly up the stairs. “Heard you needed a ride home.”

  Chase glanced over his shoulder and kept scrubbing. “Hey, Gramps. I’m almost done; you don’t have to come up.”

  His grandfather’s cane thumped on each stair. Reaching the landing, he prodded the bucket of soapy water with the rubber tip. “Since when did you take up cleaning as a hobby?”

  “Since someone left Honey a threatening message.” He dropped the brush in the bucket, and wiped the door do
wn with a rag. Only the faintest traces of marker remained.

  “Who in the world would do such a thing?” Elwood asked, his bushy brows lowering over his eyes. “Honey’s a sweet little gal.”

  “If I knew who was responsible, I’d—” He took a deep breath and unclenched his fists. “Let’s just say I’d make him regret it.” He met his grandfather’s worried gaze and forced a smile. “Maybe it was just teenagers playing a prank. Sometimes that type of thing gets out of hand.”

  “If it was, they need their butts whipped.”

  “These days, that’ll get you arrested.” Picking up the bucket and mop, he headed down the stairs.

  “More’s the pity,” Elwood grumbled, thumping along behind him.

  Chase dropped the load of cleaning supplies in the kitchen, gave Marge a thumbs up, and met his grandfather at the truck. He still hadn’t decided if he’d mention the incident to Honey. Staring blindly out at the open prairie, he debated the wisdom of it during the ride home.

  “You’re thinking awful hard about something.”

  He glanced over at his grandfather and saw years of experience in his faded eyes. “If I tell Honey, she’s sure to be upset, but she’ll be wary. If I don’t...” His voice trailed off. “Does a dead rodent constitute a serious threat?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. I’d keep a close watch on her, just in case.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I intend to.”


  “Got you a present.”

  Standing on her doorstep with a playful smile on his face, Chase pulled his hand from behind his back. In it was a pink cell phone.

  Honor frowned. “If I wanted a phone, I’d buy one.” She opened the door wider.

  He stepped into the apartment and proffered the phone. Ignoring it, she walked across the room and pulled the shrieking teakettle off the burner. “Would you like a cup of tea?”

  “I’d rather have a beer.”

  “Then you’re out of luck.” She poured water into a cup, dunked the teabag a few times, and eyed the phone. “We slept together once. That doesn’t give you the right to buy me electronics.”

  “For crying out loud, it isn’t a flat screen TV. It’s a disposable phone. And it would have been more than once if you weren’t being so stubborn and standoffish.” He ran a hand through his hair and frowned. “I thought we were great together. Why do you keep pushing me away?”


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