Honky Tonk Hearts Volume 2

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Honky Tonk Hearts Volume 2 Page 32

by The Wild Rose Press Authors

  He rested his chin on her head and sighed. “Oh, Sugar.”

  She burrowed into him. “The video even had a title—‘LaAss LaRoche.’”

  He squeezed her. “Took a lot of guts to stay and face everyone. Did you have anyone to talk to?”

  “No one. I wanted to call Megan and Carrie Jo here in Texas, but I was too embarrassed. I never felt so alone and so ugly in my whole life.”

  “What about your grandpa?” Frank would have kicked ass and taken names. For all his blustery ways, he adored his granddaughter.

  She shook her head. “No. He was grieving too much for Grandma. Besides he doesn’t understand how the internet works. How it can be used for good, and for bad.”

  The slow song ended, and the Rattlesnakes began a lively number. Tyler escorted her back to their table. He collapsed into his chair.

  “I have to admit, I’m glad to be off my feet, although I do miss the feel of you in my arms.” He took her hand and kissed it. “Did you contact school officials? Didn’t anyone on campus help you?”

  “I went to the department head that handles such problems. He asked me for proof. I told him the video was proof enough. When he called Zoe in to question her, she claimed it was a prank I’d agreed to and then changed my mind about once it went viral. She was more believable telling a lie than I was telling the truth.” She sipped at her drink and returned the glass to the table. “I contacted the website, told them the video was taken against my knowledge and posted against my will.” Trembling hands pushed curls back from her forehead. “They promised to take it down, but…” Her shoulder lifted as her voice trailed off.

  “Well hell. I’ve heard of cyber-bullying, and that some kids have even committed suicide over it. Never knew anyone who was the victim of it before. Must have been tough.”

  She nodded and looked away, as if she still couldn’t face him. “The taunting, the jeers, the laughter. I didn’t think it would ever end.” A large shuddering breath escaped. “It still hasn’t ended. I had a customer email me the other day with a link to the video, asking if this was me. Having your painful past slapped into your face isn’t very pleasant, especially when you’re trying to build a business.”

  He ran a hand down his face. Dear God, how had she endured all this with no one to confide in, no one to share the bad times with her. His respect for her grew ten-fold. “People who know you won’t care about the actions of some loathsome bitch. I mean it, Lacy.”

  She ran her fingers through her curls and blew out a breath, as if the telling of it all had drained her. “Do you think we could leave?”

  “Sure, let me settle the check, and we’ll go.” He motioned for their waitress. All the while his gaze kept flitting back to her.

  How could he help her get over this?

  Large raindrops splattered on the gravel when they stepped outside into the quiet of the night. Off in the distance, a storm rumbled. A large jagged spear of lightning attacked the sky. Tyler huddled her into him as they dashed for his pickup. He opened the door for her and helped her in, his demeanor one of gentleness, as if she were a fragile piece of artwork.

  Once he was settled behind the steering wheel, he reached for her hand. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Really, what could she say that he’d want to hear? That having her bare behind viewed by millions was so humiliating it haunted her in her sleep? That as a woman exposed, her emotions were scraped raw from the abrasive loss of her self-dignity? That the security she felt from being home again had just been snatched from her, too? No, he wouldn’t want to hear any of that. Nor could she make him understand.

  He released her hand and fastened his seatbelt.

  Her cell phone chimed at an incoming text. She pulled it from her purse and checked. Megan, apologizing. Not wanting to deal with it, she shoved the phone back into her purse.

  As he started the truck and backed out of the parking spot, she turned her head and stared at the rain pelting the side window, replaying the overheard conversation in the restroom. It certainly wasn’t the first time she’d listened in on conversations about the video. There’d been whispers behind her back in the classrooms, in the hallways as she passed by, in the cafeteria and the tables in the library. Signs plastered on the dorm hallways and cafeteria. She swiped at a falling tear. How many hundreds of emails had she received with the video’s link in it? Would she ever escape the never ending embarrassment?

  Another text chimed its arrival, and she ignored it, too. Megan, no doubt.

  She’d thought coming back home would end this emotional torture. So much for that erroneous idea. And so much for keeping the video quiet. She swiped at a last tear and crossed her arms under her chest. It was time she dealt with it. As long as she kept hiding, this relentless nightmare would never end. She exhaled a shaky sigh, pressed her head against the headrest and turned to look at Tyler.

  “I was raised to believe you had to live with the consequences of your actions. If you did something wrong, you had to pay the price.”

  He glanced at her. “Don’t do the crime if you don’t wanna do the time.”

  “Exactly. But I’m paying for someone else’s bad behavior. And, frankly, I’m getting damned tired of it.” That video had taken so much from her. First, her feeling of self-worth and enjoyment of college, and now her good name, and possibly the greatest loss of all—this man beside her. He was so respected, so stable. While she was a continual joke, a laughing stock. Having her name associated with his would only bring him shame.

  The intensity of the rain increased. Thunder rumbled and shook the ground. Shards of lightning ahead slashed the night sky in two in just the same manner as the video had ripped apart her life.

  Tyler took her hand again and gently squeezed it. “You never explained your remark about the friends you ran into while you were away from the table.”

  “Sorry. Two of the friends I was with the night I threw the dart at you came into the restroom. They had no clue I was in one of the stalls. Anyway, they started talking about the video. One had seen it, the other hadn’t. It was a cruel reminder that people talk, even people you think you know.”

  “Do you regret telling me?”

  “No, you need to know why I can’t see you anymore. People will find out about the video and look down on you for being with me.”

  His gaze swept over her. “Do you think I give a tinker’s damn what someone else thinks? Besides, there are two people in this relationship and, for damn sure, one of them is not ready to give up. Not until we see how this thing between us plays out. Because, Sugar, for the first time in years, I feel alive. And it’s because of you.”

  “This is all happening so fast.” Her phone chimed again. She pulled the cell from her purse again and glanced at the display. Megan. “Maybe it’s just our hormones that are attracted to each other. I’m thinking once you find out if I’m any good in bed, the fascination will fade.”

  He shot her an aggravated scowl, those dark eyebrows of his furrowed and jaw tensed. “That’s a damn stupid remark. Is that all you feel between us? Sex?”

  Her phone rang, playing, “All My Ex’s Live in Texas.” She jammed the ringer off.

  His gaze focused on her. “Who the hell keeps trying to reach you? A boyfriend? Are you seeing someone? ’Cause I don’t poach on someone else’s land.”

  She folded her arms under her breasts. “That’s disgusting.”

  “So’s a cheatin’ woman.”

  She didn’t have the energy to reply. Out of the corner of her eye, Tyler’s profile was rigid, his hands gripped the steering wheel and anger vibrated from him. They rode the rest of the way to the Double-L in silence, their personal storm creating tension inside the cab of the truck while the storm outside unleashed its own fury.

  When they reached the ranch and he turned off the engine, she grabbed the door handle to make a quick escape.

  Tyler shifted in his seat and coiled his fingers around her arm. “You open that door, and
I’ll paddle that sweet behind of yours. We’re not through talking. You want to explain to me why you made that remark about not seeing me anymore? Are you seeing someone else?”

  “No, I’m not seeing anyone. I told you why I won’t go out with you again.”

  “You gave me some lame, bullshit excuse. Look, if you can’t handle the age difference, then say so. Or if you can’t deal with coming in second after my teenage daughter, tell me straight out. But don’t hide behind something that means nothing.”

  “Nothing? My bare ass is plastered all over the internet, and you call that nothing? You ignorant jerk.” She wrenched her arm free from his hold and opened the door. Just let him try to stop me. I’ll belt him a shot.

  His truck door slammed a second after hers. Hurried footsteps followed as she charged for the back door. Two steps onto the porch, a band of steel wrapped around her waist.

  “Let go of me.” She struggled to break free.

  “Not until we talk.”

  “Well, I don’t want to talk.”

  “Fine, I can’t make you do something you don’t want. If you refuse to give us a chance, I have no choice but to walk away. But before I go, I have to get one thing through your stubborn and confused mind. I don’t care about that damn video, nor do I care what people say, except when it hurts you.” He kissed the side of her neck as he held her fast to him. “Then I care a lot. I don’t want anyone hurting you ever again. When you hurt, I hurt. Do you hear me?”

  She stopped her feeble struggles. “Yes.”

  “I’ve never felt this way before about a woman. I’ve never cared this much, and I’m guessing you feel the same way—happy, yet scared.”

  Before she knew what she was doing, she instinctively turned into the warmth of him and sobbed.

  “Sugar,” he breathed against her neck, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her against him. “Don’t walk away from me, from us.”

  How could she drag this wonderful man into the darkness of her world? When she moved back home to the sunshine of this part of Texas, she never expected the shadows of her video stardom to journey here. Hadn’t she studied the power of the internet? Didn’t she work with it every day? She should have known better.

  “I…I think we both need time to think this through. If we start dating on a regular basis, people who have seen the video will come out of the woodwork, making it their God-given-duty to tell you about it. What if someone tells Olivia? She’ll be humiliated. Other people’s opinions matter to a teenager. This relationship isn’t just about you and me. It includes her, too. I won’t have her hurt because of me. I don’t want you hurt either. Can’t you understand the position I’m in?”

  “I understand you’re a very caring person. That’s one of the things I admire about you. As for my daughter, she’ll be fine. She’s crazy about you. If people want to talk, let them. You think they didn’t talk when my ex left me for her boss? People looked at me as if I wasn’t man enough to hang onto my own wife.”

  Could it all be as simple as he claimed? She moved her head so she could kiss him under his square jaw. “If they only knew how much of a man you truly are.”

  Soft laughter rumbled in his chest. “You say things like that to me and then expect me to walk away from you? Ain’t happenin’, Sugar.” With two fingers tucked under her chin, he lifted her lips to his.

  The kiss was so tender it pushed her closer to the edge of some unseen cliff. His lips took a slow journey over hers, nipping, tasting, making her feel as if nothing else mattered in this man’s life but savoring every nuance of her mouth. This was so different from all his other kisses; they’d been power and passion. Not this kiss, though. This kiss was a sweet, silent communication of the souls—a kiss that told her this man was the whole beat of her heart. And she slowly and sweetly tumbled the rest of the way into love. Not idolized, adolescent love, but the complex love of a grown woman.

  He pulled back and stared into her eyes. His one hand rose to trail fingertips down her cheek. “Are you ready to walk away from what’s growing between us? Because I’m not. Hell, I don’t know if I could, even if you held a gun to my head. Every day you mean more to me.”

  “We’re in trouble, you and I, aren’t we?”

  She loved him. That much she knew. She also knew she wanted to make love to him.

  “Come inside. Let’s see how explosive this trouble really gets.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tyler followed her inside the dark house. What was she up to? She held his hand and walked him though the kitchen and living room and back a short hallway. A small lamp on a table illuminated the way. His heart beat faster in his ears. Surely, she wasn’t taking him to her bedroom.

  She opened a door. “This is my wing of the house. We built it after I came back from college. The project was the first thing Grandpa showed any interest in, and I was glad for any improvement with his depression.” The door closed and the lock snapped shut. “This is my office and sitting area. I watch TV here usually. Grandpa’s a news hound. I prefer chick flicks, as he calls them.”

  “Is Frank here?” The old man would fill his hide with buckshot if he found him in his granddaughter’s private wing of the house.

  “No, he’s playing poker with some old friends. It’s usually after midnight when he comes rolling in.”

  “I see.” Relieved, his gaze swept her sitting area. A large desk sat in front of a wall of bookshelves filled with books, barrel racing trophies and family pictures. A sofa and chair faced a television set. Potted plants filled the room. “You have a green thumb.”

  “Yes. I love cooking and gardening.” She glanced at her collection of books. “And reading. Guess that makes me a bit of a homebody.”

  His thumb swept across her bottom lip as he watched her eyes drift shut. Desire slammed into his system. “That’s not a bad thing, Lacy.”

  He was falling in love with her, deeper and deeper with every word she uttered and every smile she shared. When her turquoise eyes opened, she stared into the depths of his soul, or so it felt.

  “I’ve made a decision. Once I do, there’s no going back. I will not be deterred.”

  “Okay.” What was she talking about?

  She pursed her lips in that way he’d grown so fond of. “I’m going to make love to you tonight. If you end this relationship afterwards, I’ll deal with it somehow, but I won’t ever regret it.”

  “There’ll be no walking away. Not for a long time.” If ever.

  Her eyes sparkled along with her smile as she extended her hand for his. “Well then, cowboy, follow me.”

  He stood in the doorway to her bedroom, fighting awkwardness. Hadn’t he dreamed of taking her to bed and loving her long and hard? Yet, now as he watched her light candles here and there in her room, all he felt was an overwhelming tenderness. He wanted to take care of her, protect her, cherish her. His gaze swept to those red heels he fancied and the shapely calves above them. He hardened as a vision of her wrapping those legs around him slapped awake his libido—as if it ever slept around Lacy.

  “Did you plan this little seduction scene? Candles. Blanket turned back.” A slow grin spread. “Two condoms on the nightstand. I feel so cheap.”

  She stepped toward him, her hair shining golden in the candlelight. Her hands slid up his chest and began unsnapping his shirt. “Oh, cowboy, that’s not all you’re going to feel.”

  Her luscious mouth caressed his, her tongue swept across the seam of his lips, and he opened for her. Warm fingertips pushed the shirt off his shoulders and lips kissed his neck. He trembled with need. “I’ve never been seduced before.”

  “Relax, you might like it. Although I have to admit, I’ve never done it before either. I’m going to go easy on you with your injuries and all.”

  She scraped a fingernail over his nipple sending shocks through his system.

  “Damn the injuries.” He could do this. He would do this.

  He enveloped her in his arms and lost hims
elf in the essence of her sweetness. Lips fused to hers, he walked her backwards to the bed, his concerns over his recent injuries fading with every step he made. What had started as a sweet seduction slipped into a haze of razor-sharp need. He couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t get to her fast enough. Hell, he felt if he wasn’t soon inside her, he’d suffocate. How and when had she become the very air he breathed?

  There was no time to question his insane need; there was only Lacy.

  He laid her on the bed and settled beside her. His fingers forked into her hair and held her head as kiss after kiss, sigh after sigh, moan after moan drew him closer to sensual madness.

  A fierce possessiveness took hold. “I don’t share, Lacy. While you’re with me, I don’t want you seeing anyone else. It’s important to me you understand that.” He’d been through that betrayal with his ex-wife. He’d not do it again.

  “We’re going to be exclusive?” Her voice hitched as he kissed her ear and bit her earlobe.

  “No one touches you, but me.”

  He tore his lips from her long enough to remove her lace top and camisole. The red lacy bra that greeted him for his efforts nearly sent him over the edge of sanity.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  His hands slowly slid from her waist to her breasts. She shivered under his touch, and a moan escaped her lips. He ran fingertips over her ample cleavage and followed their touch with kisses. One twist of the front closure of her bra, and her breasts were free. “Sweet Jesus,” he breathed before leaning down to capture one puckered nipple.

  She cried out when he drew the beaded peak into his mouth. His hands stroked her as he sucked and nipped and circled it with his tongue. This woman had curves a man could love forever. She was sweet softness he would desire with his dying breath.


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