Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor

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Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor Page 30

by Rue Allyn

  “Probably not. I must see Dr. Roth today.”

  “Oh.” Louis’s face grew serious. “You are still in trouble — a man in your apartment, and what the neighbors will say.”

  “If you don’t say a word, I can probably bare-face them out of this,” said Bishou. “Just don’t help, d’accord?”

  Again he laughed. “D’accord. I am Monsieur Dessant, of the World Tobacco Conference, nothing more.” Louis reached out a hand at the same moment Bishou did, and they shook solemnly. “Au revoir, Mademoiselle.”

  “Au revoir, Monsieur.”

  • • •

  Dr. Roth pulled out his bottom file drawer for use as a footstool, as was his custom. Bishou took the only other chair in his tiny office. The door was shut.

  “You must have sweated bullets over this.”

  “I’ll say,” Bishou agreed.

  “And you’re working on a thesis on passion. Good God, Bishou, that man is sex in a white package.”

  “Something like that.”

  “I think we’ve soldiered through it okay.” Dr. Roth continued to use the pronoun “we,” which was a good sign. “Are you willing to assist him for the next week, or do you need to come up for air?”

  “Who else could do it?” Bishou asked reasonably. “And besides, I think we’re through the worst.”

  “What was ‘the worst,’ exactly?” Roth wanted to know. “Something kicked this off, didn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Bishou grimaced ruefully. “Monsieur Dessant and I have agreed to bury it, but it was my fault, in a way. I got copies of some articles from the Paris Gazette about modern passion, which included a picture and story about him. When he glanced at my desk, he saw his face staring up at him. That’s why he fainted.”

  “I don’t get it. Modern passion?”

  “Louis Dessant did seven years at hard labor for a crime of passion,” Bishou explained.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Yeah, well. That wasn’t even the reason I had the article. I had it because its author, Georges Goulard, wrote a book, Sans Merci. Heard of it? Published five years ago.”

  “Yes, I read something. Major prize, wasn’t it?”

  “Honorable mention, yes. But anyway, there was this feature article about crimes of passion, sitting on my desk — ”

  “And in comes one of its subjects, to pick up his coat.”

  “Exactly. As I said to Monsieur Dessant, what an education I’ve gotten out of this. I bet I’ve apologized to him at least half a dozen times. I also had to promise him that nothing about him or his case will ever appear in my dissertation.”

  “That shouldn’t cripple you. It’s not researchable,” Dr. Roth observed.

  Bishou nodded. “I explained to him about references and reproducibility. Tough concepts to explain to non-academics, but I think he got it. More along the lines of, I have to be able to pick up the same book in Calgary and follow your argument.”

  “True enough.” Dr. Roth sounded relieved. “Let’s us bury it, too.”

  “Fine by me. It’s tough enough that he’s, as you put it, sex in a white package.”

  Dr. Roth smiled and cocked an eye at her. “Makes you sweat, does he?”

  “And how. He says every time that article is reprinted anywhere, he gets scads of marriage proposals, offers to rehabilitate him, and worse.”

  Roth laughed. “Most men dream of being in that situation.”

  “He doesn’t. I can’t imagine how he can be so — unspoiled — after all he’s been through. No, that’s not the right word. But anyway, he’s only vaguely aware of it.”

  “Maybe he is aware of it, Bishou.”

  She shook her head. “I’m pretty sure not. My brother Bat has what Louis Dessant has, but the American version. So I recognize it when I see it, but I’m not sure what it is.”

  “It’s the old S.A.,” Roth replied. “Sex Appeal and no mistake. One more week, and it’s over, Bishou, and you won’t see him again.”

  Chapter 8

  Bat’s letter was waiting for her when she picked up her mail on the way to the conference.

  Hey, Little Sister,

  I’m not shouting. See? No capital letters, no underlines. Anyway, I saw that you had your whole list of reasons not to screw up, laid out there for me. To my great relief, I admit.

  You’re probably just stunned because your dissertation came to life and punched you in the face. But it could be the glamour of escorting a real-life millionaire, too, which I think he is. Don’t let it turn your head. I suspect, after all he’s been through, that he’s been kicked around enough to be human. That could be a plus.

  You know, you really could actually be in love, if he’s a nice guy. Is he? Not enough to spike our deal, I hope? Doesn’t sound like you’re fou d’amour, from what you say in your letter.

  If he’s just here because he’s a tourist, and he’s meeting some nice Americans including you, it might not be an issue. Keep your eyes front and your (ahem) in your pocket. Being in love is not bad, if you don’t let it take over your judgment. Sometimes good judgment is more necessary than love, because we’ve all got to survive. Sounds like that’s where your boy fell down on the job. But I’ll be the first man to say that feeling love, whether you show it or not, is an important part of being human.

  Enough lecturing. You know by now I’m talking half to myself when I say stuff like this. You and I have just watched out for the family for so long. But Andy’s a high school freshman now. Gerry just started seventh grade. Soon they’ll be out in the world, and we’ll have the freedom we never had. NOT to be in ’Nam. NOT to be a grad student. Oops, sorry, I said I wouldn’t yell in capitals. Better quit now.

  Keep the faith.

  Love, Bat

  Bishou smiled and folded the letter. His words reinforced her thoughts. Her “hitch” here was almost finished. Then, on to greater things. The World Tobacco Conference would fade to just another interesting event in her life.

  At the front door of the Medlin Conference Center, she picked up a badge from Annie and wrote her name on it.

  “How’s Mr. Dessant?” the elderly secretary asked her.

  “You’ve probably seen him since I have,” Bishou replied. “Isn’t he inside? No point in me going in, if he isn’t.”

  Annie admitted, “Yes, I saw him go in.”

  The Twiggy look-alike dealt herself in, and commented, “I heard you had an exciting night.”

  “If you mean someone fainting and me calling Emergency Services, yes, I suppose that could be called exciting.” Bishou recapped the marker and set it back on the table. She gave them a quick smile and hurried inside.

  Louis had saved a seat for her. He smiled as she sat down. This lecture’s topic was “Tobacco Genetics.” She understood some things that she had read about nucleic acids and cell biology, but this was a strain to follow. Louis was growling wordlessly, and as she looked around the lecture hall, she realized everyone else was just as lost. She raised her hand. The scientist, of course, looked past her.

  Then a deep voice spoke up from the back — Vig Hansen. “Doctor Hunt, I think you should let the lady professor talk.” It did not sound like a mere suggestion.

  “Yes, then — Professor?” said Dr. Hunt, half-heartedly.

  Very humbly, Bishou said, “Dr. Hunt, I think you’re losing your audience. They aren’t academics, and they aren’t trained in genetics. They’re farmers.”

  “And you have suggestions, of course?” he asked coldly.

  “No, sir,” she said. “It’s your lecture. I’m merely an observer.”

  A few more men’s voices cut in. Beside her, Louis Dessant was grinning. From his seat near the back, Vig Hansen said, “Ten bucks says even Bishou Howard can’t explain the difference between a phenotype and a genotype to me and make me give a damn.”

  There was plenty of laughter.

  But Louis Dessant slapped his desk and said, “Deal! I will cover.”

  Bishou stared at him. “Mr
. Dessant, are you nuts? I’m a literature professor.” She remembered too late that he said he took risks.

  “Do it,” he challenged her.

  Bishou sighed and stood. She walked up to Dr. Hunt, leaned over, and murmured in his ear, “Crap. I’m really sorry about this. I should’ve warned you they’re getting restless and ugly.”

  Hunt sensed a kindred spirit at last, and murmured, “What are you going to do?”

  “Win the bet or die trying,” she murmured in reply, then raised her voice. “All right. Phenotype and genotype. And the World Tobacco Conference donates money to the EVU Scholarship Fund, right?”

  They turned to look at Gray Jackson, standing in an aisle, who grinned and said, “Right.”

  “Okay, here we go. Use your imaginations.” Bishou started shaping things in the air, on an imaginary table. “I’ve got three warming racks here, like you see at banquets. Each one has a heat source underneath, and on top, I’ve got three pans with water in them. Okay so far?”

  Masculine grunts.

  “Okay, this first pan has water in it. Underneath is canned heat, and I’ve got one of those clicker flints to start it. Clack — there’s my clicker — the canned heat lights up. After a while, the burning stuff heats up the water. There’s my hot water. You don’t need to know what went into the doings in order to appreciate the hot water at the end. Are you still with me?”

  Grunts and yesses.

  “The hot water, though, is the phenotype — the result you see — and that flint was the genotype, the mechanism that got everything started.

  “Okay, here’s my second pan. Up top, water, same as the first. Underneath, there’s a tiny dish with just a drop of water in it. I take a lump of magnesium out of the kerosene I usually store it in to keep it from igniting, and pop it into the drop of water for a major chemical reaction.” Dr. Hunt started to smile, too. “So the magnesium acts like a flare, do you see? And it heats up the water in the pan, and the result is — a pan of hot water. You still following me?”

  More grunts.

  “Here’s my third pan of water. Underneath it is a gadget I borrowed from the radiation lab — a mini atomic reactor. I pull the damper rod and let it run, and it heats up. It heats the pan of water — and there’s your phenotype, hot water.”

  Now she could hear talking, and approval, and somebody clapped.

  “Wait a minute, wait a minute, we’re not finished. Now I want to show you the points Dr. Hunt was making. The fire we used to heat our three pans of water came from three different sources — mechanical, chemical, and radiation. Now, suppose, instead of combinations of flammable ingredients, we have combinations of those genes he’s been talking about — a physical combination,” she pretended to touch the heat source of her first pan, “where the genes, smaller than a microscope can see, are wrapped around each other in such a way that they produce something different. Not hot water. Flavor. Without bite. The flavor you want in your tobacco.”

  More grunts. Flavor they understood.

  “There’s flavor in that pan up there, not hot water. Flavor is your phenotype, in this case. And the right genotype can come from a genetic combination that occurs in three ways.” Again, she pointed to her three imaginary burners. “Mechanical, chemical, and radiation. Those genes make you, and they can break you. A mechanical combination can be knocked apart, on the genetic level. A chemical combination can be dissolved, maybe by a chemical like DDT, we don’t know, we’re still studying. And we know radiation combinations are always a risk. The A-bomb proved that. Any of those combinations get knocked apart, by natural or unnatural forces, and suddenly, your flavor phenotype isn’t new leaf, it’s old socks.”

  “Thank you for putting it so clearly, Professor,” said Dr. Hunt smoothly, picking up where she left off, and going back to his original lecture. However, from time to time, he referred to Bishou’s examples, and his crowd settled down.

  Just before the break, as Dr. Hunt wound down his lecture, Bishou became aware that someone stood beside her: Vig Hansen. The catcalls and cheers were remarkable as he handed a $10 bill to Louis Dessant. Louis smiled and tucked it in his jacket pocket. His risk had paid off.

  “Thank you,” said Bishou Howard, “and the EVU Scholarship Fund thanks you, too.”

  • • •

  President Lanthier laughed and laughed. Looking at Bishou, seated in the guest chair in his office, he almost choked. “So that’s what it was! Do you know, those tobacco-men have donated almost $10,000 today?”

  Bishou stared. “Holy cow! I thought they were only talking a thousand or so.”

  “From the Conference, yes. Three thousand. The rest comes from individuals. A couple of them told me that Miss Howard did the university proud today, and we should be spending more money on women like her.” He wiped tears of laughter from his eyes, and said, “Okay, do you want me to eat any of the words I’ve said to you?”

  “No, sir, you’ve been perfectly right all along, and I’m doing my best to live within the guidelines you set. I just didn’t — well, you know, they’re tobacco men. They take risks.”

  “And Mr. Dessant backed you, because you’ve been so good to him,” said the President. “You know, he gave us a private donation, too. Six hundred and fifty dollars, all the money he collected on the bet.” He was still chuckling. “You were brave enough to take that dare. You didn’t know where it would lead you.”

  “I’m here.”

  “Well, that’s true.” President Lanthier pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose. “Sorry if I scared you, summoning you to my office.”

  “No, sir, I wasn’t scared. I just didn’t know what was going to happen next.”

  Lanthier asked her, “Do you know what the trouble was with Dessant’s visa?”

  “No, sir,” she replied.

  He understood at once. “Is there anything I should know?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Will it affect the conference in any way?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Good, I’ll keep my deniability, then. Thank you, Bishou. And thank you for the boost our scholarship fund just got.”

  What a day, Bishou thought, as she stepped outside. The sun was setting. The atmosphere of the place was different — Friday night on campus. People, mainly couples, were walking around. She could hear subdued, relaxed laughter somewhere in the darkness. But it was not dark enough to disguise the man in the cream-colored suit who waited there.

  “What are you doing here?” Bishou asked Louis, walking up to him and looking up into his face.

  “You are not in trouble?” Louis asked. “I wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  “I’m all right.”

  “Madame Norton said you were at the president’s office.”

  “You’ve been over to my rooms? You’re supposed to be resting.”

  “Well, I know the way there, now.” Even in this dim light, she could see his smile. “We are going on another autobus trip tomorrow. Will you go with us?”

  “Sorry, no, I can’t. I’ve got tutoring sessions and a Saturday afternoon class.”

  “Ah, I am sorry. Then I suppose there is nothing for me to do but return to my hotel room, and sleep. Si fatigué.” So tedious.

  “No,” Bishou said impulsively. “There’s a movie playing at the auditorium.” She named a James Bond film, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, that was making its rounds of the college entertainment centers. “Do you want to go?”

  “I would like that,” he replied.

  They walked across campus to the auditorium. The line had already started to move inside. Bishou reached in her purse for her money.

  Louis grabbed her hand, and pushed the purse shut. “What are you doing? Non.”

  “I invited you,” she objected.

  “No woman pays my ticket,” he replied testily, reaching in his own pocket.

  “D’accord, d’accord,” she soothed.

  They got popcorn, found sea
ts, and got comfortable. “I wish I’d had time to put on slacks,” Bishou grumbled, hitching her feet against the empty seat ahead of her.

  “You look very nice,” Louis reassured her.

  They watched previews of forthcoming movies, and then the feature started. Bishou would never have told him she had seen it before — but that was all right, there was plenty she didn’t remember. And his reactions were amusing. He jumped when the main character jumped, watched everything carefully, and munched popcorn happily.

  They stood outside the auditorium after the movie. “I liked that,” he said. “I have always liked action cinema. I am surprised that you do, though. I thought that was a man’s weakness. Perhaps it’s all those brothers.”

  “Perhaps so,” Bishou agreed with a smile.

  “The cinema does not interest you the way it interests me,” Louis said. “I suppose I am just a more active nature. I wonder if that is true of most men, that they find joy in these little things?” He tucked her hand around his crooked elbow as they walked. He was comfortable and relaxed in a way he had not been before.

  “Maybe you just needed a break from tobacco,” Bishou suggested.

  “Oui. I suppose that is true. Too much of anything is not good for a man. It was good not to think of anything except how the hero was going to catch the villain. And he was a funny hero, not a tragic one. French heroes all seem to die at the end, except a few who merely go to prison.” Louis placed his hand over hers, on his elbow. “Your grip changed when I said that. Did you believe I meant myself?”

  “No — not really.”

  “Yes, you did. I did not mean that. I only meant the cinema. What one finds in the prison — that is much different.”

  “Where were you?” It was tough to grip his elbow and ask that question.

  “I almost don’t remember. Belleville, after La Santé. The crowding wasn’t as bad — and I was not as numb anymore.”


  “Oui. Shoqué,” he affirmed. “It probably — what word? — cushioned me through the worst parts of the experience. And — men are always sympathetic to a man whose downfall was a woman. To be faithful, that means a great deal.”


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