Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor

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Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor Page 113

by Rue Allyn

  Mindy was startled … and flattered, but beyond that, she wasn’t sure what she felt.

  “You don’t have to answer me now. Think about it, and we’ll discuss it more over our meal.” He took her arm and wrapped it over his, patting it gently. “Don’t worry. Everything will work out.” With that, he escorted her into the sumptuous hostel.

  • • •

  It took a moment for Mindy’s eyes to adjust after the bright sunlight. Once they did, she gasped. The interior of the hotel was sumptuously appointed, with floor to ceiling columns and rich, maple furniture. A piano sat to one side of the large receiving area and a writing desk sat to another. The walls were painted stark white and decorated with elaborate wooden trim painted the same shade. Cozy armchairs were scattered here and there. The reception desk sat at the far wall, and four large, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling.

  Mindy moved slowly through the room, touching various pieces of furniture and studying the patterned Brussels carpet beneath her feet.

  “Is it okay to walk on this?” Mindy leaned over conspiratorially. “My shoes are filthy!”

  “This hotel caters to ranchers and cowboys, among others. They’re used to much worse than dirt on these floors!” Lucas laughed.

  A man approached wearing a sharp uniform and addressed Lucas. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Wilhite. Will you be staying?” Mindy was surprised that he seemed to pay no attention to her state of dress or disheveled appearance.

  “Yes, Curtis. I’ll need a room for myself and a room for Miss McCorkle. Please give her your best.”

  “Nothing less.” The man named Curtis looked around them. “Are you carrying luggage, sir?”

  “It hasn’t arrived, but we expect it tomorrow or the next day. Our driver said they’ve sent another stage after it. Please send Miss McCorkle’s to her room as soon as it arrives.” Lucas glanced at the dining room entrance. “Are the supper seatings still at five and seven o’clock?”

  “They are, Mr. Wilhite. When would you like to dine?” Lucas told the man to save a table for them at the late meal.

  Mindy listened to the conversation, faintly irritated that she had not been consulted. As good as food sounded, a bath and a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed sounded even more appealing.

  “Curtis, Miss McCorkle will want to visit the baths. Could we have our tokens immediately?”

  “Of course, sir.” Curtis spun and headed to the reception desk to take care of the request.

  When the man left, Mindy looked at Lucas. Her mouth was set in a hard line. “Lucas!” she hissed. “I can’t afford the most expensive room in the hotel!”

  “Don’t worry about the details, Mindy. Leave them to me.”

  Curtis returned with two keys. “May I escort you?”

  “Not necessary. I’ll see Miss McCorkle to her room. Thank you.”

  Together they walked through the lobby to a carpeted staircase. Lucas knew the way and soon had Mindy at her door. “I’ll leave you here. I look forward to seeing you at dinner.”

  They said their goodbyes and Mindy stepped into her room. She was instantly taken aback by the decor and lavishness. She had a corner room on the second floor. White curtains fluttered in two windows.

  A large, mahogany bed sat catty-cornered to the room, and a writing desk, chairs and fireplace completed the picture. Mindy sighed, wanting more than anything to fall into bed and sleep for hours. But she knew she’d feel better when she was clean again.

  • • •

  The bathhouse was a long structure with high ceilings and a large pool for bathing. It was intended for multiple guests at once. Thankfully, Mindy was able to secure a private room for her ablutions. She sank into the galvanized tub full of hot water and drifted away. When she awoke, the water was cool and she had to hurry to get ready for the evening.

  The extra dress she had packed was a simple frock, but it was clean. Mindy delighted in sliding into the garment. She pulled her hair back and tied it with a ribbon, and felt like she could pass for a respectable female again.

  Walking back to the hotel, she scanned the buildings around her for sight of The Blue Saloon, with no luck. Another day.

  She arrived a bit after seven and went straight to the dining area where Lucas awaited. His eyes grew wide when she entered. “How lovely you look!”

  Chapter Twenty

  June 14, 1880

  Dear Mother,

  I am finally situated in Tipton and able to catch you up on what has happened since my last letter. I have only just arrived after another uneventful stage in my journey. Traveling can be so monotonous!

  I am currently domiciled in the Golden Hotel and, believe it or not, I am staying in the brides’ room! It is a feast for the eyes, and I know you would enjoy seeing the fancy embellishments. (Do not worry, there is nothing new to report — I have only reserved the room for one.)

  You might be surprised to learn I have met a man who seems smitten with me. The very idea makes my head swell to unreasonable proportions. I cannot remember the last time I was even regarded by a man! And Mother, he has asked if he may call on me.

  Tonight we dined together in the hotel’s supper room. It was a delight. The food was cooked to perfection — I had the roast with potatoes and gravy and cathead biscuits, and it was as good as your own. We know what a high standard that is! Over our meal, as the gas lamps burned above us in a romantic sort of way, he asked if I might be willing to allow him to court me publicly. I believe I appeared to be calm, but inside I was shaking like the proverbial leaf! I never thought the day would come. Can it be that I might have children in my future? I dare not begin to even think of such things at this point.

  I will spend a moment describing him to you. By my best estimate, he is in his late forties and was involved in some war or another. He is a proud man, straight in his bearing, and you can well see the result of many years of army life. He is used to giving orders and being obeyed without question. (This might cause a bit of a problem between us, for you know how stubborn I can be at times.) He is very tall, blond of hair, and blue of eye. He is kind, treats me well, and is generous to a fault. You would like him, I think.

  I’ve met another man as well. He is a great, uncouth brute with no regard for polite society. He is dark where Lucas is fair, wide where Lucas is slim. I don’t know why I even mention him except that we spent a great deal of time in each other’s company on the stage ride here. He is a marshal and has a terribly dangerous job. I had no idea how violent the area could be … of course, I only go by what I am told.

  I am well, and glad to be at my destination. I will seek out the location of the tavern on the morrow and will write again as I prepare to leave to let you know to watch for me. I have hopes that I can retrieve the deed and, perhaps with the bank’s help, find someone interested in purchasing the property. High hopes, indeed!

  Speaking of hopes, I am hoping that this letter finds you well and that the boys are not giving you fits. Please say hello to the sisters and give each of my nieces and nephews kisses. I miss you all so much!

  By the by, I have noticed that the ladies here are wearing a lovely poplin-type of fabric. I will strive to bring some home, along with gifts for the little ones.

  Mother, I had no idea how much I would miss your smile and companionship. Please take care of yourself until my return. Until then,

  I remain your loving daughter,


  • • •

  Boone strode into the family home in a bad temper. His mother was shelling peas and guessed his irritable mood as she rose from the table to greet him.

  She gently touched the spot where the bandana covered his head, kissed his cheek, and said, “I take it things did not go as planned.”

  “No! And I’m mad enough to swallow a horned-toad backwards. We were ambushed by thieves who took the money from the stage.”

  “What will you do now?”

  “I’m waiting to hear from the stag
e line, but I plan to go after the men who did it and get that money back. I had a job to do, and it rankles that I didn’t get to see it through!”

  “Well, not meaning to change the subject, but do you care to tell me what happened to your head?”

  “I’d rather not say.”

  Mrs. Boone dropped into a chair. “Gary Boone, what am I going to do with you? One day they’re going to send you home in a box!”

  “It’s just a graze, Mother.”

  “That may be so, but let’s unwrap you and take a look.” She ushered Boone into the kitchen and sat him down in a ladder-back chair. He winced when the cloth was pulled away. “Tsk, tsk, tsk,” she clucked. “It’s a mite more than a graze. God was watching over you this time, son. I’m afraid all I can do is clean it and wrap it again. You’re going to have a dreadful scar.”

  Boone smiled. “Don’t worry about that. It’ll give me more respectability among the other men.”

  “If looking like a dime’s worth of dog meat is what you’re aiming for, you’ve succeeded. Let me get the antiseptic.”

  As she dabbed at the wound, Boone cleared his throat. “Tell me again about you and my father.”

  “Oh, that’s an old story. One you’ve heard countless times. You don’t want to hear it again.” Mrs. Boone paused in her ministrations. She gripped her son’s chin and looked him in the eyes. “What’s got into you, asking about a thing like that?”

  “How did you feel when he left? I don’t remember any of it.”

  “I was brokenhearted. Still am. He was the only man I ever loved.” She grinned. “Except for you, of course.”

  “What happened?”

  “Oh … Your father wanted different things. He wanted to follow the gold rush and live day-to-day. He was happiest when he was up to his neck in trouble. Sometimes I think you take after him in that way. After you were born, I had the urge to settle down permanent. We couldn’t make each other happy, I guess.”

  Boone looked thoughtfully off into space.

  “Gary Boone. I can see those wheels turning. What’s on your mind? Is it a girl?”

  “Yeah, I reckon it is. But she’s not available and she doesn’t think I am, either.” He glanced up at his mother. “I think you’d like her. She reminds me a little of you.”

  “Well, she must be a fine girl, indeed!”

  “Are you about done there?” The antiseptic burned and Boone had other things on his mind. He wanted to clean up and eat. He felt like he could sleep forever and a day, and he couldn’t wait for nightfall.

  “Yes. And I suppose you’re starving. Let me check the larder and see what I have.” She bustled off and was soon singing a song while she worked.

  Boone watched her in the kitchen for a few minutes, and then shook himself. He had things to do.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  To her surprise, Melinda rose with the sun. After a night in a real bed, she felt refreshed and energized. She had a lot of things to accomplish, and was anxious to get started. Once she dressed, she sat at the little writing desk to make a list:

  Blue Tavern — deed, Mr. William Kirby

  Undertaker — settle account

  General store — items for mother and children

  Post letter

  Hotel — arrange for a smaller room

  When she finished, she held the paper up, deciding to speak to the undertaker first. Her uncle had passed away three months before, and though she hadn’t known him at all, she felt saddened that he was laid to rest without family nearby. She added “Visit grave” to her list.

  She gathered her reticule and exited the hotel, asking for directions to the undertaker’s salon as she passed through the lobby.

  • • •

  Boone stopped in at the general store to see if there was any word from his superiors at the stage line. The telegraph operator — who happened to be the owner’s son — reported that there had been no messages all morning.

  “The only communication we’ve had in days is this letter for a lady who’s supposed to arrive in town soon.” As he waved it, Boone caught the name: Miss Mindy McCorkle. His eyebrows rose, but he said nothing.

  Instead, he put sixty-five cents on the counter for a can of oysters and, after thinking about it, added another quarter for crackers. There was a group of men gathered in the back of the store discussing politics, and he meandered over to listen while he ate his snack.

  In a few minutes, an attractive young lady came in the door; by her side was a little blond-headed imp.

  “Uncle Gary!” the child squealed, running for Boone’s arms. He picked her up and tossed her high, earning delighted cries.

  “How’s my best girl?”

  “Good.” She paused and fluttered her little lashes. “Uncle Gary? Mommy said I can’t have candy until after lunch.”

  “What!” Boone replied in mock horror. “The very idea.”

  The little girl nodded.

  “We’ll see about that! Since I’m buying lunch today, I get to decide what’s on the menu, and it so happens the first thing is a piece of peppermint candy.” His eyes sparkled.


  “Why do you do these things, Gary?” Boone’s sister asked. “You know Terese doesn’t mind me at all when you’re about.” She sighed.

  “That’s okay. She has to mind all day long, every day. Sometimes it’s fun to break the rules. Isn’t it, Terri?”

  “Terese, please,” Boone’s sister said.

  “Uncle Gary? What happened to your head?”

  Boone put on a fierce face. “I was fighting a bear and he got me!”

  The girl giggled. “Was it a big bear?”

  “The biggest bear you ever saw!” He squeezed his niece tight. “He was a talking bear! He said he was hunting little girls who eat candy before lunch!” He goosed her in the tummy and she squealed again.

  “Gary, please. You’re causing people to stare.”

  Boone looked up and saw Mindy McCorkle was watching him, having arrived in the store while he played. This was a radiant version of the Mindy he was used to and he stared for perhaps a moment too long.

  Mindy regarded the trio from a distance, her green eyes speaking volumes, before she stepped up to the counter to see about posting a letter. There she was informed there was a missive waiting for her as well. She tucked the envelope into her bag.

  Finished, she began perusing the fabrics piled high on a long table. Boone walked over to her with Terese in his arms, leaving his sister, Becky, studying items on a shelf. “Aren’t you going to say hello?”

  “You looked busy,” she said indicating the lady behind him. “She’s very pretty. You’re a lucky man.” Mindy glanced at the girl in his arms. “She looks very much like you.” Then she held out her hand. “Hello! My name is Mindy, what’s yours?”

  “Terri,” the little girl replied, laying her cheek against Boone’s shoulder.

  “Don’t tell me you like this great big brute who’s holding you!” Mindy teased.

  Blond hair bobbed as the girl nodded her head vigorously.

  Boone studied the woman before him as she carried on the one-sided conversation. Her face was blistered and peeling, and she had lost a few pounds, but she looked wonderful. She seemed to be very comfortable talking to the small child in his arms. She was a natural at it, although Terese was showing her shy side.

  “You look like a big girl.” Mindy touched a blond ringlet. “I imagine you’re a big help to your mother, aren’t you?”

  “She can be,” said a voice as Becky joined them. “She can also be a hooligan.” Becky gazed at her daughter with a proud smile.

  “She’s adorable,” Mindy said.

  “Yes, she is. But she knows it. She uses it to her advantage whenever possible.” Both women smiled.

  “I remember a young girl who did the same at her age.” Mindy’s eyes glowed.

  “I’m Becky,” said the one, holding out her hand. “I’m pleased to meet you.”

>   Mindy grasped it and introduced herself. “Boone and I traveled together on the stage.”

  “Oh my! I hope you’re all right! It sounds like it was a terrible ordeal!”

  “It wasn’t as bad as all that. Now that I’ve had a good meal and some rest, it seems more and more like a very bad dream.” Mindy gave Boone a pointed stare and he frowned.

  “I see you’re looking at the calicos. Mr. Green has a lovely selection.”

  “Yes, I promised my mother I’d look in on the yard goods. This is a beautiful color.”

  Becky leaned in conspiratorially. “Yes, but it’s a bit high. He gets ten cents a yard.”

  Mindy’s eyes widened.

  “I can see where this conversation is headed,” Boone said, rolling his dark eyes. “If you’ll both excuse us, Terri and I are off to the candy jar.”

  • • •

  “He’s a good man, I think,” Mindy said, watching Boone walk away. “He can be gruff, but I’m learning it’s just his way.”

  “Yes, he is a good man,” Becky said, looking from Mindy to Boone and back again. “One of the best.”

  “He thinks you’re special, too. You should know he treasures your photo.”

  “Really?” Becky eyes widened. “That surprises me.”

  “It shouldn’t. I hope every husband would feel the same.”

  Becky paused. “Yesss … I suppose they would. Are you referring … ?”

  “He helped keep us alive on the trip. I don’t know if he would brag on himself, but he was very brave,” Mindy admitted the information to her chagrin.

  “Yes. I suppose so.” Becky glanced over to where Boone and Terese were licking peppermint sticks. “Did … my husband … say anything else?”

  Mindy blushed brightly. “No, not really. There wasn’t much time for that kind of talk.”

  “I see. Well, it was very nice talking with you. I hope to see you again.”

  “Yes,” Mindy said faintly. “Perhaps.”


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