Lost In Vegas

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Lost In Vegas Page 8

by Ian Jones

  They reached the outskirts of Las Vegas and George put his foot down. The powerful car surged forward and soon they were speeding down the freeway. John glanced at the speedo; hundred and ten, hundred and twenty and climbing. George was totally relaxed and drove confidently; allowing plenty of space around the other vehicles and moving the car around with precise, economical movements. He detected John looking at the dashboard.

  ‘Don’t worry, it’s all good, I’ve done this journey a hundred times. Look, I got to get there as soon as I can. Those boys have a head start, it will be easier to get this done at Brook than try and take any action in the city.’

  John agreed wholeheartedly. If the place really was as empty as George said it should be reasonably straightforward, and he was keen on the element of surprise.

  ‘George, listen to me. I work alone OK? I’m not trying to claim I’m any better than you or anything like that but I can do it nice and clean on my own.’

  George opened his mouth to argue but John firmly and politely pushed his point home.

  ‘Seriously George, we should keep you well out of it. If this works, then Pablo might be forced to turn to you for help but if you are seen on the plot that’s out the window. I’m not looking to kill anybody. Please George, leave this with me.’

  George glanced across and shrugged reluctantly, drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. At a hundred and twenty miles and hour.

  ‘Jesus. OK, OK, but believe me I will be keeping an eye.’

  The road was empty in front of them so George sped up even more. A battered, rusty sign with ‘Brook Airfield 5m’ flashed by. Then in front of them far in the distance a black 4x4 came into view. George spotted it and eased off the accelerator.

  ‘That could be them.’

  ‘OK, stay back, let’s make sure.’

  ‘We’ll know soon enough if they make the turn, it’s up ahead.’

  ‘How far is the airfield off the freeway?’

  ‘It’s less than a couple of miles to the entrance. There’s an access road, it only goes there. If you are serious about this then I will pull up short, we should be able to move round on foot easily but I’m gonna be watching over you.’

  ‘I’m serious.’

  ‘You armed?’

  ‘Er … yeah. Nothing personal George. No offence.’

  George laughed.

  ‘None taken. You’re a professional. I knew it as soon as we started talking. I got a Desert Eagle in the glovebox, so we got the firepower.’

  ‘George, you heard what I said right? I didn’t come out here to kill anybody.’

  ‘I understand that. But nothing wrong with a little insurance.’

  They had closed up enough on the 4x4 to see there were two men in it, then as the turning approached the brake lights flashed and the vehicle moved off the freeway. George raised an eyebrow and braked hard himself, letting the car in front disappear down the narrow road and then followed from a distance moving slowly, the wheels crunching over loose stones and gravel that littered the pitted old tarmac. They travelled down the uneven road for a few minutes and a group of buildings appeared ahead on their right. George moved off the road into some bedraggled scrub and rolled to a gentle stop well short of a chain link fence.

  Up ahead they could see the 4x4 stopped at a gate with the driver talking to a guard, who stepped aside and raised the barrier. The big car drove slowly forward and went out of sight behind a hangar and stopped.

  ‘Right,’ John said staring out the windscreen.

  ‘Let’s go to work,’ George announced suddenly, flashing a big smile at John. ‘I always wanted to say that.’

  John got out the car and George followed, collecting his handgun on the way.

  They moved fast, keeping behind the big building and approached the fence, which had seen better days. It was a simple task to make space underneath it and the two men crawled through into the compound. They jogged side by side to the rear of the hangar and then made their way to the edge, George fastidiously dusting himself down. John peered around the corner. There was a wide concrete apron with another huge hangar on the far side. To his right a taxiway led to the runway and there was a long line of small planes parked alongside. He couldn’t see the 4x4, so they moved cautiously down to the front where John looked around again. Immediately to his left across the expanse of concrete there was a control tower with a small square building at the base. He could see through the big windows that the room at the top of the tower was empty, but there were two cars parked outside the entrance, a rusting Toyota pickup and a gleaming Bentley. Next to the building was parked a fire truck and a fuel trailer. The 4x4 had stopped right in front of the hangar they were hiding behind, with the doors open. A man John recognised as the one that had passed him in the corridor at the Acropolis was walking across the wide apron toward the office carrying a wad of paperwork, while another man who was overweight and sweating heavily in a dark blue suit was leaning with one elbow on the bonnet of the car playing with a mobile phone. George stepped out and had a look, then they ducked back around the corner.

  ‘OK, that’s Tony on his way, probably to get the money. Never seen the Roller before; presumably that’s the buyer. Skinny is waiting by the car.’

  ‘Why the hell is he called Skinny?’ John wanted to know distractedly.

  ‘Cos he’s a fat fuck.’

  ‘OK. I’ll deal with Skinny and then wait for Tony to get back to the car. Whether he’s got the money or not I’ll deal with him, but I may have to bring him back here if doesn’t behave.’

  ‘He’ll behave. What choice does he have?’

  ‘Is this for real George? It seems way too easy. This is a lot of money we’re talking about, right?’

  ‘This is Pablo all over John. The quick fix. Tony and Skinny deliver the two and a half to him, he takes a slice to get him out the immediate shit with anyone here and sends New York away. It’s a simple as that to him. The guy is a fucking moron.’

  ‘OK, so who’s over there in the office? We got no idea how many, or if they’re armed.’

  ‘Well, the security here is just that. Security. Which has only ever been one guy in all the time I’ve been coming out to this place, and he ain’t exactly what you would say on the ball. I’m told the buyer is a guy that runs a business hiring out private jets, so go figure. Two and a half for a plane worth eleven sounds like sharp business to me, I know what you’re asking and I agree. There could be some unknowns in there. But we got no way of knowing, we can’t go and knock on the door. The alternative is we try and pull Tony and Skinny over on the way back.’

  John looked again. Tony had reached the office, he opened the door and walked in without knocking. It was impossible to tell how many people were in the building, but everything was quiet. Skinny seemed relaxed while he waited, and had his back to them. There was a window by the door to the office but there was nothing he could do about that, and no way to see through the glass from here. Trying to get Tony and Skinny to stop driving while they were hurtling down the freeway at a hundred and twenty would be a nightmare, there could be any number of innocent people around. Fuck it. He would have to chance it.

  He gestured to George to wait who nodded, and silently he crept across to where Skinny was standing with his back to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Skinny jumped and whirled around and John punched him hard in the stomach, as he keeled over John kneed him full in the face and punched him even harder on the side of the head as he tumbled back. Skinny dropped to the ground and collapsed in a heap, groaning and rolling from side to side on his back. John checked out the office, all clear so he dragged Skinny behind the car and kneeled on his chest. He searched the prostrate man quickly, finding another Glock, a cell phone and a wallet with three hundred dollars. He put everything in his pockets and had a quick look in the car through the open door but there was nothing to see, it was clear. He smacked Skinny’s head hard off the ground twice, once would have been enough but he decided he didn
’t like the man. He looked back at George and waved him away, pointing at the perimeter. For a second it looked like George would stay put but then he grinned and with a thumbs up disappeared.

  John rolled Skinny on his side then crouched behind the car and waited. He didn’t have to wait long. The office door swung open and a short dark man exited followed by Tony. The short man climbed into the Bentley and with a small wave drove away. Tony watched him go then headed for the car, now carrying a small holdall. As he neared John ducked down and then moved slowly round to the back.

  ‘Skinny? Where the fuck you gone?’ he heard Tony call out impatiently, as he neared the car.

  John waited until Tony was about to open the door then stood up and walked fast toward him, who initially looked confused, then alarmed, and then dropped the bag and reached inside his jacket. But it was too late; John was already on him. He grabbed Tony’s arm and with a smooth rotation twisted it sharply up and outward. Tony yelped in pain and turned around trying in vain to break free but only making it worse. John left the bag on the ground and walked Tony around the corner of the hangar. Once he was out of sight he sped up and then pushing Tony along tripped him, so he toppled over clumsily with John still hanging onto his arm which he broke cleanly as the other man fell to the ground. Tony shrieked loudly and rolled onto his back staring at John in fear.

  ‘You. Fucking Hell, not you. The British guy. Oh fuck,’ he moaned.

  ‘Yeah that’s me. Sorry Tony, I need to ask you a few questions. Just answer them and I don’t need to hurt you anymore OK?’

  Tony nodded frantically.

  ‘Good. Right first I got to search you. I know you’re carrying. Glock 17 right?’

  ‘Yes! How, how did you know that?’

  ‘Lucky guess Tony. Hold your good arm all the way out so I can see it OK?’

  Quickly John frisked him, recovering the Glock, a mobile phone and wallet with a small amount of cash in it. Then he ran back to the car and picked up the bag. He sat down comfortably on the ground next to Tony’s head and looked at him closely.

  ‘So Tony, I need some answers. I’d appreciate it if you’d just keep that arm where it is OK? That way we won’t have any problems.’

  Tony nodded.

  ‘Do you know this girl?’ John showed him the photo.

  Tony looked at it and nodded.

  ‘That’s good. Where is she right now?’

  Tony looked away. John wondered if he was going to lie. Maybe Abby was already dead after all. Then Tony slid his eyes back to his, and John realised he was just thinking.

  ‘I haven’t seen her in a while. She was around a lot before, Pablo used to always have her with him. But I haven’t seen her in a week or two at least. I mean it.’

  ‘Tony, do you think she’s dead? Could she be in the hotel?’

  ‘I don’t know man. I never really talked to her, I kinda forgot about her you know. Pablo is always showing off some girl or another, they come and go. Maybe in the Acropolis I guess, it’s a big place. She could be anywhere.’

  ‘So what, was she working for Pablo?’

  ‘He used to introduce her as his PA or some shit. I don’t fucking know man. I don’t fucking know anything, I don’t even know what’s going on. We been looking for you for two days, before that out every fucking day collecting money. But no one is paying.’

  ‘I hear Pablo is in the shit and digging deeper, but I’m not interested in him. I have to find the girl.’

  ‘I’m sorry man. I would tell you if I knew. I’ve had it with Pablo.’

  At that moment they heard a car start and then screech off. John looked back round the corner to see the 4x4 bouncing all over the kerb at the exit and then disappear off in a cloud of dust. He returned to find Tony trying to sit up. He pushed him back down gently.

  ‘Not long now Tony. It looks like your friend decided to leave you here.’

  ‘That fat fucking prick I swear to god. Ask me what you want man, I’m hiding nothing.’

  ‘You’re doing good Tony. There is a chance she’s with Thomas is that right? You know him?’

  John showed the photo. Tony nodded.

  ‘That guy. He wishes. But she would never bother with that guy. He’s a fucking bigger waste than Pablo.’

  ‘Right, so would he know where Abby is? Where can I find him?

  ‘He might do I suppose. If he’s sober. He works at Honeys. I don’t have no idea what he does there.’

  John stood up.

  ‘OK Tony, very helpful. I’m gonna leave you here. I’ll sit you up.’

  John propped Tony up against the side of the hangar. There was no need to do the man any further damage, it was obvious he wouldn’t be working for Pablo again. He walked back the way they entered, George was waiting at the far end. John tossed him the bag but George opened his hands so it fell to the ground.

  ‘Oh no. That cash is yours John. I’m not touching a cent. New York can take any action they want now, if it ever turned out I had made on this my life would not be worth living. These are my friends, for life. I’m not crossing them now. All I wanted was to make sure Pablo didn’t get anything. You take it. Hell, if this means Pablo has to come out of hiding it’s worth every cent.’

  John looked at him quizzically, and then opened the bag. It was packed full of hundred dollar bills.

  ‘George. According to you there’s two and half million here?’

  ‘Yep, and I don’t know anything about it. That’s the way I want it. I don’t need the money, and my life is nice and simple and it can stay that way. We did what we came here for. I was never here. None of this shit ever happened and I didn’t even know Pablo had a plane let alone he’s selling the fucking thing.’

  John scratched his head.

  ‘Jesus. This is a lot of cash. Well, I suppose I can reimburse Richard.’

  ‘Right. So you have the rest. Why not. Come on, let’s go. Skinny lit outta here like he was on fire but let him go. He can break the news to Pablo.’

  John emptied his pockets and threw the two guns, phones and wallets on the ground. George looked at the mobiles and then used one of the Glock butts to smash them and threw the bits into the desert. He emptied the wallets and stuffed the cash in his pockets with a big grin on his face.

  ‘I may as well have that, just about cover the gas getting out here. Damn that Benz is thirsty when you nail it. You take the nines, I don’t want them either.’

  John looked at the two Glock’s, he didn’t need them but it meant Pablo didn’t have them either.

  ‘Well, OK. Listen, I might have a lead on Abby. Apparently Thomas is working at Honeys.’

  Now it was George’s turn to look confused.

  ‘Now that does surprise me.’

  ‘Me too. He was Richard’s second in command as far as I know. The main man it sounded to me. I went to Honeys, that place is a dump. That’s not a promotion.’

  ‘Well, I’m not setting foot in there, I got my standards.’ George said with a smile.

  ‘I’m going there this evening, so drop me back at the country club so I can pick up my car, I’ll run it back to the airport.’


  Chapter Ten

  It had been a long and difficult day for Pablo. Normally nobody ever saw him until after eleven, but he had gone through an elaborate and unconvincing ploy to make it appear he was out of town. He did this by getting Stefan to take him to McCarran airport around eight after discovering that Shaun Farley was not interested in getting drunk on sake or in any of the girls that he was being offered. In actual fact, Shaun had made it clear he wanted to be up early to continue his review of the hotel accounts, and was expecting to receive the payment by lunchtime. So Pablo sat around a coffee shop at the airport for hours, until Stefan then made a big show of collecting him, who in turn magnanimously arranged a complicated and elaborate lunch where he regaled Shaun stories of his successful business trip. This was his first meeting with Shaun Farley, and Pablo was distinctly
unimpressed by his short and skinny stature, thinning red hair and glasses. Pablo had met men like this before and they were easy to bully, and even easier to belittle and manipulate.

  But Shaun had remained staunchly unimpressed, and insisted on a private meeting with Pablo, which despite several desperate but feeble attempts to avoid ended up with Pablo seated opposite Shaun who had piled a large stack of paperwork on the desk between them. Pablo was just glad they weren’t in his own office, which so far he had kept secret. He didn’t even know who’s it was they were in now, but it was very neat and tidy with a ‘World’s best Mom’ mug next to the computer.

  Shaun began by recounting figures which showed a dismal performance by both the hotel itself, but even worse the casino. Pablo said nothing, just made a show of making notes. He couldn’t believe he was stuck in this room, answering bullshit questions from some half Irish midget that a bunch of faceless nobodies in New York had sent to see him.

  There were sheets of numbers and then an annual spreadsheet containing a graph with a distinctly downward facing red line, and then monthly breakdowns with even more numbers in red, which were all explained in detail to Pablo who tuned it out; wondering when it would all be over.

  Eventually Shaun laid down his Montblanc pen and pushed his glasses up his nose. He stared at Pablo who began to sweat.

  ‘You do appreciate Pablo, the leniency that my employers have shown you out of the deep respect for your father.’

  ‘My father!’ spat Pablo.

  Shaun made no effort to be placatory.

  ‘If your father were here, I doubt very much I would need to be.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah. My father the saint. Look Shaun, you don’t need to worry.’

  ‘I’m not worried.’

  ‘Well, whatever but you are getting your money today. It’s not my fault; the whole world has bad debts right?’

  ‘There are no significant debtors on your accounts Pablo. Plenty of creditors.’

  ‘What? Well, yes but you have to understand I’m a businessman, I have many other concerns.’


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