Thor: Daughter of Asgard

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Thor: Daughter of Asgard Page 24

by Genevieve McCluer

  “I’ll do my best.”

  When Emily walked out of the bathroom later, Hannah was sitting on the bed, and Alys was wearing a pair of men’s swimming trunks with no shirt. Emily had gotten a look earlier, but it was still surprising. They had a fairly androgynous guy’s chest with far more feminine abs. “That was quick.”

  Hannah grinned. “They only had swimwear. I figured we could find more later.”

  “All right. Your turn.” Emily dug through the clothes while Hannah showered. She’d bought way more than they needed. Hopefully, the place had a good return policy. Emily threw on a pair of black board shorts and a gray tankini top.

  When Hannah was out of the shower and wearing a seafoam green tube dress, they all meandered out, their sore bodies not moving in any hurry. The store Hannah had gone to was only a couple blocks away and on the way to all the restaurants, so they stopped in and returned the clothes they weren’t wearing.

  “Holy shit, that place was expensive,” Alys said as they left. “I had no idea I was spending that much.”

  “I’m sorry,” Hannah replied. “Should I have tried to find a cheaper place? It was the closest.”

  “It’s fine. I doubt there would be much cheaper that’s actually close. I don’t tend to spend much, and I make a decent bit. You really don’t need to worry. I was just surprised.”

  “Really? I didn’t think stylists made that much. Are you sure you don’t want me to pay you back? At least for my clothes?”

  “I’m quite happy to spoil you. Besides, I robbed a few banks when I first found out I was a shapeshifter, so I’m pretty flush with cash.” They flashed Hannah a smile that would’ve caused a lesser woman to place a protective arm around her. Emily’s was only there for comfort. Alys’s smile grew more wicked. “And here I was thinking you didn’t get jealous.”

  Emily glanced at Hannah. “I already said you’re welcome to try. Especially if I get free stuff too. She’s just so soft and squeezable.”

  “I’m really not that soft,” Hannah said.

  “Damn, it’s a shame we’re in public and that I’m not wearing a shirt, cause then I’d see exactly what I could pull off. Not like I didn’t notice her eying my breasts when I still had them. I could include clothes, but that wouldn’t attract any less attention than my suddenly having an impressive pair of tits.”

  “I wouldn’t complain,” Hannah said. “Wait, you robbed a bank?”

  “Yeah, been over the tragic backstory, let’s just appreciate how sexy and roguish it makes me.”

  Hannah chuckled, rolling her eyes, but she was grinning. Maybe even blushing? Damn, maybe Emily was a little jealous. If it happened, it happened, it was just so unlike her to feel this way. Was it Sif? She’d go with that. Fucking shitty wife god, can’t even fight zombies and tries to make her jealous of stuff she’d said was fine. “Guess you’ll just have to do a sexy cat burglar look to keep in character, then.”

  Alys smirked. “Maybe later. Right now, I think it’s time I do the gentlemanly thing and treat you ladies to some dinner.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. She was used to this side of Alys. “It’s like nine a.m.”

  “Fine then, brunch. We can have mimosas.”

  Never ones to turn down food or alcohol, Hannah and Emily offered no protest, and they found a spot nearby that offered what one would assume could be traditional Hawaiian food. In all likelihood, it was more of a bastardization made to appeal to tourists, but there were pineapples and drinks with little umbrellas in them, so who really cared about the authenticity?

  They sat on the porch, enjoying the break from pulled pork, as they had round after round of drinks. “It’s a shame we have to head back so soon,” Emily said, wiping sauce from her lips.

  “I’m not missing work,” Hannah said firmly.

  Alys stole a piece of food from her plate. “No one would ask you to. We know how important this job is to you. Although you’re literally a god, so I’m a little curious as to why. All the gold in Idavollr isn’t enough for you?”

  Hannah pursed her lips, staring. “I know I could just do anything I want, but it’s always been my dream. It is what I want.”

  “Why, though?” Emily asked, setting her half-eaten shrimp taco back on its plate. “I like my job, but I would happily give it up and do something else if the opportunity arose. Hell, I’d give it up to live here.”

  “We’re at a bar,” Alys pointed out. “You wouldn’t have to give up shit.”

  “Well, I’m sure there’re accounts here.”

  Hannah sipped her mojito. “For years, I’ve been planning my life around this. I don’t want to change it just because my life has changed a bit.” She bit into her chicken pesto sandwich and bought herself some more time.

  “I can get that. Being stubborn is respectable.” Alys flashed another winning smile. Shapeshifting was so overpowered.

  “It’s not just that I’m stubborn.”

  “Or maybe it is, and you’re too stubborn to admit it,” Emily said.

  Hannah shot her a quick glare before continuing. “I love my job, and I’ve always wanted to be an accountant. It feels right, and I love making all the numbers make sense and fighting them until they do. I won’t give it up.”

  “I’m sure you could convince Forseti to let you handle the treasury.”

  “It’s not the same,” Hannah said, setting her foot down hard. Metaphorically, or else there’d have been an earthquake. “It’s not what I’m trained for, and it’s not what I’ve wanted. Hell, it’s not even a desk job then. And I love Muller Trucks. I have an amazing friend there, and other than my temporary boss, everyone is great, and it’s just been perfect. Plus, it’s gorgeous and has a great view. And there’s like zero chance of monsters attacking. I don’t think I can get that in Idavollr.”

  “You got the name right,” Alys cheered.

  Emily let out a forlorn sigh. “Fine, I guess we’ll have to stay in Portland. I hope you accept this is your fault.”

  Having finished their fish burger, Alys waved to the waitress to get another round of drinks. When she was gone, they said, “I kinda like my job too. Though it would be great if I could freely shapeshift there. But people get all weird when you look nothing like the person they’ve known for years, and you don’t match your ID at all. Bunch of fucking fascists.”

  Emily tittered. “That must be so hard.”

  “It’s the worst. Thank you for convincing me that I didn’t have to keep pretending to have tits, at least, Emily. Though granted, I’m not sure I always hate having them. It can be fun.” They winked at Hannah. “It’s not like I never liked being a girl, but I had to do it for so long that it’s nice taking a break, and I always appreciate being as androgynous as possible. That way, people won’t even try to gender me.”

  “The waitress did call you sir.”

  “That’s because she didn’t have a better term. We’ll fix that. Just need to bring comrade back.”

  “Da,” Emily agreed.

  They finished their food, making a few Soviet Union jokes as they did so, and hung around for a few more drinks before Emily found herself yawning.

  “How are you tired?” Alys asked. “You didn’t have to do all the shapeshifting or running.”

  “I still fought.”

  “And slept since then.”

  She shrugged. “I’m nocturnal and have had to be awake during the day. It’s hard.”

  Hannah chuckled, hugging her and kissing her cheek. “How about we get you to bed, and then Alys and I can party a bit more?”

  “You sure you can do that and still make it to work tomorrow?”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s barely past noon, and you know me with alcohol.”

  “God, I keep forgetting how early it is.”

  “I know. Come on. Alys, you mind hanging out here for a bit? I’ll hurry back.”

  “Take all the time you need,” they said. “Though I might go look at some more stores when I’m done here, see
if I can find some proper clothes. Or at least a souvenir. Give me a call when you’re looking for me. My phone’s charged enough.”

  “All right.” Grinning massively, she tugged on Emily’s hand. “Come on and fuck me already,” she whispered.

  Emily didn’t need to be asked again.

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Emily breathed in Hannah’s scent, holding her naked body. If she’d been tired before they’d started, she was absolutely spent now. “God, I love you.”

  “I keep telling you, that doesn’t work when you’re talking to a god.”

  “By Odin, I love you?”

  “He’s dead.” She wrapped an arm around Emily, pulling closer, the soft chest pressing in and sending a shiver up Emily’s spine. Maybe she could handle another round. “I love you, Emily. You’re more than enough god for me.”

  “Fuck…” Emily bit her lip and stared. She had never been more in love with another person in her entire life. She doubted she would be. “You sure about that?”

  Hannah cocked her head, sitting up and straddling her hips. “What do you mean?”

  Emily shrugged. “It’s not important.”

  “It is.” She bounced.

  “That is not gonna help me talk.”

  With a massive grin and reddened cheeks, Hannah said, “I’m sorry.” She didn’t sound it.

  Emily chewed on her lip, trying to focus and not just flip Hannah and pin her down. It was tempting, but she managed to resist. “Alys has been making their interest in you abundantly clear.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t have to. And you know that they and I aren’t exactly on the best terms right now, but I think we’ll get there. And while I wouldn’t exactly self-identify as poly, I’m not any less poly than everyone else in Portland.”


  “You don’t even know what that means, do you?”

  “Just because I’ve only dated one other person before doesn’t mean I don’t know things,” Hannah cried. “I mean, I’m not super familiar with it. But I’ve heard of it. It’s dating more than one person. I just didn’t know what you meant with the Portland thing.”

  “Right. I guess it maybe doesn’t come up as much when you’re in college and with a bunch of other people who aren’t from around, well, there. I almost said here, but…” With a light chuckle, she gestured around them before bringing her hand back down on Hannah’s hip. “Monogamy is not all that popular in Portland. Maybe it’s just the sort of people I’ve known, not that I know that many people, but I mean, I’m a bartender, and I spend way too much time in bars, so I hear things. I’m not against my girlfriend dating other people if that’s something they want.” She meant it. That flash of jealousy earlier had worried her, but it wasn’t enough to change who she was. She wasn’t the possessive clingy type, and she wasn’t going to start acting like it just because she was with her destined lover or whatever.

  “Babe, I don’t want—”

  “Don’t just say that. I’m not asking you to comfort me. If it happens, then I hope they don’t betray us both for Hel. If it doesn’t, cool, but please don’t break their heart. They are still my best friend.”

  Hannah furrowed her perfectly arched eyebrows.

  “Like I said. Whatever happens, let me know. No keeping it from me.”

  “I would never.”

  “Now, that part, I do appreciate.” She slid her hands up Hannah’s back and pulled her down, pressing their lips together. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy.”

  “Well, yeah, we’re on vacation in Hawaii. Hard not to be.”

  Hannah’s nails lightly scratched Emily’s arm. “I don’t mean like that. I’m happy in general. My life is amazing. Hell, it’s perfect.”


  “Aren’t you happy?”

  Gritting her teeth, Emily couldn’t quite look at her.

  “Wait, are you not?” Hannah cupped her cheek and turned her to face her. “Emily, what’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing like that. I love you. I just…” She sighed. “Finding out that my entire friendship with literally my only friend was based on a lie sucked ass. And just…no, it’s stupid.”

  “Emily, what?”

  She pulled away, leaving Hannah sitting on the bare mattress—how had they managed to pull the sheet off?—as she pressed back against the headboard. “It sounds so stupid. You two have these amazing powers, and you have your dream job and your degree and are doing everything you want to do in life. And here I am, still just with the job—that again, I do actually like—that I only took because it was an easy and fun way out of my old life, and I had nothing else going for me. I’m the god of being your wife. And that’s it. Who the fuck has armored crazy people run up to them and tell them this great truth about themselves and then doesn’t get any amazing destiny? I wanted to be Harry Potter or something, and I’m not even Hermione. I’m, what, Ginny?”

  Hannah shrugged.

  “You have read it, right?”

  “Of course.” She rolled her eyes.

  “You are kinda young.”

  Now glaring, Hannah crawled toward her. “I’m not that young.”

  Emily chuckled and pulled her close. “I love you. Hell, I guess I love my life. And probably still my job. But I want more than that. We’re literal gods, and I don’t get to do anything.”

  “You killed zombies.” Her voice was so quiet. She was taking this way too seriously. Emily shouldn’t have said anything.

  “Yeah. I did. You’re right.” It was pretty sweet. She needed more of it. And to not just be a magic wife.

  “You don’t sound convinced.”

  Another shrug. “No. I did. It was awesome. But Alys did so much more—”

  “They killed one. You killed two.”

  “Only because you brought me a sword. And if you’d fought, then I wouldn’t have gotten to do anything. So thanks for that and the sword, but like, what the fuck am I supposed to do? You have superstrength, and they have magic and shapeshifting, and I’m a good farmer.”

  “You’re more than that.”

  “I’m the woman you love. I know. But that doesn’t mean much for the big mythic stuff we seem to be dragged into. And I want to be dragged into it. I know you do too. You do, right?”

  Hannah nodded. “Not as much as you two seem to be, but of course I do. It’s exciting, and it’s family. It just doesn’t mean as much to me as my job.”

  “You’re insane.” Emily chuckled and mussed her hair, not like it could get any messier. “I want to be able to actually contribute.”

  “You do,” Hannah said firmly, squeezing her hand. “I’m the one who doesn’t help. Like, big deal, I have superstrength. All that means is that I can carry you and row you places. I didn’t fight. I grabbed you a sword. A dog could’ve done that. All I did was get in the way.”

  “No, Hannah.” She tugged on her hand, sending Hannah tumbling into her lap. “You did plenty. I know you’re not the violent sort. Let me take care of that. I’ll find out how to do it better. No matter what I have to do. I can be your hero. Let me do that.”


  Emily silenced her with a kiss. “No. You don’t need to fight. It’s completely all right. At least it gives me exactly the purpose I wanted. Let me do that for you. Even if I don’t have superpowers, I can still be the hero.”

  “Okay…” It sounded as if she wanted to say more, but Emily had better ideas in mind.

  “Now let me take care of you.”

  Hannah did as she was told, and Emily went above and beyond the call of duty. And then a few more times. Alys would have to entertain themself for a little longer.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  The waves splashed against their feet while Alys lay on the soft sand, watching a few other tourists mill about. “Damn, they really are taking their sweet time.” They’d had a few more rounds of d
rinks before wandering around town and looking in the shops. The alcohol hadn’t completely worn off, though they could always change that if need be.

  Some sand kicked in their face as someone walked by, and they bolted upright. “Hey!”

  “Sorry.” Hannah’s awkward smile and the wet hair clinging to her face only made her cheeks fuller. “You’d said you were at the beach, and I was looking all over and didn’t see you there.”

  The crush might have been worse than they’d thought. They couldn’t even pretend to be mad when looking at that face. “Don’t worry about it.”

  She flopped onto the ground. “You find anything cool to do?”

  “Does getting drunk count?”

  “You were already doing that before we left.”

  “Then no. We can go shopping if you want, but other than that, I don’t have any ideas.”

  “We could go swimming.”

  Her smile lit up the beach. As it was early afternoon in Hawaii on a nearly cloudless day in the summer, that was saying something. An urge to kiss her bubbled up, and Alys pushed it back down. “Sure. Though we don’t have anything to change into.”

  She looked crestfallen for a moment before her face lit up all over again. “Swimming, shopping, then dinner and drinks? Come on, that sounds amazing.”

  Alys nodded. “Yeah. All right.” It almost sounded like a date. But she didn’t mean it like that, right?

  “What time do we need to leave tomorrow?”

  “You’re the mathematician. We made it there in like fourteen hours and passed Hawaii in, what, six?”

  Hannah nodded. “Yeah, somewhere around there. The wind wasn’t exactly in our favor on the way back.”

  “I don’t have the map with me—”

  “I do.” She pulled out her phone, that heartwarming smile still plastered on her face even while putting off swimming and shopping. “Okay, so it looks like the island…Vigridr?”

  “Yeah. Good job.”

  “I can learn Norse names. It’s just hard. I’m an accountant, not a linguist.”

  “Was that a Star Trek reference? Nice. I approve.”


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