Douluo Dalu - Volume 14 - Elephant Armored School

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 14 - Elephant Armored School Page 12

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “Do you believe you can resist my spirit like this? Young man, you really are too naive. If my Brutal Dream was so easy to resist, I wouldn’t be worthy of the title Spirit Sage. Wait and see. You’ll die in extreme suffering, and this suffering will be brought on by yourself.”

  Shi Nian’s voice gradually weakened, the surroundings becoming hazy once again, as if he had already moved away, already left.

  Tang San sat motionless on the ground, quietly condensing his spirit power. Because of the Blue Silver Grass hovering around him, from the outside it was very difficult to see just what kind of expression he had right now.

  The surroundings began to change, and Tang San discovered to his shock that the Blue Silver Grass circling around him under his control seemed to disappear. Even though he could feel its existence, there wasn’t a trace of it in his line of sight.

  The surrounding scenery changed, no longer that small grove from before, but a precipice. An incomparably familiar precipice.

  ‘Hell’s Peak, how come I’m at Hell’s Peak?’ Tang San’s originally calm eyes suddenly opened wide.

  He had left behind far, far too many memories in this place. Several meters ahead was an abyss with clouds and mist rising in spirals, and behind him, ten white silhouettes gradually grew distinct.

  Lowering his head, Tang San clearly saw that his clothes had changed, that enormous ‘Tang’ character told him a lot.

  ‘A dream, don’t tell me that everything in the Douluo Continent was a dream? That in the end I’m still that Tang Sect disciple who offended the sect rules?’

  Tang San stupidly looked ahead, becoming utterly perplexed. Those ten silhouettes gradually becoming clear completely blocked all routes of retreat. Familiar and indignant faces gradually appeared in front of him.

  “Tang San, you’ve actually stolen the sect’s Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, your evil crimes overflow to Heaven.”

  “Tang San, Tang Sect raised you, taught you, what you’ve done is detested by men and gods……”

  One by one, the voices constantly grew in Tang San’s mind, those faces also constantly grew. Very quickly, those ten Tang Sect elders were already in front of him, surrounding him.

  “Elders, listen to me.”

  Tang San couldn’t help saying.

  “There’s nothing that can be said. Tang San, your crimes are great, your evil extreme, you will take the sect’s most severe punishment.”

  Tang San could no longer move his four limbs, simultaneously detained by four elders, one of them had already raised his hand, internal Big Dipper qi spilling out of his palm. The palm struck his arm. Tang San emitted a blood curdling scream, his entire left arm shattering into thumb sized fragments. Pain, enlarged tenfold, instantly spread through his brain, his entire body spasming violently.

  Immediately afterward was his right arm, and both legs. In front of the elder’s internal Big Dipper qi, the bones of Tang San’s body were continuously smashed, until not one intact bone remained.

  However, he still wasn’t dead. His whole body constantly convulsed, but no matter how strong the pain was, his mind still worked. A working mind meant he completely endured each painful sensation that came.

  The elders’ faces gradually dulled, and they left Tang San on top of Hell’s Peak, all the bones in his body in pieces. They told him they would leave him there to scream for seven days and seven nights, to die from the eagles and falcons.

  Tang San’s eyes had already become hazy. The violent pain constantly swept through him, making his entire body jerk and twitch.

  The scene in front of him was still Hell’s Peak, but another silhouette began to take shape.

  Slender, graceful, long scorpion braid, charming young face, it was Xiao Wu.

  At the same time as Xiao Wu appeared, so did another person, a forty something uncle, a vulgar uncle whose every bone had been disintegrated by Xiao Wu. Bu Le[1].

  “Xiao-, Xiao Wu……”

  Tang San wanted to shout, but he couldn’t utter a word. He didn’t understand. Why would Xiao Wu and Bu Le be here together?

  Bu Le’s one hand tightened around Xiao Wu’s neck, and he looked at Tang San with a cold smile. And on Xiao Wu’s face was grief and unwillingness.

  “Ge, Ge, help me, h-help me……”

  Xiao Wu did her utmost to struggle, but no matter how she tried she was unable to escape the strange uncle Bu Le’s grasp.

  Making Tang San almost weep blood was that Xiao Wu’s clothes were being torn off piece by piece by Bu Le, exposing skin like suet white jade[2].

  Apart from watching Bu Le’s coarse big hands start to wander over Xiao Wu’s body, watching his mouth constantly drool and smile evilly, Tang San couldn’t do anything.

  Blood began to drip from the corners of his eyes, but with all his bones broken, right now he could only look on helplessly as Xiao Wu was disgraced.

  Xiao Wu’s eyes were brimming with despair and hatred, and this despair and hatred were unexpectedly completely aimed at Tang San.

  ‘No, don’t——’ Tang San wanted to shout, wanted to get up, but no matter what he said he was unable to move. In a moment, Bu Le’s evil hand already stretched towards…...

  “Little beauty, since you can’t resist, I’ll enjoy it slowly. Uncle loves you. Hahahaha……”

  Bu Le’s voice was as unpleasant as a night owl, each word like the point of a needle, piercing Tang San’s heart.


  A heart tearing, lung rending scream resounded in Tang San’s mind. He had already gone completely mad. However, the scene before his eyes became even more clear.

  Bu Le’s nauseating panting, Xiao Wu’s despairing gaze, it was all magnified in his six senses.


  Shi Nian leaned against a large tree, his seventh spirit ring constantly releasing a dazzling light, his face covered with a cruel and perverted sly smile.

  Just ten meters in front of him, Tang San lay convulsing violently on the ground, Blue Silver Grass spiralling around him. Shi Nian basically didn’t need to look with his eyes, he could clearly sense that Tang San was already on the verge of collapse.

  ‘I haven’t had the pleasure of torturing someone to death for a very long time. It’s a pity on such a young genius, who let you go against me? Very well, I want to see just how you’ll die.’

  ‘I really want to see it, just what kind of illusion is he experiencing right now?’

  ‘My seventh spirit ability, Nightmare, can only bring out what you fear the most in your heart. What is it that this genius youth fears?’

  The convulsions of Tang San’s body among the Blue Silver Grass had gradually weakened. He was only lightly twitching.

  The coiled Blue Silver Grass gradually slid to the ground, and Shi Nian could clearly see Tang San with a deep red face, a trickle of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

  ‘So what if he was a genius? He still died most painfully within my Brutal Dream.‘ The smile on Shi Nian’s face became even crueler,

  “It really is a pity, if my strength could reach Title Douluo, I could have seen everything he experienced within my spirit. That would have been even more perfect.”


  Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena.

  While she was focused on watching the match, Xiao Wu’s right hand suddenly trembled, a burning hot feeling in her chest.

  With astonishment, Xiao Wu stretched a hand inside her chest, pulling out the unbreakable as diamond Yearning Heartbroken Red.

  The Yearning Heartbroken Red seemed to have made a fantastic change. The flower was glittering with faint red light, and a burning hot draft hit her in the face.

  What was this? Xiao Wu stared blankly. She didn’t know why, but looking at the red light on the petals, an intense unease welled up from the bottom of her heart.

  Turning her head, she searched for the person who concerned her the most, however, she discovered that seat was already empty.

  Blood colored l
ight heralded disaster, Xiao Wu’s heart instantly tightened.

  “Where did little San go?”

  She nervously asked. Her loud voice simultaneously stunned the Shrek Academy group.

  Grandmaster said:

  “Little San said he’d go back to cultivate first.”

  “Little San’s in trouble. He’s definitely in trouble.”

  Xiao Wu’s hands clutched the Yearning Heartbroken Red, without the slightest hesitation running outside.

  Ning Rongrong looked in the direction Xiao Wu ran,

  “What’s up with Xiao Wu? Didn’t Grandmaster say little San went back to the Academy? What can happen in Heaven Dou City?”

  “No matter what it is, we’ll go take a look as well.”

  Dai Mubai also stood up, chasing after Xiao Wu. The Shrek Seven Devils were like siblings, and everyone got up one after another. Even though they didn’t believe Tang San would be in any trouble, just in case they still moved as a team.


  The illusion still continued, and vulgar uncle Bu Le prepared to move to the last step, already loathsomely stuck to Xiao Wu. The whole scene constantly grew in Tang San’s eyes, that heart tearing, lung rending pain seemed to tear his heart into shreds.

  At this moment, the blood red eyed Tang San suddenly changed. What changed was his eyes.

  Instantly, the blood red in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and purple golden light shot out, that light instantly shattering the ‘Xiao Wu’ and ‘Bu Le’ in front of him. The illusions surrounding him practically disappeared in an instant.

  Left hand clapping the ground, his body shooting up, Tang San made a half turn in the air, his right arm flinging out in this turn. Those purple golden eyes of his just met with the stupefied gaze of Shi Nian.

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  A noiseless black light had already arrived in front of Shi Nian without warning. As a Spirit Sage, Shi Nian reacted extremely quickly, but at this moment it was already too late to dodge. Both his arms rose in that practically impossible moment, his spirit power extremely condensed. His left arm tingled, as that black light already entered within. He hadn’t obstructed it even when when he didn’t hesitate to injure his body to urge his spirit power to the limit.


  Tang San was like a deflated rubber ball, his body spinning in midair fell heavily to the ground, gasping for breath in great mouthfuls. The light in his eyes had already recovered to normal, he used one hand to strenuously raise himself from the ground, and the other to wipe the bloodstain from the corner of his mouth.

  Even though he had already blocked that black light, Shi Nian’s gaze was still lifeless, muttering:

  “No, this is impossible. You’re only a fortieth rank Spirit Ancestor, how could you break my seventh spirit ability?”

  Tang San looked coldly at him, leaning on a nearby tree, only with difficulty managing to stand.

  “In this world, nothing is impossible. You’ve lost.”


  Shi Nian laughed wildly,

  “I’ve lost? You’re such a tiny brat, but your mouth is unexpectedly big. Even if I don’t know how you saw through my seventh spirit ability, Nightmare, do you really believe this is enough to defeat me? Really too ridiculous. With my seventy second rank spirit power, even if I didn’t use any spirit abilities, that still isn’t something you could guard against or restrain. Even if you’ve broken my ability, the conclusion hasn’t changed. Only, before you die, I’ll give you a chance. I’m very curious as to how you broke my my Nightmare divine ability. Tell me, and I’ll let you die a bit happier.”

  Tang San stood there leaning against the tree,

  “You’re not qualified to know, you’re just an idiot ghost. When Yama calls for your death at midnight, who dares keep you until morning? Good——bye——.”

  Shi Nian first looked distracted, but immediately afterwards, his face suddenly became grotesque, his entire body standing there rigidly. Raising his right hand, pointing at Tang San, he wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out. Both his eyes seemed as they were about to pop out of their sockets.

  Tang San still calmly looked at his opponent, as for everything that happened in front of him right now, it seemed he had anticipated it long ago.

  With a peng sound, Shi Nian’s body fell to the ground. Black blood flowed from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, his entire body already permeated with a layer of black, black blood spreading on the ground, seemingly constantly leaking out of his body. Gradually, including skin and bones, Shi Nian’s body actually vanished like smoke within that black.

  Was Shi Nian’s death really so mysterious? No, of course not. Heaven is impartial. Something like luck is only relative. His death was by Tang San’s hand, or perhaps it should be said his death was by Tang San’s plan.

  Shi Nian, a seventy second ranked Spirit Sage, could never have suspected that Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye was the nemesis of all illusions.

  If it was the original Purple Demon Eye, perhaps it would still have been unable to break Shi Nian’s seventh spirit ability due to the difference in spirit power between them. However, after Tang San had taken the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew, his Purple Demon Eyes had become like piercing eyes. Let alone a seventh spirit ability’s illusions, even a ninth spirit ability, as long as it was an illusion, would be unable to deceive his eyes.

  As soon as Tang San had discovered something was weird, he had secretly applied Purple Demon Eye to carefully examine everything in his surroundings. Shi Nian had believed Tang San was trapped in the illusion, but in fact, Tang San had always known where he was, only he didn’t act from the start.

  The difference in spirit power from forty first to seventy second rank was really far too great. Tang San knew that even if he wanted to escape, it wouldn’t be easy. Therefore, from the time Shi Nian revealed himself to begin killing him, he had created his opportunity, creating an opportunity to kill the opponent in one hit. Tang San knew that was the only chance he had to survive.

  Therefore, he always waited. Even when he suffered such painful torment in the illusion, he still endured silently, only the moment Xiao Wu was truly about to be disgraced did he erupt. Even though that wasn’t the optimum opportunity Tang San wanted to find, that moment was already more than he could bear.

  With Tang San’s intelligence, wouldn’t he be unaware that the shroud of Blue Silver Grass would be unable to protect him in the illusion? No, of course not. He didn’t use that Blue Silver Grass to protect himself, but rather to block Shi Nian’s line of sight. Sheltered from Shi Nian’s gaze, Tang San took out one thing from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, the only thing that could turn the tables in this situation.

  Third ranked of Tang Inner Sect hidden weapons, Soul Chasing, Life Taking, Yama’s Invitation.

  He didn’t take out his mechanical class hidden weapons, and he didn’t take out that wide area Cluster Soul Chasing Ball. Because Tang San knew he would only have one chance. If he failed, then with the difference in spirit power between them, he would die even if his opponent didn’t use his Brutal Dream Spirit. Besides Yama’s Invitation, Tang San couldn’t think of any other weapon that could penetrate the opponent’s defense.

  He didn’t even use any control ability to lock down the opponent, because there was basically no need. Partly because Tang San basically didn’t have enough spare spirit power to use spirit abilities, and secondly, would Yama’s Invitation need to lock down the opponent? If it was like that, how could this hidden weapon be third ranked in Tang Sect? And how would it be famed as Yama’s Invitation?

  That faint black light was condensed with Tang San’s entire spirit power. After reaching the fortieth rank in his cultivation, he possessed the strength for one attack.

  Originally at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Tang San had refined three Yama’s Invitations. And now, their terrifying efficacy had been revealed.

  Yama’s Invitation had a two tiered effe
ct, also known as ‘one invitation kills twice’. Poison, undissolvable poison. Even if one cut off the limb the instant the poison entered the body, they would still be unable to prevent the poison’s instantaneous spreading. Even if it was Tang San himself, when handling Yama’s Invitation he had to boost his Mysterious Jade Hand to the limit, not daring easily touch it.

  Besides the poison, even more frightening was the structure of Yama’s Invitation. Immediately after entering the body, it would disintegrate and spread through the veins, and simultaneously also follow the blood vessels to enter the heart.

  This was ‘one invitation kills twice’, Yama’s Invitation left no survivors. Even Tang Sect itself didn’t have any antidote. That didn’t mean there was no way of removing Yama’s Invitation’s poison. Everything in the world had a counter, and naturally there would be antidotes for poisons. However, Yama’s Invitation really spread far, far too fast. Even if there was an antidote, there would be no time to use it.

  As Yama’s Invitation entered the body one would only feel a slight tingle. It didn’t cause any pain, and once one discovered something was wrong, it was already time to die. Even with Shi Nian’s seventy second ranked spirit power, he was still only able to say a few words before he had completely turned into a puddle of black liquid.

  Tang San didn’t leave right away, since at the moment he lacked the strength. How would Yama’s Invitation be so easy to use? Condensing inner strength to a point, just to the limits of what Yama’s Invitation could endure, and only then releasing it, that was the only way it could ignore defense. Any defensive Big Dipper qi was unable to obstruct the attack of Yama’s Invitation, this was where it was the most terrifying. Further adding a particular technique, and dodging became almost impossible.

  Perhaps it was different in this world, after all, some formidable defensive type spirit abilities might not be unable to block Yama’s Invitation, like that Black Tortoise Spirit Master Tang San and the others met. If a spirit like Black Tortoise was cultivated to a certain degree, and unleashed some defenses beforehand, that could stop Yama’s Invitation. Unfortunately, Shi Nian was an Illusionist Spirit Master. Defense wasn’t his strong suit. Furthermore, how could he know Tang San possessed such a terrifyingly potent hidden weapon?


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