Mayhem's Betrayal: Operation Mayhem Book 5

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Mayhem's Betrayal: Operation Mayhem Book 5 Page 12

by Lindsay Cross

  Diggs cut in, “Well, maybe Quantum being weak is the reason he shouldn't be the test subject. Maybe it wouldn't even be accurate results if he did it.”

  “It would be accurate either way,” Melissa said. She didn't know if she was trying to get the team to pick Quantum instead of Dawson. She immediately felt horrible. She had been spending so much time with Quantum lately, making sure he was progressing and getting stronger. She didn't want to lose any of these men either. “But, if you think John would be best, that’s all of your decision.”

  “Captain?” Hicks turned to Reaper. Clearly none of the men knew who to choose to test the serum.

  “My vote is for Dawson.” Reaper dragged his fingers down his chin repeatedly.

  “Me too,” Hicks said next. “It’s nothing personal, I just think if you want to prove your loyalty, this is the way to do it.”

  “I don't take it personal,” Dawson said. “This is business and I want to do this to help the team.”

  “Okay.” Reaper planted his hands on his hips. “Then we’ll end the voting. It’s decided. Dawson will test the serum. King, Diggs, Juarez, do any of you have any objection?”

  Juarez gripped his neck. “No objection.”

  King crossed his arms and just shook his head.

  Diggs shifted from his right foot to his left foot. “Me either.”

  Melissa gulped hard, trying not to show any emotion as Dawson locked eyes with her. She’d have to deliver him an injection that could kill him, or if it did what it was supposed to, it could actually heal him. She could be the reason he could live freely without any more doses, without any more side effects. Would that life be one they’d live together?

  “Dr. Averton.” Reaper broke her trance. “Should we schedule it for tomorrow?”

  She cleared her throat and straightened her lab coat around her shoulders. “Yes, tomorrow we can do the injection.”

  “Okay,” Reaper said to the rest of the room. “Tomorrow then.”

  “Tomorrow,” everyone repeated.

  Chapter 23

  Rainier sat behind his desk in his plated glass office inside the confines of the lab. He watched his new team of researchers as they shuffled around, mixing test tubes and beakers with their goggles pulled across their faces.

  He smiled, feeling they were close to being able to take back the men of Project Mayhem. Finally he had gotten a team of scientists who wouldn't betray him like that self-righteous Melissa Averton.

  When he found himself face to face with her again, he’d make her pay for what she had cost him already. Almost two years of starting over. Millions in financing a new lab and finding the appropriate researchers.

  Before Averton, he had been working with bidders and funders to sell the soldiers as the ultimate weapons. He had been so close, doing final tests on them almost two years ago in the Middle East, but Melissa destroyed all that. And he’d had to start over. He wouldn't let her, or those other men, ruin this again.

  He was finally back on track. He had found eight new men for his mission. Russian mercenaries. Killers and cold blooded, they had no notions of patriotism or honor. They were perfect for the soldiers he was creating. Finally, the end game was within reach. The only thing that was holding him back was that his original test subjects—and Averton—were still out there.

  He had returned from Russia only weeks ago to get his new lab in D.C. situated. When the time was right and everything was in place, he would be ready for them.

  He had no idea what happened to Dawson either, but he was pouring more resources into finding out. He didn't know if he’d been killed by his old team or simply disappeared, but Rainier couldn't allow him to roam free knowing what he knew, and as strong as he was.

  Rainier already knew the rest of them were holed up in their massive protected mansion, and he didn't intend to try and infiltrate it, risking his new soldiers. But, they’d come for him and his lab. When they did, he’d be ready.

  The new breed of soldiers was stronger than any of the men on Project Mayhem ever were. When they came for him, and he knew they would, that would be all the proof he needed to show the Russian’s prowess. He would turn his initial loss into a bonus—with video evidence of the upcoming battle. Rainier could sell the new soldiers for whatever price he wanted once the bidders saw their abilities for themselves.

  “Bykov,” Rainier said over the loud speaker of the lab. He didn't come out of his office while testing was going on. He liked to witness from his protected area should any of the original men choose to find him. “Tell Dr. Alexeev I need to see her.”

  Bykov, the massive man, at seven feet tall, rose from his exam table and crossed past Rainier’s enclosed office within the lab. His face was long and hard, he looked like someone who could kill with a flick of his pinky. And he seemed like he’d have no problem doing so either.

  Rainier’s face twisted into a slow smile as the man walked out of the lab with glazed over eyes to fetch Dr. Alexeev. Bykov was a machine. They were all machines. Their emotions would never get in the way of his money like those over-emotional soldiers of Project Mayhem.

  A few moments later Dr. Alexeev tapped at the entrance to Rainier’s office. He pressed the button under his desk and the door clicked open.

  “General?” she said in a cold Russian accent, closing the door. Her calculated demeanor almost reminded him of Averton, but this woman would get done what was asked of her and she wouldn't think twice about morality.

  “I need your help tracking some people.” Rainier folded his hands on top of his desk. “You still have the devices, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”


  Chapter 24

  John had just returned back to his room after the team meeting when there was a knock on his door. He immediately crossed the room, hoping it would be Melissa, even if she did have a ton of work to get done.

  His enormous room in the mansion felt a little empty with nothing to unpack into the immense oak dresser, armoire, desk, and the walk-in closet that was bigger than his room when he was a boy.

  He glanced around quickly to make sure the room looked good. He gazed at the bed, made up with a thick cotton white comforter and more blue throw pillows than he knew what to do with. He had wondered who was in charge of decorating these rooms or if they all looked the same. Dawson didn't think he’d ever owned a throw pillow in his life.

  He opened the door to be greeted by Laura and Faith. His heart constricted in his chiseled chest. He hadn’t gotten to see her since that day in the training facility when they did gymnastics together, when he was still made to stay downstairs in his cell.

  He kneeled down so he was eye level with her. “Hi, sweetie.” He nearly choked up. He fought back the tears that threatened to spill down his defined cheekbones and jawline just at the sight of his sweet daughter.

  “We thought we’d pay you a visit now that you’re up here with the rest of us,” Laura said. “Don’t worry, I cleared it with Melissa.”

  John’s breath caught at the mention of Melissa. She had been so cordial earlier, but she also kept staring at him during the meeting, giving him looks that he didn't know the meaning of. But she still wanted him to see his sweet daughter.

  “Come in,” Dawson finally said. He glanced down the hall after they entered, knowing he wouldn’t see King there. Damn. He shut the door and turned to his family.

  He wanted to scoop Faith up in his arms and swing her around and hear her giggle, but he knew he wasn't much more than a stranger to her at this point. He’d have to be a constant in her life, and he hoped he could now that he was here with her, Laura, and his team again. As long as he survived tomorrow. He could really be cured, he could have the life he was supposed to have back.

  Faith clutched Laura’s hand, and in her other hand was Princess Kitty. They made their way inside and Laura pulled Faith onto her lap on the edge of the bed.

  “How’s King?”

  “He’s fine,” L
aura said slowly. “He knows we’re here.”

  Dawson nodded silently, accepting his ex-best friend’s decision. King would love Dawson’s daughter and sister, but wanted nothing more to do with him.

  Laura gave him a sympathetic look before glancing down at Faith and smiling. “Faith wanted to tell you about her school project, didn't you, Faith?”

  Faith tucked her chin against her chest and clutched Princess Kitty.

  “What’s your project, honey?” John took a seat in the chair by the window, across from the bed.

  Faith smiled and shook her head.

  “Maybe we should show Daddy instead?” Laura offered.

  “No!” Faith squealed and started giggling.

  “Uh oh,” John said. “What could it be?” He stood up and walked slowly toward the bed with his fingers outstretched and the intent to tickle.

  Faith laughed harder and tried to nestle her way into Laura’s shoulder more.

  “Could it be a gymnastics routine?” He moved closer and wiggled his fingers.

  Faith shook her head and squealed, digging her nails into Princess Kitty.

  “Is it a singing competition?” John said, reaching Faith now.

  She shook her head and pulled on Laura’s arm to cover her.

  “Uh oh, Faith, he’s getting closer.”

  “Maybe the tickle monster can get it out of you.” John finally reached his fingers under Faith’s little arms and tickled her until she was cracking up. She fell back on the bed giggling uncontrollably. “What is it, Faith?” John continued to tickle her.

  He used to do this to her all the time when she was four years old, before he left her the first time around for the military. They had always had a special bond and hearing her giggle now was just like it was back then, with nearly four years having passed.

  Sometimes he wished he had never gone into the service, he could have had a life with Faith. He wouldn't have missed out on anything. He would have helped her to grow up, and he wouldn't be here when his team had believed he was a traitor. He wouldn't be some super soldier living on a diet of serum. But, he could never go back, and he could be there for Faith going forward.

  His fingers fell away from Faith’s sides at the sad memories. “Why’d you stop, Daddy?” Faith said, still smiling.

  “Daddy’s tired.” Dawson hadn’t realized how true it was. He couldn't stop thinking about what Melissa had said the other night—how without this new serum, he might die soon. His body was drained and the only thing that brought him relief was more and more serum.

  Laura looked at John with concern in her eyes. “Want me to get Melissa?”

  “No, I just need a breather,” he said. “Not used to much physical exertion anymore since I haven’t been out much.” He hoped Melissa didn't tell them about his worsening effects. If the cure worked tomorrow, they didn't need to ever know.

  Laura nodded. “That makes sense. I hope you can get back to training soon. I know how much you love working out.” She rolled her eyes and John chuckled.

  “It’s a pre-requisite for the service, I think.” He smiled. She was right though. He missed hitting the gym and going for six-mile runs in the early morning before the sun came up. He hadn’t been on a regular training schedule ever since he signed up for Project Mayhem. In the beginning, training had taken priority. Now, simply staying alive and going a day without seizures was a good thing.

  “I’ll show you my school project, Daddy.” Faith hopped up.

  He smiled, recognizing she was already feeling more comfortable with him. Maybe she would see him as a father again sooner rather than later.

  “Aunt Laura, you have the song.” Faith tugged on Laura’s sleeve.

  Laura stood up and took her phone out of her pocket. She scrolled through her music until she found the song. Dawson knew the other guys had massive speakers in their rooms, he could hear it easily through the walls—heightened hearing or not. Faith always wanted the music extra loud so she could feel the bass. He didn't think she’d be able to feel the bass with a little cell phone, but then again her cochlear implant was working its magic.

  “Ready, Faith?” Laura smiled, her finger hovering over the song. John smiled along with the both of them. It was almost like before he went into the service. Faith would do performances for him or put on fashion shows. He loved everything about being a father before it all got messed up.

  John’s ex was never involved. She handed Faith off to him as soon as she was born, pretty much making it clear from the time she was pregnant that she didn't want to be a mother. John had always hoped that would change once their daughter was born but his ex left after only a couple months, and she wasn't involved those months either. It made it harder on him, sure, but he loved his little girl so much that nothing would ever make him regret her.

  Faith stood in the center of the room, posed with her hands on her hips, looking more confident in John’s presence than she had been in a long time.

  Suddenly, the song, “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell came through the speaker on Laura’s phone. Faith began to wiggle around, dancing and lip-syncing.

  “Remember, Daddy?” Faith squealed as she shimmied and twirled around the room.

  John wanted to cry. When Faith was four, they would put this song on the speaker and blast it as loud as they could so that Faith could feel the bass. They would do a duet where John sang Marvin’s lyrics and Faith sang Tammi’s. They would hysterically laugh the whole time while Dawson tossed and twirled Faith. This song held some of his best memories with his daughter and he didn't even know the last time he had heard it, or how he could have forgotten about all of that until now.

  “Is this really for your school project?” Dawson finally said, fighting the urge to cry.

  “Not really.” Faith giggled. “The song is for my singing class, but I don't have to do the dance.” She laughed harder.

  “The song is nothing without the dance though!” John went over to Faith and tentatively picked her up. She continued to smile wide, not showing any objection. Once she was in his arms, he twirled her all the way around and lip-synced the next part.

  The two of them continued that way for the rest of the song, their old dance moves coming back naturally.

  “Faith thought that might cheer you up before tomorrow,” Laura said once the two had settled down.

  Dawson sank into the window seat, exhausted, as Faith continued to twirl on her own.

  “You told her about the injection?” His eyes widened, his breathing finally slowing.

  “She knows you’re having a little procedure done tomorrow. Isn’t that right, Faith?” Laura said. John kept forgetting how old Faith was now. He couldn't talk about her like she wasn't in the room anymore. How could he possibly have a daughter that was growing up so fast?

  “Can I bring you soup after your ’cedure, Daddy?” Faith said. “King made me chicken noodle soup when I was sick and it was the best!” She leaped into the air.

  The thought of King making his daughter soup both warmed and upset him. He was glad she had so many people who cared for her, but all the time he had missed with her gutted him.

  “That’d be great, sweetheart.” Dawson forced a tight smile. Unfortunately, the answer wasn't going to be as easy as soup for his recovery. He had no idea what he was in for tomorrow, but he was ready. No matter the outcome.

  He figured if he didn't make it through the day tomorrow, this was one hell of a last night that he got with his daughter—dancing to Motown like the old days.

  Laura moved to the door. “Let’s let Daddy rest now, okay, sweetie?”

  Faith, holding Princess Kitty in one hand, ran to him. John swooped down and scooped her into his arms, burying his face in her hair. He tried not to think about how that could be the last hug he’d ever get from his daughter.

  She wound her tiny arms around his neck and squeezed. “I love you, Daddy.”

  His heart contracted hard. “I
love you, too, angel.”

  He met Laura’s knowing gaze over her head and mouthed, Take care of her for me.

  Tears welled in his sister’s eyes and she nodded. If he didn’t make it through tomorrow, he couldn’t think of anyone better than his sister and best friend to raise his baby girl. Even if King hated his guts.

  Chapter 25

  John snuck down the hall to Melissa’s room. He knew the sensors and cameras were around his door, but surely he could make up an excuse that he was suffering symptoms and needed Melissa’s help, or that he had questions about the procedure with the new serum tomorrow. He couldn't go another second without her. He didn't care if she had excuses or reasons for not wanting to be with him until he was better, because he knew she wanted him now. They both wanted it and he wouldn't let her push him away, especially since he might not even make it through tomorrow.

  “John? What are you doing here?” Melissa asked as she opened the door. She glanced behind him down the hallway.

  “I had to see you.”

  Dawson had the feeling that the men only chose him because they cared about what happened to him least. No matter how much he had pushed to be the test patient, he thought maybe they were all secretly relieved that it didn't have to be a truly bonded member of the team; that they didn't have to risk it. Dawson had made his peace with that. He hoped he could prove how much they all meant to him and how sorry he was by doing this, if only he didn't die in the process.

  More than anything though, he hoped Melissa cared about what would happen to him and that she would keep trying to save him. She had already saved him more than she knew.

  “Come in.” She gestured for him to come out of the hallway, out of sight of the men who may be watching him from the war room.

  Melissa sat at the edge of her bed. She wore a simple pajama set—red silky loose fitting pants with a matching button-up shirt. The color made her eyes the most piercing green he’d ever seen. The material highlighted her breasts, her nipples hardening under his gaze. His blood pulsed through his veins and his mouth went dry.


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