Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance

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Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance Page 20

by Erica A. Davis

  He didn’t answer, just pushed her back into her seat, and for a moment, Danielle thought he was going to leave. But instead, Duke walked around her desk, going deftly to his knees, his hand wrenching up her skirt, just before he buried his head between her thighs.

  “Oh, fuck.” The first touch of his tongue sent a rush of fire through her veins, it was so, so good. His mouth locked over her clit, at the same time his hands pinned her down on the arms of her chair. The assault on her body was slow and delicious, his tongue swiped across the sensitive bud of flesh, drawing long waves of pleasure out of her body. “Duke, fuck, more, please.” She flailed against him, trying to get more friction, but his hands were too strong and they held her in place.

  “You said you wanted me, right?” His voice was a chuckle as he drew his face up to look at her. His lips were still wet from her juices, and his eyes smoldered with passion and a need Danielle must have ignored earlier. “I’m going to show you how much I want you.” A finger teased at the entrance to her pussy, then he added another. He didn't push all the way in, instead he mapped a circle around her, drawing out curses and moans. “Shhh, it’s late but someone could still wander in.”

  When he finally plunged those roaming fingers into her, Danielle had to bite her lips to keep from crying out. Adding to that sensation, Duke dove back between her legs, adding the blissful stroke of his tongue to the hypnotic rhythm that his hand was making.

  Based on the sounds of appreciation that Duke was making, Danielle could tell that he was enjoying himself. Even then, his hands helped her upper arms firmly against the chair, inhibiting a good deal of Danielle’s movement. He was relentless, drawing all sorts of sounds from Danielle's mouth with just a flick of his tongue. By then end, when her orgasm finally hit, it crashed into her, whiting out her vision and making her body go limp.

  “Fuck, Duke,” She said, “Holy shit, you gotta warn a girl before you do that.” Duke just smiled up at her, looking mighty proud of himself.

  “I try my best.”


  That evening they lay together on the couch in Danielle’s apartment, eating pizza straight from the box. It was a nice and comfortable time. No worries, nothing on the mind except relaxing and staying healthy. Duke lay with his back to the couch, one arm thrown casually around Danielle while his mouth busily pressed kisses into her cheeks. This romantic time was enough to still the worry in Danielle’s heart. Duke was kinder than the men from her past. She couldn’t tell why, perhaps it was because he was younger, he still treated women he was with as if he was lucky to be with them, not the other way around. Danielle had felt strange about the age difference having always pictured herself with some corporate genius or a professor, someone wise with a good head on their shoulders.

  Duke was different, and it was a good different.

  “Are you off tomorrow?” Mumbled Duke into the skin at her neck, “I thought you might want to come to a game, see me play. You haven’t been to one in a while.”

  Danielle looked up from the television, “I could use a bit more scouting time, see if anyone needs a new agent.”

  “You’re mine,” he said, squeezing her tightly. “I already have to share you with a bunch of other people.”

  “Aw, Duke, I didn’t peg you for the jealous type.” She laughed. “Unfortunately, being an agent to one football player only won’t pay my bills. This baby’s gonna have Prada taste, and the income to match it.”

  He pretended to think for a few long moments, “I suppose. But will you come to the game? It’s one of the last ones before the Super Bowl, it would really help me be on the ball.”

  “You should always be on the ball, Duke. On the ball and on guard, you’re the bulldozer, remember?”

  “I know, I know.” He insisted, “I just think, maybe if people see us together now, when

  news comes out about the baby it won’t be that much of a shock.”

  Her eyes widened, “I thought we were going to keep it under wraps for a bit?” Danielle whispered quietly. “This baby could cause a lot of press for you…Some of it not so good.”

  “What do you mean,” his brows knitted together the way they always did when something annoyed him. “Lots of the guys have kids.”

  “Not with their agents!” Duke stiffened for a single second. “I don’t mean we have to hide it forever,” Danielle added quickly. “The moment I start showing it’s going to bring in a lot of questions. I just think that we can use this time to present it as a more...livable option.”

  “Livable option?” Echoed Duke as he sat so quickly on the couch that Danielle almost fell off. “I’m not doing this just to be a ‘livable option’ okay? If you don’t want to raise this kid with me fine, but I’m not going to go around lying about it being mine. I like you Danielle, a lot, and I don’t want to be an option for you.”

  “I...I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Are you sure? Because that’s what it sounds like.”

  “This entire thing is so sudden. That night in your apartment was supposed to fun. It was spontaneous and crazy. And that date you planned was the most fun I’d had since my birthday. Finding out that I was pregnant was like Christmas and the apocalypse rolled into one, you know?” A hand floated down to her belly, feeling the small swell there always sent a shiver of pride through her. “This little one is ours, and yes for a while that scared me. Now, seeing how on board you are, I’m still scared.” Brown eyes locked with his hypnotic blues, “If this doesn’t work out I lose a friend and a client all in one.”

  “Have some faith in me, Dani.” Duke said easily, laying back down beside her. “If this doesn't work out we will be great co-parents.”

  “How do you know that term?”

  “I read it in a baby book. Anyway, I’d never ditch the woman that gave me my career. We are friends, always have been, always will be, nothing’s going to change that. Even if this relationship fizzles out, I’m still going to be there for you and the baby.”

  Danielle smiled tightly. “Okay, we can tell people once I start to show. Don’t expect this to be an easy journey.”

  But Duke wasn’t daunted, not one bit. Danielle could already tell that he was going to take to fatherhood the same way that he took to everything else: headfirst and confidently. Fears quelled for the moment, the couple lay, snuggled close together on the couch, feeling safe and secure in one another’s arms.

  Chapter 6

  Yvette scowled into her bowl of soup, the look marring her gorgeous face. “I can’t get the stroller I wanted,” she wined. “Apparently someone thought it was a good idea not to RSVP for one.” She threw a heated glance at her husband, who raised his hands.

  “Hey, I thought Greg would come through for me. I can get you one a couple of months after the baby is born. The Superior model too.”

  It amazed Danielle to see how much they actually argued. Yvette had a long line of rich ex-boyfriends who could attest to her short temper. Gregory was a saint for how patient he was, Danielle thought. He let Yvette complain as much as she needed to, then without coaxing her with money or a new trinket as the rest had done, he presented her with an alternative. Perhaps that was the reason they worked. Gregory may have spoiled her blind, but he didn’t allow her to walk all over him. That was a feat in itself actually. Yvette normally prided herself on her ability to get whatever she wanted from guys.

  “Yes, and now he's a billionaire that hardly has to work a single day. He quit that business for a reason, right honey?” She crooned the last bit, at the same time leaning into her husband so that their bodies were nearly flush together. Greg’s face turned red, and Danielle got the feeling that he wasn’t as immune to her charms as she’d once thought.

  “He works at the firm.” It wasn’t really a lie. Besides, Yvette had too many junior reporter friends. One slip over a celebratory margarita and Danielle was done. She had to control when the story came out, and how. One wrong bit of press cou
ld sink her career, then she’d be raising a baby on the income of a ruined sports agent...and that wasn’t much. In a few months she wouldn’t be able to hide the baby news. Having her mother find out through the news would be not only devastating but embarrassing. “He’s nice. And it’s going...really well.” Through her hesitation, Danielle’s breath hitched. She hadn’t taken the time to sort through her real feelings for Duke yet.

  Sure, they’d fucked like rabbits and he made her laugh more times than she could count. All of the comfort she felt around him had shrouded her usual laser guided targeting system for boyfriends. Being comfortable around a man didn't exactly equate to supreme dating material. She was comfortable around most of her clients, and Danielle certainly couldn't see herself settling down with any of them.

  She and Duke were on their way to starting a family. A real family, no matter how independent she chose to be.

  Greg flashed Danielle a knowing smile. “I’ve seen that look before,” he said gently as he wagged a finger at his sister-in-law. “Might have caused it once or twice myself. You, little lady, are in love.”

  Danielle balked, “What are you talking about, Greg? I think all of those late night cocktails are going to your head.” But the older man just shook his head, eyes twinkling with amusement.

  “Not a chance. You're scared shitless, nervous about what could be.” He nodded frantically. “Yeah, it’s all in your eyes, Dani. All right there for the world to see. You really fucking like this guy, don’t you?”

  Dani fiddled with her drink, a virgin something that she’d slyly ordered before the couple had arrived to throw off any loaded questions. “I don’t know. I’ve known him for a long time. And I don’t want things to get weird.”

  Yvette made a high pitched sound at her words, at the same time the corners of her scarlet lips turned up. “So it’s someone you’ve been working with for a while now? Hmm,” Danielle could see he gears turning in her head. And for a split second, she feared that her sister would piece everything together. Duke had been traipsing in and out of the office for years. In retrospect, Danielle thought that she could have come up with a much better cover story. “It’s not that guy from the music department? Tom or Phil. What's his name?”

  Danielle breathed out a loud laugh of relief. “Steve? No. He’s got married three years ago. He’s got a kid and everything.”

  ‘And soon I will too!’ That thought sparked an odd joy within Danielle, it spread through her body, radiating warmth and some bone deep happiness.

  “You could have all of that too!” Yvette insisted, “Just stop being so picky and find someone. I want to be an auntie one day. It’s not fair that you always get to have all the fun.”


  It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning. Danielle lay in bed, her arm thrown over Duke’s chest. She watched, sleep still causing her eyes to be heavy, as the man's chest rose and fell gently in his sleep. Goddamn he was handsome. Danielle felt the familiar pull of lust as she slithered herself beneath the sheets: her movements slow and practiced, being careful not to wake him. She would have sworn last night, after their rather heated tryst, that she’d be sated. Of course all the hormones would turn her into a liar.

  She found his cock in the darkness under the covers, semi-hard and waiting. Danielle gave him a gentle stroke before quickly clamping her lips around the bulbous head. Moaning around her mouthful, Danielle began to work his cock. Up and down with long, wet strokes of her tongue. Her hard work was rewarded when Duke’s hand came to rest on the back of her head, pressing down with a soft insistence that could only mean ‘more’.

  Gladly, Danielle obliged, aiming to give him even a fraction of the pleasure he’d given her only hours before. She hollowed her cheeks and relaxed her throat. Her nose was pressed against his pelvic bone, the muscles in her throat working to massage his ever growing shaft.

  “Mmm, just like that.” His voice was muffled by the blankets, but Danielle hardly needed the encouragement. She pulled up just enough to wrap her fingers around his thick cock. Then she bobbed her head up and down. It was a fast and frantic pace, made even more intense with the steady pressure of her hand. He grunted deep, a sure sign that he was about to come. Danielle grinned to herself as she took his cock all the way down her throat again, revelling in the feeling of him filling her up.

  Duke pulled her up just before he came, choosing instead to press his lips hard into hers. Danielle’s hands traversed his body, pausing only to massage her clit. She was dripping wet, and her fingers came away smeared and shining. Duke took them into his mouth as he guided her atop him. His cock was poised, deep red and pulsing as Danielle lowers herself onto it. She was slow at first, allowing the head to gently open her up. While he took much of her weight, the strain of going that slow made her limbs quake. It was maddening, and an intense heat rushed through her body, focusing just in her belly. Danielle cried out once she was fully seated on him. Now she was filled with him in a much different way. Duke’s cock stretched her open, and her pussy strained to clench around him. They sat for a few moments, giving her body time to adjust. Then Danielle pushed herself up onto her heels. Slowly, drawing a long moan from Duke as she went. When she slammed back down, their bodies impact, causing a deep moan to slip from her mouth.

  “That feels so fucking good,” he moaned, his hands reaching up to grip her hips.

  Duke’s fingers ran over her skin, exploring every inch of her warm flesh as Danielle lifted and lowered herself onto his cock. She twisted her hips, grinding into him to draw out every bit of pleasure. Her clit rubbed against him, making her legs shudder, a moan leaving her lips.

  Below her, Duke thrust up into her. Every buck of his hips made his cock sink deeper inside of her. Her fingers ran over his chest, her nails digging into his skin, but he didn’t seem to mind. His hands gripped her ass hard, squeezing her as he began to rock her back and forth on his length. Danielle moaned, her eyes falling closed as she enjoyed every moment.

  His fingers ran over her hardened nipples. She shivered as he gripped them, kneading her breasts, pulling them. Danielle ground her hips down harder, her pussy wet as his fingers began to toy with her clit. She bit her lip.

  A surprised squeal left Danielle’s lips as he rolled over, pinning her beneath him. His hands ran over her thighs before he pushed them up. Danielle’s breathing caught in her throat as he slipped his cock inside of her once more, inch by torturous inch. Her back arched as he slipped inside of her deeper than he ever had before. Instantly, her legs wrapped around his hips.

  Duke thrust into her harder and harder until she was out of breath, panting. His fingers slid between her thighs, playing over her clit. She moaned as his breathing became more shallow. The muscles of his stomach clenched. Danielle knew he was close. She tightened her thighs around him, clenched down on his cock to make her pussy tighter.

  It worked. Duke thrust faster as she shivered and moaned. The orgasm that took over her made her head fall back, her eyes rolled back from the pure pleasure of it. Grunting, he pushed into her before he moaned. She felt the familiar, warm splash of his cum filling her up. The feeling one that she enjoyed.

  “Good morning to you too,” Duke mumbled against her ear.

  Danielle let out a small giggle before she stretched out grandly. She ran a hand over her rounding belly before she sighed. Being with Duke, sleeping next to him was one of the best feelings she’d ever had. She rolled over onto her side, propping her head up on her hand. Before she could speak, he did.

  “You’re hungry, aren’t you?”


  “Let’s go,” he said with a chuckle as he helped her out of the bed.

  They climbed into the shower together, taking turns with the full spray of the water. He found it hilarious every time he had to squeeze past her belly. Danielle rolled her eyes. When the bathroom was too steamy to breathe in, they slipped out of the tub.

  Danielle wiggled her
way into a pair of shorts, a tank top and a pair of flip flops. It felt like forever since she’d dressed so casually, but she had to admit she loved the feeling. Her feet didn’t hurt without the heels. She wrapped an arm around Duke’s as he led her outside to the car.

  What happened next, caught Danielle by surprise. Bright lights flashed in her eyes making her shield them with her arm. There were people everywhere, she could hear the sound of their voices, but she was still blinking from the flashing lights. Slowly, Danielle realized that it was multiple cameras going off. She felt Duke push them through the crowd before he helped her into the car. When he hopped inside, slamming his door after him, she blinked her eyes rapidly.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Paparazzi,” Duke mumbled as he peeled out of the parking lot.

  Danielle gazed at the people standing outside. Squinting her eyes, she turned in her seat as they pulled away. Cameras in hand, the people were still snapping, still talking loudly over each other. Danielle felt a sinking feeling in her chest. How could this have happened? They’d been so careful not to get caught before they were ready. Danielle knew they’d be splashed all over the TV soon.

  Her mind worked quickly. They could say they were just hanging out, just friends. Still, they’d been holding hands when they walked out of the door and her burgeoning belly wouldn’t exactly help with that lie. Danielle began to panic. Any post-coital bliss had been dashed to pieces.

  “What is my boss going to say?” She asked as she nervously wrung her hands.

  “He’s not going to say anything, probably,” Duke said slowly.

  Danielle gazed at him, one eyebrow cocked. “We both know you don’t believe that.”

  Duke shrugged. “Even if he does say something, so what? What can he do about it?”

  “He can fire me, Duke. Come on, we talked about this. I need to fix this.”


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