Exposed (Interplanetary Spy for Hire Book 2)

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Exposed (Interplanetary Spy for Hire Book 2) Page 30

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  Thank you for being here, for reading, for reviewing, and for always brightening my day with your words of support on the fb page. You’re best!

  Ellie trying to help MA get ahead of the deadlines

  As you know, I try my best to lighten the work load for MA, pinging him reminders so that he doesn’t forget about projects, or things like author notes.

  As you can imagine, sometimes me promptings are met with… Well, I’ll let you read for yourself:


  Ellie: also think about the author notes for Taylor 1, and then Jayne 04. J4 is less urgent.

  Michael: Think all you want. I’ll put it off to the last minute LOL

  Ellie: hahhaa

  But, Exhibit A… this is what I have to deal with, folks.


  Ok, so you might know me well enough to say ‘But Mike, isn’t that the only way you work?’ and I will reply…

  ‘What, do you work for Ellie too?’ — Mike>

  << Ellie edit — that is hilarious! I’m just glad you’re not calling me bossy ;P >>

  Eating Carbon

  In trying to think of what I should write about this time, I ended up having to pull MA in on the conversation. Sometimes sound-boarding ideas is so much easier than just coming up with them in isolation. You may have seen the video discussion (on Patreon). I basically talk for about 30 minutes, with very little prompting. How MA doesn’t make some comment about how I don’t seem to have a lack of things to say, I don’t know ;)

  And that she is studying at all (she’s out of college folks, she doesn’t have to study in some of these esoteric areas without a significant amount of interest in the subject. And this also causes me to be curious about her interests. No offense, Ellie — but what you find worth studying is curious to me all by itself — who study’s lobsters as a metaphor for personalities in guys? — Mike>

  << Ellie edit: hey, it created a profound revelation for me. AAAAAnd, anything that helps me understand the other sex is going to beneficial to all involved, right? Sigh. It’s happened. I’m defending myself IN MY OWN author notes now. This is evolution folks… Evolution of the Author Notes!>>

  Anyway, one of his suggestions was to talk about the ridiculous health stuff I shared with him.

  Namely, the powdered carbon I’ve been drinking.

  It makes my mouth black. And my lips. I had to scramble to clean my face before getting on the video call it was that bad!

  It’s basically ground up carbon, from bamboo, with a bunch of electrolytes in it.



  I wish I’d thought to have a few doses this weekend, since I think I was struggling with a hangover. Anyway, it was something that my energy healer recommended. I had been complaining of not being able to get to sleep on a day I’d been fasting. I’d fast during the day and then eat veggies at night. It turns out that there seems to be a threshold of carb consumption, below which I just will not sleep. If you’ve been reading my author notes from last year, you’ll know this is something that I’ve experienced consistently.


  Anyway, in addition to this, she suggested that it might also be a question of toxins. Something I had forgotten is that when we burn up fat, the toxins that were being stored in the fat, get released into the bloodstream, and then our body has to deal with it in some way. If you know how my two glasses of wine give me a two day hangover, you’ll probably guess how well I likely deal with anything else in my bloodstream. She made a valid point. As I left that session she took me through to the kitchen and showed me this particular brand of carbon, which she swears by.

  Having used it for a few weeks now, I have to agree. It’s the bomb. Every time I feel just a little off, or headachy or even just if I’m having cravings, a spoonful in some water has me returned to feeling human in no time. I love it.


  It’s called Flash Black. It’s not on Amazon and only available through the manufacturer. It’s kinda expensive too. However, I figure for the amount I’m saving on food, it should probably pay for itself. Plus, I’m getting rid of the toxins! Woot!

  So I get done explaining all of this and then MA picks up his bottle of “Big Red”, a bright red fizzy drink. “I wonder if I take that, will it cancel out drinking one of these?”

  I cringed. “No Michael. No it won’t.”


  I swear he’s got to be saying it just to be comical. He can’t be serious….

  Can he?

  Because, I might not be willing to drink that stuff today but maybe in a few years? — Mike>


  Over the last couple of months I’ve been knee deep in binge watching Supernatural. For those who haven’t seen it, it starts off kinda hookie, but very quickly finds its groove and is probably one of the most popular, long running tv shows of our generation. Currently in it’s 15th and final season it’s amassed an avid fan base… mostly of teenage girls. Claire and I, in our thirties, however, count ourselves amongst them.



  Anyway, probably one of the best moments of my life came this week, when they did a mashup episode of Supernatural and Scooby Doo. It was epically awesome for a number of reasons — not least the sophisticated way they meshed the two genre beats together seamlessly, honored the flavor of both shows, had the characters interact (Wilma developed a crush on Sam!), AND twisted the beats (as we call it in the trade!). Twisting the beats is when you take a normal story beat and make it something completely new and unseen. IT. WAS. INCREDIBLE.

  In fact, as I’m writing this, having already ranted about it on the video call this morning, I think I need to just re-watch it tonight. It was that good.

  If you haven’t seen Supernatural… I totally recommend it. And yes, it is worth watching the 270 something episodes to get to this particular one I’m talking about in Scooby World.

  Totally worth it! <3


  < If I replaced that Netflix watching with more work I’d burn myself out again — and then I’d be good for nothing and on life support. Time out is a no-brainer for me at this point. >>

  New Girl

  I’m currently on season 14 of Supernatural, and very aware that I’m getting close to the end. When this happens, I start looking around for other things to captivate me, so as to avoid that horrible feeling of emptiness and despair that I experience when a show comes to an end.

  I know, I’m overly sensitive. But this is my life ;-)

  Anyway, I like things that are fairly light going. I tried The Good Boys, thinking that the title meant it was going to be fairly easy going. No such luck.

  After another two or three false starts with other shows however, I’ve found myself a new home in New Girl. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but a lot of these short episode sitcoms aren’t that funny. With New Girl though, I find myself laughing out loud, and then catching myself and hoping I’m not being too loud for the neighbors. It’s that funny.

  I think part of the issue is that I totally identify with Jess’s quirkiness and awkwardness. I feel for her and the crazy situations. It’s also super cute. I love the relationships they all get into and the way they take care of each other. Almost makes me want roommates.


  Anyway, New Girl is my newest recommendation.

  I’m just heading into season three, so please no spoilers on fb! :)


  Taylor the Vampire

  As I’m writing these author notes for the release of Jayne 4, we’ve just pushed the publish button on Taylor 1. (As you’ll read in the author notes in there, I use the Isobella Crowley pen name because it’s not sci fi….)

  The Taylor series is actually called: Moonlight Detective Agency. I had to just go and look that up because all this time we’ve been using the random working title of Dark of the Night Agency on the MSs and notes we’ve been passing back and forth!

  (Don’t tell MA, but now I’m wondering if we should have called it Dark of the Night… but very aware that it might just be coz I’m used to that. Familiarity has a HUGE impact on liking. Wow, that has massive implications for dating and relationships… but I’m going to leave that one there, and tell you more about the book!)

  So yeah, this is basically a vampire meets former frat-boy kinda story. The vampire (Taylor) is super scary and in charge of a detective agency.

  A detective agency that Remy (David Remington) actually owns. But since his family cut him off financially to teach him some responsibility, he’s sold off his other businesses for cash to keep partying and now only has the detective agency left in his portfolio.

  Here’s the blurb MA wrote about half an hour before Zen Steve pressed publish last night…(!).



  Last Ditch Effort (Moonlight Detective Agency, Book 1)

  Remy is down to his last $100,000... He's in dire straits.

  From Bestselling authors Isobella Crowley and Michael Anderle

  While his rapidly dwindling checking account is a problem, Remy finds out the last company he owns is run by something that goes bump in the night.

  And she is willing to bump him off if he fails to live up to her expectations.

  Trying to get sober, Remy needs to work the day shift for Moonlight Detective Agency.

  Can he learn the ropes before the faeries, werewolves or his supposed employee kills him off?

  There is only one way to find out. Accomplish what Taylor sets out for him to do, or die trying.


  If you like paranormal fantasy and Archer(!) — yeah the cartoon :D, then this could well be your new favorite series. I don’t know. I don’t want to build it up too much, but the beta readers haven’t been this enthusiastic about something since Molly.

  It’s also funny as hell. Makes me laugh just reading back through sections. Tee hee.


  This is Jayne 4

  Okay so this has the potential to cause from confusion.

  Heck, it’s confused us during our publishing discussions.

  Book 1, 2, and 3 of Jayne (Spy for Hire Series) were released as a single book, making it super long.

  The plan is to break them back up into 3 books and republish them, meaning that this little number you just read is actually Jayne 4.

  And as I’m explaining this, I’m realizing that MA and I will probably need to produce author notes to go with all the others?

  I’m going to leave this comment here for MA to decide when he whips through and adds his edits/ comments/ commentary interruptus to these notes… ;)


  Ask him in the reviews if he doesn’t answer. He hates that! :D :D :D (Clearly I love it… it makes me laugh. A lot.)


  See you on the next Author Notes!

  Ellie :)


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  Want more books from Ell Leigh Clarke?

  Check them out here, on Amazon

  Here are other series written by Ell:

  The Ascension Myth

  – known amongst the fans as “the Molly series”.

  How Molly has survived military life this long, we'll never know.

  When her implanted computer interface is hacked by a nascent AI, Molly has to escape.

  And her biggest problem?

  The swiftest and most efficient way to get out is also the most embarrassing.

  Mortifyingly embarrassing.

  If you your space opera with snark, action and characters that support each other, you will love The Ascension Myth where we find out if a dysfunctional genius can change the universe.

  We double-dog dare you NOT to fall in love with Molly.

  The Giles Kurns Chronicles

  – known amongst the fans as “the Giles series”.

  Giles is a roguish space archaeologist.

  And a good one too.

  The problem?

  He's addicted to adventure.

  When the continued existence of his whole world is thrown into jeopardy, Professor Giles Kurns may well have to face his biggest challenge yet...

  Growing up.

  Together with an old war ship, an old frienemy, and a rather spunky AI, he embarks on a high stakes journey of intrigue to uncover the truth about the Ascension Myth.

  Will they solve the riddle of the strange but powerful talismans before it’s too late?

  If you like fun, Indiana Jones-like adventures you'll love this series because it is a smart, hilarious, swashbuckling romp in space with characters you'll just want to take home with you.

  The Second Dark Ages

  Books 3 and 4. aka the “Michael series”

  – Ell helped Michael (aka Yoda) out on the last two books to help him finish out the series.

  And because, well, he wanted to kill his villain using… physics!

  Ranger Deuces

  This series lays out the (mis)adventures of Tabitha (an enhanced vampire who is off saving the universe �
� yes, vampires in space!) and spunky Nickie (the messed-up niece who was left behind).

  Ell calls this the Nickie series, because that was her storyline. Her collaborator calls it the Tabitha series, because that’s who he wrote. And sometimes they find a middle ground and agree to disagree on stuff…

  The Sword-Mage Chronicles

  Three gods kicked out of the unseen world.

  One chick with a sword.

  In space.

  What could possibly go wrong?

  Books by Michael Anderle

  For a complete list of books by Michael Anderle, please visit

  All LMBPN Audiobooks are Available at and iTunes. For a complete list of audiobooks visit:




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