Everlight Academy Book 2

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Everlight Academy Book 2 Page 2

by Tiffany Shand

  The fae are different, I reminded myself. They are nothing like humans. Stop expecting them to do anything like the humans would do.

  Tristen gave a grim laugh. “We don’t believe in that kind of thing. To do so would be to dishonour the person’s body and soul. Healers can sense how someone died — it’s part of their gift.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “But healers can lie or be forced to make stuff up. Science can’t be disputed.” I slumped back down onto my bed. “How do we know someone didn’t bribe the healer into making a false claim? Someone poisoned Freya and now they are trying to cover it up. Why is the council letting them get away with it? Or are they somehow involved too?”

  Tristen put his hand on my shoulder. “At least you’re safe and free. And Madam Leticia is a solid person. I don’t think anyone could bribe her.”

  I snorted. “I’ll never be safe. Not since someone murdered Freya and I know about it. On academy grounds no less.” I shook my head. “How do we know someone on the council didn’t order Freya’s death? They weren’t very happy when Freya told them she had become my custodian.” A sharp stab of pain went through my chest at my last words. I hadn’t had much time to deal with that news either before she had been killed. Part of me still couldn’t believe she had adopted me. “Wait, that wouldn’t have been the reason she was killed, would it?”

  Tristen reached out and took hold of my hand. “No. There’s no reason to think her death had anything to do with you. As for the council… I don’t know. I wouldn’t put it past them. I have no illusions about what my mother is capable of. But I can’t think of any reason why she would want to harm Freya.” He shook his head. “I know the council won’t investigate Freya’s death any further. Madame Leticia is a renowned healer among both courts. Her word is the law.”

  “Didn’t they at least check Freya’s room?” I asked in exasperation. I couldn’t believe they were going to dismiss Freya’s death. “Wait, will they question me too?” That could be my one opportunity to convince them Freya had been murdered. Although I wouldn’t have been surprised if someone on the council was somehow involved in it. Freya had gone against them by bringing me to the academy and becoming my custodian without seeking their permission first. Still, I couldn’t fathom why those reasons would be enough for anyone to want to kill her.

  She might have annoyed people with her actions, but it wasn’t enough to kill her over. A lot of people didn’t like me being at the academy either due to my being half-human. But killing her over me? I pushed all thoughts of that away. If I let myself believe I had been responsible for her death, I didn’t know how I could live with that. No, there was no point in jumping to conclusions, I reminded myself.

  “Probably. I didn’t stick around to find out anything else after I heard you’d been arrested.” Tristen shrugged, then gasped. “Hey, what happened to your wings?”

  I stopped pacing. “What?” Why would he mention my wings at a time like this?

  Tristen ran a hand down my back. “Your wings are gone. Gods, did my uncle remove them? Did he hurt you?”

  I shook my head. Forrest hadn’t done anything to me. Aside from locking me up and accusing me of murder.

  “Then how are they gone? You said you couldn’t pull your wings back into your body. I thought it was because they were damaged and pulling them back in would be impossible.”

  I bit my lip. I couldn’t. My wings had never retracted. They had stuck out from my back and had grown as I had grown. But they were indeed gone. I’d almost forgotten how they retracted into my body earlier when I had been in the cell. I hesitated. “Freya did something to me before she died.”

  Tristen frowned. “What?”

  “I don’t know. Light glowed all over her and somehow, she healed my wings. I have no idea why, though. It makes no sense either.” It still didn’t make any sense to me now I had left the cell.

  “Maybe now your wings are whole again, you can pull them back in.”

  “Yes, but why bother healing them? She should have used her last bit of energy to heal herself, not me.” I gritted my teeth and struggled to hold back tears.

  My mind raced with questions. My wings weren’t a big deal. “If the council won’t do anything to find Freya’s killer, then we have to do it instead.”

  “Silvy, we have no idea who may have wanted her Freya gone,” Tristen pointed out. “It’s late. We should get some sleep.”

  Tristen fumbled with his jacket and pulled out a small vial. “I picked up a sleeping potion. I thought you might need it.”

  I shook my head. “No. Not after…” I trailed off as Freya’s face flashed through my mind. “Will you stay with me tonight? I don’t want to be alone.” I surprised myself by asking. Just because we had kissed didn’t make us a couple. I didn’t know what we were now, but I didn’t want to be alone. Not tonight at least. Especially since I didn’t have Mel there to keep me company either.

  Tristen nodded.

  I knew we’d get in trouble if anyone caught us together, but I didn’t care. My body and clothes were still covered in dirt from the woods, so I headed to the shower first. The hot water did little to make me feel better, but it was good to change into an old T-shirt. Tristen had kicked off his shoes and socks, and I found him stretched out on my bed when I came out. He had his eyes closed.

  I hesitated. Asking him to stay had seemed like a good idea earlier. I’d never shared a bed with anyone before. Let alone someone I’d kissed. What if he wanted something more? Maybe I should get him to sleep in Mel’s bed — I doubt she would mind. At the same time, I wanted to feel safe. I slid into bed beside him. My heart pounded in my ears and I moved further away from him. But sleeping in a single bed, there wasn’t far for me to go. I lay there, still, for a few moments. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Freya on the floor, reaching for me. I turned over and buried my face in Tristen’s shoulder. He slipped his arms around me and pulled me closer. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said and stroked my hair.

  He held me as I cried. I cried until I didn’t have any tears left. No, it would never feel okay again. My whole life I’d never had anyone to comfort me or there for me when I got scared or sad. I had never grown attached to anyone either. I didn’t let myself. Feelings were a weakness I couldn’t afford to have. Something to be exploited and used against me. It had happened once when I had grown attached to one of my numerous foster parents. Now I had lost Freya, my mentor, and one of the few people who’d been a real friend to me. Hell, she had become something more — perhaps a mother figure since she had adopted me.

  My heart ached. I didn’t know how to deal with this. Grief had never been an issue for me before. I never stayed with anyone long enough to miss them. Or at least not anyone I liked. Now I would never have the chance to know what kind of relationship I could have had with Freya.

  I lay there for what seemed like hours. Sleep wouldn’t come and it was only two AM. So, it would be a few hours before dawn finally came. Tristen’s soft breathing next to me told me he was asleep.

  After about an hour, I gave up on sleep. I needed to do something. Laying in my room wouldn’t solve who had killed Freya or get justice for her. Nor would crying about it either. So, I slipped out of my room, careful not to wake Tristen. I didn’t want him to know where I was going. He would have stopped me had he known.

  “You see me not, I am but a shadow,” I chanted the words to spell I’d read in Freya’s grimoire and padded down the hall. Light flashed around my body as I went.

  The last thing I needed was to get caught again. Forrest would lock me up forever if I did. I snuck upstairs to where the teacher’s chambers were. Freya had a big chamber all to herself at the end of the hall. If I checked her room, maybe I could find the poison and somehow prove she had been murdered.

  I crept along the wall and kept to the shadows. Candles lit the hall. When I got closer, I spotted the light coming from under the door. Why would there be a light on i
n Freya’s room? They must’ve moved her but body by now since Tristen had said a healer had examined her. Or had they left her body in there? Wouldn’t they have turned the lights off? Or had they already started moving her stuff out?

  I edged closer, and my fists clenched. What if her killer was in there? Should I confront them? If I did, I had no idea what I would do. Knock them out and get help, maybe. Although that would land me in even more trouble.

  Whilst my mind raced with indecision, the door creaked open part way. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my gasp. Then ducked behind a suit of armour. Despite my spell, I didn’t want to risk someone seeing me. I couldn’t be sure the spell would hide me from everything. Holy crackers! The door swung open and the light in the room snuffed out. A man with pale skin and perfect hair came out. I couldn’t make out all of him in the semidarkness.

  I could tell he was tall and dressed all in black. The moment he stepped out; the candles had all gone out as well.

  What the hell was he doing here? He had a book under his arm.

  You don’t want to hurt me, a voice rang through my mind. Leave now and go to bed. Sleep.

  It was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

  Chapter 3

  “Oh, good goddess!” The sound of Mel’s voice dragged me from the grip of sleep.

  Sunlight streamed through the window. I groaned and felt something holding onto me when I tried to roll over. What the heck? I gasped when I found Tristen laying next to me. He had his arm wrapped tight around my waist.

  Now my brunette, curly-haired roommate, Melanie Greenwood, stood gawping at me. Holy crackers, the last thing I wanted was for her to see me with Tristen. Now she’d pester with questions.

  “This isn’t what it looks like,” I exclaimed. “He stayed here because…” The memory of Freya on the floor crashed through my mind again. Holy crackers! I blinked back tears at the memory.

  Mel seeing me in bed with Tristen no longer mattered.

  “Freya,” I choked out the name. “She’s —” I couldn’t bring myself to say the words, and tears stung my eyes again.

  “I know, sweetie.” Mel’s smile faded and her face became etched with concern. “Are you okay? I couldn’t believe it when they arrested you last night. Tristen was livid. Sorry, I couldn’t be here for you either, but I knew he would take care of you.”

  I shook my head and scrambled out of bed.

  Mel came over and wrapped her arms around me. I patted her back. “I am so sorry. Tristen was furious last night when he heard his uncle had arrested you.” I glanced over to Tristen and expected him to wake up, but he didn’t budge.

  “Mel, Freya’s death wasn’t an accident.” It all came pouring out of me again. How I’d gone to the woods, then found Freya. My whole world had turned upside down in a matter of seconds.

  “Holy crap, why would the council say it was an accident?” Mel gasped. “I mean, why else arrest you unless they expected foul play? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  I shook my head. “They’re covering it up. And it would be a pretty big coincidence if someone connected to them wasn’t involved.” I knew I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but who else would want Freya gone? She had challenged them more than once, and not just over me.

  Mel’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Silvy, you shouldn’t say things like that. Why would they have any reason to hurt Freya?”

  That was the thing about Mel. She was a stickler for the rules and obeying authority. I seemed to break them whether I wanted to or not. Besides, the stupid rules no longer mattered now that Freya was gone.

  “Because she went against them.” She had convinced them to allow me to remain at the academy despite my freaky powers.

  “Look, Forrest was wrong to lock you up but —”

  “But nothing. If the council won’t do something about Freya’s death, then I will.” I headed over to my wardrobe to look for a clean uniform. My old one from yesterday was too filthy from the night’s excursions to use again.

  “Oh, my goddess,” Mel breathed.

  I turned around, half expecting Tristen to have gotten up and her to be staring at him. But nope, he was still asleep. “What?”

  “Your wings are gone.” She motioned to my back. “Did you glamour them?”

  “No. I pulled them in last night — don’t ask me how.” I yanked my clothes out of the wardrobe. I hadn’t learnt how to perform glamours yet. My heart twisted. Freya would never be there to teach me magic again.

  “Wings can retract and stay in when fae close of their emotions from what I’ve heard. That’s not healthy.” Since Mel was a Guardian, she didn’t have wings as she wasn’t a full fae. But she knew much more about the fae world than I did.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not repressing anything. Plus, I’m glad they’re gone. It will be so much easier getting dressed without worrying about the hindrance of my wings. I don’t have time to let my emotions free.” I had already cried last night. I didn’t want to be a blubbering mess all day through classes.

  “Silvy, Freya meant a lot to you. It’s okay to grieve.”

  Grief had to wait. I had more important things to deal with. I rummaged through my wardrobe further for shirts and realised the only other two I had both had slits in the back that are usually to help pull my wings through. “Do you have a shirt I could wear? Mine are all designed for my wings.”

  Mel walked over to her wardrobe, pulled out a shirt, and threw it over to me. It would be a little big since she was much curvier than I would ever be. “Tristen needs to leave,” Mel added. “You will be in even more trouble if anyone finds him here.”

  She had a point. I was amazed Tristen hadn’t woken up already.

  “Thornwood?” I shook his shoulder. “Time to go.”

  Tristen groaned and opened his eyes. “Silvy?”

  “Here. You need to go, it’s morning.”

  Tristen climbed out of bed, clad in his boxers and a T-shirt.

  A blush crept over my cheeks and I looked away.

  Wow, he’s even more gorgeous than I thought, Mel’s thoughts crept into my tired brain.

  I glared at her. Stop gawping at him.

  Sorry, I understand if you don’t want me staring at your boyfriend.

  I had to bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything. He’s not my boyfriend!

  Tristen grabbed his jeans and scrambled to get dressed. He hesitated when he got to the door. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I guess. Thanks for staying last night.”

  “I will see you at breakfast.”

  Tris made a move towards me and I took a step back. I didn’t want Mel to see him hug me. She’d get the wrong idea. Tristen came over and hugged me anyway, despite my unease. He kissed the top of my forehead before he left.

  “OMG, I’ve never seen Tristen Thornwood look at anyone like that,” Mel remarked. “And he kissed you. How can he not be your boyfriend? He doesn’t go around kissing or hugging people. Despite how much girls throw themselves at him.”

  “Mel.” I shot her another glare. “Not now.”

  “Did something happen between you two last night? I wouldn’t blame you given what a crappy night you had.”

  “He kissed me, but it’s not important.”

  “Wow, what was it like?”

  I sighed and shook my head, then stomped off to the bathroom before she could ask me any more awkward questions. I needed to learn when to keep my big mouth shut. Now I had mentioned the kiss, I would never hear the end of it until she knew every single detail.

  When I came out of the bathroom after getting showered and got dressed into my uniform, a loud knock came at the door. I wanted if Tristen had come back to check on me, but I didn’t feel his presence nearby.

  “Oh, god, what if the council are summoning me already?” I glanced at Mel. A knot of fear pitted in my stomach.

  “Then we’ll deal with it. Don’t worr
y. No one is going to arrest you again.” Mel came over and yanked the door open. A dark-haired man jumped in surprise. “What the hell do you want? You don’t work here at the academy — I know every member of staff here.”

  The man regained his composure and straightened. “I have a special delivery for a Miss Silvana Eldry. Is this the right room?”

  Mel narrowed her eyes. “Who wants to know? Who is sending her something?”

  “It’s not my job to know that. I was just told to bring all of this here.” He motioned to a huge pile of boxes and bags next to him.”

  “We’re not accepting anything unless we know who sent it.” Mel glared at him, then frowned at me. “Your new boyfriend didn’t send you this stuff, did he?”

  My mouth fell open at the sight of the piles of boxes and bags. “He’s not my boyfriend and no, I don’t think he would send me anything.”

  Mel eyed the delivery man again. “Was there a note? What is all this stuff?”

  I stepped forward and moved over to the door. “I’m Silvana Eldry. But I’m not expecting anything.” I’d never had anything delivered before. Unless it was a letter saying I was going to be moved to another foster home.

  The delivery man shook his head. “There was no note. It was a special order and I have specific instructions to bring everything here this morning.” Another man appeared behind him, pushing a trolley full of more boxes.

  “Well, take it all back then. I didn’t order anything, and I can’t pay for all of this stuff.”

  The man laughed. “This stuff has already been paid for, and if you want it sent back, you’ll have to take it up with the shipping company. We deliver. We don’t take stuff back.”

  The men wheeled the boxes in and carried the bags into my room and dumped everything in the middle of the floor.

  “This is a nightmare.” I picked up one of the bags and noticed my name along with the academy’s address written on it. “Where the hell did all this stuff come from?”


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