Everlight Academy Book 2

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Everlight Academy Book 2 Page 15

by Tiffany Shand

  Shadows stalked in every direction. I ignored them. They were a distraction.

  “Freya, where are you?”

  Time would run out soon, and I doubted I’d be able to make this journey again. It would take too much toll on my body.

  I hurried past the trees and the mist became so thick I couldn’t see anything.

  She had to be here somewhere. The book said it was much easier to commune with spirits here than in the physical world. I didn’t want to venture too far in case I got lost.

  “Come on Freya, where are you?”

  Shadows crept close and whispers echoed around me.

  I shivered but kept moving. “Freya Goodwin, where are you?”

  The mist grew so thick even the shadows disappeared along with the outline of the trees.

  I sighed. Maybe this had been hopeless to begin with.

  But I pushed back further into the mist.

  Up ahead, a woman stood rocking back and forth as she wandered around, dazed.

  I gasped.


  I had finally found her.

  “Freya?” I hurried over to her, but she didn’t seem to hear me. “Freya, it’s me.”

  She continued walking around, oblivious to my presence.

  “Freya!” I said, louder this time.

  Why couldn’t she hear me?

  Still, she didn’t respond.

  “Freya… Mum.” I had never called her Mum before. It made the loss even greater than losing my mentor.

  Freya looked up. “Silvy?”

  “Freya.” I rushed over and wrapped my arms around her. My arms made contact with something solid.

  Her face turned white. “Silvy, what are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.”

  “I cast a spell, but we don’t have much time. Freya, you need to tell me who poisoned you.”

  Freya shook her head. “No, you have to leave. It’s too dangerous.”

  My temper flared. “I know I’m your daughter. Don’t you think you at least owe me the truth for once?”

  “The truth is more complicated than you can imagine. Everything I did was to protect you.”

  “Why are you here? Why haven’t you moved on?”

  Freya shook her head, and I realised her aura had vanished too. Maybe my powers didn’t work here. “I was removed because I knew their secret.”

  “What secret?” I had no idea what she could be talking about.

  Freya covered her face with her hands. “I knew my past would catch up with me. It’s why I hid you among humans.”

  “What secret? You have to tell the truth.”

  “It’s buried in my past. I did something terrible. I didn’t stop them. I should have stopped them.” Freya wrung her hands together.

  “Who are they?” I knew my time here would be up soon, and I had to get answers from her before I lost the chance forever.

  Freya froze. “He’s here. Silvy, you have to go. Now!”

  “No, you haven’t told me who killed you.”

  “Oh, Silvy, it’s so much more complicated than that. Please go. I won’t let him harm you.”

  “Who? Tell me who —”

  Freya gasped and shoved me. “Go now?”

  “No, not until you give me a name. Did Lucas Melrose kill you?”

  “No, it was —” Freya vanished in a flash of light.

  I gasped. My body struggled for breath. Someone else was here. Someone with power.

  Figures moved towards me.

  I gasped for breath and my eyes flew open as I found myself back in Freya’s old magic room.

  Tristen knelt beside me. “Silvy, what the hell were you doing?”

  I clung to him, still gasping for breath.

  I had found Freya, but now I had more questions than answers.

  Chapter 20

  After my adventurous weekend, it was good to be back at the academy. After a long day of classes, I had another session with Lucas, but first I had to find Mel. I’d been getting more control over my power recently. So I hoped the sessions would be over soon. The council had finally relented and agreed to let me stay at the academy.

  Mel had been acting weird and disappearing even more often than before. And she’d been taking loads of extra food and bottles of water from the great hall at every meal. I’d asked her about it, but she instead ignored me and did not give me any real answers. So I decided to follow her. I had some time before my next session with Lucas began.

  I cast a shielding spell and decided to follow Mel to see what she was up to. She stopped off at our room to grab some clothes, her stash of food, and stuffed them into a bag.

  I remained hidden in the bathroom. My cloak in place.

  Mel swung the bag over her shoulder and headed out. I waited a minute, then hurried after her. To my relief, Mel hadn’t used her speed yet.

  Outside, I unfurled my wings and took to the air. Exhilaration rushed over me. At least from up here, I’d be able to see whatever direction Mel went in. I’d been practising with my aura reading too and Mel’s neon blue glow came into view as she headed towards the woods then back around to the academy. Weird, had she known I might follow her? Where was she going?

  I flew around the academy and landed outside the door she’d gone through. This was an entrance I’d never seen before. How had it appeared out of nowhere? I’d walked around the academy several times and only ever seen the usual two entrances. Runes flared around the door — ones for concealment. Guardian runes. I’d seen Mel use them a few times. Either she had created a door, or it was an old, concealed entrance. Yanking the door open, I headed inside and found a spiral staircase leading up to the first floor. Mel’s aura was close, I could feel it.

  I stopped when I came to a door that stood ajar. I edged closer and spotted Mel inside with another girl. The girl’s long blond hair fell around her shoulders and pointed ears peeked out. She had to be some kind of fae. Her aura shimmered with a rainbow of colour.

  “Evie, you need to tell me who is after you,” Mel urged.

  I pushed the door open. “Mel, what’s going on?”

  The other girl froze, whimpered, and backed away. I couldn’t imagine why she’d be scared of me. I was no threat, and I hadn’t done anything that might have scared her.

  Mel yelped. “Silvy, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “I came to find out what you’re hiding. Who is she?” I frowned when I spotted the glowing light around her throat. “What is that around her neck?”

  “This is Evie. I found her in the woods a few days ago,” Mel explained. “There’s nothing on her throat. She is in trouble, but she can’t talk.”

  “I’m not surprised by that spell around her neck.”

  “There’s a spell on her?” Mel’s eyes widened.

  “Yeah, can’t you see it?”

  Evie motioned to her throat, then mouthed the words help me.

  “I don’t see anything,” Mel added.

  I went over and touched her neck. Energy sizzled against my fingers. I motioned with my hand. The colours in Evie’s aura swirled. I caught hold of the threads and pulled. Evie doubled over and coughed as light exploded around her.

  “Now that’s better.” I breathed a sigh of relief when I realised the spell had faded.

  “Evie, are you okay?” Mel went over and placed her hand on the other girl's shoulder.

  “I… I can talk.” Evie grinned. “Thank you, Silvy. You have no idea what you’ve done for me.”

  Mel narrowed her eyes. “Silvy, how did you do that?”

  I shrugged. “I saw it in her aura. Evie, I can tell you’re terrified of someone. What happened to you?”

  “My father — they killed my father. He – he refused to kill you, Silvana Eldry.”

  “Whoa, what are you talking about?” I gaped at her. “Who is your father?”

  “The Unseelie king’s adviser. They killed him. He sai
d he never wanted to be involved in Freya’s death. That’s why I came here. I had to warn you.”

  “Wow, this is huge. We need to go and find Zoe,” Mel remarked.

  “Wait, are you saying your father killed Freya?” My blood went cold.

  “No… I don’t know.” Evie’s aura shimmered with confusion. “The person who killed my father did it. I couldn’t see them.”

  “Zoe might be able to help us figure out what happened,” Mel said. “Let’s go find her and tell her everything we know.”

  “I’ll be right there. I just need to let Lucas know I can’t make it to our session today,” I told them.

  This was huge, but I had to let Lucas know I couldn’t make it to our session. I had more important things to deal with. I reached the classroom and gasped for breath as I stopped running.

  Lucas stood waiting behind his desk. But something about him struck me as odd. His aura had a silver glow to it. His aura had always remained hidden to me somehow.

  “Silvy, finally you are here. We —”

  “Silvy? You never call me Silvy.” I frowned and took a step back.

  “We need to discuss something important. Come here.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I have to go to a meeting with Zoe.”

  “Silvy, you need to control your powers or the council —”

  “To hell with the council. I’m going. Our session will have to wait.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” Lucas’ expression darkened and the door behind me slammed shut.

  What the hell?

  “Lucas, what are you doing?” I demanded.

  “I’ve had just about enough of you, girl.” Lucas’ form shifted into that of Maeve.

  “You! I should have known you were the one who killed my mother,” I snarled, and power crackled between my fingers. “Why would you do that? Was it because of me?” I didn’t know if I could live with the guilt if that turned out to be the case, but I had to know.

  “Freya didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. She was about to expose my secret and I couldn’t have that.”

  “What secret?”

  “The secret that was instrumental in bringing about The Change. She had always felt guilty about that. She wasn’t a coward like that, Lucas at least.” Maeve snorted.

  “The Change? How could Freya…”

  “It doesn’t matter. I should have known you were her daughter. I can’t have you exposing my secret either.” Maeve raised her hand, and I gasped as an invisible noose tightened around my throat.

  Maeve was going to kill me all because I had proven Freya’s death wasn’t an accident.

  “No!” Lucas burst into the room and flung out his arm. Waves of energy slammed Maeve against the wall.

  Maeve grunted and scrambled up. “Stay out of this, Melrose. This has nothing to do with you.”

  “Doesn’t it?” Lucas demanded. “I warned Freya not to help you all those years ago after we found that stone,” Lucas snapped. “That’s why you killed her, is in it? To find that stone again?”

  I rubbed my throat and wondered what the hell they were on about. “What stone?”

  “An ancient artefact that we found here at the academy. It’s what destroyed half of the Ever Realm,” Lucas replied. “Maeve wanted to use it to wipe out the humans, but it didn’t work the way she intended.”

  “I know Freya had that stone,” Maeve snapped. “Gerard and I will finish what we started.”

  “Why are you trying to kill my daughter?” Lucas demanded.

  I gasped. His daughter? No, he couldn’t be my father, could he? Although somehow it made sense. That was why I couldn’t read him.

  Maeve’s eyes widened. “Your daughter? I should have known. You always were besotted with Freya. I’m sick of this girl getting in my way. I know she has Freya’s power — the very thing I need to find that stone.”

  Maeve raised her hand, but Lucas beat her to the punch. Maeve screamed as the colours around her swirled like a tornado.

  Zoe and Nick blurred into the room as Maeve collapsed to the floor. “She killed Freya and tried to kill Silvy,” Lucas told them and came over to me. “Are you hurt?”

  I shoved his hand away. “No.” I rushed into Tristen’s arms when he appeared in the doorway.

  Somehow, I doubted this nightmare was over yet.

  Maeve ended up being arrested and taken into custody. Tristen appointed one of Maeve’s advisers, Louisa, to act as regent for now. The Unseelie king had gone underground, but I knew he’d be back. Evie had been taken in by Mel’s grandmother for now and had been offered a place at the academy next term. I was happy for her.

  I hadn’t been able to bring myself to talk to Lucas again over the last few weeks, but with the end of term coming up, I knew I had to face him. Our sessions together had ended since I had control of my powers now.

  I found Lucas in his now empty classroom. “Why didn’t you tell me you’re my father?”

  Lucas looked up from where he’d been packing his things. “I never knew about you until the night Freya died. She called me to tell me about her fears with the king and queen,” he explained. “That’s when she told me about you.”

  I frowned. “Why wouldn’t she have told you before?”

  “Because if I’d known, I would have insisted we got married and had a family together.” Lucas sighed. “I loved Freya more than anything. I would never have let her leave you among the humans, and I still don’t know why she did that.”

  I didn’t know how to feel about that.

  “Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”

  Lucas hesitated. “Because I knew how angry you were at Freya for abandoning you. I didn’t think you’d welcome me into your life.”

  I didn’t know how I would have reacted. I’d never thought much about my birth father and assumed he must’ve been a human. And probably hadn’t wanted me either.

  “Freya gave me away to protect me, didn’t she?” I hadn’t wanted to believe that before. But after this messed up situation with Maeve, I understood now. It didn’t make it any easier, though.

  Lucas nodded. “Yes, and I’m sorry about that.”

  I stood there, feeling awkward. Despite all the time we had spent together, I barely knew this man. “So, what happens now?”

  Lucas hesitated. “That’s up to you. If you let me be a part of your life now, I’d love the chance to know you. I can’t change the past, Silvy. But I’ll do whatever I can to make up for it.”

  I bit my lip. “You… You read auras too, don’t you?” Oddly, I’d never expected to meet anyone with the same weird abilities as me. “That’s why I can’t read you.”

  Lucas smiled. “It’s a family trait. I suspected you had it too.”

  “I guess we can get to know each other.” Despite everything, he had saved my life and helped me. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

  Lucas hesitated, then hugged me back. It felt natural somehow.

  I might not have a mother anymore, but I did have a family at last. Maybe a father, too. No matter what came next, I wouldn’t lose any of them again.

  Continued in Fae Light, book 3.


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Fae Born, Everlight Academy Book 2.

  I hope you enjoyed this book. I’d love it if you could post a review about it on a review site of your choice. Getting reviews for my books gives me a big thrill and I look forward to hearing what you thought. Perhaps you can mention who your favourite character was and which parts you liked best.

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  I look forward to hearing from you.

  Tiffany Shand.

  Also by Tiffany Shand


  Dark Deeds Prequel

  The Calling


  Bound By Blood


  Bound By Fire

  Old Magic

  Dark Deception

  Sins Of The Past

  Reign Of Darkness

  Rogues Of Magic Complete Box Set Books 1-7


  Wyvern’s Curse


  On Dangerous Tides


  Everlight Academy, Book 1: Faeling

  Everlight Academy Book 2: Fae Born

  Hunted Guardian – An Everlight Academy Story


  Denai Touch

  Denai Bound

  Denai Storm

  Excalibar Investigations Complete Box Set


  Shadow Walker

  Shadow Spy

  Shadow Sworn

  Shadow Walker Complete Box Set


  Betrayed By Blood

  Dark Revenge

  The Final Battle


  The Alpha’s Daughter

  Alpha Ascending

  The Alpha’s Curse

  The Shifter Clans Complete Box Set


  Fey Spy

  Outcast Fey

  Rogue Fey

  Hunted Fey

  Tales of the Ithereal Complete Box Set


  Memories Lost

  Memories Awakened

  Memories Found

  The Fey Guardian Complete Series


  Chosen Avatar

  Captive Avatar

  Fallen Avatar

  The Arkadia Saga Complete Series

  About the author

  Tiffany Shand is a writing mentor, professionally trained copy editor and copy writer who has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. Born in East Anglia, Tiffany still lives in the area, constantly guarding her work space from the two cats which she shares her home with.

  She began using her pets as a writing inspiration when she was a child, before moving on to write her first novel after successful completion of a creative writing course. Nowadays, Tiffany writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance, as well as nonfiction books for other writers, all available through eBook stores and on her own website.


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