A wife and the Amazon Tribe (Book 1)

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A wife and the Amazon Tribe (Book 1) Page 2

by King B

  “Yes, we are the only survivors; the pilot died during the crash. Please help us get back to a town. You are a savior. I was running out of ideas about what to do next.” Sam said, thinking everything will be alright now since jack was there.

  While untying Sam, Jack said, “Well Sam, I wish things are that simple in this cursed jungle.”

  “What do you mean?”Julie asked.

  “I used to be an anthropologist. My team and I were on an expedition to find a legendary tribe that rumored to possess amazing medicinal skills. While following clues and rumors, we stumbled upon this area of the jungle. Surrounded by three wide rivers, this area is kind of secluded from the rest of the Amazon and most plants have gone through a different branch of evolution; almost about every plant tries to kill you here.”

  After finishing untying Sam, Jack moved to Julie’s ropes.

  “One by one, my team died due to various poisons while trying to escape this place. I was on brink of death when one of the tribesmen found me and brought me to the village. For some reason, the forest surrounding the village is relatively safe, fertile and full of game, but surrounding this Garden of Eden, there lays the forest of death; nobody from outside can cross that. The villagers are immune to most of the poisons, but trying to leave the village is considered a taboo for anyone. At last, I have found the tribe I was looking for, but in return, ended been a prisoner of this forest for the last decade.”

  Sam and Julie were listening to his story with wide eyes and opened mouths. There was even a tear falling down Julie’s face. Jack's revelation not only indicated that they were about to become trapped in this village for rest of their life, even trying to leave would put them in mortal danger.

  “This can’t be real. How are we going to survive this? Please help us, god.” Julie was starting to break down from having to bear one bad news after the other, and Sam offered his shoulder for her cry on.

  “Don’t worry, there’s still some hope left,” Jack said while sitting down.

  “After years of interacting with the tribe, I can understand their language very well. I’ll act as your interpreter. This tribe is tolerant of outsiders and has a custom of not killing or chasing away outsiders if they are not a threat to the tribe, but they will not hesitate to kill if you prove otherwise. Do not underestimate them because they are small. Thanks to their medicines that were being consumed for generations, they are genetically stronger than a normal person, and thanks to the warrior culture, they are good at fighting too. So if I were you, I would try my best to be on their good side.”

  Jack paused for a moment to make sure the couple was paying attention.

  “And their society is a bit different from ours. It’s a patriarchal society, and men hold the power in most aspects of governing. There’s also something like a caste system in place. The important thing is, in contrast to our society, the castes are not divided by the difference of wealth or birth. In case you haven’t noticed yet, you can clearly see that their genitals are far from average.”

  Jack turned to look at the men at the campfire. Sam and Julie also followed his gaze and while Jack explained, she couldn’t help feeling flustered by looking at naked male genitals.

  “They decorate and proudly display their privates to express status. Here, your position in the community depends mainly on the size of your penis and hunting skills. The rank is shown by the number of bumps on it; the more bumps embedded in a penis, the higher the rank of the owner is. The bumps are actually a type of carved pebbles. The right to add more pebbles is earned by showing good hunting skills, but even if a person is good at hunting, but the penis is not long enough to add more bumps, that person will be stuck in that rank.”

  “This is insane, why do they care so much about such a trivial matter as penis the size?”

  Sam asked, having a hard time digesting all these new information.

  “I think that’s due to the low fertility rate and the anatomy of the women in this tribe. Bigger the penis, deeper the penetration, and bigger the scrotum, bigger the amount of semen produced. In overall, bigger the package, more virile the man is,” Jack said.

  “What did you mean by the anatomy of women?” Julie asked, failing to find an answer in the explanation.

  “I’ve had sex with few women in this tribe and in my experience and according to what the villagers say, the vaginal canals of the women in this tribe are somewhat deeper than normal and have a very low fertility rate. So having a tool that can reach deep and deliver a huge quantity of semen is considered an essential part of being a strong man.” Jack explained.

  “Ok, that explains a little why the size matter here, but what about us outsiders?”Sam asked.

  “We are also under the same rules and as you can see, having normal genitals, we automatically fall into a low caste. Women are not bound by the caste system, but since Julie is your mate, she’ll fall into the same cast as you. Our bodies are too big to be stealthy and do not possess enough strength or stamina to perform a level of hunting these guys are capable of. So even if you are well endowed, rising in rank is going to be very difficult. If your privates are around the same size as me, even with skills, I’m afraid your status could only rise to be a little higher than the lowest.”Jack looked at Sam as if asking a question.

  Sam’s face became dark and had a worried face. Julie knew Sam was about the same, if not smaller than Jack. That made Julie worried too.

  “I talked with the chief of the village. He’s the one in the middle of the crowd.”Jack said while pointing to the man with six bumps on his penis.

  “He has granted you a hut and all necessities to start your life here, which is surprisingly generous of him. As long as you two can integrate into the village and their customs, he has no problem of having you here. I’ll provide you with necessary information as things go by, and one more thing: as you are a man, you are required to be naked to show your status all the time. You can paint your body like I do if you wish to.”

  “And for Julie,” Jack turned to Julie.

  “The tribe’s women usually wear short skirts made of straws and are topless. Since you are a woman, you don’t need to show your status like Sam has to do. So you have more freedom on this matter. For now, you should be able to continue wearing your dress and my advice is also to wear the dress. Revealing your breasts now could draw unwanted attention to yourself,” Jack said, trying to sound very professional.

  Julie blushed a little upon hearing this stranger openly talking about penises and her breasts, but she knew he made sense; the last thing she wanted was unwanted attention from these natives.

  “Come, I’ll take you to your hut and we can talk more about what you need to know,”Jack said while helping Julie to stand up.

  Unnoticed by the three white people, across fireplace, the chief was letting his eyes wander around the body of this unusual female. Although she was taller than the tallest man in the tribe, she had a delicacy in her movements which trumped the femininity of smaller women in his tribe; in his culture, being petite was considered a very feminine feature. Her skin was smooth and as pale as the moonlight and had a radiance which seemed to almost glow. The contours of her body were more profound than a normal native female and those curves tickled his masculine instinct. Her long, shapely legs were so long and enticing, they seemed almost bizarre.Her unusual facial features looked alien to him at first, but coupled with her, similarly bizarre, radiantly blue eyes, and long, flowing mane, the more he looked at her, the more he started feeling attracted to those features. Still, among all of it, the feature his eyes lingered the most on was her bosom; Even though she had them covered, it was obvious that her breasts were big, but firm like a newly flowered girl’s, and the telltale sign of her nipples poking through thin material, complemented the overall allure; there was something about hidden things that made a man’s imaginations and temptations run wild.

  It was kind of unusual for natives to lust after outsiders, especially such
strange and alien ones; he personally felt repulsed by outside men and their bulky and clumsy features, but this outside female was a whole other story; even the pale skin which he hated to see on Jack, worked to enhance the beauty of this strange female. Despite those alien features, his male instinct detected that, fertility was overflowing from this strange woman. It was as if the gods have created this female solely for the purpose of bearing healthy children.

  The more the chief analyzed the pale woman in order to find a feature that repulsed him, the more he got entangled in her strange beauty. Slowly, but steadily, the distance between the bumps on his penis started to increase as a very familiar desire surged through his body.

  Village life

  The next few days went smoothly as Jack taught them about tribal customs and ways things run in the village. Their hut was at the edge of the village, away from other huts. It was a far-cry from what wealthy couple was used to living in; mud walls and thatch roof provided basic protection from the elements while providing a cooking and a sleeping place. Sleeping on a straw mat on the mud floor was another new and unwelcoming experience they had to get used to; after a couple of sleepless nights, they were forced to get used to it.

  On their second day in the village, Jack escorted Julie and Sam into the village. It was the first time they had the chance to get a good look at the village’s day-to-day life. Despite being in the middle of a jungle, the tribe kept the village very clean and organized; it even had paved walkways, steps, and drains. Most people lived in huts similar to the one Julie and Sam were given. They were built quite close together, in levels on a sloped terrain, giving the village an urban look.

  On the top of the hill, there was the much bigger hut which Jack had said to belong to the chief, but the two of them weren’t allowed to go the top level; apparently only the high cast people could enter the level where the chief lives.

  Many people came out from their huts to take a look at the strange people who have come to their village. Julie tried to talk to and befriend a group of kids who kept following them as Jack gave them the tour; she had always loved being around kids, but her height intimidated the small kids and they kept quiet and always kept a healthy distance.

  The tribe’s women were about the same height as the men. Unlike men, the women wore straw-skirts which were about knee length. Julie noticed that almost all the women of childbearing age had sagged breasts due to early pregnancies and lack of support; only a few younger ones, who didn’t seem to have given birth yet, had firm breasts. Other than that, they looked like miniature versions of women in that region.

  Jack had said that, after the age of about twenty, it becomes really hard for women of this tribe to get pregnant. So all the girls who come of age try their best to quickly get married and bear at least one child for their husband. After they hit the low fertility age, the women are free to seek men with higher virility to increase the chance of being impregnated. So the village had a partially open-marriage culture to face the low fertility problem.

  The women had the freedom of not being bound by the cast system. Although they fall into the same caste of their mate, if a woman wishes, she could find another willing man and move into his hut and his cast, but this rarely happened.

  Despite being a bit cautious about the strangers, the men and women of the tribe show any sign of hostility towards the new people. The men didn’t try to interact with them, but some women gifted Julie some food and tools. Just after one look at Sam privates, everyone acted as if he didn’t exist, but at least Julie received some attention from the women and some silent stares of the men.

  The duties of the women were mainly about taking care of the children, keeping the huts maintained, cooking, bringing water and foraging. Following jack’s advice, Julie stayed in the hut most of the time and went out only for important things such as bring water. Since the chief was being kind enough to send them some food every day till they become able to provide for them, Julie didn’t have many reasons to go outside.

  Every morning, with Jack, Sam went into the jungle in order to learn new skills about hunting. Julie was normally forced to stay close their small hut till her husband comes back in the evening; she wanted to at least go with Sam and see the jungle, but the tribe’s customs dictated that women are not to participate in hunting.

  Not being confident or feeling secure enough to wander into the village on her own, Julie normally busied herself trying to learn primitive cooking and house chores, but sometimes few curious children would come to sneak a glance at the odd-looking woman. At first, they would try to be as stealthy as kids could and when she noticed, they would run back to the village. Then the kids started becoming bolder and coupled with her sweet personality, soon they were becoming good friends.

  Unwanted attention

  On their third day in the village, when Julie was on her way back from the river, she met the village chief who was on his usual patrol around the village. He had two guards following him through the same narrow pathway as her, from the opposite side. Even though she was carrying a heavy clay pot filled with water, she stepped out of the pathway to make way for the men; Jack had told them about lower castes always having to make way for the higher castes.

  Rather than passing along, the chief stopped beside Julie had stepped out of the path and looked at her from top to bottom. The last time she had seen the chief was on the first day, through the light of the campfire, but now when she saw him clearly on during day time, she got more nervous than she thought she would. Despite his matured age being showed by his face, he owned a lean, sinewy, well-developed body that could rival Olympic runners, but the short stature took away some intimidation factors from his hard appearance which Julie felt thankful of. Being extra careful to not look at any of the men’s exposed genitals, she bowed in respect; the man was now her chief too.

  The chief took another look at how, despite the large body, the pale woman struggled to keep holding onto even one water filled pot; it was almost comical to him. With a command from him, one of the guards took the water pot from Julie and for a moment, she was worried that the chief was taking back the only clay pot they had, but when the guard started walking back towards her hut, she realized the chief was actually giving her a helping hand. From the few words she had learned from Jack, she thanked profusely thanked the chief.

  While the guard was gone, the chief didn’t move, preventing Julie from leaving. He silently kept looking at her until she started feeling really awkward and uncomfortable. Since she kept looking down, she didn’t know why he was looking at her, but she definitely didn’t feel at ease. After the guard who had taken the water pot came back running, without telling anything, the chief started walking away.

  Julie felt a big relief as the men left, and hurried back to the security of her hut. She saw the clay pot left in front of the hut and wondered maybe the chief wasn’t as bad as she had thought. He was already sending them food and has given them a place to live, but still, she couldn’t shake out the uneasy feeling she gets about the chief.

  On their fifth day, as members of the village, after Sam and Jack had gone into the jungle, Julie got ready for her usual morning trip to the river to get some water. She had grown to like the morning walks since it was the only time she got to go outside and enjoy some nature; even the way to the river was filled with birds and other small animals she has never seen.

  While Julie was filling the big clay pot with water, she looked at herself and realized she was in need of a proper bath and her short sundress badly needed a wash; not being used to having a bath in such an open, unsecured place, she’s been having her baths while still wearing her dress, but this had prevented either her body or the dress from getting a proper cleaning.

  From Jack, she had gotten to know that after the morning, villagers were normally busy with their other work and rarely come to the river; so Julie always picked that time to come to the river. After double checking the surrounding, she quickly peel
ed off her dress and got in the flowing water. It felt refreshing to feel the coolness of the water without the dress on her body. Jack had shown her a type of leaves that grows near the river that when crushed, could be used as an effective substitute for soap. Having gained enough confidence to be relaxed in her open bath-house, Julie proceeded to gather some soap leaves and wash her clothes and body.

  In that morning, the chief was going on his usual patrol along the edge of the village when he saw the pale female walking in the path that leads to the river. After the previous day’s encounter with her, his curiosity about her had only increased even more. He thought maybe at the river, he could finally get his curiosity fully satisfied and stop the thoughts that keep him awake at night; he needed to see and convince himself that nothing special laid hidden behind the pale woman’s clothes.

  The chief dismissed his two guards and continued on his own, toward the path that lead to the river.

  The six bumps on the chief’s penis weren’t only for the show; only a chief could boast about carrying six bumps: the fifth bump symbolized the complete mastery of hunting skills by the owner and the sixth one could only be earned by defeating a chief. He was such a skilled and feared chief, for the last five years, no had even dared to challenge him for the sixth bump. So, stalking someone like Julie was as easy as breathing for him.


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