Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family Page 4

by Belle Winters

  Of course, I’m just talking a bunch of shit right now. I don’t know the first thing about any of that stuff other than what I read in books and let’s be real here… how many of those people actually let a man flogger their ass? The moral of the story is, he’s smoking.

  When we were back at his place, I’m sure he thought that my nerves were due to his threats. He could’ve been talking in tongues for all I cared. I was more focused on how he was closing the proximity between us. His raw masculinity and that underlying danger in him was a damn turn on. Of course, not initially, but when I came to the conclusion that he wasn’t going to kill me, it added to his sex appeal. The man had swagger.

  When I got home yesterday, I spent the rest of the day and night reliving that moment over and over in my head. It was completely unhealthy. I knew he wasn’t interested in me and thought I was mostly annoying, but who gives a shit? A girl can dream.

  Taylor came home in the wee hours of the morning and attempted to wake me up. She actually did wake me up… I just pretended to still be asleep. I’m sure she wanted to talk about what happened, but I really had nothing to say to her. I mean, I knew better than to think she was going to apologize so whatever the hell it was she could keep it to herself.

  Having learned my lesson yesterday, I stuffed my work in my bookbag and slipped out of the house just as my mother was pulling into the driveway. I speed walked and crossed the street to avoid speaking to her altogether.

  I was dreading school today. I didn’t have Psych today, but I would still need to go see Professor Harris to turn in my paper. I still couldn’t think of a good excuse for why I missed his class and was submitting my paper in late. That was going to be fun! I could only imagine the sheer look of terror on his face if I told him the truth. Not because he would be scared of me, but he would probably feel like he would need to evaluate me. That made me snicker… he wouldn’t be the only person that thought that these days.

  My microeconomics class was over the top boring today. It was a struggle to focus. Halfway through the period, I knew it was a lost cause, and I would end up having to copy over someone’s notes and read a chapter to figure out what the hell I was missing. Well, that was going to be fun, today was just getting better and better.

  After class was over, I hunted down professor Harris and listened to him berate me for fifteen minutes and didn’t even argue when he told me that I was automatically losing 10 points from it being late. That’s a bit excessive if you ask me for one day, but it was a waste of breath arguing with the man. By the time I was walking home, I was drained completely. I barely remembered the walk home, and as soon as I got in, I passed out.

  I woke up two hours later feeling refreshed. I got a quick shower and grabbed my books and went into the kitchen. I was sure that my mother was here. She had a shift tonight and was probably knocked out or getting high. My mom was light on drugs, just smoked weed. But… she didn’t venture further than that. At least to my knowledge but I’d like to say I’m pretty sure. Taylor on the other hand, I don’t know what that girl does.

  I set about making some dinner. It was a pain when I had a lot to do, which brings me back to the whole job issue that I have. When I was sleeping, I should’ve been out filling out applications. I could kick myself in my own ass for being so damn useless today. I went with something quick and easy for dinner, chicken, and rice then began playing catchup with my two days of missed school work. It’s amazing how easy it is to fall behind in college. I learned that lesson when I first started freshman year and worked my ass off to make sure I didn’t let myself slip again. I finished up my homework at about 8:30pm and decided to call it a night. I needed to be well rested and back in the zone tomorrow.

  I felt like a Rockstar. I totally pissed off Professor Harris earlier by answering all of his questions correctly, which was a major win in my book and I’ve already filled out fifteen applications. They were mostly for positions like working the registers, but there wasn’t really anybody hiring. Eventually, I found myself passing Ladder 42. I was going to walk right past but then backtracked. Maybe I can go in and ask for a job. Say I met the owner… that should get me a shoe in. I mean, technically I met him, right? So, it wasn’t like I was lying. It wouldn’t be my fault if they assumed that I knew him.

  It was still early, and they were just opening up. There was no one inside except for the staff preparing for the night. I walked over to the bar and cleared my throat to get the bartenders attention.

  He turned and looked at me confused. “Kind of early honey.” He drawled.

  I gave him my best smile which he returned. Things were starting to look good. “Are you guys hiring?” I asked.

  He frowned and looked up as though he was thinking about it. “I’ll take any position. Washing dishes, working the register… you name it.” I said quickly.

  He grinned. “I think they may be looking for waitresses, but I’m not the boss darling.” He looked past me and whistled. “Henry!” he called out.

  A guy walked over to us. His hair was slicked back, and he had on polished black shoes, black slacks, and a white button-up shirt. “What’s up?” he asked.

  “This pretty young lady here is looking for a job. I’m referring her to you.” The bartender said.

  Henry eyed me. He walked around me in a circle inspecting me, and I had to literally bite my tongue to stop myself from saying something about it. “We are looking, have you ever waitressed before?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I waitressed for about a year when I was almost done with high school.”

  He crossed his arms. “And what happened?” he asked.

  “I had to quit, but it was on good terms. I was just into college and was getting acclimated.” I told him. I did hold back that it was messing with my studies. He didn’t need to know that because he would probably think it was still an issue, but I know what it takes now, and I can handle it.

  “You will have to wear a uniform,” Henry said.

  I nodded, I was cool with that. “That’s fine.”

  He eyed my clothes. “It’s not a formal uniform, but there are… specifications.”

  I frowned. “And what might that be?”

  He shrugged. “Simple. Sexy.”

  I groaned inwardly. “Ok, I can do that,” I said through clenched teeth.

  He looked at me unsure, and I knew why. I am more often than not dressed comfortably which means loose. Not exactly baggy but a girl has room to breathe. I’m sorry, but I don’t see any need to accumulate sweat in cloth. God bless the bitches with sweaty coochies. Anywho, I was sure I was gonna have to go shopping. I have a few things, as any girl does in a stash but I’m going to need to rack up.

  “Let’s trial run tonight. We’ll pay you for your time either way, and any tips you may make are yours. If you impress, you can stay.” Henry offered.

  “Ok. That’s perfect.” I said nodding. “When do you want me to come back?” I asked.

  “Be here tonight at 10,” Henry said.

  I nodded and yea, I actually squealed as I pulled him into a hug. He let out a low chuckle. “I like your enthusiasm. So, I take it I’ll see you tonight?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, definitely. I’ll be here.” I said before I left.

  I went home and spent the next couple of hours going through my entire wardrobe to find something to wear. Then I spent another thirty minutes fishing through all of my bags in search of at least some lip gloss. I hit the jackpot and found my Halloween make-up bag. I was sure that I would be able to work out something with the stuff. I took a nap and jumped up when my alarm went off.

  It didn’t take me long to get myself ready. Just as I walked out of my room, I ran right into my mother. She took in my attire and raised an amused eyebrow.

  “And where are you going?” she asked.

  I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I was going to ignore her, I swear. But how could I miss the opportunity to shock the fuck out of her? “Work,” I called
out as I opened the door.

  I heard her sharp gasp and her footsteps trying to catch up to me. Nope, I’m out. “Where…?” I heard her call out and snickered as I started down the street. It was going to make her crazy trying to figure it out.

  When I arrived, I ran right into Henry. He looked me over and gave me a shit eating grin, I guess he approved. “You came back…” he eyed me like a meal. “And you did well, I’m impressed.”

  He waved a hand gesturing for me to follow him as he walked off. He took me into a room in the back filled with lockers. “You can lock your stuff up here during your shift. No one steals here, this ain’t that type of establishment. There are real consequences for stealing shit here. The big boss isn’t too fond of that type of stuff. Anyway, pick a locker and put your stuff up then I’ll hook you up with someone to show you the ropes.”

  I did as he instructed and put away the meager things I had with me. He was going on and on about stealing… like I had to worry about that. I don’t have anything worth taking. “All set,” I told him.

  He nodded and led me back out to the floor. He approached a beach blonde with implants so huge it looked like they would have her floating at any minute. But listen, I’m not judging.

  “This is Julie. She’s on a trial run… help her out, show her the ropes.” He told her.

  She looked at me and smiled wide. “Hi honey, I’m Becca.” I shook her proffered hand. “Let’s get to work, shall we?”

  Well, so far so good.



  I was in my office looking over the books making sure that everything was in line. I had people that did this shit of course, but you can never be too careful. Once in a blue, I’ll randomly decide to check on certain shit. My people knew this, and I believe it gave them some additional incentive not to try no shit or fuck up.

  There was a knock on my door. I ignored it, what the fuck ever happened to peace and quiet around here?


  I knew Alex’s voice from anywhere. I groaned, his annoying ass could never take a hint, and he would stay there all damn day until I answered.

  “What?” I called out.

  He came in, and he was fuming. Now what the fuck happened? “That girl is here.”

  I arched an eyebrow, I’ll let him talk in circles. “The one from yesterday… that you had me pick up.” He began pacing, furious. “What is she doing here?” he asked no one. He scowled. “I fucking hate her.” He muttered. I frowned. Ok, so the fucker had a slight overreaction for some reason.

  When I got done with the fucking looney toon, I came back here. I banned Taylor from all my places and gave her two weeks to provide at least half my cash. I made a few threats, scared the fuck out of her and dismissed her.

  Now, she had to be out of her fucking mind if she thought that I was fucking around. Shit must run in the family. Unfortunate for her, it’s not like her touched sister who just needed a shit load of meds and a straight jacket. This was business. I pulled up the cameras in the club and spotted her. I grinned, two fucking birds with one stone. She was chatting it up with Rebecca. Good, I could finally fire her ass.

  So, here’s my problem with Becca, she was another mother fucker that couldn’t take the hint. She was throwing her ass at me since she started and on a couple of drunk occasions I took her up on it. I was too far gone though to really remember it. One day, she came to my office. I was stressed, and sober and thought fuck it, and I hit it again, release some tension and all that. That shit was not worth a repeat. I would rather beat my dick raw before doing her again. I told her as much… now, I’m not that big of a dick head. I just told her it wasn’t happening. I didn’t say it was because her snatch was trash. She still for some reason holds out hope I’m going to change my mind. Never. That shit was unforgettable and not in a good way. Unfortunately, that wasn’t a good reason to fire her. She didn’t cross any lines with me. Otherwise, the least of her worries would be getting fired. Right now, though, she was wasting my time and money socializing on the job. That’s a good as fuck reason to get her out of my hair if any.

  I stood up and made my way to the floor. I didn’t see either of them immediately, so I made my way over to the head manager for the floor, Henry. “Where’s Rebecca?” I asked.

  Henry looked up at me startled. I don’t usually waste my time with the staff, only my managers. “She’s training.”

  I frowned. “Training who?”

  He grinned. “We lost one of our waitresses, she got knocked up and had to quit. This girl came in here today looking for a job. As far as I can see, she seems to be doing well. The guys love her.”

  I didn’t give a shit about this. This is why I have him, to worry about that type of shit. “Fine, but where is she?” I asked.

  He frowned and scanned the room. He pointed over, “she’s right over there.”

  I followed the direction where he pointed and saw Becca. She had a notebook in hand taking an order. I waited for her to finish and walked up to her. “Where’s the girl you were just talking to?” I asked.

  She frowned. “Why?”

  The fuck? “What the fuck do you mean why? Because I asked you, did you forget who the fuck I am?” I asked.

  She paled realizing her mistake. She looked past me and pointed. “She’s right there.”

  I turned that way and froze. I needed to upgrade the camera’s in the place because I don’t know how I didn’t realize which twin it was. Blue eyes, in a, fuck me little black dress. Her breast was bouncing with each step, and her hips were swaying on those black stilts she had on her feet. Her legs looked like they went on for days and sexy as shit. She was carrying a tray with a few drinks on it and made her way over to a table. She gave a cute smile to the men as she handed them their drinks. She bent over to put down the last drink, and I think my heart almost gave out. Fuck, my hands itched to slap her ass. It was perfection.

  She gathered her tips, and I watched as the men all watched her walk away. I felt a growl begin to rumble in my throat and I frowned. The fuck was that about? I followed slowly behind her and waited until she was at the bar to get more drinks before I crowded her. She had her back to me, and she was leaning on the counter talking to the bartender Rick.

  I put my hands on the bar on either side of her and leaned in. “What the fuck are you doing here psycho?” I asked into her ear.

  She jumped and turned around slowly. Her eyes went wide when she realized how close I was to her. She leaned back to put more distance between us. “Working?” It came out as a question.

  “You don’t work here,” I said.

  She frowned. “Why not?”

  I grinned. “Because the boss said so.”

  She glared at me. “You have no right.

  I scoffed. “And how do you figure that?” I asked.

  “Because I did this the right way. I didn’t even say I knew you like I originally intended to. They gave me the job for the same reasons they hire anybody else. So, I called you a few names, get over it already. You called me names too.” She argued.

  Henry chose that moment to come over with Becca on his heels. “Boss, is everything alright?” he asked.

  She turned around. “Yes, everything is fine.”

  “Oh ok,” Henry said confused.

  The fuck? I’m the boss, why the hell is he listening to her? “Everything is not fine. She can’t work here.”

  Becca spoke up. “She’s doing really well.”

  “She’s not fit to work here,” I told them.

  Julie sighed long and hard. “He thinks I’m crazy…” she said by way of explanation. “Really, it’s him. He talks to himself.”

  I looked at the back of her head in disbelief. “You fucking shitting me?”

  She turned back to look at me and batted her lashes. “It’s okay Godfather, I can help you get the help that you need.” She said stroking my cheek.

  I gripped her wrists. “Want to keep your hands?” I asked
although I wasn’t really bothered that she’d touched me. It was mainly the fact that my cock jerked a bit from the contact, and I was just being petty.

  She looked at me like I was stupid. “Well duh, I need them to work.”

  I wanted to kick her ass out just to prove a point. But then thinking back to where she lived and her sister, I’m sure she probably needed it. I mean, I know that we pay well. “Listen to me you fucking nut. I’ll let you work here, but you gotta keep your brand of crazy contained while on the job. Don’t be mouthing off to the customers or the other workers. If I find out you do, I’m going to personally fuck your shit up.”

  She giggled, fucking giggled and leaned in speaking in a low voice only I can hear. “And we’re back to the come on’s? I told you, you have to work for it, sweetheart.”

  I was going to kill her swear to fuck. “I’m going to go back to my office before I strangle you in front of the whole joint.” I started to walk away and turned back grabbing onto her arm and pulling her into me. “Behave Julie.”

  She fucking saluted me. Crazy was an understatement. It didn’t escape my notice how some of the nearby employees were looking at her with shock, confusion, and curiosity. I knew they couldn’t wait to bombard her with questions. Normally, I would have warned her to keep her mouth shut about things that didn’t concern them… meaning everything from yesterday. I was sure that they would be looking to pry and find out how the fuck she knew me, and how she was still breathing. She might be crazy, but she was also smart. That much I was sure of, and I had a feeling she didn’t need to be told… that she wouldn’t want to. It was clear when she didn’t try to use me for a job. Henry would’ve contacted me right away to vouch for her if she had.

  I went back to my office to finish my shit up. It took longer than usual because I kept going back to monitor the cameras and watch Julie to make sure she wasn’t stirring shit up. If what I saw from her yesterday was any indication, she was a loose fucking cannon.


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