Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family Page 12

by Belle Winters

  He shuddered. “You’re fucking demented.”

  I’d take it. “They deserved it.”

  He nodded. “They did.”

  “So…” I began. I wasn’t sure what this now meant.

  He walked over to me. “You said you’d only had one boyfriend before… so you calling me your man?” he asked.

  Oh shit. Stupid mouth of mine. “I, uh…” I looked around for an excuse to get out of this conversation. “What, umm….” Very intelligent.

  He chuckled. “That’s alright babe because I had already decided that you were mine.” He bent down and lifted me off the couch into his arms. “Now that we fought a lot, I think its time we makeup now. What do you think?” he asked as his breath fanned my face.

  My stomach flipped, and that now familiar pulsing began in between my legs. “I think that’s ok,” I said noticing how breathless I sounded.

  He groaned and bent down to nip my bottom lip as he began walking towards the bedroom. “Are we good? Because it’s making me crazy to think you were about ready to storm the fuck out of here probably to never speak to me again because of some stupid bitch.”

  I sighed and placed a hand on his chest. “Relax mob boss. I don’t need you going off half-cocked and get one eye Tony to off her.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, you’re definitely feeling better. I was worried there for a bit.” He said dryly.

  I nodded. “Absolutely. I’m feeling back to my normally charming self.” I confirmed.

  “You’re a handful.” He muttered.

  I laughed. “Well, that would be the case when you’re squeezing my ass. I’m not exactly skinny darling.”

  He squeezed my butt harder. “I love every inch of your body babe.”

  That caused a little flutter in my stomach from the compliment. I wasn’t used to male attention, and I really wasn’t used to guys telling me that I was attractive. This man was just opening up so many new worlds for me. Kind of sad really, because it just makes me ask myself ‘what the ever loving fuck have you been doing with yourself all these years?’.

  As soon as he crossed the threshold to his bedroom, he put me down. He wasted no time peeling all of our clothes off as he walked me back to the bed. He gave me a shove that caused me to fall back onto the bed, and he followed me down. He gripped the back of my neck, and his lips crashed down on mine. Tongues, lips, and teeth collided in a battle filled with lust.

  He wrenched his lips free, and began suckling and licking my neck and chest until he reached my breast. He cupped them both as he stared down at them with hungry eyes. “Your tits are fucking perfect.” He murmured before leaning down and licking my nipple.

  “God.” I whimpered when he pulled that mouth of his from my breast. The disappointment was short lived when he refocused his attention on the other.

  He released my breast with a pop before continuing to kiss and lick his way further down. He kneeled between my legs and pushed my legs apart. I couldn’t help but notice his large erection pulsing against his stomach. There was a bead of precum at the tip, and I licked my lips as I thought about tasting it. My attention was snapped away from the body part that seemed to bring me immense sexual satisfaction when he ran a finger down my center and into me. My back arched off the bed, and I couldn’t contain the gasp that escaped me.

  “So fucking wet…” he muttered as if he was talking to himself. His eyes were fixated on me where his hand was. “fucking beautiful.” He said before retracting his hand. He laid down on the bed between my legs and threw them over his shoulders. There was no warning or finesse as he dove his tongue into me and began to torture me with his tongue. After a few minutes, I was speaking French… or was it Chinese? Then came all over his mouth and face. My body continued convulsing with aftershocks after he licked up my mess and climbed over me. He lined himself up and buried himself to the hilt with a hiss.

  “So fucking tight.” He said as he brought his lips to mine as he began to pound into me. I had to release his mouth to scream out his name and every curse word known to man as I went into sensory overload.

  “How did it feel walking around tonight knowing your hot pussy was filled with me?” he asked.

  I moaned, “oh god.” I whimpered. I loved his dirty mouth.

  His hands were gripping me, then kneading, then caressing all while his mouth was everywhere he could reach. Biting, sucking, and licking and he never eased up his rhythm. It was all too much and not enough.

  I felt the beginning of an orgasm, and I somehow was sure he knew. He grunted and looked into my eyes. “You’re fucking mine, Julie.”

  I nodded. “Yours.”

  “And I don’t share.” He added with a twist of his hips that had my mouth dropping open. I could only shake my head.

  “You get me?” he asked repeating the motion.

  “God yes.” What were we talking about again?

  “I’m going to cum inside of you and mark every inch of you with my nut. And I’m going to do it every.single.fucking.time.”

  Sure, whatever you say as long as you keep that up. “Uh huh,” I said, not really listening to him anymore.

  “Everyone is going to fucking smell me on you in a five-foot radius, so they know to keep the fuck away from you.” He shook his head as his rhythm was becoming uneven. “What the fuck are you doing to me?” He asked.

  I shook my head. I had thought the same thing about him. “I – I don’t… I don’t know.” I stuttered out.

  “Shit!” He bit my neck and suckled, and I was sure I was going to have a matching hickey on the other side. “Come on baby, I’m gonna cum.”

  Did the bastard have a secret button that I didn’t know about? Because just like that I went off as he commanded and enjoyed the light show behind my eyes as I rocked and quivered against him. I barely registered warmth filling me as his cock jerked inside of me and he moaned out my name.



  We were laying down in bed after I’d fucked her into oblivion four times. I needed to make sure she was still with me and that I fucking owned her. I was done fucking around with this whole thing. I tried to stop it, make sense of it but it didn’t work. So fuck it, it just is. She’s mine, and that’s the end of it. Little does she know, is that she fucked up somewhere along the way. The little minx had pulled me in, and now I wasn’t letting go of her. That bullshit she played up tonight, wasn’t going to fly again. I’d kill her ass before she walks out on me. I felt like I conquered the fucking world.

  She was splayed out on top of me and was drawing patterns on my chest and stomach with her finger.

  “Listen Julie.” I began, and she looked up into my eyes. “I don’t like how you listened to that bitch Becca and went off on me today. I’m not a liar, and I figured you knew that about me. I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a liar, and I’m definitely not a fucking loser. That shit that you thought I’d done was some shit only a fucking loser would do.”

  She blew out a long breath. “I know, but it just seemed like a ton of shit just kept happening back to back. I felt like I was spiraling out of control.” She looked down, and her voice went soft. “I can’t take too much shit like that. I began to panic.” She looked up at me with wide, fearful eyes. “And I can’t panic. It’s not good for me… for my health.”

  I rubbed her back. “You get panic attacks?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Ye-yea… something like that” She stuttered. “They make me a bit, unhinged.” I just nodded.

  She snuggled closer to me. “What are you going to do to my sister?” She asked.

  I sighed. “She owed me five grand. I gave her two weeks to pay me back.” I shrugged. “She’s already paid back her debt.”

  Julie frowned at me. “How?”

  Another shrug. “Don’t know, don’t care. Won't be dealing with her ever again though.”

  She blew out a breath. “Good.”

  The whole bullshit she told me about that little shit tha
t took her virginity had been pissing me off since she said it. We’d been on rocky grounds earlier, so I had to play it off and not push her about it, but now that we were back to normal it was about time I addressed the issue.

  “So, who was this guy?” I asked. “Your ex I mean.” I clarified.

  She huffed. “Do we really need to talk about him?” she asked.

  I nodded. “We do. Who was he?” I pressed.

  “His name is Victor Farrington. He’s my age, went to school with us. He was a good-looking guy in school and played sports and stuff. I thought it was pretty cool to be dating someone on the in. I was a loner, Gio. My sister was popular and stuff. People obviously knew me and sometimes confused me for her, but I wasn’t liked much. Before my sister became a glorified slut, she had friends as far as the eye could see. She did horrible in school. She cut school, drank, partied… that’s why she was so well liked. She was the fun one, down for anything. Reckless. I was into school, I was in the fucking math club, those were my friends. When we were younger, I was the slow bloomer of the two of us. Her chest starting growing in three years before me, I had teenage acne – something she never had to deal with. And I exercised, so it kept me skinny as a stick. I hated being puny, but I thought my health was important. I had a horrible health teacher, scared the absolute shit out of me and had me thinking it was necessary to diet and do all sorts of shit to keep me from dying at 25 from not taking precautions.” She laughed to herself. “I knew I was being an idiot inside, but I was too goddamn scared of not taking care of myself. After that teacher got fired, I approached the new teacher who informed me that Mr. Gringer was a fool.” She shook her head smiling fondly. “Anyway, I’m sure you get the picture. I wasn’t exactly the poster child of a girl that a teenage boy wanted to date. It didn’t bother me much back then, but I would occasionally find myself jealous of my sister. How everyone adored her and worshiped her when I knew she wasn’t a good person. We lived together, hell we still share the same room. I knew the things she did and said. She would hookup, makeout, and flirt with her friend's boyfriends. Laugh and talk about her friends behind their backs, she was evil and yet everyone thought she walked on water.” Her shoulders sagged. “So imagine my surprise when I finally got a hold of my appearance. I’d quit with the health binge, so I put on some weight, I was finally out of a training bra, and I got my acne under control… I was looking better than I’d ever been. No one initially seemed to notice until Victor asked me out.”

  She looked up at me with a lost expression, and I began running my hands through her hair to comfort her. “You know, them sleeping together wasn’t the most fucked up part about it.” She began, her eyes getting teary. “The whole reason this cute, popular guy asked me out was part of a fucking joke. Apparently, at a party, they were talking about me. Supposedly, some of the guys had noticed my changes and thought that I was cute. Taylor didn’t appreciate the teasing that I might just be as hot as her or hotter, so she sent out a challenge. Who could get me then fuck me? The guys were actually decent and thought it was fucked up, but not Victor. He countered her and said that he’d do it and eventually get to fuck me. But his condition was that he couldn’t go longer than a month without. So my sister offered to be his fuck buddy until I let him ‘hit it.’” She snarled with disgust. “Those are the dumbest fucking conditions, but it just told me all I needed to know. She was jealous and wanted to hurt me. Be the center of attention and still get the guy. The one that I would’ve thought was my guy. I wondered why his friends never seemed comfortable around me. Always looking with pity. I’d always thought it was him they were pitying for who he was with, but it was me. I was dumb.” She summarized.

  My blood was fucking boiling, and I wanted to find her sister and snap her in half after I beat the fuck to death. “How do you know all of this?” I asked even as dread filled me as I waited for her answer.

  “Her old best friend was Nicki. They’d been best friends for five years. She wasn’t just fucking Victor then, but her best friends boyfriend. When she’d come to the house to wail on my sister, that was one fight I wasn’t going to have for her. She deserved to have her ass beat, and Nicki wasn’t the type to try to take it out on me. Not that every female did, some mistook us and thought I was her, but Nicki knew. When my sister wasn’t home on her third attempt to whip her ass, she told me everything. That and more. I confronted my sister about it, and all she did was shrug and tell me to suck it up. That was one time I didn’t want to hit her because I knew I’d try to kill her if I started and she wasn’t worth the jail time.”

  I felt her betrayal in every inch of me, and couldn’t stop my body from shaking in anger. She placed her hand on my chest over my heart. “Don’t worry about it. I’m over it… it’s done and gone with now. I told you because you asked, but don’t give them any more power by being mad at them.” She said softly.

  This fucking girl. I kissed her forehead hard and pulled her closer to me. She was sweet, so fucking sweet all over. “Who are you?” I asked.

  She laughed softly, and it was like music. She’s usually so on guard and ready to banter, it was something seeing her all soft and pliant like a real female. Us, together, with no barriers… it was nice. I’ve never had this before outside of my family, and it was a fucking wonder how I went so long without it. “I’m Julie silly. Although, you should’ve asked before you rocked my world.” She teased.

  Wicked. In an instant, I had her flipped onto her back and had my hands on her sides tickling the shit out of her. She was breathless and red all over in an instant. Shit, I don’t remember the last time I was playful. This girl is fucking me up all over.

  “Ple – plea….. oh god stop.” She moaned.

  My phone rang making me grant her wish and release her. I pulled my phone out and answered as I dropped back on the bed next to her and pulled her in. “Yea?” I answered.

  A long sigh of relief greeted me. “I was just calling to check on you,” Angelou said.

  I frowned. “The fuck for?” I asked.

  He grunted. “You’re shitting me, right? Last time I saw you, you were doing everything in your power to get yourself killed. Not only that, but you did it with the one person that would probably do it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Stop being a girl.”

  I heard voices in the background but ignored it. Probably some shit my sister was watching on TV. “So I take it everything is good over there?” he asked.

  I looked over at the woman that was going to be the death of me, either by her hands or her mouth. “Yea, shit is straight over here.”

  Angelou chuckled. “So you didn’t kill her either.” He murmured.

  I couldn’t help but smile. He knew me. “Yea, my girl is still alive.” I looked over at her and saw her eyes twinkling, she was totally eavesdropping. “for now.” I added.

  She snorted and dropped her head to my chest. Angelou grunted, and then I felt dread fill me as I heard the background clearer. “Louie, is that my baby boy on the phone?” my Ma asked.

  “Yes, Ma.” He responded compliantly.

  I considered hanging up now and then telling her later I lost service, but I knew she’d just call me back and my pops will be here within a half hour to have my head for fucking with Ma. I listened as she asked for the phone and the rustling of the phone moving hands. “Baby, is that you?” she asked sweetly.

  “Hi, Ma.” I greeted her.

  “Oh, Marco honey when are you coming over for dinner?” she asked.

  I checked the time and frowned. “What are you even doing up at this hour?” I asked.

  She laughed and then snorted. Fucking hell. “Your sisters came over, and we had some girl time. Louie and Dante came over after, and your brother Michael is here too. We are having a blast! I asked about you, and Dante told me that you had something to deal with?” it came out as a question.

  I knew Ma, and she knew what I was into. She knew what pop was into, and she does the same thing with me as she d
id with him. Ignore the illegal shit we do and pretend I’m just a successful businessman. That’s the shit she wants to hear about. “Nothing much. Something with my club, but it’s all cleared up now.”

  She cleared her throat. “And what is this I hear of a girl?” she asked. I could picture her hands flying to her hips, and the chuckles in the background told me there was no way out of this.

  “There is a girl, yes,” I told her vaguely hoping to leave it at that.

  “Giovanni Marcini Ruzzo, who is she?” she demanded.

  I sighed and felt a headache coming on. I didn’t like where this shit was going. “Her name is Julie,” I answered.

  “Julie…” my mom repeated like she was feeling out the name. “I like it.”

  I groaned. “Ok, I’ll talk to you later,” I said trying to get her off the phone.

  She huffed. “And where is this Julie from? What’s her family like? What is she like? When are you bringing her over?” my mom asked in one breath.

  God help me. “Really, Ma we have to do this right now?” I asked.

  She went quiet for a minute, and I had to check to make sure the phone didn’t disconnect. I wouldn’t be that fucking lucky now would I? “Is she there?” she whispered.

  I groaned, and Julie’s head popped up. “I am.” She answered for me, and I seriously considered strangling her.

  I listened to my mother take a sharp breath. “Can I talk to her?” she asked just as quietly.

  I shook my head and started to say no when the phone was pulled from my hand. “Hello?” Julie answered.

  I could vaguely hear my mothers voice on the other end of the line, I wasn’t sure how the fuck Julie could. She must be a nosy mother fucker. “I’m doing well ma’am, how are you?” she asked politely as she adjusted her body more comfortably on me. I, on the other hand, felt awkward as fuck having her naked body plastered all over me with my mother on the phone. Talk about a fucking mood kill.


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