Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family Page 20

by Belle Winters

  She seemed to have an internal battle before resigning herself to what we both knew she wanted. “Fine. I promise.”

  I pulled her close to me and took her mouth. She was tense at first but quickly melted into my embrace. I fucked her mouth like I wanted to fuck her tight warm pussy, but I’d have to settle on this. I knew for a fact I would need more than a few minutes if I even touched her clit. I don’t know how long we stood there kissing, but I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I released her with a groan and adjusted my cock as I went to answer the door. I swung it open, and there was pops.



  He sauntered in, and that’s when I saw what was in his hand. “The fuck do you have flowers for?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “It’s for my girl.” He looked behind me and spotted Julie. “Hey, there princess.” He greeted her.

  I frowned at him as he handed her the flowers and she batted her lashes at him as she blushed and smelled the flowers. “Why the fuck are you bringing my girl flowers?” I asked. I’m not going to lie, I was jealous, and I was ready to take the old fart out.

  He looked at me with amused eyes. “She’s a woman deserving of flowers. Any girl of mine is.”

  He was fucking with me. “She’s not yours, she’s mine old man.” I hissed.

  He laughed. “And… I wanted to bribe her. Your mom has been talking my ear off. She hasn’t spoken to Julie in a while, and she’s going through withdrawal. I figured I’d pop on by and see if she’s alright with a little visit from your mother and the girls. Your mom is dying to cook for Julie… says things how she’s the only one who appreciates her food.”

  I watched as Julie’s hands flexed around the flowers and I was worried they were going to break. “Mrs. Ruzzo wants to come here… and cook?” I could see the drool formulating, and I was starting to question if she loved me or my mom. “That’s fine with me. Gio was just leaving anyway…” she said and then pushed me towards the door.

  Well fuck. “I’m going,” I said. I checked the time, fifteen minutes have gone by. While I enjoyed every second of it – besides my dad’s bullshit – I had shit to do and needed to get to it. I met Julie’s eyes one last time before I walked out the door. “You better be here,” I warned.

  She grinned and held up her hand. “Scouts honor.” I held back my laugh… like she’s ever been a fucking girl scout.

  Chapter 16


  “Julie…” Mrs. Ruzzo began batting her eyelashes at me making me smile. “When are you and my Marco planning on having babies?” she asked.

  I paused. I had my glass of wine halfway to my mouth, and as those words filtered in, everything in my froze. Surely, I had heard her wrong right? “Huh?” I smartly replied.

  She sighed and pressed her palms against her flushed cheeks. “You two would have beautiful babies, I just know it.”

  I just stared at her, unsure of how to respond to this. “I’m definitely going to be the godmother.” Sofia chimed in.

  I turned my attention to her and glared, noticing that Franny was also glaring. “No, you won't. I’m older, I would be the godmother. Plus, they both like me more. It just makes sense.” Franny said.

  I took a huge gulp of my wine polishing off my cup then cleared my throat. “I’m sorry you guys. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you’re kind of jumping the gun. There will be no babies girls.”

  Francesca pouted. “But why?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Hey, you’re the engaged one. Don’t you think that you should be thinking about popping your own babies out?” I asked turning the tables on her.

  She sighed. “I agree. Look, honey, I’m trying you know? Louie is freaking petrified, but he has no choice but to get over it ‘cause I’m going to be having me some babies.” She pointed a finger at me. “Which is why you and Gio need to get on the wagon here. Our kids will need cousins around their age to play with. Sofia is too young, and Alex…” she shuddered. “Right. Then Michael is too much of a whore to even consider it. That’d just be a joke.”

  I groaned. “You all have no mercy do you?” I asked.

  Mrs. Ruzzo shook her head. “No dear, we do not. So when it’s time to go to bed tonight, you tell my Marco it’s baby time. You’ll enjoy making them.” She fanned herself. “If it was anything like it was for me, you’ll want the babies because making them…” her eyebrows wiggled. “Hot. Hot. Hot.”

  I blushed. Oh my, this was uncomfortable. She reached over and patted my hand. “You see, you’re turning all red thinking about it. The first time, it hurts honey but don’t worry. After that, if he inherited anything from his daddy, it’ll be out of this world.” She tapped her chin. “Well, it should be fine. I know my boy isn’t a virgin. Just tell him to take his time with you first.”

  “Oh… uh… ummm?” I was just gaping at her, my mouth opening and shutting. I had no idea what to say to her.

  Sofia groaned. “Mom, that was TMI.”

  Franny shuddered. “That’s going to give me nightmares for years. Mom, why would you say that?”

  Mrs. Ruzzo waved them off. “Oh please. Sofia won't be a virgin forever. She’s going to find a man one day and get married. She’s going to need to know these things too.” She gave Franny a knowing look. “You’re engaged. And I know you’re not waiting for the wedding night. I know you didn’t forget how I caught you and Louie on the couch and he was – “

  Franny looked horrified and threw her hands in the air to stop her mother from talking. “No, no, no. No need to rehash the past mom. That’s fine, I think they get the picture.”

  We heard the door opening and male voices approaching the kitchen. I saw as Angelou walked past me and over to Franny, bending down and giving her a peck on the lips. “Hi, honey,” Franny said with a goofy grin. He just smiled back.

  Dante pulled out the chair beside Mrs. Ruzzo and collapsed into it. He leaned over and pecked her cheek. “Hi, Ma.”

  She patted his cheek. “Hi darling, how was everything?” she questioned.

  I missed his answer, distracted when I was plucked from my seat, and Gio sat in it and pulled me down into his lap. He kissed the side of my neck, “Julie.”

  I sighed as I sunk into him and laughter exploded around the table. I looked up confused and noticed all eyes were on us. “What did I miss?” I asked.

  I had to actually try to pay attention, because Gio began rubbing his hands up and down the insides of my thighs, occasionally brushing a finger against me and I could feel the feather-light touches through my jeans. Talk about a tease.

  “Ma was just filling us in on what it was you all were just talking about,” Dante said looking positively delighted.

  I tensed, and Gio’s hands immediately stilled. He shifted his position so he was sitting more upright and had a better view of everyone at the table. “What were you just talking about?” he asked.

  Franny grinned. “Babies.”

  His body now matched mine. But, Franny wasn’t done. “Specifically your babies.”

  I chanced a look at him, and he was staring back at his sister confused. “I don’t have any babies… what are you talking about?” he looked at the three empty bottles of wine. “Exactly how much have you all been drinking.”

  Mrs. Ruzzo clucked her tongue at him. “We are grown Marco, we can drink as much as we please.”

  He frowned. “You was drinking too, Ma?” she nodded gleefully and shook his head. “Oh lord.”

  She waved him off. “Oh shut it.” She took a sip from her cup or at least attempted to. It was empty. She looked at the cup, frowned and tried again. I had to stifle my laughter. Dante beside her chuckled, took the glass from her and refilled. She gave him a grateful pat on the shoulder before having a sip. She placed her glass down and returned her undivided attention back to Gio. “So about those babies.” She prodded. My god, the woman was persistent.

  He grinned at his mother. “I don’t know about that, Ma. Julie i
s mad at me, and she wants to leave me.” He gave her a sad face with a pout. “She doesn’t want me anymore.”

  Mrs. Ruzzo glared at me. “Why would you want to leave my baby?” she asked.

  Well, alright.

  I turned to Gio and gave him my own glare. He looked back at me, still looking like I kicked his puppy, but I could see the amusement clear in his eye. He was totally milking the momma’s boy angle right now.

  Gio’s father chose to make an appearance at that moment. When we’d started drinking, and the giggling started, he spoke of exhaustion and went to take a nap. I’d gone to the bathroom, and I was 90% certain I heard ESPN. But I didn’t snitch on him. “He most likely did something stupid.” He patted my shoulder as he walked past us. “My princess is an angel.”

  Did I say that Pops was my favorite man in the family? I grinned, and Gio scowled at his father. “She’s not your anything Pop. She’s mine.” He practically growled.

  Gio’s father simply rolled his eyes. He took a seat by his wife. “Maggie honey, I love him… but he is my child.”

  Mrs. Ruzzo pursed her lips then let out an exaggerated sigh. “Yea, you’re right.” Her gaze swung to Gio, and she gave him a stern look. “Apologize for whatever you did, and get your shit together.” She scolded him.

  He looked like he desperately wanted to say something to that comment but smartly held his tongue. That’s one thing I have to say I admire about this man. He respected the hell out of his parents. Eventually, he just sighed. “I was planning to come home and grovel but… “ he trailed off waving a hand towards his house guests.

  Franny lifted an eyebrow. “But?” she prompted.

  He scowled. “I’d like to do that in privacy.” He dropped another hint.

  Franny shrugged. “So go into the bedroom and hash it out.”

  His head dropped forward, and I felt his chest rise and fall in exasperation. Angelou cleared his throat. “I think we should get going. It’s late, and you ladies are buzzed.” He suggested wrapping his arm around Franny. She opened her mouth to argue, and he leaned in and whispered something in her ear. Her eyelids fluttered, and when he pulled back, she gave him a heated stare.

  “I think your right.” She said breathlessly.

  Gio cringed. I wanted to laugh. He was apparently uncomfortable seeing his sister turned on. Gio’s father stood. “Alright, honey. Let’s get you home.”

  She accepted his proffered hand and soon enough everyone was headed for the door. I stood, and we walked them out. Everyone exchanged hugs and goodbyes. Gio’s father opened the door and was about to usher his wife out when Mrs. Ruzzo turned back to us.

  She gave me a knowing look. “You remember what I told you.” I felt my blush take over. She then turned her attention to Gio. “And, she’s ready for you know…” she threw him a wink.

  He stared back confused. “What are you talking about?” he asked her.

  She shook her head and looked at him as if he were dumb. “You know…” she said as she raised both hands in the air. Then she proceeded to pump her hips as she said, “Bom Chicka Wah Wah!”

  The entire family had varying reactions. Dante and I were laughing uncontrollably. Angelou was chuckling, trying to hide his amusement. Gio looked positively horrified, Sofia looked ready to puke, Franny looked confused and stunned, while Pops looked positively intrigued with her movements his eyes glued to her waist and hips. Mrs. Ruzzo just looked so damn proud of herself. Gio shook his head and just walked away which sent me into another bout of laughter. Appearing pleased with her assistance on our sex life, Mrs. Ruzzo turned and walked out of the apartment with everyone on her heels.

  I locked up and waited until my laughter subsided before I went to find Gio. I ended up finding him in his room with his elbows braced on his knees holding his head. “Gio?”

  He looked up, and his face looked positively haunted. I got a little bit worried. “Are you alright?” I asked.

  He opened his mouth, closed it. Repeated the motion, then shook his head no. He took in a deep, shaky breath and shook his head again. “I just…” he shivered. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have sex again.”

  My lips twitched. I wanted to laugh again, but I was trying to show some compassion. When I said nothing he continued. “I think I might need therapy. That was… that was scary.” He looked at me pleadingly. “Is there any way to undo what I just saw? Erase it from memory?”

  I couldn’t help a low chuckle. “I don’t think it was that bad.”

  He looked at me incredulously. “That was my mother.” His voice cracked on the last word. “And the way my dad was looking at her…” he wretched. “I think I’m going to be sick.” He said groaning and holding his stomach.

  I rolled my eyes. “You’ll get over it. It was not that bad.”

  He opened up his arms and pouted. “Can you hold me?” he asked pathetically.

  I rolled my eyes again, but I sat down with him on the bed, and he laid his head on my breast. I couldn’t help running my fingers through his hair as we sat in silence. After a while, he sat up and grabbed my hand. “I think I’m going to live.”

  I stared at him. “No…” I said dryly.

  He ignored my sarcasm. “So baby, we need to talk.”

  And here we go. I’d been having so much fun with his family, I’d almost forgotten our issues. “Ok.” I agreed.

  He turned to face me. “I know I fucked up, and I’m sorry about that. I’m also sorry that your mother and sister are assholes. I’m also sorry about that fucker you used to date, and that bitch Rebecca trying to worm her way in between us. But I’m not the only person who should be sorry. You’re not entirely innocent here Julie. You should be sorry that you didn’t explain things to me. When you had the opportunity that day, you had the chance to say something to me. Regardless of whether I was pissed or not about whatever happened, you were supposed to speak up and say you didn’t want me there and why.” He said.

  I frowned. “How was I supposed to know that it would bother you that way?” I asked.

  He shook his head and blew out a breath. “That’s what I’m saying. We’re together Julie. You’re supposed to come to me with stuff like that. If you’re uncomfortable if you have concerns. I accepted a dinner offer, and you didn’t want me there because you’re surrounded by fuckers, and you thought something like what did happen could. I would’ve understood Julie, and it would’ve avoided a bunch of bullshit too.”

  He did have a point. I shrugged, “I get that, and you’re right. But I’m not used to being open. Until lately, nobody really ever cared about what I wanted or my opinion. I’m not used to having to explain myself – “

  He cut me off. “And you think I am?”

  “Touché.” I agreed.

  “We need to put this whole thing behind us and move forward. We both need to do a lot better in communicating with each other. Otherwise, we’re in for a shit ton of issues.” He said.

  I looked at him amused. “Is that right?” I asked, and he nodded. “Who said that I’d stick around for your shit ton of issues?” I challenged.

  He shrugged casually. “I did because I’m not letting you go.”

  I sighed and leaned into him. No need to keep fighting it at this point. He kissed my temple and began rubbing my back. I’d missed this. “What happened today? You kind of ran out of here, and you didn’t seem happy about it.”

  His chest rose and fell. “Nothing to worry about. Business.” He pushed my hair out of my face. “There's something else we need to talk about.” he began. I waited for him to continue, but instead, he put his finger under my chin and urged me to raise my head. I looked at him. “You said something to me, and I need to know if its true.”

  I didn’t need him to elaborate any further because I knew exactly what he was referring to. Those three little words. His eyes searched mine, and it was like he could see straight through me. The words were there, but they were somehow lodged in my throat. “Is it?” he prompt

  I nodded. It was small and brief, but I know he’d seen it. His nostrils flared, and he gripped the back of my neck pulling my face closer to his. His eyes remained trained on my own. “I need to hear it.” He whispered his voice gruff.

  “I love you,” I said softly.

  He groaned and closed his eyes before dropping his forehead against mine. “Fuck Julie.” He let out a shuddered breath. “I fucking love you too baby.”

  I felt my chest tighten at his words and then like magic a knot in my stomach uncurled. My throat cleared and I was able to breathe again and my heart. My god, my heart was beating so hard and fast I thought it was going to explode. I leaned back and looked into his eyes. Now I was the one searching, hoping for the truth in that statement. “You do?” I asked.

  I was beginning to realize how afraid of my feelings I was. How scared I was that it was too soon, that he couldn’t possibly have the same feelings for me. That I was worried that when he found out, he would leave me for good. That I’d run him off by feeling too much. But, as I sat there and looked into his eyes and he nodded, his deep gaze unyielding I realized how very wrong I was. “Yea, babe. I love you. That’s why I can't ever let you go.”

  I groaned and leaned in and kissed him. He opened for me immediately and took over the kiss. He didn’t waste any time laying me back on the bed and grabbed onto my hips pulling me to rub against his erection. I moaned into his mouth.

  He leaned back and stared down at me. “Damn I missed you… having you here.”

  I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. “I missed you too,” I admitted softly.

  He groaned and ground his hips against mine. My body shivered. God. I really missed this. I wound my arms around his neck. “Make love to me Gio.”

  He repeated the motion before getting to his feet. He began to take his clothes off, watching me with heated eyes. “Get naked.”

  I sat up and did as he asked. The whole time neither of us moved their eyes away from the other. When we were both fully naked, we stayed frozen staring at each other. I could practically hear the sparks from the electricity crackling through the air between us. Then he moved. His steps eating the distance between us until he was on me. With sure movements, he hooked my leg over his arm and entered me. My mouth dropped open in a silent scream, and he didn’t stop or hesitate. He began to drive into me like a man who’d been without for far too long. His thrusts were sure, dominating… it was the movements of a man claiming what’s his. Me? I wanted to be claimed, and fuck did it feel good.


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