Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family Page 23

by Belle Winters

  He shook his head. “Apparently not. If you were going where I know you were then you don’t. she’s a fighter, and you should know better than me, she’s going to bring hell down on those fuckers.” I smiled.

  My dad studied me, and I looked at him confused. “Son. Can I ask you something?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Yea, anything.”

  I was still unsure. “You remember when she was talking about studying crazy people before? Why?”

  I thought about it and shrugged. “She said because her sister thought she was crazy,” I answered.

  He gave a non-answer, and before I could question it, the door opened. The doc poked his head out, “she’s going to be ok. They gave her something to knock her out, but it was a lethal dosage. I was able to counteract it, and she should be fine.” He announced.

  “Can I question her?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “She’s out… but when she regains conciseness then yes. Unfortunately, I don’t know when that will be. That shit has to be worked out her system first. If you don’t mind, I’ll stay to monitor.”

  I nodded my acceptance. “Fine. I am going to run to the hospital to get whatever I might need in case of an emergency. I will be back as soon as possible.” He informed me.

  I walked up to him and clasped his hand. “Thanks, doc.” He nodded his acceptance and left. To him, this was a normal job for the Ruzzo’s. For me? He did my girl a favor. I know that no matter what, she gives a fuck about her sister, even if she shouldn’t.



  It’s been a week and a half since I’ve lost my girl.

  I was like the walking dead.

  I wanted to kill every mother fucker on the planet.

  I was worried out of my damn mind. I’m pretty sure I'm losing it altogether. My mind and body was craving her. She was my drug, and I was fucking addicted. You know what they say about junkies. Beware, because they would do damn near anything for their next fix. I’m bound to agree to that sentiment.

  We’d found Victor’s place, and of course, the mother fucker was nowhere. We went everywhere, talked to everyone, but the fucker was just… gone. No doubt he was hiding or on the run, but I was going to catch that mother fucker. There wasn’t a place on this earth – fuck this universe he’d be able to hide from me forever.

  I even tracked down the mother fuckers mother and put her on ice but no dice. Apparently, they were estranged because of Taylor and the shit she got him into in high school. Then there was Taylor. Doc said she was doing better, but the bitch was still out. I needed her to wake the fuck up because she seemed like the only person who could have answers.


  I looked up to see Angelou hovering by my desk, a wary look on his face. I tensed. “Yea?”

  “We have a problem.”

  I stood so fast, my chair fell backward crashing to the floor. “What happened? Is it Julie?” my mind, it always came back to her.

  He gave me a look of pity and dropped his head. “No sorry, still nothing new.”

  I sighed and dropped my head. “Ok. Then what the fuck could it be now?” I asked.

  “One of the restaurants… it was torched.” He cringed at his words.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried to keep it in, but I fucking couldn’t. The next thing I knew shit started flying as a string of curses came pouring out. “THIS FUCKER IS DEAD!” I roared.

  I began pacing. “if we don’t find this fucker soon, I’m going to just start fucking killing every fucking person until I find the son of a bitch.”

  Angelou was watching me warily. “Boss?”

  I knew what he was asking. I shook my head. “No. Fuck no. And I’m not taking a downer. I cant afford that shit with everything going on. The last thing I need is to be off my game. I’m fucking handling it, controlling it but I don’t know how much longer I can.” My hands began to clench as the need for fucking blood started to consume me. “We need to find this fucker or else this whole fucking City is going to be a dangerous fucking place.”

  Angelou just watched me. “Boss, I hear you.”

  I looked at him in disbelief. “Oh, you hear me?” I asked sarcastically. “You don’t have a fucking clue what I’m fucking dealing with.”

  He stood tall and glared at me. “Yes, I do. I know that Julie was yours but we all cared about her and we’re all fucking worried too!”

  I stopped and stared at him. “Is.”

  He frowned. “What?”

  I calmed a fraction as it sunk in. “You said she was mine. She is mine.” I clarified.

  “Shit. I didn’t mean…”

  I nodded. “I know.” But I sobered as I was once again reminded that I had no fucking clue which it was. I sighed, “let’s go handle the latest bull shit.”

  We’d been at this fucking wreck for three hours before we decided to get the fuck out of there. I was pissed about the fire, but nothing was taking priority over my girl. Never a fucking gain. When we tried to back into the timeline, and I realized that she sent the text right after I’d blown her off and hung up on her, I wanted to shoot myself. She called me for help, and I treated her like a nuisance. Karma was a cold bitch.



  Carlos: Hey pretty girl.

  Me: Hi

  I blushed. I’d met Carlos on my way home from school three weeks, and he was way cute! He was a freshman in college and the sweetest guy ever. I could see the difference now between the boys in my school and the mature guys.

  Carlos: When r u going to let me take u out?

  I grinned.

  Me: Not sure, it might be a while.

  Carlos: ☹

  Carlos: Y?

  I sighed. It was four in the afternoon on a Saturday, the perfect opportunity to plan a date… but that was only for normal chicks I guess. The whole thing with Julie being in hiding for her safety put us all on lockdown. It would’ve been hard enough trying to sneak out for a date on a regular day. I’ve been on some, I usually tell my parents that I’m out with one of my girlfriends and they cover for me. Now? I can’t go out unless it's with a full security team.

  Me: Just some personal stuff

  Carlos: … oh.

  What to say to that? I was thinking of the perfect response when another text came through.

  Carlos: I really like u, u know that. But if u don’t feel the same, u can just tell me. No hard feelings and maybe we could be friends.

  What? No! He was like the hottest guy that asked me out. -l

  Me: No, nothing like that.

  I watched the bubble pop up at the bottom of the chat saying he was typing.

  Carlos: oh good.

  Carlos: Can I tell u a secret?


  Me: Sure

  I was curious.

  Carlos: I’ve been thinking…

  Carlos: a lot

  I was biting my lip in anticipation. What was he going to say? When the bubble didn’t come back, I waited.

  Then waited.

  And then couldn’t wait anymore.

  Me: Go on…

  Carlos: I really want to know what it would b like to kiss u

  Oh, my.

  Still my beating heart.

  Are those butterflies?

  I swooned.

  I have been fantasizing about that since the day I met him! I had to fight the urge to pull up twitter.




  I had to play it smooth.

  Me: Oh yea?

  Carlos: Yes… I do

  Carlos: I was really hoping u would finally let me take u out tonight so that I can find out at the end of the date

  Shit. This was not fair. I really wanted to kiss him.

  Carlos: If u cant sneak out for a date… can u sneak out for a kiss?

  I bit my nails thinking… because god did I want to.

  Carlos: JUST a kiss. I promise.

  What’s a girl to do? I mean, I knew my family was excessive and overly protective as per usual. I’m sure this time wasn’t any different. I was on the fence though, as I remembered Julie’s situation. Although, I still wasn’t sure what her troubles had to do with me.

  I was practically gnawing on my lip. I shouldn’t go, and my dad would probably have my head if I got caught. But, I could have him meet me right by the gate. Nothing could happen, I’m still on the house grounds.

  Oh god, but I was nervous. I needed advice.

  Me: KELLY!

  Kells: WHAT?!

  Me: Remember that boy Carlos I met?

  Kells: How can I forget? All u do is talk about him!

  Ugh, she was such a shit face.

  Me: whatevs u biotch

  Me: u know how I’m on lockdown and sheeeet right?

  Kells: Um… Duh! You totally missed the party last night. Effing amazeballs.

  Rub it in why don’t you.

  Me: He wants to meet up with me.

  My phone vibrated.

  Carlos: ??

  Shoot. I needed to move.

  Me: Hurry, I have him waiting for an answer

  Kells: If hes as hot as u say………..

  Me: Yes! I’m fanning myself right now

  Me: I cant go out, go out… but he wants to kiss me

  Kells: WHAT?!

  Kells: Kiss his ass off heffa and then tell me about it! HURRY!

  I laughed. Well alright. I went back to my texts with Carlos.

  Me: Ok

  Carlos: OK?

  Carlos: R u sure?

  Ugh. He was so considerate. It was so cute.

  Me: Yes.

  Carlos: Where do I meet u?

  I sent him my neighbor's address and rushed to spray on some perfume, fix my hair, brush my teeth, and change my clothes. Then, I touched up my makeup.

  I think I look good.

  I was crazy with nerves as I waited for him to get back to me. I’m not sure if he was too quick or too slow, but finally, he wrote me.

  Carlos: I’m here pretty girl

  Me: Coming

  I’ve done this more times than I’m willing to admit. I slid open my window and shimmied to the ground. I went around the back way and made my way onto the neighbor's lawn. I made my way to the front of the house where I saw a sports car.


  I walked up to it and went to the passenger window. Carlos rolled it down.

  “Get in, sweetheart.”

  I bit my lip unsure, and he gave me a grin. “You’re not supposed to be outside.” He said looking up at my neighbor's house. “I don’t think It’s the best idea to do this here.”

  I rolled my eyes and gave myself a mental forehead slap. I climbed into the car with him and buckled my seatbelt. He looked over at me and gave me that same smile he did when he asked for my number. Thankfully I was sitting to avoid the whole knees weak thing.

  “Maybe we should go to the corner?” I suggested, suddenly afraid of being caught.

  “Your wish…” he said lifting my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Is my command.”

  So dreamy.



  We were in the car heading back to meet up with the others. They said Taylor had finally woken up and I was anxious to talk to her. My phone rang, and I glanced at the screen. Unknown flashed back at me, and my blood turned to ice. I immediately answered.

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  An amused chuckle filtered through. “My, my, where are your manners?” the man taunted. I could pick up on an Italian accent.

  “Where the fuck is Julie?” I asked. I was trying – holy fuck was I – to be calm, but I just couldn’t manage it.

  “How was the fire? I heard about it. Such bad luck you seem to be having these days. You should maybe change careers and become a firefighter. Somehow I sense more in the future.”

  I was going to enjoy killing this fuck. “Did you call me to fucking play games or can we get down to business and what the fuck it is you want. Where the fuck is Julie, and what’s this shit about?”

  “Ahh, straight to the point hmm?” he sighed. “Well, if you must know…” the fucker was taunting me. “It’s simple. I want it all. You and your family think you’re entitled and deserve this city, but you simply are worthy. I’m going to take it from you, and I’m going to enjoy every second.”

  Fuck all this bullshit. He could try, but he wasn’t taking shit. “Where. Is. Julie?” I asked enunciating each word.

  “She’s more beautiful than I thought she would be. What I heard didn’t do her justice, but then again girls are catty. I can see why she was jealous. But I can see why you got rid of her.”

  I frowned. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked.

  “You know, the bimbo with the breast. She’s a horrible lay.” He said, and I knew. Rebecca.

  “What about her?” I asked even though I was starting to piece it together.

  “She was only too happy to have an ear to vent to about you and the woman in your life.” She said happily. “And about the woman in your life…” He paused. “Tell me something… is she as fucking sweet as she looks?” he asked.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been so filled with rage before. “If you put a finger on her, I will enjoy cutting each fucking one off and making you eat it.” I meant every word.

  He laughed. “Oh, I will put more than a finger on her. I can’t wait to put them all on her.” He laughed again. “Oh look, she seems like she’s so happy to hear your voice.” There was some shuffling on the other end. “She wants to say hello.”

  I sucked in a breath and held it. I needed to fucking hear her voice, to know she was still alive and I still had time. I put my phone on speaker. Angelou and Dante were tense. “Gio?”

  SHIT! My fucking entire being felt the relief from hearing her voice. “Baby.”

  The phone was silent for a beat before she spoke again in a rushed tone. “They have – “

  “Ah, ah, ah…” he tsk’d. “That wasn’t very good now was it.” I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and a whimper.

  “Don’t fucking touch her you asshole! I’m going to – “

  He cut me off. “We’ll be in touch. I have a girl who needs to be taught a lesson.” Then he was gone.


  I lifted my hand to launch my phone when it rang again in my hand. I scrambled to answer it and wasn’t exactly happy to see Pop. I answered. “That fucker called me, but Julie… she’s alive.”

  “That’s good son.” But he didn’t sound right.


  “I’m sorry Marco, but it’s your sister. Sofia is missing.”




  We hightailed it back to the house, and I had one goal. Taylor. I pushed myself into the room and stared her down. She looked back at me frightened, and if she knew anything or had anything to do with this, she damn well should be.

  “Where’s Julie? Is she ok?” she asked.

  I frowned. “Why the fuck do you care? You made it your mission in life to hurt her.” I wasn’t buying the caring sister bullshit one bit.

  She scowled at me. “I didn’t want this.”

  I scoffed. “You sure about that?” I could see her being happy with Julie gone.

  Her back straightened. “Oh no, you fucking don’t. You don’t know shit, so don’t pretend you do. I have a reason to fucking hate her.” She softened. “I don’t hate her, I don’t like her, but I don’t actually hate her.”

  “I know Victor was involved.” She nodded. “And Rebecca,” I added.

  Her head snapped up, and she frowned. “Seriously?” she seemed genuine.

  “Before we start this discussion, give me a reason why I should believe you weren’t involved.”

  She gestured to the IV attached to her. “I uh, didn’t do this to myself.”

  I shru
gged. “People don’t always hold up their ends of a plan the way you expect.”

  She sighed. “Ok. So, I’ve always blamed her for the reason I didn’t have my father in my life.”

  I frowned. “Why?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “I’m not going there.”

  I advanced on her. “You fucking better.”

  She didn’t pale or back down. “I won’t. You think you know Julie, but you don’t.” I opened my mouth to argue, but she held up her hand stopping me. “I don’t mean that in the way you think. I’m sure you know her personality. I was there when you got a front row seat. Julie has secrets. She won't ever tell, and they’re things I would never either. If there was one way I’ve ever proven any loyalty I have to my sister it’s been keeping her secrets.”

  I felt a tingle in my spine. “You won't tell me?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Do you think they have anything to do with this?” I asked.

  She shook her head again. “No. It’s nothing like what you may be thinking. Again, she would have to tell you, if she ever will. Victor has nothing to do with any of that.”

  “Are you going to help me?” I asked her. I wanted to really gauge where she was in all this.

  She nodded. “Yes, I might do fucked up shit to her. But I don’t want her fucking dead. That’s my sister.” She shook her head. “It’s so fucked up that it takes something like this happening for you to realize how big of an asshole you are. If something were to happen to her… she would go thinking I hated her like you think. Her last memories – shit all of her memories of me were horrible.”

  I wasn’t here to assuage her guilt or reassure her, because she’s right. She was an incredible bitch, and she has to live with that choice. “Tell me everything,” I demanded.

  She nodded and sighed. “Ok, so I hadn’t dealt with Victor in a long time. I was scared to death you were going to kill me, and I knew that he still had a soft spot for me and he sold and had a few bucks. We had an agreement. He gave me the money, and I was working it off by…” she paused.

  I waited a minute and when she didn’t continue, I pressed. “By?” I was impatient.

  She cleared her throat. “Working… for him.” I got what she implied. He was her pimp. “Anyway, Becca found me. I was in a club one night, and she basically said she hated my sister. She offered me the money in exchange for helping her get you back. I didn’t give a fuck about her or her motives. She was offering me the money I could use to get the fuck away from Victor.” She laughed to herself. “Bitch only gave me half the fucking money. Anyway, that’s why I was still with him. I still had debt to pay. We were at his place getting high and drinking, and he got a phone call. After that, he kept insisting on us coming back here. I didn’t think of it because well… why would I? I was surprised she was even here. She’s been gone since that dinner.” She sighed. “He was talking about wanting to try something kinky and new. So I was just like fuck it. He left the room to get some water…” she trailed off and frowned. “Come to think of it, he never came back with anything. This is where it starts to get murky for me. I guess I thought that he drank it in the kitchen? Anyway, he tied me up, and then he started giving me this cold look I'm not used to from him.”


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