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Filthy Dirty Brother: A Forbidden Cousins Romance

Page 8

by Ford, Mia

  I smiled and as she sat down and began pouring syrup over her pancakes, I took in the exciting looking outfit she was wearing. I very nearly came in my pants. Damn, she was fine. She was wearing a sexy business suit with just a little hint of cleavage, but tucked away nicely leaving much to the imagination. And that skirt… hmmm, it came to just above her knees but still revealed a decent amount of those sexy thighs and calves, all tucked away in dark hosiery.

  I loved to see a confident, sexy, businesswoman who knew she was beautiful. There was just something about it that had always spoke out to me. In my line of work, most of the groupies and girls who hung around the band were college girls looking to blow off steam and that was all well and fun, but when I was away from that and I was meeting women that truly attracted me in normal life, I always went after strong, independent, career women. Their drive, their confidence, and their beauty---it was all an amazing combination.

  “So, are you nervous?” I asked.

  Kay responded by jerking her arm slightly and almost spilling syrup on the table. She dabbed the edge of her plate to make sure none dripped off it.

  “Um, yeah… I guess,” Kay said.

  She seemed to intentionally be trying to avoid eye contact with me. I couldn’t help smiling. I loved this. It was obvious to me that the kiss last night had really freaked her out. Maybe I’m just immune enough to society’s rules that things considered totally “taboo” just don’t bother me in most instances, but I could barely hold back a laugh.

  “I can see that,” I said. “Relax. You are going to do fine.”

  I wondered how much she was going to think about the kiss all day. Did it freak her out because of the fact that she’d kissed me, or that she actually enjoyed it? I knew she enjoyed it because it took her a few seconds of getting into it before she came to her senses and realized what was happening.

  “Thanks,” Kay said.

  She took several bites of her pancakes. I let her stew a few minutes in silence as I looked at social media on my phone. For some reason I loved the sounds of her eating and I wished that I could kiss those sweet lips of hers again. It was becoming almost an obsession on my part. I just could not stop thinking about it, and unless Kay said she was absolutely not interested then I was going to keep going and continue putting my plan into action. So far everything was going exactly the way I wanted it to.

  “Good pancakes?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Kay said. “Very good.”

  I smiled and went back to my phone. I was waiting for her to say something about the kiss. Would she even mention it? Would she ever mention it? I doubted it, but I figured that I would give her the opportunity.

  And nothing but silence.

  Finally, I thought I had to mention it.

  “So, I hope you aren’t at all freaked out about the kiss last night,” I said.

  Kay almost choked on her pancakes. I tried not to laugh, but it was impossible.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said. “Can we just let it go?”

  “Sure, we can drop it, but I just wanted to make sure there was nothing weird between us.”

  “We are ok,” Kay said. “It was an accident. We can just forget it.”

  Kay sighed heavily.

  I loved this. I could tell she was into it, but she was freaked out. It was a bit sadistic on my part, but it was fun. I didn’t want to stop.

  “Was it an accident?” I asked.

  Kay froze right then. She still refused to look at me.

  “What are you talking about?” She asked.

  “Well, we were both getting caught up in it, and it just happened.”

  “I can’t talk about this,” Kay said. “It was an accident. We both got caught up in something weird and it just happened.”

  “Ok,” I said.

  I went back to my phone and trying to just keep from laughing hysterically. Kay was so upset, but she was hiding it well.

  “OK,” Kay said. “I have to go.”

  “Good luck,” I said. “Not that you need it.”

  Kay smiled and made eye contact with me for perhaps the very first time that morning.

  “Thanks,” Kay said.

  She waved bye and quickly went out the door. And I was alone again. Being alone had never been an issue for me; I’d always enjoyed my own company, but after spending a few days with Kay and actually enjoying having someone else around the silence and the realization that I was by myself once again was a bit odd.

  I finished my breakfast and refilled my cup of coffee. I decided to get some work done on the new demo for the band. Hopefully they would like this one even better than the one from the other day. It didn’t really matter, because we were doing the songs I wrote, but it was better if the band liked what they were playing. I was gently trying to steer the band in a more commercial direction which was meeting with some resistance from the rest of the band, who had considered us a more alternative sound.

  But the alternative thing was not panning out. I realized that we had to play the game of playing commercial music, at least until we got a record deal and then put out the first album. After that success, we could play what we really wanted. We’d been trying to avoid the game, but it was time to man up and just do what was required.

  I fired up my laptop, pulled up the pro tools program and spent the next hour programming the drum sequences and beat loops. When everything sounded the way I wanted it to I plugged in the guitar and began laying down some basic tracks.

  After a few hours, the demo was coming together nicely and I was looking forward to showing it to the band later that day. I decided to order a pizza for lunch and then I sat down to wait for it. It was barely past eleven in the morning at this point, and I had several hours until practice. I was getting a bit bored and my father’s words began to enter my mind, but I laughed it off because no matter how bored I ever got during the day (and sometimes this did happen) I would chop off my right arm faster than getting some stupid day job. It just wasn’t for me. I’m an artist. I’ve always been an artist. Artistic people just don’t conform well to the regular ways of the world.

  It was then that I got the idea.

  I’d just cracked open a beer and sat down with my pizza (after flirting with the hot pizza delivery girl) and I began to wonder how Kay was getting along at work. I hoped it was going well, but I wanted to up the ante a bit to capitalize on the little exchange of us from this morning.

  I grabbed my phone and sent Kay a text. As soon as I sent it, I immediately regretted it, but I was getting a bit impatient. But I decided to do it anyway. It was what it was.

  “Hey, sexy. I hope your day is going well. I’ve got to be honest, last night was amazing. I think you felt it too and I think we should continue our fun tonight. I want to strip you naked and fuck you like there is no tomorrow. I know you want me to. I can’t wait to get inside of you and come hard for you.”

  I read the text several times over and it got funnier every single time that I read it. What was I doing?

  “Man, I’m insane,” I said out loud before shoving a slice of pizza into my mouth.

  I pulled up the new season of Ozark on Netflix and was just getting into the first episode when my phone buzzed.

  It was a response text from Kay.

  “What are you doing? Do you think this is some kind of game? Whatever you are thinking, you can knock it off. It isn’t going to happen. This isn’t funny. I’m starting to think you have a problem. Don’t text me at work again. I can’t deal with this right now.”

  I burst out laughing. Wow, she was really giving me a piece of her mind. But I knew that she was just freaking out and I was pushing things a bit harder than I should have. But I didn’t care. I was getting a bit bored and my lustful desires were starting to take control of me. Sometimes that happened. I’d never been good at keeping my desires under control. I lived too much in the moment. There was a plan, a protocol that I was trying to follow, but it was not working out. I
didn’t have the patience, no matter how much I was trying to move slowly. The kiss had done me in. I’d gotten a little taste of the honey and I wanted so much more. It was all I could think about and it was driving me nuts to know that I might not get it. The angry response to my explicit tweet delighted me but it also made me a bit nervous. What if I ended up pushing this too far, too fast and Kay moved out and told me to go fly a kite?

  It was still funny.

  I tried to forget about it and get back into my show and enjoy my pizza. It was a good life.

  And I had a feeling it was going to get even better.

  Chapter Nine


  I couldn’t believe it. I read the text over and over again trying to ascertain what in the hell Sam was thinking. He’d just brought all of my fears to light with just one text. It was like everything I’d been worrying about; all the things I’d been trying to push off in the back of my mind that was just misinterpretations—it was all brought to light in this message that Sam sent me. He wanted me. He was up to something. This had been on his mind from the start.

  Or he was just more honest with his feelings than I was.

  Ugh, I didn’t know what the hell was happening to me. The dream had opened my eyes a lot, not because of the dream itself, but the fact that I loved reliving it and I found myself constantly fantasizing about it all. His touch, his body, his warmth… I wanted him inside of me. I kept imagining it happening as I read it in the message and my mind would go back to the dream which was so vivid still, and my dreams were hardly ever that vivid. What did all of this mean?

  I responded angrily to the text. It was important for Sam to know that no matter what this was, it was not happening. It couldn’t. I mean, how could we ever explain this to our families? Or would we? Was it something we could do in secret that no one would ever have to know?

  What did it matter? We were related by blood. Even if being a cousin was fairly far removed in the gene pool, we still were blood relatives. I couldn’t get past it. It just went against everything I valued in my soul.

  But if it disgusted me so much then why was it so alluring? Why did I want it?

  “Everything ok?”

  The voice came over my shoulder just then snapping me back to reality. I was in my new office just getting acclimated to things. I couldn’t believe I actually had my own office, which was rare for most associates, but the firm I was with treated even their brand new associates so well. And it furthered productivity. Already feeling like I was respected and mattered, it already made me want to work that much harder.

  I turned my head from my phone to look up towards the voice. It was my boss Harold Robinson.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Everything is fine.”

  “Great,” Harold said. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Whatever you need, we are here for you.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  My boss was amazing. He’d actually shown me around and introduced me to everyone in the different departments and showed me what everyone was working on. Then he gave me my first assignment. I was supposed to create a basic outline for a new location of a burger franchise according to the specifications from the owner. It looked like a pretty basic assignment for me to get started with, and I was excited. So for the past few hours, I’d been studying several other locations in the area so that I could keep the basic essence of what the franchise required and then I could figure out a way to incorporate that with the new client’s details.

  My boss’s eyes lingered on me for a few moments before he walked away. I wasn’t sure if I should have been flattered or if this was something else I was going to have to be concerned about. Romance of any kind in the workplace was something I was for the most part dead set against, especially if it involved my boss or someone who was higher up the corporate chain, because then if something went wrong it could quickly affect your job.

  I was suddenly seeing every guy around me as someone who wanted to jump my bones and it was putting me on guard. This was the stressed out mental state that Sam had triggered in my mind. And I knew he was doing it on purpose.

  Maybe that was it. Was he just doing all of this as a game to mess with me and he didn’t want to actually pursue anything? It was quite possible that the kiss was an accident for him as well and he felt so embarrassed by it and the fact that I wouldn’t talk about it this morning that he was now freaking out a bit himself and trying to just throw me off so that he could maintain an upper hand.

  I didn’t know.

  But one thing I did know. Every time I read that message or I thought about Sam and the dream, I started to get so wet and hot that I could hardly stand it. A few times I’d almost excused myself to go to the bathroom to masturbate. But I didn’t. Doing that would have felt like some sort of victory for Sam. That was the last thing I wanted to do, was to give him that much power.

  I concentrated on getting as much work done as possible, even skipping lunch so that I could keep my mind distracted from Sam and his bullshit and just go about the task set forth in front of me. A bit after five when everyone else started to leave the office for the day I decided that my brain was fried and I would come to work early tomorrow to get right back in the thick of it.

  By the time I arrived back home at Sam’s place, I was already a nervous wreck. I hoped he would still be at his band rehearsal, but when I pulled up to the building I saw his car and motorcycle both parked there. Great. Well, I was going to have to deal with this. It was ok. I’d been preparing for it all day and I was ready to confront Sam if need be. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would be over quickly and then we could move on.

  When I entered the loft, Sam was in the middle of the room with a set of dumbbells working out doing bicep curls. He was shirtless wearing only a pair of tiny speedos. His body was glistening with sweat, his hard muscles working together to hoist the weight up and down with carefully, controlled, precision.

  I was almost frozen in place. Wow, he was hot. His body was even more impeccable then what I’d seen. Every single muscle was ripped and clearly defined. He had the perfect V shape from his shoulders to his torso, his eight pack, washboard abs just glistening with sweat dripping off them onto a mat beneath him.

  He finished his set with a few heavy grunts and sat the large dumbbells down on the mat. Then he grabbed a bottle of water lying on the coffee table in front of him and took a big swig from it, some of the water spilling from his lips and rolling down his chin.

  He didn’t see me at first, but as he sat the bottle down he noticed me standing there at the entrance to the living room staring at him. I wanted him so badly right then. With every single fiber of my being I wanted to drop my bag and run to him so he could rip every stitch of clothing off my body and just ravage me. I didn’t care that he was all sweaty, which was usually a turnoff. No, I wanted to glide my tongue all over him and taste his sweet, salty, sweat. My body was filled with the urge to just consume him in every way possible and allow him to do the same with me. Why did we have to be related? Why couldn’t we just forget about all of that and just be together (why couldn’t we) and just have the kind of sex that both of us wanted and deserved?

  “Hey, there,” Sam said. He grabbed a towel and began wiping himself off. “I was just finishing up. I expected you later. I’m just about to hit the shower if you want to join me.”

  The bastard.

  Reminding myself that I was still furious with him and adding in the fact that I was more turned on then I could ever remember being in my life, I was speechless, choosing instead to respond by walking down the hallway into my bedroom, and shutting the door behind me. I tried not to slam it, but I wanted to distance myself as far from that beautiful image as I could.

  With the door closed safely behind me, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. I wasn’t sure why, but impulsively, I locked the door behind me. Now I was alone. I was safe. Safe from Sam, safe from my feelings—everything was going to be alright.

As I got undressed to change into something more comfortable for the evening I noticed myself in the mirror. I was almost nude, wearing only a bra and panties. Sam was naked in the shower by now. I could hear the water running. I wondered if he was thinking of me, possibly wearing something like this or even nude. Was he beating his stiff, hard cock to orgasm, spewing his manly juice everywhere? I wished I could be there to see it. I wanted to touch him and I wanted to taste every single inch of him.

  I couldn’t take it any longer. I grabbed a dildo from the special box under my bed where I kept the kinkiest toys in my collection. I removed my bra and panties and then laid down on the bed. I was so wet that the dildo slid right into me. It was large, spreading me apart. It had been a while since I’d used the assistance of the dildo and it always gave me the best orgasms. It was the closest thing to the real thing I’d ever found, and I’d amassed quite the collection. I wondered if Sam would like to see it, or if he would take one look at it and determine that I was too much of a freak even for him. That was the way most guys were.

  But Sam was clearly not most guys. He might actually have been almost as kinky as I was, possibly even my match. But I didn’t really know. I didn’t really know what was going on in his beautiful brain. For all I knew all of this was just some stupid game to him. He might never have actually considered breaking that taboo line and sleeping with me.

  As I thrust the dildo deeper and deeper into my wetness I thought of Sam, imagined it was his huge cock pounding me deeply. I wanted to see the blissful pleasure, the tension on his face as he rose to a hard orgasm that would blast deeply inside of me. I was pushing the dildo harder and harder into me now. There was no foreplay, there was no waiting. I was just ready to come as fast and as hard as I could. The dream, the text, and the nonstop thoughts—it was all too much and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to come so badly.

  “Fuck!” I groaned as I writhed and twisted hoisting my legs up in the air to imagine it was Sam on top of me instead of nothing. My arm was getting tired as I pulled the dildo out of me and pushed it hard deeply inside. I was getting so wet that at one point the friction was not enough. I grabbed a tissue and quickly sopped up the additional wetness in my crotch and then proceeded to pound myself silly with the large, black dildo, which had given me so many amazing orgasms since I’d bought it a few days after my eighteenth birthday. It was around that time I started making the trips to the bigger cities and exploring all of the sweet, treats they offered. This dildo had done so many amazing things for me.


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