The Society of Orion: Book Eight The Sumi Collision (Colton Banyon Mysteries 22)

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The Society of Orion: Book Eight The Sumi Collision (Colton Banyon Mysteries 22) Page 9

by Gerald J. Kubicki

  Soon everybody began to crowd around Banyon for instructions and a last minute briefing. They were out of range for the Sumi to hear.

  “Is everything ready,” Previne asked.

  “Err,” Banyon started. “There’s been a change of plans. We need to change how the Sumi will be involved.”

  A collective groan came from the crowd. They knew that Banyon was always changing things at the last minute.

  “I’ll explain,” he said as he used his hands to calm them down. “It is necessary.”

  He was nearly finished with his changes when an Army major approached.

  “Mr. Banyon,” he said to interrupt. “We have to leave now if we want to get to the bombed out site on time.”

  “Is everything in place?” Banyon asked.

  “We are one hundred percent ready to go, sir,” the major responded.

  “Then let’s go face our destiny,” Banyon said and led the way into the Osprey.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Erox was comfortably seated in a shuttle headed to what he believed was the surrender of the puny non-blue earthlings. All the reports from the Earth based starships were glorious. They recounted how his warriors were winning every major battle. He believed that he would rule Earth soon.

  He had learned about the revolution back on Maltos, but had kept it to himself. He didn’t want any distractions to affect his primary mission and his commanders. Besides, he had sent a strongly worded video transmission back to his followers. He had told them that the King was dead and he was now the ruler of Maltos. He had also implied that any Sumi warrior who didn’t fight for him would lose his entire family when he returned. The revolution was turning back in his favor.

  He saw the uprising as an opportunity to eliminate unwanted dissidents. He believed his people would have complete control when he returned. He now turned his attention back to the takeover of Earth.

  “I want a starship sent to eliminate the pesky leader in their city called Washington,” he ordered. “Next send the ship with the gas to annihilate that entire city. But wait until we reach a surrender agreement here before you unleash the weapons.”

  “It will be done,” one of his six commanders responded.

  “Wait one hour and then send the remaining starships to form a line of destruction on Earth, just as we have discussed.”

  “Yes, my King,” another commander replied.

  “Wait, I want to make a change of plans,” Erox spouted evilly. “I almost forgot. Mongo suggested that I bring a ship full of warriors to the surrender. Send a ship to site two immediately. Tell the ship to stay cloaked until I call them.”

  “It will be done,” a commander replied and fired off a transmission to the control center in Turkey to be routed to a ship behind the moon. The message was sent, but was slightly altered by Timmy, the geek.

  “I want to start to rebuild our city in the hole in the ground where the dead bodies of the representatives from Earth will be strewn when we’re finished with them.”

  “Yes, my King,” another answered.

  “Sir, we are approaching site two, but I can’t see the hole in the ground,” the shuttle driver commented.

  “Hmm, they must have cloaked the area,” Erox commented. “Drive through the cloak,” the impatient warmonger ordered with a wave of his hand.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Colton Banyon was also giving orders. The Osprey had landed inside the great hole in the ground in Cambodia and was parked off to the right. The place that Banyon had chosen for the final battle was a small rise that backed up to a thirty foot cliff at the northern edge of the bomb site. The military had suggested it.

  “You guys need to hide somewhere,” he told the pilot and co-pilot of the plane.

  “We have been designated a place,” the pilot responded. The two military men scampered off.

  “Now everybody please listen-up,” Banyon said as he turned back to the crowd behind him. “The reason that all of you are here is because every one of you have played a major role in this conflict.” He then quickly recapped what each member had done as he pointed at each one. “It ends today,” he said emphatically.

  “How do you want us to set up?” Eric asked when he was done.

  “We are going to stand in a straight line and face them. I want them to think that we are a barrier that they must cross. I’ll be in the middle and Loni will be on my right. The rest of you stand where you want.”

  “Colt, why are we going to be hovering on the surfboards we brought?” Previne asked. “I thought we weren’t going to use any Sumi weapons.”

  “I want to show all the Sumi that we can adapt their weapons for our own use. That includes the King,” Banyon explained. “Remember we are not just fighting Erox here. We are sending a message to all Sumi to never attempt to invade Earth again.”

  “Got it,” she quickly replied.

  “Maya has also set up a cloaking device around the bomb site because I don’t want Erox to see who is confronting him until it’s too late for him to turn back.”

  “Okay, but when do we use the original Orion weapons that Maya gave each of us?” Heather asked.

  “As you know the weapons can’t be jammed by the Sumi,” Banyon explained. “Hold it in your hand. When I call your name, fire it at the Sumi or someplace in this hole, but not at Erox. He has another fate coming.”

  “What should we be doing while we wait?” Heather asked.

  “Follow my lead,” Banyon continued. “When I click my earpiece, say something nasty to Erox or his men. We’ll start on the right. You two people on the end say something and then when I click it again, the next two say something. I want them to constantly be turning their heads with distractions.”

  “I believe I can find something nasty to say to those morons,” Heather said sarcastically.

  “Does everyone have their guns in the small of their backs?” was Banyon’s next question.

  “Locked and loaded,” Eric responded.

  “Good,” Banyon said encouragingly. “I expect them to be here any second. So let’s form our assault line now.” Seventeen people formed up into a straight line.

  One person was missing. Carol was still inside the Osprey with the King. He had prepared a video and she stayed back to help him send it to his planet. They would do it as soon as Erox confronted Colton Banyon.

  Chapter Thirty

  When the shuttle craft carrying Erox and his Sumi warriors passed through the cloaking dome, he was shocked and then mildly amused. He could see that most of the walls around the mile-square Angkor-Watt-like complex his people had built were mostly intact. But right in the middle was a huge oblong deep hole. Mounds of clay colored dirt lie sprinkled around the inside of the three football field in length crater. It was one football field wide.

  “I didn’t know that our Sumi human missiles were this powerful,” he exclaimed with happiness. “I can’t wait to send more of them to Earth.”

  “We have only sent a hundred so far,” one of his commanders remarked.

  “Well, send some more right away,” Erox ordered joyfully with an arm gesture. “It will be a good negotiating tool.”

  “Do you have a target?” the commander of the Sumi human missiles asked.

  “How about that small island where all those people live in those tall buildings,” Erox offered.

  “Look,” the pilot uttered. “I see one of their planes off to the right.”

  “Yes,” Erox replied. “I see some non-blues standing in a line off to the left. I wonder why they are all dressed in white?”

  “Sir, I believe that on Earth, white is the sign of surrender,” a commander pointed out.

  “Oh, goodie,” Erox responded like a child and clapped his hands. “I can’t wait to get their clothes dirty.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The shuttle craft landed to the left of Banyon’s human line. It was just as Banyon had planned. He believed that Erox wouldn’t want his shuttle to be
too close to the earth plane. Erox then ordered the shuttle captain to remain hovering a few feet off the ground so no one could leap into the ship. He made sure that his commanders carried all their weapons. He told them to each wear a Speak device so that they could understand what the condemned non-blues had to say. This will be fun, he thought.

  “Are all seven recording devices working?” Erox asked. He couldn’t wait to see the edited version.

  “We have all of you on our monitors,” the co-pilot of the shuttle craft replied.

  “Very good,” Erox uttered. “Then let’s head out to make history.”


  The shuttle’s cargo door opened and Erox and his six commanders smoothly flowed out on their personal sleds. The commanders were also dressed in black uniforms just like their leader. They were the only other Sumi allowed to wear uniforms and only on special occasions like the surrender of Earth.

  They flew in a triangle formation with Erox in the lead. As the Sumi approached the middle of the non-blue’s line, a man suddenly shouted for them to stop and put his hand up.

  “Do not cross that line,” Banyon demanded and pointed to the line he had drawn in the dirt. It was precisely twenty-two feet from Banyon, a greater distance than the Sumi lasers could reach.

  “My name is Anax Erox,” the big Sumi offered. “I am King of Maltos and the head of all security.”

  “And I’m Colton Banyon. I am just a regular guy. I’m just going to call you Erox.”

  “Who are you people?” Erox demanded. “Is this the leadership of this puny planet you call Earth. I see six women here. They have no place in our discussions.”

  “The women stay,” Banyon replied flatly.

  Changing tactics the Sumi leader said. “I see that you are all wearing white clothes,” Erox stated politely. “I understand that it is a sign of surrender on your planet. Is that not true?”

  Colton Banyon laughed and then pressed his earpiece.

  “These idiots look like tall bowling pins, only in black,” Mandy quickly said.

  “Yeah, I think that black and blue are good colors for the punishment that they’re going to get,” Heather, who was next to Mandy, fired out.

  The Sumi became very confused. They couldn’t understand what the statements had to do with Earth’s surrender.

  “On Earth, “Banyon said. “Bad guys wear black. The good guys wear white. We are the good guys. I guess that makes you the bad guys.”

  This made Erox furious. “I am here to accept your surrender and nothing else. Now say that you have surrendered so we can record it,” he said forcefully.

  “Oh,” a theatrical Banyon replied and put his hand to his mouth like there had been a mistake. “I thought our message was clear. We are here to accept your surrender.”

  Everyone in the huge hole in the ground now knew that the battle had begun.

  Banyon pressed his earpiece.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  After two more barbs were thrown at the Sumi, by men this time, Erox was visibly agitated. He was beginning to smell a trap and he and his commanders closed ranks. It suddenly occurred to him that it all had gone too easy so far.

  “The message from my warriors was very clear,” Erox announced. “You are to surrender. A Sumi doesn’t fabricate information.”

  “Yes, I agree,” Banyon answered. “Your warrior named Mongo was not very creative.”

  The mention of his spy’s name made Erox a little nervous. “Mongo has always been correct in his reports. I have no reason to doubt him.”

  “That may be true, but Mongo didn’t send you the message,” Banyon shot back.

  “But that’s impossible,” Erox shouted. “He is in a safe place and communicates with me on a regular basis. Unless something has…”

  “Is he safe?” Banyon interrupted the Sumi leader. He then pressed his earpiece.

  Pramilla spoke first. “This guy has the intelligence of an insect. He hasn’t figured it out yet.”

  “At least an insect knows when to fly away,” Eric added and waved his hand at Erox.

  “You may die because of that insult. Just like so many of your people are dying right now all over Earth,” the Sumi leader shouted back.

  “I doubt that,” Banyon informed the Sumi. “You see, we are in complete control of your communications network on Earth. You were the one responsible for that by the way. You ordered all transmissions from earth to go directly to you and nobody else. We just intercepted them and changed them to what we wanted you to see.”

  “More of your people will die very soon,” Erox threatened with a shriek.

  “Right now, none of our people are dying,” Banyon told him. “And we intend to keep it that way.”

  “But we have made over half a million of your warriors pay the price for your stupid invasion,” Loni shouted out.

  “Lies, all lies,” Erox screamed. “I have many reports that say we are winning the war.”

  “Do you?” Banyon said calmly.

  “They’re all right here on my personal tablet,” Erox roared and showed them the device.

  Banyon pressed his earpiece. “Carol can you update these uninformed assholes.”

  Suddenly a video pinged on the tablet of all the commanders and Erox. They pulled them out of their suits and watched the video. It showed the Sumi starship stuck in the mud of the Mississippi. It then switched to New Delhi and showed the defenses being built and no Sumi in the sky. It also showed satellite pictures of all the Sumi human missiles blowing up before reaching their destinations.

  “These can’t be real,” Erox exclaimed, but he suddenly knew that they could be true. “How did you do this magic?”

  “That’s simple,” Banyon explained. “We found your command center and took over the transmitters. Mongo put up a little fuss, but in the end he did the honorable thing and committed ritualistic blunk.”

  “He’s dead?” Erox said with surprise and a taste of panic.

  “Quite,” Banyon retorted. “And your entire invasion has been stopped as of now. So would you be so kind as to surrender?”

  “Never,” Erox shouted. “I have many warriors here and back on Maltos”

  “You only have about one and a half million left and you will shortly have none on Maltos,” Banyon said. He then pressed his earpiece. “Carol, send the next video.”

  When Erox opened the transmission he was shocked to see the face of Anax Yuk who was telling his people that he was alive and well. He also said that Erox was a liar and had tried to assassinate him.

  “But, he’s supposed to be dead,” Erox muttered.

  “Oh, he’s very much alive,” Banyon said. “Bring out the King,” he said into his earpiece.

  The King and his two companions strolled out of the Osprey. They were followed by Carol. The two sacred statures, the amber chariot and the sarcophagus of the former King were floating along with them. They were controlled by the Sumi.

  Before they got half way to the combatants, Erox ordered, “weapons out, kill them all,” to his commanders. They all drew out a Jammer and the laser guns called Reducers.

  “Heather,” Banyon shouted before they could move in and attack.

  She stepped forward. She held the Imagination weapon from The Magic Belt. She raised it and said a few words. A large black ball shot out at the Sumi command team. They were knocked off of their sleds, just like a bowling ball hitting pins.

  “Loni,” Banyon said next.

  Loni immediately pressed the button on the small wrist band she wore. It activated the Time Warp device that Colonel Cole had supplied earlier.

  Time suddenly stood still inside a one hundred foot radius of Loni. The Kings group and both planes were just outside the range, but everyone else stood frozen in place. Carol grabbed the King by his arm and warned him to stay where he was for at least five minutes.

  Loni jumped off of her surfboard and raced to the unmoving Sumi. She grabbed the lasers and the jamming devices, but left one Jamme
r in the hands of Erox. She searched their pockets and collected two dozen more weapons. She put them in a plastic bag she pulled from her white leotards. Once that was done, she carried the bag to Colton Banyon. She climbed back on her surfboard and waited impatiently.

  Once the five minutes were up the time warp bubble began to dissipate. Loni handed Banyon the bag.

  The Sumi commanders leaped to their feet and went to fire their weapons, but found that they were all gone except for the single Jammer in the hand of Erox. He stared at the single device.

  “Stay right where you are standing,” Banyon said in a threatening voice. When Erox looked up he saw that seventeen handguns were pointed at his men and him. In order to look intimidating, the Sumi command team had not worn armor. Erox now regretted the error.

  “What sort of trickery is this?” Erox managed to croak in a confused voice.

  “Oh, it’s just an example of weapons that we control that are superior to your outdated relics,” Banyon responded. “Would you like a further demonstration of our capabilities?”

  “I…,” was all he could reply before Colton Banyon cut him off.

  “Perhaps we should destroy your shuttle craft,” Banyon said calmly. “You can use the Jammer you hold in your hand if you like, but I think that you will see that it can’t stop our weapons.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Erox snarled. “If you do that, I’ll kill everyone on Earth,” he threatened.

  “Oh, I think your killing days are over,” Banyon said to bait him. Then he called out, “Chase.”

  The company lawyer stepped forward and aimed his device which was called Zeus. Suddenly, three lightning bolts shot from the sky. They hit the shuttle in the front, back and in the middle. The shuttle dropped to the ground as steam and smoke flowed upward from the shell. Erox had pressed the button on his Jammer many times and finally realized that the weapon could not be stopped by the device. He watched in horror as one of his vessels was destroyed.


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