All Grown Up

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All Grown Up Page 8

by Tori Carson

  “Were there times when you should have safeworded and you chose not to?” He felt her body stiffen and he wondered if she’d answer.

  After a moment or two, she nodded.

  “Why didn’t you, pretty girl? Were you worried I’d be mad?” His hands stilled as his entire focus shifted to their conversation. He couldn’t have her afraid of him.

  “No, you don’t scare me, but disappointing you does.” She wiggled on his lap. “Please touch me, Master. I want to feel your hands on my body.”

  Steven took a deep breath and sorted through the responses on the tip of his tongue. How he handled this could potentially change the progression of their relationship. He forced his hands to gently caress her sides and thighs. “Brianna, you would never disappoint me by safewording. Why would you think that?”

  “You carefully plan our scenes, check in with me all the time… I want so badly to please you, Master. I should be able to handle it.”

  “No, Brianna. I’m not perfect. I can make mistakes or misread a situation. I want you to tell me when there’s a problem. I promise you, I won’t be mad or disappointed.”

  “You’ve told me that often, Master, and I hear you.” She pulled his hands over her heart and held them there.

  Although he wanted this immediately resolved, he knew it would take time. It surprised him how insecure she was about his love. He hadn’t left her and yet he seemed more sure of her love for him than the other way around. Maybe that’d been the problem all along.

  “I need you, pretty girl.” One way or another, he was going to make sure she knew exactly what she meant to him. He wasn’t going to risk her taking off again because he was too stubborn or remiss in telling her how he felt.

  She chuckled. “You know, Steven, after seeing your house, I think you just might.”

  Chapter Five

  Steven wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “Is that a crack about my lack of décor? You said you liked my less-is-more styling,” he complained, before he started tickling.

  She squirmed and wiggled but couldn’t get free. His grip was too strong. Although she loved his hands on her, she wasn’t going to let him use unfair tactics. Grabbing a pillow, she landed several hits to the back of his head. When it barely slowed him down, she knew she had to up her game.

  Brianna ran her tongue along his ribs and playfully bit his tummy. She was surprised to find it so muscular. He’d always worked out and been in shape, but she’d never felt his stomach flatter.

  “Stop! Stop now, pretty girl, or this isn’t going to end well.”

  He sounded all fierce, but his throbbing cock pressed against her side told her why he was calling an end to their wrestling. He was determined to keep his distance until he’d been tested and she appreciated his concern, but he’d said he’d always worn a condom. In her mind, that made it safe enough.

  Twisting the littlest bit, she ran her tongue over his nipple. Other than his cock, which he kept hidden under his pants, this was the one place on his body that sent his libido into overdrive.

  “Oh you little brat!” He quickly pinned her hands behind her back and physically held her down on the bed.

  Drawing air into her lungs had suddenly become difficult. His dominating behavior had wetness gathering in her pussy. She was more determined than ever to get him to make love to her. In a thought-out move, she used her legs to push away from him. Just as she had hoped, he looped one of his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him.

  Using her hips, she rocked her pussy against his cock until he moaned and pulled away from her. “Fuck me, Master. I need to feel you inside me.” She was being naughty and she didn’t care.

  “Brianna, you’re killing me.” His voice was guttural.

  She locked her feet around his thighs and pushed back against him again. “Please, Master. I could relieve that ache. Let your girl make you feel better.”

  “My pretty girl has made me the happiest man in the world already, but she seems to have forgotten who’s in charge around here. I have what we need to solve this issue. Stay right there. Do not move.” Steven slid off the bed.

  She lay perfectly still, willing her clit to calm down. There was every chance in the world that he would deny her release tonight and spontaneously combusting was becoming a definite possibility. It was wrong of her to continue to push him and yet she had no desire to stop. The more dominant he acted the hotter she became.

  Steven sat on the bed with a bundle of rope in his hand. “Sit between my legs, Brianna, and bend as far forward as you can.”

  As she followed his instructions, she wondered exactly what he had planned. Much to her disappointment he still had on his pants.

  Brianna felt his chest cover her back as he leaned toward their left ankles. Within moments he’d tied her leg to his, leaving a several-inch gap between her butt cheeks and his groin. Before she could do anything about it, he’d done the same to their right legs.

  “Sit up and put your hands together.”

  She knew what he had planned, but went along with it anyway. The tingling in her pussy from the restraints had switched her brain into autopilot mode. As the ropes were wound around her wrists, she tipped her head back against his shoulder and rubbed her cheek along his neck.

  “We haven’t discussed edging or forced orgasms. Are you agreeable to either of those types of play?” Steven’s lips caressed behind her ear and down her spine.

  Her nipples were hard and in desperate need of attention, but there was little she could do about it considering how she was tied. She gave a quick thought to his question, knowing how she answered would likely decide how the evening played out. Neither option would guarantee he’d be inside her anytime soon, but whatever he had planned would be a hell of an adventure. “Yes, Master. I’m fine with both.”

  “That’s my good girl.” He rearranged the pillows then reached inside the file cabinet and pulled out a wireless keyboard and the remote for the TV.

  What the hell does he have in mind? A few clicks and his blog popped up on the television screen. Several romantic photos of couples laughing together appeared and melted her heart.

  Captions had been added along the bottom, “I miss this, B.” “Where are you, B?” “You own my heart, don’t you know that?”

  Holy shit. It was too much to contemplate. How could he possibly have loved her this much?

  The next picture was titled “I want to take you around the world, B” and showed a naked girl bound in ropes and hanging from chains sucking a man’s cock. For the second photo in the set, she was spun around the other way and he was balls deep in her pussy. The last one showed him taking her ass. Oh my.

  She couldn’t talk about the romantic captions without crying, but this set of pictures had her mind whirling in a different direction. “So…anal is…important to you?” She could feel her pussy getting wet. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was curious. She also had serious doubts that it would fit, or if it did, that it would be even remotely arousing.

  He wrapped his arms around her chest and kissed the top of her head. “It’s not a deal breaker if that’s what you’re worried about. It had been a soft limit before. If you want to make it a hard limit, that’s okay. You have the right to say no and if that’s your answer it’ll be okay.” He pointed the remote at the TV and turned it off.

  “We can try. I worry it will be painful.” And I don’t want to disappoint you. “I’m kind of a wuss when it comes to real pain.”

  “I never want to hurt my girl. Your intense pleasure is always the ultimate goal.”

  And she’d learned that some short-term discomfort often brought about explosive orgasms. The yin and yang of it bothered her if she thought about it too much, but that didn’t change how aroused it made her. “I know, Master.” She considered his blog and the few photos she’d seen there. His pain and longing had radiated from each one. She’d been a fool to walk away from him. She should have believed in him and

been willing to work through the mess she’d made of the D/s portion of their relationship.

  Steven opened his legs wide, spreading hers in the process.

  His question about edging and forced orgasms danced in her head. Which did he have planned? Or was it both?

  As soon as his fingers traced the inside of her thighs, she was lost. His gentle touch had her sinking back against him, pliant and willing in his arms. With his left hand, he stroked the lips of her pussy as she silently begged him to assault her clit. His right hand slid up her tummy to cup her breast. She pushed into his hand, encouraging him further.

  “So greedy.” He pinched her nipple hard and gave it a series of burning tugs.

  “Oh God, yes.” She dug her fingers into the bed sheets and held on.

  “I think you’ve missed our play.” He took her aching clit between his thumb and index finger and began a tantalizing massage. Each stroke drew her closer to the edge.

  “Please, Master, I need to come. Please let me.”

  “Not just yet, you can hold off a bit.” His chuckle rumbled through his chest. Pressed together as they were, it tickled her back.

  “No, I can’t, Master.” She knew she was only a second or two away. He had to give her permission or she’d be earning a punishment for sure.

  His hands stilled on her body. An anguished cry of frustration sounded loudly in the room. “Please, Master. Don’t leave me hanging. It’s been too long.”

  Slowly, his hands began another assault. He avoided her clit, but all her nerve endings were on fire and his touch alone had the need building again quickly.

  “Since it’s been awhile, you must want to come pretty badly. I’m not sure one will be enough to take care of you. Perhaps you need…now let’s see, your favorite number used to be eight. Is it still eight, pretty girl?”

  She knew where he was headed, if she agreed, he’d force her to have eight back-to-back orgasms. While it sounded like heaven on earth, she knew by the third one she’d be begging him to stop. By the sixth, she wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. No, eight was just too many to think about.

  “Not for orgasms, Master. I don’t want to be greedy. One will do nicely.” She gave him a sultry chuckle.

  “That was three complete sentences. I must be losing my touch. How about we play a little game? For every successful edging I will reduce the number of orgasms, but if you come…the edging is over and the forced orgasms begin.”

  “I see my Master hasn’t lost his sadist side.” And she loved every inch of it.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, pretty girl. Do you agree to my terms?” His voice was low and his breath sent chills along her neck.

  “Yes, Master. Do with me as you wish.” She’d be sore as hell tomorrow, but it was worth it.

  “Good girl. We’ll start with number eight and work backward. Keep your hands on the bed and don’t move them.” He took both her breasts in his hands. With his left he was gentle, just running his finger around the areola and over the peak. His right hand was aggressive, pinching and tormenting her nipple until she was squirming.

  She desperately wanted him to touch her pussy, to fuck her with his cock until they were both sated, but he had other plans. With his legs holding hers so far apart, there was no relief to be had. “Please, Master.”

  “Please what, pretty girl?” His right hand slid down to her wet, throbbing clit and she immediately pushed and ground it against his hand.

  “I need to come.” She couldn’t hold still. Her fingers gripped the bed as she struggled.

  He wrangled both her breasts into his one hand and began to knead both nipples. “Go ahead. I will gladly give you eight.” His chuckle was heavy with satisfied male amusement. He had her just where he wanted her.

  She immediately pulled her hips away from him. How could the game slip from her mind so quickly? In just a matter of moments, he took her from a rational thinking woman to a wanton sexual being in need of release.

  “You can’t get away from me, pretty girl. Your body belongs to me.”

  “Please stop, Master. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to come. I want you just to touch me instead.” That was such a lie. She wanted desperately to come, but once, not eight times.

  He gave her clit a soft rub and pulled away. “Good girl. I’m going to untie you. Keep your legs apart. Do not put them together.”

  “Yes, Master.” Her voice sounded shaky, even to her. It would be so easy to slide her legs closed and get relief.

  After he untied her, he kissed her cheek. “Slide forward onto your hands and knees.” He left the bed and headed toward the closet.

  Every moment that he neglected her body was both a gift and a punishment. It helped her gain control and push the need to come further from her mind, but she yearned to have him pleasuring her. It was such a catch twenty-two that she was torn between laughing and crying.

  Before long, he was back. He placed his old toy bag toward the end of the bed and pulled a black scarf from inside. “Sit up, knees spread wide.”

  She immediately complied. On the interest inventory she’d completed she marked that blindfolds and bindings were something she enjoyed. Her breathing increased as he tied the material tightly, blocking her view entirely.

  “Good girl.”

  A jangling brought back a plethora of memories. Her nipples hardened automatically in preparation. Such a pleasant sound considering it belonged to a wickedly painful toy.

  “Tell me when.” He held the clamp to her nipple as he tightened the adjusting screw, drawing the rubber-tipped teeth down onto her sensitive peak.

  She waited for the pinch to turn into a sting then allowed him to take it another half turn before she said stop. It stung and she knew it was nothing compared to the pain she’d feel once he took it off and yet she was looking forward to it. After the other clamp was adjusted, he released the chain and she felt the familiar pull. God, it hurt and yet she loved it. She didn’t want to think about what that meant, she just wanted to revel in it.

  “Back on all fours, pretty girl. Hands and knees.”

  The chain must have been shortened because it swung free without touching the bed.

  “As the rounds progress, I plan to increase the intensity. Think about that as we go along. I’ve given you quite a long breather between rounds. Those will decrease as well. Remember the only way to stop the game is to safeword. No other words will stop the play. Do you understand?”

  She heard him preparing something but she had no idea what. “Yes, Master. Four-oh-four is the only way to stop the game.” But she didn’t want the play to end. She wanted him to take her to places she’d missed for so long.

  “Good girl.”

  Something wet and cold circled her anus and she immediately drew away from it. Steven’s arm wrapped around her waist and held her still.

  “You agreed to anal play, my love. Only anal sex was in the unsure column. So settle down or safeword.”

  When his voice took on that dominant note she went all soft inside. She loved him taking control and being forceful with her. Steven carefully thought out his dictates and made sure he could stick to them before he issued her a command or ultimatum. Though she tried to get him to go easy on her, in truth, his holding her feet to the fire, so to speak, highly aroused her.

  Slowly, one of his fingers slid inside her ass. It burned and felt uncomfortable. She was grateful when he held still and allowed her to adjust to his invasion. He moved his thigh next to hers, blocking her ability to slide forward and away from him before he slipped the fingers of his other hand down to her clit.

  “Your body now belongs to me, Brianna. Every inch of it.” Leisurely, he withdrew his finger then slid in deeper than before. Each time he went a little farther, until he was as deep as possible.

  The burning lessened and the feeling of fullness took its place. Suddenly, he spun his finger around. She quivered and moaned from the sensations. Unable to remain still, she began to rock b
ack and forth in an opposite rhythm. Need was building quickly though he was careful not to directly touch her clit very often.

  Each sway of the chain tugged on her nipples. Arousal was flooding her body. Her pussy was wet and throbbing. She dropped to her elbows and placed her head into her hands as her blood caught fire.

  He pulled his finger from her ass and grabbed her hair, drawing her back into position. “Don’t be a naughty girl.” He gave a vicious tug on the chain, almost sending her into an orgasm. “I want your nipples to feel the pull. In subsequent rounds, I’ll either tighten the clamps or add weights. Just imagine, by round three how the lightest of touches will feel.”

  “No, I can’t take anymore. You have to stop,” she pleaded, needing to come.

  He chuckled. “That’s not gonna cut it, pretty girl. You know the rules.” He rubbed his enormous and hard cock, still kept leashed by his pants, against her thigh.

  Feeling his erection slide along her skin was pure torture. “Please, fuck me, Master. I’ll take seven forced if you’ll fuck me.”

  “You’re not really in a position to be bargaining with me, now are you, Brianna? I’m in charge and I decide exactly what pleasure or pain to give your body.”

  Oh God. Everything he said sent her a little closer to the edge. She started to tremble as she fought to hold off the orgasm primed and ready to go. Then suddenly, his hands pulled away and she collapsed onto the bed.

  “You did well, pretty girl. Only six more to go.” As she groaned aloud, he ran his hand down her back. “Roll over and keep your legs spread wide.”

  She did as he asked and felt the cool chain slid across her ribs. He righted the links and laid his hand between her breasts, undoubtedly taking stock of her pulse. She could have told him it was beating at a fevered pitch and her breathing was barely keeping pace.

  After a moment, she felt him tighten the clamps slightly on her tender nipples. She gasped as the sensations headed straight to her clit.

  “Hold on, baby, here we go.”

  “No, it’s too soon.” She rocked her head from side to side.


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