Started From the Top Now I'm Here 2

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Started From the Top Now I'm Here 2 Page 7

by Midnite Love

  It just goes to show that no matter how ride or die a female is for her man, if he’s a dog he will eventually bark. The bottom line was it was over between her and Kenterris. She just didn’t want Sonnet having that satisfaction of that knowledge.

  Kenterris begged Cheron for one favor before she put him out that morning. He asked her to leave him alone with Sonnet knowing that she would try to hit on him. He never denied his part in the affair, nor did he place all the blame on Sonnet. But he did want Cheron to truly see her for she truly was.

  Chapter 13 – The Departure

  “Fuck both of y’all!” Sonnet screeched.

  She felt like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Every move she tried to make lately ended up in disaster. She realized that she had no one to blame but herself for the choices that she had made. With that being said she still didn’t feel one bit of remorse for the pain she caused those around her.

  Where the hell was she going to go now? She scrolled through her phone desperately searching for anyone she could call. Her family was out of the question. Plus there was no way she was going to let them see her in this desperate state. The list of men that she kept on speed dial was only good for a quick fuck for some quick cash. None of them could be considered a real friend.

  Still, she had to take her chances and see if one of them could put her and Gucci up for a few days till she figured out something else. Project make a million had failed miserably. The fact that she had to go to one of these niggas begging like a common hood rat was beyond degrading. Even still, most of them wouldn’t want a dog coming along for the ride, but there was no way she was giving up Gucci. She came as a package deal because as of now she was the only friend she had.

  The more she thought about what she lost and how desperate she had become it fueled her rage. As far as she was concerned, she was the finest of her two friends, top notch pussy is what she used to refer to herself as. Now, here she was one step away from living on the street.

  Her blood boiled as she bagged up what few clothes she had left. The heavier stuff she would have to come back for. She was beyond outdone that Cheron would put her in this position. She didn’t even have enough money for a cab, seeing as $27.00 wouldn’t take her very far. And catching the bus was out of the question.

  She sobbed and cursed as she snatched up Gucci’s food dish and tossed it in a bag along with his dog food and toys. Knowing that Kenterris and Cheron were chillin’on the other side of the bedroom door without a care in the world made her furious.

  Aside from not having a clue where she was going to live, the added stress of knowing she had lost Kenterris for good to Cheron increased her anxiety and jealousy. She was used to winning. There was no way she was going to let them make an ass of her.

  If I had a gun I would kick that fucking door in blast both of them bitches. These muthafuckas probably sitting up laughing at my ass.

  The idea of not having a roof over her head when she went to sleep tonight paralyzed her in fear. Watching her friends casually go about their merry business while she suffered consumed her with rage.

  “Imma leave this bitch, just not the way they want.”

  After storming around the house gathering up her belongings, her eyes focused on the car keys that sat on the kitchen counter.

  If this bitch think she bout’ to just put me out on the street walking she got another thing coming. I’m taking this fucking Festiva.

  Sonnet crept to Cheron’s bedroom door and listened. Much to her surprise they weren’t yelling as she expected. She could hear her and Kenterris talking and it sounded like they were in deep conversation. This was her chance to make her move.

  She quickly loaded her bags in the car and placed Gucci in the back seat. Cheron was already mad at her about fucking Kenterris so as far as she was concerned stealing her car paled in comparison.

  “Hush Gucci,” she whispered to the pooch as she started barking from inside the vehicle.

  This was it, once she left Cheron’s house her life would never be the same as she knew it. From here on out she would be struggling to stay alive much less living in luxury.

  “This is some bullshit.”

  Sonnet wept as she looked around the manicured landscape for a brick. If she had to go she might as well leave something for them to remember her by.

  Her nails dug into the dirt surrounding one of the clay blocks that trimmed the flower bed. Once she had it in hand, she went back inside the house.

  She wept silently as she looked around at what she was leaving, suddenly sleeping on the sofa didn’t seem so bad after all. How could Cheron do this to her? They were supposed to be like sisters and now here she was throwing her out on the street over a nigga.

  “Fuck you!” she screamed as she launched the brick through the 60 inch flat screen.

  “What the hell was that?” Cheron yelled as she and Kenterris stormed out of the bedroom.

  They were met by shattered glass and smoke coming from the television.

  “Imma kill that bitch!” Cheron screamed.

  “What the fuck?” Kenterris added.

  Cheron made a dash for the open front door hoping to catch Sonnet leaving, but it was too late.

  They both looked out just in time to see her slamming the door to the Festiva and peeling off.

  “I can’t believe she just stole my damn car. She done lost her mind for real!” Cheron yelled.

  “I’m going after that crazy bitch!” said Kenterris. As he scrambled to put on his shoes and look for his car keys, Cheron stopped him.

  “No, you’re not. I’m calling the police and let them deal with her. If she’s that unstable there’s no telling what else she might do.”

  “Yeah I guess you right. I’ll be done caught a case messing with that hoe,” Kenterris replied.

  Before he could take his shoes back off Cheron handed him his jacket while giving him the side eye, “It’s time for you to leave too.”

  Kenterris didn’t put up a fight. He knew that he was just as much to blame as Sonnet. As bad as he wanted this to be a romantic weekend he couldn’t escape the dirt he had done. It came back to bite him in the ass. And in the end it caused him to lose the only woman he ever truly loved.

  Chapter 14 – No Where To Run, No Where To Hide

  “Duchess, how do you like this lipstick on me,” asked Diamond.

  She was an openly gay male cross dresser and one of The Duchess oldest and dearest friends.

  He, along with three of their other tranny friends Serena, Jocelyn and Satin were headed to The Pink Kitty gentleman’s club to perform.

  “Bitch, you know I look can’t at you and the road,” The Duchess teased as she cruised down the dimly lit street.

  “Just glance at it, this is Rhi Rhi’s Ruby Woo by Mac.”

  “You look good, but you still need to let me tighten up them brows when we get to the club,” The Duchess replied as she turned the radio up a few notches.

  “Girl what you talking ‘bout? My brows are fierce,” said Diamond as she admired her reflection in her compact.

  “Bitch please, you serving up butch queen realness with them Drake caterpillars on your face,” The Duchess laughed. “Jocelyn pass that shit up here.”

  “Hold up...” Jocelyn replied as she choked down another toke off the blunt she had just rolled. “Y’all wanna hit this?” she asked Satin and Serena.

  “Nah.. I’m chilling off this dirty sprite,” Serena responded.

  “Pass that shit over here,” Satin chimed in.

  “I hope y’all bitches got y’all steps to this routine down while y’all getting fucked up. Its gon’ be some quality niggas in there tonight, so our shit needs to be on point,” Diamond scolded.

  “Quit being a party pooper,” The Duchess replied as she grabbed the blunt from Satin with one hand while maneuvering the steering wheel with the other. After taking a few pulls, she passed it to Diamond, “Here you need this to loosen up that tight ass of yours” givi
ng Diamond a flirtatious wink.

  “You outta know,” Diamond giggled.

  “Y’all some nasty hoes,” Serena chirped.

  “Bitch, shut up and pass me that drank,” said The Duchess.

  The crew laughed as they continued on their journey, singing their usual turn up song.

  “Dirty Sprite make it right! Dirty Sprite make it right!”

  Suddenly they were interrupted by Jocelyn yelling from the backseat.

  “Hey, turn that down a second!” She motioned to The Duchess tapping her on her shoulder.

  “Wassup boo?” The Duchess asked as she obliged.

  “Ain’t that the trick that owes you some money?” she asked pointing to the car that was sitting next to them at the red light.”

  “Well I’ll be dammed! It is that hoe!” The Duchess yelled.

  She rolled down the passenger window and honked her horn. Sonnet, unaware of who was blowing at her looked The Duchess dead in the face.

  “Oh shit,” she said to herself, “How the hell am I going to get out of this?”

  “Pull your ass over Sonnet and let’s settle this like some real women,” The Duchess snapped.

  That was the furthest thing from Sonnet’s mind. She turned and looked straight ahead. Her foot tapped at the at gas pedal. When the light turned green, she was mashing that shit.

  The Duchess sensed that this was her plan and followed suit. She straightened up in her seat and prepared to mow Sonnet off the road if need be.

  The light turned green, and Sonnet punched the gas full throttle. Cheron had told her to be careful because it was an older car, and it needed a tune up. But she had to put the pedal to the metal if she was going to outrun The Duchess

  “Hold on to your lacefronts, bitches I’m about to put the Louboutin to the metal on this hoe!” The Duchess slammed on the gas in full pursuit of Sonnet.

  “Fuck!” Sonnet wailed as she raced through the yellow light at the next intersection. She couldn’t believe that The Duchess crazy ass was actually chasing her down over her money.

  As she swerved in and out of traffic she noticed that the oil light popped on. And not only that, it seemed like she was slowing down despite her foot being mashed to the ground, she was now seeing smoke trickle up from the edges of the hood.

  “Get that bitch Duchess!” Jocelyn yelled from her lowered window.

  “Jocelyn, chill out! Duchess, what the hell are you doing?” Diamond screamed frantically. “Are you trying to get us killed?”

  “I’m just trying to get my loot!” The Duchess exclaimed. “These trifling ass birds need to know The Duchess don’t play when it comes to her money!” she yelled as she swerved her vehicle to bump into the side of the Festiva. “You got away once bitch! Not this time!”

  “Oh, Shit!” Sonnet screamed as the vehicle jerked from the impact. The Duchess had turned into a damn mad man. She had to get away from her no matter what the cost. Her mind raced feverishly trying to devise an escape plan.

  Imma bend a corner and lose her ass. That shit works in the movies. “Hang on Gucci!” Sonnet’s knuckles were practically white she gripped the steering wheel so hard. Beads of sweat started to form on her forehead as she peered through her rearview mirror. For a split second luck was on her side and she managed to gain a little speed on The Duchess when she got stuck at a red light. This was her chance. She looked up in the rearview mirror to see that she was now only a few cars behind. She was gaining on her fast. This shit had to work.

  “Duchess, Please! You gon’ make us late for the show!” Diamond exclaimed.

  The Duchess never responded, instead she remained focused. She had a lock on Sonnet like a heat seeking missile, and she wasn’t stopping till she had her in her grip.

  “Get that bitch, she’s turning!” Serena yelled.

  Sonnet turned the corner on two wheels, totally ignoring the loud clacking noise that came from the engine. No sooner than she straightened out the wheel the car started shaking and finally going dead.

  “Noooo!” Sonnet pressed on the dead gas pedal. The engine sputtered in her attempt to restart the vehicle. Thick black smoke had now started to make its way inside the car.

  “Hot Damn!” The Duchess beamed with delight at the sight that was before her. Sonnet’s junk heap had broken down, and she had her right where she wanted her.

  She popped open the glove box and pulled out a straight razor.

  Diamond’s eyes grew large as she attempted to catch her breath. “What the hell you gon’ do with that? I didn’t sign up for all this shit.”

  “Bitch un-tape your balls and man up. I’m just ‘bout to scare her ass.”

  “Come on Duchess, I’m down with you,” Satin announced as she pulled a pair of rhinestone brass knuckles from her knockoff Birkin bag. “Knuckle up divas!”

  In Sonnet’s attempt to restart the car she, didn’t notice that The Duchess had not only caught up to her, but she was also parked and standing outside the vehicle with a sinister grin. She flashed the blade in her left hand, her brood of tranny friends now making their exit, as well.

  Terror struck Sonnet as she realized that she was trapped. She had no choice but to take off on foot if she had a chance at survival. She popped the lock and pushed on the door, but it would not budge. It was badly dented from the hit it had taken. She quickly climbed over to the passenger side and tore out of the door, leaving it hanging open for her pooch.

  “Run Gucci!” She yelled as she took off down the abandoned side street only to realize that it was actually a winding alleyway for the back of the store fronts on the street side. Where the hell is everyone at? There was no one around to help her in her dilemma.

  Upon seeing Sonnet take off on foot, The Duchess gave orders to her girls to catch her, “Get her girls!”

  Sonnet bolted down the weather worn pavement.

  The Duchess folded her blade and gave chase, passing all of her girls.

  Sonnet’s heart raced and her lungs burned as she gasped for air. She could feel The Duchess closing in on her. She was able to make it around another deserted corner and down the block before she was caught.

  “Got yo’ass!” The Duchess yelled as she walked Sonnet down, diving on her back as she knocked her to the ground.

  “It’s over for you now bitch!” Jocelyn panted as she caught up to them. The others were close behind.

  The Duchess yanked Sonnet to her feet.

  “Lemme go you sick bastard!” Sonnet shrilled in protest.

  She tried to squirm her way free but it was useless. The Duchess had her in a Vulcan grip by the back of her neck. Her manly strength prevailed as she damn near lifted Sonnet from the ground.

  “You done made me chip my damn nail, you got to pay twice!” The Duchess fumed.

  Sonnet flailed her arms, wildly but all she could manage to connect with was air. Her mind raced to think of something quick, or she was surely in store for a beat down.

  This muthafucka still a man, Sonnet thought as she balled up her fist and swung down and back as hard as she could, trying to connect to The Duchess’ nut sack.

  This infuriated The Duchess, “Bitch you tried it! You tried to take a low blow! Didn’t you know a bitch like me got her shit tucked?” she snapped before pushing Sonnet back to the ground and placing a size 14 stiletto on the back of her neck.

  “Ooohh no she didn’t girl!” Jocelyn and Diamond said in unison.

  Satin walked over to Sonnet and kneeled down. “You done fucked over the wrong bitch,” she jeered as she grabbed Sonnet by her face.

  “Come on y’all, just let her ass go!” Diamond whined in an attempt to get her friends back to the car.

  “Hell naw!” The Duchess retorted. I try to avoid violence at all cost. And y’all know I ain’t messy. But if I let her ass go every bitch in LA will think they can just stiff me on my loot. I’m bout’ to make an example outta yo’ ass!”

  “You want us to fuck her up?” Satin asked punching her palm with the br
ass knuckles.

  “Nah... I can handle her. Get up on yo’ damn knees!” The Duchess demanded.

  Sonnet flinched as The Duchess yanked her to her knees by her 24 inch Malaysian. She held her breath as she fought back the tears.

  “You got my money?”

  “I don’t have any money! Let me go!” she sobbed.

  “Then imma’ have to repo these tracks.” The Duchess replied as she held Sonnet by her hair with one hand and flipped open her blade with the other.

  “No!” Sonnet screamed and reached for her head only to have her hands pulled away by Jocelyn and Satin.

  “One of y’all shut this hoe up,” The Duchess ordered.

  Seeing as Diamond was beyond to ready to wrap this shit up and get back to the current plan, she felt it was her duty to oblige.

  “I was gone be a DDD tonight, but I guess I’ll have to settle for a C cup,” she announced as she pulled a chicken cutlet bra insert from her bag and crammed it in Sonnet’s mouth.

  The Duchess cut Sonnet’s weave completely off, leaving her with only a head full of corn rows and tracks.

  “Now run tell that! Like you ran yo’ ass outta’ my damn shop! And pass the word on to any of your other trifling ass friends, if they fuck over The Duchess there will be repercussions. I’m letting yo’ ass off with a warning this time, but if I see your sorry ass anywhere near my shop the blade will be used on that pretty little face of yours the next time. Let’s go Divas!”

  Chapter 15 – Where Ya’ Real Friends At?

  After the police left Cheron slammed the door and slumped into a side chair and bawled her eyes out. It was all she could do to hold her composure till they left.

  Her emotions teetered between humiliation, disgust, anxiety and heartbreak. The man she loved had slept with her best friend. Or should she say ex best friend.


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