Started From the Top Now I'm Here 2

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Started From the Top Now I'm Here 2 Page 9

by Midnite Love

  Whatever old lady, cut the chit chat and just find me a place to stay, Sonnet thought.

  “You might be right.... hey would it be possible if I slept here tonight?” Sonnet asked as she looked across at another empty office.

  Sensing that Sonnet was trying to change the subject Sista Bessie was empathetic to her plight and offered to take her in for a few days.

  “You can’t sleep in here baby. That’s not allowed. I don’t know anything about you, but what you tell me. And if what you say is true it seems like you in a pretty bad situation.

  I hate to see young ladies such as yourself out on the street. I have nice big house, you can stay there.”

  “Thank you so much!” Sonnet squealed. This was a huge weight off of her shoulders.

  “Now hold on before you get too excited. It’s only for a few days, as a trial basis. I have four other young ladies staying with me that are members of the church. They done fell on hard times such as yourself. But I try to give them somewhere safe to stay till they can get on their feet.”

  Sonnet listened intently as Sista Bessie laid out the rules.

  “Ain’t no overnight company, no drinking and no drugs. And everybody pulls their weight and helps out with the chores and cooking, understood?” She announced, giving Sonnet an intense stare to let her know that she meant business.

  “Yes I understand,” Sonnet replied.

  “Good, it’s almost eight o’clock. I need to be getting home. Let’s get out of here.”

  Once they reached the house Sista Bessie informed Sonnet that Gucci would be sleeping on the enclosed porch. She was less than thrilled, to say the least, but she didn’t have a choice in the matter.

  After they were inside, Sonnet met the other women. Two black girls, Zena, and Myisha, who both appeared to be around 27 or 28 years of age, a Latina hairdresser named Guadalupe, who appeared to be in her early forties, and a white lady named Carla, who looked like she hadn’t eaten a decent meal in months. Judging by her appearance, she was either a recovering addict, had an eating disorder or both. She looked like she was almost 50, but it could have been just hard living and she was much younger.

  “Please to meet you Sonnet,” said Carla and the others as they shook her hand and offered friendly smiles.

  “Nice to meet y’all,” said Sonnet.

  She was surprised that no one paid attention to the crazy mess on her head. They actually were preoccupied with stepping out on the porch to play with Gucci.

  Once the introductions were complete, Sonnet got a tour of the spacious Cape Cod home. There were 5 bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, and an inviting family room with a wood burning fire place. The dining room and living room boasted rich mahogany wood floors, and crown moldings dressed the edges of the ten foot tray ceilings. The house felt like a home, from the spiritual inspired paintings on the walls to the seemingly endless supply of throw rugs and knick knacks. It reminded Sonnet of when she used to visit her Granny’s house as a child.

  “You need to get out of those damp clothes,” Sista Bessie announced. “Here, put these on. You can take a shower in there if you like,” pointing to one of the bathrooms.

  She handed Sonnet a stack of fresh clothing, a towel and wash cloth.

  “Thank you,” Sonnet replied.

  As much she as hated the idea of putting on clothes that most likely belonged to one of the other women, she didn’t decline. A hot shower and a warm meal in her belly were going to feel glorious tonight.

  “You welcome, Carla, you and Myisha fix up the family room for Sonnet. Put some clean sheets on that pull out sofa. Lupe did you take that chicken out?” Sista Bessie asked.

  “Yes ma’am,” Lupe replied.

  “Good, cause we gon’ have it with those left overs. We having a late dinner, so you and Zena come in here and help me get it started. Lawd knows I don’t need it with my high cholesterol, but I’m frying that bird tonight,” she laughed.

  When Sonnet got out of the shower, she couldn’t make her way to the dining room fast enough. The aroma of the food made her stomach grumble louder each time she inhaled. It was safe to say she was pretty much starving. She headed to the kitchen to see if she could do anything to speed things along.

  “You need me to do anything?” Sonnet asked Sista Bessie.

  “Nah... child we got it under control. You can take these here leftovers out there to that little dog of yours,” she responded, motioning her hand towards a tin pie plate with what appeared to be some chopped up roast beef. And a plastic butter bowl filled with water.

  The dog bounced up and down as Sonnet opened the door. When the food was presented to her, she scarfed it down so fast she almost choked.

  Sonnet spoke to the dog. “Aww baby, I knew you were hungry, so is your momma.”

  Once the group sat down to eat the other ladies watched in astonishment as Sonnet immediately helped herself to a heaping serving of chicken, golden brown and fried to perfection, collard greens, corn and potato salad. She was just about to cram a biscuit in her mouth when Sista Bessie stopped her.

  “Slow down child, we say grace in this house before we eat” she scolded.


  After saying her grace, Sonnet scarfed down her food in a matter of minutes and went for seconds. She only slowed down once she noticed the glances from the other ladies.

  One by one each of them went around the table sharing bits of themselves with her.

  Just as she figured Carla was a divorcee and an ex crack addict.

  Lupe had lost everything in a house fire and was trying to rebuild her life.

  Myisha was a student at the community college, trying to earn a degree in medical billing. She had gotten out of an abusive relationship with her daughter’s father.

  Zena had just transitioned from a halfway house. She served two years in prison for uttering and publishing.

  “What about you Sonnet?” Myisha asked.

  Damn they got some messed up situations going on, Sonnet thought as she prepared to share her story.

  “Well there isn’t really much to tell. I had it all and lost everything. Everybody was hating on me and wanted me to lose, but it’s only gon’ be a matter of time before I’m back on top. My situation isn’t quite as bad as yawl’s, I just need a lucky break, and I’ll be back in business.”

  Myisha and Zena looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

  “That’s all any of us need,” Zena grumbled. This heffa right here had an air about herself where she thought she was better than everyone else. And quite frankly it rubbed her the wrong way.

  “No, y’all don’t get it. I wasn’t like y’all, I was REALLY on top. But you know what they say about crabs in a barrel? People just can’t stand to see a sista doing good and family is the worst.”

  Sista Bessie smiled and shook her head at Sonnet’s comments. The way she tried to separate herself from the other women by trying to downplay her situation spoke volumes about her personality.

  “What you mean you wasn’t like us? You think you better than us ‘cause you CLAIM to have more than we did?” Zena snapped.

  “It’s ok Zena” Sista Bessie replied, giving her a warning glance not to set it off with Sonnet. She realized her smugness was an insult to the other ladies, but she would handle Sonnet herself.

  Bitch, don’t come for me, Sonnet thought. I know this jailbird ain’t tryin’ to read to me.

  “It’s not ok, Miss Bessie. She trying roll up in here thinking she’s all that. She ain’t no better than the rest of us,” Zena replied.

  “Well one thing is for sure, I have never been to jail, so I think it’s safe to say it does make me better,” Sonnet smirked.

  Myisha dropped her fork and looked at the other ladies, “no she didn’t.”

  Before Zena could respond, Sista Bessie convinced her to excuse herself and cool off before she did something she might regret seeing as she just got off of probation.

  “I see you have a lot to
learn about how to treat people. That puffed up attitude won’t get you anywhere,” Sista Bessie reprimanded. “You had no right to bring up that child’s past. The bible says get the board out of your eye before you worry about the speck in somebody else’s.”

  The other women continued to eat in silence as she offered Sonnet words of wisdom. They knew better than to interrupt. Even though Sista Bessie was an older woman she could hold her own with the best of them. Little to Sonnet’s knowledge she was actually holding back because she had just gotten there.

  Sonnet sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. The last thing she needed after all the shit she had been through was somebody else preaching to her like Aintee Maven. However, seeing as she didn’t have a back-up plan at the moment she had to play along till she could do better.

  Oh Lord, here we go with the sermon. She might have them running around at her every beckon call, but I ain’t the one. What the hell she tryin’ to do run a convent? They ain’t got but one time to jump sideways with me and I’m checking them with the quickness, Sista Bessie included. Her ass ain’t too old to get cussed out.

  “Look I’m sorry y’all. I didn’t mean to try and come off like I was better than anybody. If we done here I’m about to retire for the night, I had an exhausting day.”

  “Actually we all help out with cleaning up the kitchen after we eat,” Myisha responded, giving Sonnet the side eye.

  “That’s alright, let her go. She had a rough day. We’ll pick up this conversation tomorrow,” Sista Bessie added. “Good night Sonnet.”

  “Nite y’all,” Sonnet replied before she headed to her room.

  When Sonnet finally got to the room she locked the door just in case one of the women wanted to start some mess in the middle of the night. No sooner than her head hit the pillow, she fell into a deep sleep. This had been one hell of a day.

  She was awakened in the morning by the smell of fresh ground coffee, biscuits and country ham. Once breakfast was over, she took Gucci for a walk around the block then came back to see if she could do something with her hair. She still hadn’t wrapped her brain around the fact that The Duchess actually compensated her weave. Where they do that at?

  “Girl, what’s going on with your hair, you look like a plucked chicken,” Lupe teased as she noticed Sonnet in the bathroom mirror.

  “Huh? Oh... I was in the middle of taking down my weave, but I didn’t get a chance to take the braids down.”

  “So you cut the hair off the tracks? I never heard of it being done that way before. Looks more like someone tried to scalp you.”

  Sonnet let out a sigh. I wish this heffa would get some business and stay out of mine.

  “Can I help you with something?” Sonnet asked with an annoyed tone.

  “Actually, I was just seeing if you needed some help. Since I do hair, I wouldn’t mind giving you a free do.”

  I wonder what her ass is up to. I ain’t about to let this chick up in my head.

  “What you know about styling black folks hair?” Sonnet chuckled.

  “I know enough to keep everybody’s hair laid up in here. Who do you think gave Sista Bessie that fierce cut she got?”

  There was no denying the fact that Sista Bessie’s hair did look good. Maybe she did know a thing or two. What the hell may as well get a free do while she had the chance.

  “Oh, really... ok hook me up.”

  Hook up Sonnet is exactly what Lupe did. She not only cut the tracks from off the cornrows, she took them down and gave her a shampoo, deep condition, trimmed her ends. She then gave her a flat iron job that left her hair swinging in the wind and shining like new money.

  “Dang girl you really do know your stuff,” Sonnet grinned as she admired her flowing locks. All the years of wearing a sew in had paid off. She was left with a head full of thick, healthy hair that swung almost to her bra strap. She hadn’t had her own hair straightened in so long that she had no idea it had grown so much.

  “I really appreciate this. I wish I had something to give you.”

  “No problem, you can pay me back by suggesting me to your family and friends.”

  “Will do!”

  Pretty soon Carla, Myisha and Sista Bessie popped their heads in the door to see the finished style. They all agreed, Sonnet was a beautiful girl.

  “Oooh wee! Look at you! Child you just as pretty as a flower,” said Sista Bessie, spinning her around.

  Sonnet radiated from all the attention she was receiving. This new hair style made her feel like her old self again. The only thing she needed to do now was to find something else besides the frumpy hand me downs she was forced to wear.

  Once the other ladies left Sista Bessie came in Sonnet’s room and handed her $40.00. “Here you go baby. I know it ain’t much, but I wanted you to have a little change in your pocket so you can get some toiletries and what not.”

  “Thank you! I really appreciate this.”

  “No problem, I gotta run some errands. You want me to drop you off at Walmart?”

  “Yes, that will work out just fine.”

  “Ok, and later on this evening we will work on getting you on the schedule with the other ladies as far as chores and cooking. After that, we can see what kind of skills you have so you can start looking for work.”

  Damn she sure knows how to burst a bitch’s bubble. Ain’t nobody got time to be thinking about chores and work. I’m trying to come up on a level they can’t even comprehend on.

  After Sista Bessie left the room, Zena appeared in the doorway. Sonnet hadn’t seen her since the incident yesterday and quite frankly if she never saw her again in life it would still be too soon.

  Sonnet sighed, “what is it Zena?”

  “Watch yo’ back,” she announced with a vexing stare.

  “Is that a threat?” Sonnet asked, raising her brows.

  “Take it however you want, but just know that I’m on to yo’ ass. You might have the others fooled, but I know you ain’t shit. And if you even think about disrespecting me again I won’t hesitate fucking you up on the spot. You can take that to the grave with you.”

  She walked away without giving Sonnet a chance to respond. It wasn’t debatable, it was a fact.

  Sonnet was about to yell out to her when Sista Bessie instructed her that it was time to leave.

  During the entire ride, all Sista Bessie could talk about was Sonnet getting saved and turning her life around. This annoyed her to no end. She was already livid at the sheer audacity Zena’s skank ass had for stepping to her.

  I see Imma have to sleep with something under my pillow tonight for that hoe. I mean damn, all I did was get a hair do, and it drove her ass crazy. I’m broke and still got bitches hating on me.

  When Sonnet finally escaped the car, she pretended to head into Walmart.

  Once she was sure Sista Bessie had driven away she headed into the Forever 21 that she spotted a few doors down.

  She hated shopping at such a low end store, but times were tight and she needed some new clothes to go with her new do. After trying on a few outfits, she settled on a skin tight leopard mini dress that hugged every curve. By the time she paired it with the six inch platforms she found on clearance, the dress barely grazed the bottom of her ass cheeks.

  “Damn, I done got my life with this dress! When you a bad bitch it don’t matter how much the shit cost,” Sonnet said to herself as she checked herself out in the dressing room mirror. She was so excited about her new look that she decided to pay for everything and wear it out the door.

  While she waited for Sista Bessie to pick her up she decided to casually stroll up and down the block.

  No sooner than she stepped out of the door she was met by cat-calls and blowing horns.

  “Just as I thought I still got these niggas mesmerized.”

  When she was satisfied with the reactions she had gotten, she walked back down to Walmart and waited for Sista Bessie.

  Once Sista Bessie pulled up she cruised right past Sonnet.
r />   “Lawd look at this child right here. She knows she needs to put some clothes on.” she said as she looked through her rearview mirror.

  Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was Sonnet. She had actually begun flagging her down to get her attention. When Sista Bessie circled back around she was in disbelief. She pulled up to a screeching halt and rolled the window down.

  “Hurry up and get your tail in this car!”

  “You like my new look?” Sonnet asked as she hopped in.

  “Child, where are you going dressed like that? And what happened to your other clothes?” Sista Bessie replied with a look of displeasure.

  “They are in the bag. I decided to wear my new dress out the store. Man you should have seen how these niggas jaws dropped when I walked out. I thought I was going to need a body-guard,” Sonnet giggled. She wiggled in her seat and pulled the tight fabric down around her thighs.

  “I see why... you look like a darn streetwalker! We gotta get you home and into some decent clothes,”

  Sista Bessie protested.

  “Uhmm, last I checked my momma was dead. I know you mean well, but you can’t tell me how to dress. And who you calling a street walker?”

  Sonnet was pissed. This old bat betta’ watch who she talking to.

  “I’m sorry baby. I shouldn’t have said that. But you caught me off guard. What possessed you to dress like that? I hope that’s not what you spent the money I gave you on. That was supposed to cover some of your personal needs.”

  “This was a personal need. I’ve been looking like a dust mop lately. When Lupe did my hair I got to thinking that I needed a new outfit to complete my look and feel good about myself, so I bought this dress.”

  “I can understand that baby. I know a woman has to do what she needs to do to make herself feel good. But at the same token you want to be aware of the image you are presenting to the world. I’m just trying to talk some sense into you young girls. Learn to have some pride about yourself.


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