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Thrall Page 5

by E. William Brown

  She frowned. “How dangerous is that?”

  “Oh, it isn’t going to kill them or anything. It’s just that the amulet isn’t smart enough to pick back up where it left off, so they could end up with a distorted transformation that doesn’t work right. I don’t think anyone wants to get stuck with an extra pair of cat ears, or a nose so keen she can’t stand to get near the kitchen.”

  “I see. That’s not so bad, then. Does it also give them Tina’s, ah, proportions?”

  “No, it just gives them some extra physical fitness. I figured anyone who wants to go catgirl can use the other amulets first, to get the cosmetic changes right. Oh, but that’s an important safety issue. I designed these enchantments to work on human women, and they aren’t necessarily safe for anyone else. The wolfen should be fine, but no elves or catgirls. Or you, for that matter. Not that I can see why you’d want to change anything about yourself, since you’re already perfect.”

  She playfully swatted my arm. “Oh, you! Don’t start with the flattery when I’m supposed to be keeping my hands off of you. Shouldn’t you be heading down to the grove soon?”

  “I know, I know. I’m just going to go change first. What do you wear to a revel, anyway?”

  “Something that’s easy to take off?”

  “No doubt.”

  I turned to go, but she suddenly pulled me back and kissed me.

  “Thank you for the gifts, Daniel. I’ll put them to good use.”

  I headed back to my room with a smile.

  What do you wear to a nature spirit sex party? I pondered that question for a few minutes as I looked over my wardrobe. Avilla had been adding new outfits when I wasn’t looking, and I found that I now had quite a selection. Comfortable lounging robes. Practical work clothes. Fancy formal outfits. There was something appropriate for any normal social function.


  Mythology paints nymphs as simple nature spirits, spending all their time dancing naked in woodland groves and leading satyrs on giggling chases through the wilderness. But for all that they seemed to spend half their time naked, the women in Pelagia’s grove tried to be more sophisticated than that. When they did bother with clothes they favored surprisingly elaborate gowns, and Pelagia was always bragging about how refined they were supposed to be. Her ‘girls’ were immortal nymphs and their nearly ageless companions, and in a thousand years even the most flighty of creatures could learn a thing or two.

  In the end I decided to dress for a formal ball. That meant a shirt and pants instead of the robes mages usually favored, and a tailored jacket to go over it. The tails on the jacket took some getting used to, and I had to get a maid to help arrange the braid properly. But at least Varmland didn’t seem to have ties.

  I knew I’d made the right choice when I reached the entrance to the dryad complex, and found a nymph wearing what had to be a formal dress waiting for me. With a skirt that almost reached her knees and a neckline that barely showed a hint of cleavage, it was the most conservative thing I’d ever seen a nymph wear.

  She was still stunning, of course. The thin silk clung to an hourglass figure that would put any centerfold model back home to shame, and her long mane of curly chestnut hair was done up in a complicated arrangement that framed her face and left her delicate neck bare. She even wore earrings, dangly twists of gold set with big green gemstones that matched her eyes.

  She favored me with a brilliant smile. “I bid you welcome to an evening of celebration, my lord. May I escort you to the festival?”

  I struggled to remember her name, but luckily it came to me.

  “Certainly, Xenia. I take it Pelagia has big plans for the evening?”

  I offered her my arm, and she took it without making any attempt to get closer.

  “Of course, my lord. We haven’t had such cause to celebrate since before the Grove of Bloody Thorns was properly formed. All our best entertainers are going to be part of the show.”

  The door I’d come through opened onto the bottom floor of one of the agricultural areas, between the habitats I’d built for Pelagia’s Grove of Bloody Thorns and Corinna’s Fangs of the Forest. I hadn’t been here in weeks, and I found that the dryads had turned it into a garden at some point. The overhead lights were turned off, but there was a grassy path lit by floating balls of green and blue faerie fire. On either side of the path were patches of flowers between tall bushes, all of which had colorful blossoms of their own. It almost looked natural, except that I knew there had been nothing here but bare dirt when I built the place.

  “Very nice,” I said. “But doesn’t this make things difficult for the farmers?”

  “They use the other doors,” she replied. “This one is closest to your palace, so Pelagia and Corinna decided to make it look nice. Now please, my lord, no more talk about practical things. Tonight is a time for relaxation and enjoyment, not work.”

  “Alright. What would you like to talk about?”

  The path crossed a little stone bridge in the deceptively deep stream Elin and I had carved out between the two groves, and I saw that someone had made a few additions to the structure. A mass of vines grew up around the posts at either end of the bridge, and twined together atop them to form miniature tree shapes adorned with tiny balls of faerie fire.

  We crossed the bridge, and started down the path to Pelagia’s grove.

  “Well, Nomiki wanted me to thank you for convincing Lady Elin that our offers of massage services aren’t just a plot to seduce her.”

  “You’re welcome. I think you had a good idea there. That girl seriously needs to learn how to relax. Although I doubt Nomiki would pass up a chance if it came up. I’ve seen how she looks at Elin behind her back.”

  Xenia giggled. “Well, of course not. Lady Elin is quite beautiful, and she helped you build our new home. We’re going to seduce her quite thoroughly one day. But it’s clear that she isn’t ready for that yet, so for now we’re simply working to get her comfortable with us. Thankfully your other ladies are more open about such things.”


  “Oh, yes. Avilla asked for a demonstration a few days ago, and she was a lot of fun. I think she’s working out a plan to have us ambush Cerise and pamper her into a pliable puddle of bliss. And Tina is just a joy! She came wandering down here wanting to meet everyone, and spent the better part of a day just visiting. There’s not an ounce of human hesitation in that one.”

  “No, she’s pretty enthusiastic. She told me once that if she’s going to be one of us sinful heathens, she wants to try out all the sins and figure out which ones she likes. I can’t imagine her reaction to some of the things you girls do, though.”

  “She was fascinated by the restraints and costumes,” Xenia confided. “I put on a little show with Hela, just some light bondage and paddling, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of us. It was adorable.”

  We came to the end of the path. It opened out into a grassy clearing, surrounded by the tall trees of the grove. A crowd of beautiful women filled the space, all of them dressed for a party. Lean, athletic dryads in miniskirts and halter tops, their weapons put away for the evening. Taller, more mature hamadryads mingling with the outrageously curvy nymphs, all dressed in formal gowns like Xenia’s. The naga I’d seen once before, who was draped in so many gold necklaces, bracelets, earrings and waist chains that they almost hid the fact that she was naked.

  Pelagia emerged from the crowd, and enveloped me in a warm hug. “Welcome, Daniel! I’m so glad you could make it. Ladies,” she said, turning and raising her voice. “Our guest of honor has arrived.”

  The murmur of conversation died instantly, and the whole crowd turned to face me. Then they all curtsied in unison, and smiled at me.

  “Welcome, my lord.”

  Pelagia claimed my free arm, and smothered it between her soft breasts as she went up on tiptoe to murmur in my ear. “Every one of my girls is eager to serve you in any way you desire.”

  I couldn’t help it. I was hard as
a rock already.

  “But first, let us show off our less predictable talents,” she went on, louder. “Come, we’ve prepared a place of honor for you. Have a seat, and sample our wine while you enjoy the show. Xenia will ensure your comfort.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Xenia led me to a large cushion surrounded by soft grass, where a pair of dryads waited with wine and a bowl of fruit. They settled me on the cushion, with a dryad curled up on either side of me. Xenia settled herself behind me, and they pushed me back to recline with my head on her mountainous breasts.

  “Wine, milord?” One of the dryads asked.

  “Or food?” The other said.

  “Both,” I replied. “But go easy on the wine. I wouldn’t want to overdo it, and miss something. ”

  “Of course, milord,” said the dryad with the fruit bowl. “Just relax, and let us take care of you.”

  I started to say something else, and she popped a grape in my mouth. Then wine girl leaned in to hold a goblet to my lips, incidentally pressing her perky little breasts into my shoulder.

  Well, guess I wasn’t going to need my hands here. I let them settle around the dryads’ waists, and they practically purred at the contact. Fruit girl fed me an orange wedge.

  Around us the rest of the crowd was taking seats on the grass, facing a low wooden stage. Pelagia took to the stage as the crowd settled, and looked out over the group with a brilliant smile.

  “My dear friends and beloved sisters, we are gathered here this evening to celebrate a momentous occasion. For the first time since the fall of Olympus, our grove stands on hallowed ground!”

  There was a burst of applause, and several cheers. Pelagia waited for the noise to die down before she continued.

  “For ages we nymphs were playthings of the gods. They lent us a faint reflection of their power, feeding our cravings for protection and support. But they had little care for their toys, and we often suffered under their rule.

  “Then came the fall, and for long centuries we were left to fend for ourselves. Hunted by men and gods alike for our beauty and compliant nature, with nothing to defend us but our wits. Each of us has known the bonds of slavery at least once, and for many of us the only escape was the mortality of our captors.

  “We survived as best we could, and over the centuries of our exile we learned to work together and hide ourselves. Our dryads mastered the warrior arts, becoming fierce protectors as well as beloved companions. We turned our grove into a hidden refuge, and took in a few kindred spirits who had magic of their own to contribute to our defense. But our safety has always been precarious, dependent on walls of misdirection woven from the dying echoes of the magic we once held.

  “When Fimbulwinter fell, I feared it was the end of us.”

  She bowed her head, and was silent for a long moment.

  “But now, our long exile is at an end,” she went on. “For we have a new patron. Not some arrogant, uncaring god who will ignore and abuse us, nor yet some feeble wizard fumbling to bind us with scraps of power no stronger than our own. No, our new lord is a man of rare wisdom, steeped in hidden lore and wielding the power of a demigod. A man who greets us as comrades instead of pleasure slaves, and shares the fruits of his mysteries with any who pledge their loyalty. A man who is already as ageless as we are, and with our aid may one day become more than a man.”

  She raised her arms in a triumphant gesture. “And see what he has wrought! Our refuge now stands within the mightiest fortress in Europe, surrounded by walls that could withstand even the Thunderer’s mighty hammer. Hard men and subtle elves stand ready to defend us while we turn our magic back to its true purpose, nurturing our hidden fastness of verdant life. In this sorcerous realm the very sun and rain come and go at our command, thanks to the implements our lord has gifted us.”

  She knelt, and placed one hand flat on the stage. “Then we have the final miracle. Our new lord’s limitless magic floods the land and waters of our grove, filling us all with a warm glow of protective strength. Even our old masters never offered us such power, and this time there is no hidden corruption or terrible price to be paid. We nymphs will soon be restored to the station we once held, as demigoddesses of nature’s bounty. Only this time we have the will and the wisdom to use our power for more than idle games. Our dryads are fast blossoming into huntresses of fell power, fit to contend with even the strongest of monsters. Muriel and her sisters have already turned their pool into a little faerie realm, and in a week we’ll be ready to do the same with the entire grove. Even dear Renshitrinashlit has benefited, through the bonds of sisterhood we all share with her.”

  Pelagia stood, and I saw that there were tears in her eyes now. “My sisters, our time of troubles is finally over. Tonight we celebrate the birth of a new era for the Grove of Bloody Thorns. We celebrate safety and healing, the end of tears and the beginning of new joy. We celebrate the end of our lonely struggle for survival, and the companionship of strong allies who stand ready to protect us. But most of all, we celebrate the indulgent embrace of our new lord, who assures me that any nymph who seeks a personal bond with him shall be well and truly conquered before morning!”

  There was a round of laughter and catcalls at that.

  “Just remember to wait your turn!” Pelagia went on. “Especially all you performers. No trying to sneak in a quickie before your show. Now, let’s demonstrate for our new lord what the Thorns can do!”

  A band started up, laying down a smoky beat with drums and some kind of wind instrument. A tall nymph with long black hair swayed onto the stage as Pelagia stepped down, dancing sinuously to the beat. Three dryads followed her up, and worked their way into a circle around her. Then the nymph opened her mouth, and began to sing with the most beautiful voice I’d ever heard.

  I leaned back into Xenia’s breasts, and let the dryad with the goblet feed me another sip of wine. This promised to be an interesting evening.

  Chapter 4

  I woke the next morning in a pile of naked nymphs. I was on my back, with Pelagia nestled in against my right side and Xenia on my left. A slender dryad whose name I didn’t even know was wrapped around one leg with her head resting on my belly, and another nymph was draped over my remaining leg. All of them had relaxed their control over their allure, but at some point during the previous evening their magical lust auras had softened into a haze of purring contentment.

  It was really tempting to just go back to sleep for a few hours. I could spare the time, couldn’t I? Sleep in, then let the dryads serve a late breakfast in bed and fool around some more. Maybe head down to the pool for a bath, and go another round with the naiads. I could try out Xenia’s massage skills myself, or maybe let Pelagia show off her bondage dungeon. She’d been dropping hints about that while we watched the dryads put on their wrestling exhibition, all naked and oiled up in the ancient Greek tradition.

  But I had a sudden craving for Avilla’s cooking, and I knew better than to think that was an accident. The real world was calling. Reluctantly, I worked my way out of the pile of bodies.

  Pelagia’s eyes opened, and she blinked up at me sleepily. “Leaving so soon?”

  “Duty calls,” I said.

  She sighed, and gave me a longing look. I pulled her into a kiss, exploring her mouth with unhurried thoroughness. Apparently nymphs don’t get morning breath, and neither do I thanks to my magic.

  “I’ll be back,” I promised her. My hand glided over her smooth skin, and gave her breast a friendly squeeze. “There’s no way I’m going to let this be a one-time thing.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad to hear it. I won’t keep you from your labors, then. Keep us safe, Daniel.”

  I climbed over her to get out of bed, and she ended up face down in the spot where I’d slept. A moment later she was asleep again.

  That did leave me with a puzzle, since the room I found myself in didn’t seem to have any exits. It was a round space made entirely of living wood, with a huge bed that
sprouted from one of the walls. There were pillows strewn across the floor, and several more sleeping dryads curled up among them. But no doors, or even windows.

  I vaguely remembered being pulled into a tree at some point during the evening. I hadn’t been paying much attention at the time, what with the naked nymphs being all over me. But I was pretty sure this must be a dryad’s bower.

  I studied the magic in the walls for a moment, and then made a slow turn of the room to inspect its sleeping inhabitants. Three more dryads lay in a tangle among the pillows on the floor, along with a hamadryad and yet another nymph. Ah, and there was the connection I was looking for.

  There wasn’t much room to move around, so I had to lift off and float over to the dryad on the bed. I bent and kissed her cheek.

  “Mwah?” She murmured.

  I ran my hand through her dark hair. “Hey, sleepyhead. Time to let me out.”

  “Don’ wanna,” she protested. She curled one arm around my waist, and tried to pull me down onto the bed.

  I swatted her firm little butt. She squeaked, and shot upright. “Eep!”

  A chorus of murmured protests made her cringe, and cover her mouth. She looked around for a moment, seeming confused about where she was. Then she blinked, and a huge smile split her face.

  I took her hand, and levitated her into the air with me so I could whisper in her ear. “Awake now?”

  She wrapped arms and legs around me in a full-body hug, and whispered back. “Yes, Master. Fuck, I’m the happiest dryad ever right now. I got to host you and Mistress Pelagia’s first time together?”


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