by VJ
They’d arrived, and the club looked odd in the daylight. Missing the purple neon glow and the snaking line of people, it appeared a quiet, classy building. Kendra pulled up near the door and prepared to wait.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Celia protested. “You aren’t any more blind than I am, girlfriend, so you should be able to guess that it’s not a particularly good idea for me and Brady to be alone together.” Kendra remembered that scorching kiss and the equally heated anger that had sizzled between her friend and the tattooed giant, and had to agree.
“Besides,” Celia wheedled, “your guy won’t be here. He’s one of the trainers, right?” Kendra shrugged. Sin had never given her his title, other than Master, but she remembered Brady referring to him that way. “Well, I’m sure he’s only here at night. So you’ll be perfectly safe.”
Celia, once she’d set her mind to something, was an irresistible force and Kendra wasn’t really surprised to find herself walking into the empty club a few minutes later.
* * * * *
Sin slipped on a white T-shirt, pushing the hem into his jeans. His head was throbbing and muscles that he hadn’t used in longer than was wise, ached. Fuck. He had the mother of all sex hangovers, and it hadn’t particularly helped that he’d gotten drunk off his ass once he’d sent Kendra off with Brady.
He’d stayed at the club last night, just sober enough to know he was in no condition to drive.
Kendra. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. What a fucking mess he’d managed to get himself into with that woman.
It had only taken one glance from a pair of innocent, sensual golden eyes for the amazing creature he’d named his baby girl to knock big, bad Master Sin on his ass.
Shaking his head carefully, he headed toward the stairs, praying that someone had the compassion to have started a pot of coffee.
“You look like shit.” The deep, sarcastic voice rumbled through Sin’s head, and he turned to face his boss.
He cocked his brow.
“You don’t look much better, boss man.” It was true. Brady looked like he hadn’t slept in days, and Sin had an inkling of what, or rather who, was keeping him up nights.
“Yeah, well, I don’t need to look pretty for the females.” In the three years Sin had worked at Velvet Ice, he’d never seen his boss keep company with a woman for any length of time. Sin frowned. For that matter, with the exception of the man’s arguments with Celia Jenner, he’d never seen Brady do more with a woman than direct her to the nearest available trainer or Master. Not only did his boss avoid women like the plague, he rarely sought anyone out for conversation. With the exception of his appearance outside Sin’s cubicle last night, this was the first time Brady had ever had anything to say to him aside from work-related instructions.
“Got something on your mind, Brady?” Never mind that whatever it was, Sin probably didn’t want to hear it.
The big, bald man scratched his unshaven jaw.
“Yeah. I was wondering why you let that little she-devil go last night.”
Sin shrugged. “What are you talking about? We were done. The session was over.”
Brady laughed but there was no humor in the sound.
“You’re a shitty liar, Sinclair. If it was just an evening, you wouldn’t have been panting along after her when she headed out with her friends.”
Fuck, had he been that obvious? Sin didn’t like that Brady had picked up on the fact that he was feelin’ Red the way he was. If a man with ice water in his veins could see how bad he had it for the woman, it must have been flashing over his head like a neon sign.
“What the fuck would you know about how I was feeling, Brady? Maybe it’s been so long since you’ve taken a sub that you’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a really intense session? Doesn’t mean you’re in love or anything.”
A cold kind of fury settled in Brady’s eyes, turning the blue-green orbs emerald.
“I know when a man is bullshitting himself.” He pointed a blunt finger at Sin. “You want her more today than you did last night. I bet right now all you’re thinking about is diving back into her curvy ass.”
Sin made a move before he even thought about it, taking the big man by surprise. One minute he was facing Brady across the corridor, the next Sin had his boss pinned to the wall.
“Don’t fucking talk about her like that, Brady. Boss or not, I’ll break your fucking nose if you speak about Kendra with anything less than respect.”
“You’ll try.” Brady growled before tossing the younger man back. “Let me give you some advice, Sin. If she is the one you want, don’t let her walk away. Don’t fucking lose your woman because things may not make sense to you at the moment, because once you let her go you’ll never be the same.”
If it hadn’t been so damned irritating, Brady might have smiled at the look on Sin’s face. The younger man knew he was right. He was just too hung up on timelines and expectations to admit it.
Brady knew better than most what it meant to have everything and have it snatched from you in a blink of the eye. Fate hadn’t given him a choice, but Sin had one, and Brady didn’t want to see the younger man end up like he was—bitter, angry and broken, lusting after a totally inappropriate woman. A woman whom, in the end, he would destroy. Just like he’d done before. Brady swallowed back the horror-filled memories of his past. This wasn’t about him. This was about Sinclair coming to terms with the fact that last night he’d made Kendra Moore his and she’d returned the favor.
“Braaadyyy.” Brady closed his eyes and gritted out a filthy word as the husky female voice sang up the stairway. God damn it, he wasn’t up to dealing with the little pain in his ass this morning, he thought, tamping down his body’s immediate reaction to the presence of Celia Jenner in his club. The bane of his existence, the very female who teased and tormented him whenever she got the chance.
She made Brady want things, things he hadn’t allowed himself for ten years. Things he’d sworn he would never allow himself again. He’d been fighting a losing battle to keep her out of the club since she’d turned eighteen and got a hint of what her brother Dorian was up to during his nights at Velvet Ice. Now that she was legal, he knew, it would be even harder to avoid her.
“Come on, Sin, I need you with me. Ms. Jenner needs to be put over someone’s knee, and not in a good way. I don’t trust myself not to harm the little brat this morning.”
Sin nodded and followed Brady down the stairs. Waiting in the main bar area stood Celia Jenner, arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently.
“Well, it’s about darn time! I was ready to come up there and find you.”
“Celia,” Brady growled, “you are not going to the third floor. Ever.” Sin watched as Celia’s eyes narrowed. Oh shit, she was ready for a fight.
“You can try to stop me, Brady. But eventually I will get there.”
“This isn’t a game, little girl. Don’t make me drag Dorian into this. It doesn’t flatter either of us if I have to call the grown-ups on you.”
“My brother has better things to do than try and keep me under lock and key.”
Sin lost track of the conversation as a small noise drew his attention to the dark hallway near the bar entrance. Dim light glinted off warm brown curls and traced the silhouette of a curvy hip encased in snug jeans. Kendra. He walked past Brady and Celia, totally deaf to their ongoing sparring as he made his way to her.
“You’re back.” He didn’t mean for it to come out sounding like an accusation, but he supposed that was better than the whimper of gratitude that wanted to slip out.
She stepped into the light. Damn, she was even more gorgeous today, scrubbed clean and fresh in her casual clothes. His cock hardened instantly, his fingers flexed as he stopped himself from touching her.
“I…I came with Ce. She left her car keys here and she needed a ride.” She refused to meet his gaze. “Ummm, I wasn’t planning to stalk you.” Her words were a blow to his gut, making it hard to catch his breath.
/> Sin heard Ce pulling Brady away from the bar area as their heated argument became a distant muffle.
“Are you sorry about last night?” Sin cringed inside as he heard himself continue, “Did I hurt you?” Fuck, he really was pathetic.
“No you didn’t hurt me. It was…” She trailed off and he tipped her chin up with one finger. “It was a revelation. I had no idea that Dom/sub sex was like that.” She still wouldn’t meet his eyes. Dammit, he needed to see her eyes.
Finally she raised her head and he knew the truth. If he was lying, saying that last night had meant nothing, so was she. It was there in her face. Sin felt a mixture of anger and lust pound through his body. She was looking at him with those big golden eyes of hers and all he could do was remember the way they’d glowed up at him as he’d tunneled straight to her soul. The way her body had felt so fucking right beneath his hands. The way she’d responded to his every whispered command.
It was as though he heard an audible click. She was the perfect natural submissive and she’d caused him to burn just as surely as he’d done for her. He’d tried to convince himself that all they’d shared was sex, but his body and soul knew differently. Sin wasn’t the type of man to play emotional chess and he didn’t plan to start now. Kendra was the first female who ever made him lose his control, and he needed more.
He stalked toward her, crowding her into the hallway. Those eyes. It was her damn eyes that had done him in. He could drown in their liquid depths. He’d gotten hard at the sight of her across the room, but now as she backed away his dick swelled to near-painful proportions. Sin held back an evil little smile. She might be shaking her head no, but her nipples were tight beneath her thin T-shirt.
She hit the wall behind her and Sin moved in, laying his palms flat on either side of her head. His knee moved between her thighs, grinding against her denim-covered pussy. His voice when he spoke was low and dangerous. He was a man on the edge and only by burying himself in her would his world be righted again.
“Dom/sub sex is not always like that. Hell, it’s not usually like that. Do you understand me, Kendra?” He loved the sound of her name rolling off his tongue. His face moved over hers, just enough that his breath whispered over her mouth. Her plump lips opened on a gasp, begging for his kiss. He refused to answer her silent plea. She had to admit that last night was something more than a casual fuck, or she needed to walk away.
He slid his index finger down her nose, across her full bottom lip and let his gaze coast over her body. He licked his lips as he imagined the first taste of her ripe, red nipples. They would fit so perfectly in his mouth. They were so sensitive—he remembered her cries of pleasure as he’d plucked and pinched at them.
His finger slid down the front of her neck, his hand stopping to fully encase the front of her throat. Still she refused to speak what they both knew was the truth.
Leaning forward he traced his tongue along the line of her jaw. Kendra’s small groan urged him on. He nipped at her chin and, with his hand still on her neck, turned her head to the side so he could lick a wet path to her ear.
“Tell me, baby girl,” he murmured as he nipped her lobe. “Tell me you didn’t go home last night and think about me.” He felt her fighting herself, but Sin was a master at seduction.
“Kendra, you may not talk to me but your body is screaming for my touch. Look at those tight little nipples—they’re begging for my fingers, my mouth.” To prove his point, Sin tweaked her right nipple, lightly at first, then harder. Her eyes widened at the pleasure-pain of his touch, bringing a smile of triumph, but still she shook her head in denial.
“Don’t play games with me, Kendra. I bet if I ripped down those jeans of yours, I’d find your pussy soaking wet. I could slide my fingers in and make you come all over my hand in about five seconds flat. Am I wrong, baby girl?”
Sin was relentless in his questions, desperate for her to admit that she felt the bond between them too. “You taste like the sweetest honey. Don’t you want to feel me lick up all your sweet cream, let it slide down my throat?”
He snapped the button of her jeans and pulled down the zippered tab. Her eyes closed as he slipped his hand into her panties. He bit back a groan at the scalding heat that awaited him there. “Oh fuck, Kendra, you're so wet for me.” He was walking a fine line, his control frayed by the evidence that she still wanted him as much as he wanted her. At least, he thought grimly, her body did.
Kendra’s head was swimming. His spicy cologne, his wicked voice, his evil fingers snuck through the wall she’d attempted to erect around her heart. Who the hell was she kidding? This man owned her in a way she’d never dreamed existed. Yes, her head screamed that she was a fool, but deep in her soul she knew differently.
Kendra wasn’t an impulsive kind of woman. Yesterday morning the idea that she’d meet the man she’d belong to would have left her in fits of laughter, but today, pressed against the most sinfully delicious man on the planet, she knew she had. The second his fingers had touched her she’d been a freaking goner. It made no sense to her and she knew it wouldn’t make sense to anyone else, except maybe Ce, but it was true nonetheless.
As if he could feel her resolve wavering, Sin stroked along her slit, teasing gently, daring her to spread her legs just a little. She knew that if she did, that would be it. She’d never let him go. On a sigh of both pleasure and surrender Kendra opened her legs as far as her jeans would allow.
The wide smile on Sin’s face would have been reward enough, but Kendra knew her Master well enough already to know he had so much more in store for her. He removed his hand over her protest and went to his knees, pulling the denim down her thighs to pool at her ankles. The sight was arresting, the meaning even more so. This powerful Master—her Master—was on his knees at her feet. She forgot her next thought as the rough rasp of his catlike tongue licked her, splitting her lips apart and finding her clit. He circled the small bud lazily, forcing Kendra to put her hands on his shoulders for support. His deep rumble of laughter vibrated through his tongue and into her body.
He worked two fingers into her entrance, moving in a slow back-and-forth motion to widen her small passage. Kendra braced her shoulders against the wall as her hips moved in rhythm with his fingers. Her hands wrapped in the luxurious length of his hair when he nipped her plump lower lips. He slid his fingers free and before she could protest he was slicking her natural lubrication to her ass, his forefinger probing the tight hole while his two middle fingers moved back to her cunt. Simultaneously he thrust into her body, front and back. Kendra hissed at the dual penetration. No one had ever messed with her ass before, and the invasion was dark, painful, confusing. Her senses rioted, caught between pain and pleasure. The fingers he’d thrust into her pussy dragged relentlessly against the finger in her rear passage, rubbing through the tissue-thin skin separating them. He pulled almost all the way out and pain scorched into need, fierce and blinding. His mouth captured her clit, alternating between long sucks and small nibbles. Kendra found herself rubbing against his face, which only spurred his actions to pump harder, dig deeper, suck longer.
Her orgasm ripped a cry from her that she was sure echoed throughout the empty club, but she didn’t give a damn. This connection with Master Sin was like nothing she’d ever dreamed, and she didn’t have it in her to hold anything back from him.
Sin lapped at the well of her pussy, leisurely licking up her sweet cream. Her legs were shaking as he held her pinned against the wall. Lowering his hand, he worked one curvy leg free of the confines of her jeans. He stood, ripping open his own pants and shoving them down his hips. His heavy cock sprang free, and he let Kendra go long enough to grab the condom from his back pocket. Sheathing himself in record time, he moved in on her.
Grabbing one of her legs, he wrapped it around his waist. He slammed home without his usual finesse but he didn’t think she minded, not when her nails dug into his shoulders and her hips tilted to meet his hard thrust.
“Fuck, bab
y girl. You feel so fucking good.” He gritted his teeth against the need to come instantly as the walls of her vagina closed around his girth. Wrapping one hand around the base of her neck he tipped her head back, forcing her to look at him.
“You belong to me, Kendra. I can’t fucking explain it, but you’re mine.” His hips pistoned, slamming into her faster and faster, as if his very life depended on getting as deep into her as humanly possible. “This is once in a lifetime, baby girl. Do you understand me?”
She whimpered, shaking her head blindly, clawing at his back through the thin cotton of his tee.
“Look at me, baby girl,” he gritted out. He’d claimed her, but the Master in him was driven to hear her admit it, to hear her accept him out loud. Her eyes hit him like a shot of whiskey. “Tell me you feel it too.” He waited for what felt like forever before she spoke through soft, trembling lips.
“Yes, Master Sin. It’s a once in a lifetime.” She arched into him and grabbed his hand, dragging it to lie over her pounding heart. “How are you doing this to me?”
He dipped his head, resting his forehead against hers so that they were eye to eye.
“Baby girl, we’re doing this to each other. I won’t let it end here, not unless you say the word. I can’t let this end.” He moved, surging deeper and deeper into her.
“I don’t want it to end, Master.” She clutched his hand in hers. “Don’t ever let me go. I don’t think my heart could take it.”
Her words broke his heart and remade it. “Never,” he rasped against her lips. Grabbing her free leg, he braced her against the wall and drove into her giving warmth. There were no more words between them. None were needed as they poured all they were feeling into each other, each thrust, every sigh and every desperate moan a promise between them.
Sin felt her muscles start to tighten around him, fluttering the length of his cock, and he increased his pace, his thrusts almost punishing in their intensity. His mouth moved to the side of her neck, sucking the delicate skin hard as she exploded over him. Locked into her, onto her, he followed her into bliss.