Mountain Man's Bride

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Mountain Man's Bride Page 95

by Lauren Wood

  “Look just let me go back to Allen’s room and I’ll never say anything about this.” Liz tried to negotiate with Rich.

  He laughed at her. “You think you’re going back to his room? Never, I’ll use you until we get back home and then sell you like the rest of the girls.”

  Rich saw the look on her face. “Oh so he didn’t tell you what we really do did he? That’s funny, what line did he use? Finding wives for lonely men, or was it looking for women who just want to travel? It doesn’t matter, because you’ll get a pretty price I’m sure.” He stated.

  She couldn’t say anything she was processing the information he had told her. “What do you do?” She finally asked.

  “We take Earth girls from conventions like the one today and sell them on our planet.” He said matter-of-factly.

  “Take or ask them to go?” Liz asked slowly.

  “We never ask, some of them beg to go, like you. While other’s we just tell them it’s a tour of our ship. We drug most of them, some of the others we test out for the guys back home.” He laughed deeply.

  Her stomach turned at the thought of Allen being involved in something like this. She wanted to know if he tested out the girls too, but then again changed her mind. For all she knew that was why he had left in the first place. Perhaps he was comparing Earth girls to see what they did differently when having sex? “Oh I don’t feel so good.” She said and held her stomach.

  “You’re not going to get sick are you?” He asked, his face turning green.

  Without another word her lunch came up and out.

  “Oh gross.” He turned away from her and made gagging noises himself.

  Liz took the chance and ran for the door as the food was still coming up from her stomach. He didn’t react quickly enough and she made it out the door.

  “Allen, help me.” Liz screamed at the top of her lungs.

  She could hear Rich right behind her. “It’s no use bitch; he’s probably down playing with the other girls.” He said and it sounded like he was right next to her. She pivoted to the other side of the hall and saw his hand go to where she had just been.

  Please let me run quicker, she prayed silently. There was a corner coming up and another hall. She didn’t know where she was or where it might take her, but she turned quickly. Liz hit hard against something and was knocked back off her feet.

  “I thought I told you to stay in the room?” She heard Allen’s voice from above.

  At that point Rich came around the corner chasing her. He stopped as he saw Allen standing above her.

  “I didn’t I was knocked out and when I woke up he had me.” She cried out and pointed at Rich.

  Allen turned to look at Rich again. “Is that true?” He asked.

  “Yeah it is what are you going to do about it?” Rich stuck out his chest.

  “Did he touch you?” Allen asked her without turning towards her.

  “He slapped me.” Liz responded.

  “You know she’s my property right? You had no right to take her out of my room.” Allen said to Rich. Then he began talking in a foreign tongue and she couldn’t understand anything.

  “I’m the captain’s son, if I want her, I can have her.” Rich stated.

  “No not this time. Remember what he said about you always taking privileges? No you don’t, of course. You’re done Rich.” Allen stated and turned towards Liz. “Come on.” He pulled her with him.

  He went to his room and got her inside once again. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked looking over her closely.

  “No I’m not okay. You are kidnappers? Why did you tell me you ask them to go?” Liz asked him.

  Allen looked at her. “I do ask the girls if they want to go. We don’t use the tactics that Rich uses. He’s the one who will do dirty things to get the girls to come on board. I always try to explain to the girls that we have plenty of men who are looking for Earth girls to marry. See we have a shortage of women on our planet. The only way to find them is to go to other planets and get them.” He explained.

  “Do you ever test them out?” She asked.

  “Yes I have in the past. I have needs that need to be fulfilled.” Allen said.

  She appreciated his honesty about that part of the conversation. “So do you sell the girls?” She asked.

  “That’s how we make money.” Allen stated.

  “Do you always ask them, or have you taken some in the past too?” She asked it was something she couldn’t quite get past yet.

  “I don’t want to lie to you. So yeah I’ve taken some in the past. But only when we had a special order and she would fit the bill perfectly. If she seemed hesitant to come along, I would take her.” Allen admitted. “But I’m not proud of it. Honestly, there are times in the past when someone didn’t bring back the order correctly and they were killed for it. Not that it justifies what I did, but it’s a big reason for it.” Allen added.

  He had moved closer to her and was looking at her with his Amber eyes burning brightly. Liz looked at his eyes and was mesmerized. Allen kissed her and slipped his tongue into her mouth, he hoped it would make her stop thinking about what he did for a living. He had been walking around thinking about their last kiss for far too long.

  Liz forgot about what she was upset about as his tongue did amazing things inside of her mouth. Her loins responded to his touch and soon she was soaked.

  Allen moved her over to the bed and undressed her slowly. He admired her body along the way with a low whistle. “You are amazing naked!” He complimented her.

  She turned a bright red at his compliment. “Thank you.” She said lowly. He lowered her onto the bed.

  “Where to start, so many things I want to share with you.” He smiled and lowered his mouth to hers. His hands moved down to her breasts and she felt him manipulate her nipples until they were little rocks. “You have some beautiful breasts.” He stated and then covered one of her nipples with his mouth.

  She screamed when he bit her nipple and dragged his teeth over there hardness. “Oh, I like that.” She murmured.

  He lowered his other hand to the space in between her legs and pushed her lips apart to gain access to her slit. Liz arched her back when he pushed two of his fingers deeply into her hole. She moved her hips up to help push his fingers deeper into her pussy.

  “Let it go, I want you to cum.” He whispered into her ear. It was enough to push her over the edge and she screamed out as a climax rocked her body.

  “There you go baby, let it go!” He kissed her hard on the lips, and pushed his hard member into her waiting and wet spot.

  She met his thrusts and they were soon both moaning loudly. He rolled her over and placed her on top of him. Liz smiled down at him and began rocking her body back and forth, feeling his cock as it hit her g-spot.

  He pulled her up and pushed her down by grabbing her waist. Liz cried out as another orgasm hit her body. “Here I go again.”

  Allen slammed her down hard on his cock a few times and released his juices with a shout. “Oh damn, wow.” He thrust her down on him a couple more times and then held her still as he could feel her walls pulsing in another climax.

  Liz slid off of him and lay beside him on the bed. “Wow is right, damn that was amazing.” She admitted.

  He pulled her close to him and kissed the top of her head. She nestled on his chest and sighed. Liz started to doze off when she heard a knocking on the door.

  “Allen, you in there?” They heard through the door.

  “I have to get that it’s the captain. I knew he’d be around, I’m sure Rich spun the story a different way than it happened. Get dressed; you’ll have to talk to him.” Allen said and got up to throw on his clothes, he tossed Liz her clothes on the bed.

  “Okay.” She said and hurried up and dressed. She really didn’t want anyone but Allen seeing her naked. Liz had barely finished dressing when the captain was in the room.

  “Miss, I hear you had a run in with my son, can you tell me abou
t it?” He asked and looked at her closely.

  Liz knew she had the look of a woman who had just been made love to well, and she turned red at what the captain must be thinking right now.

  “Go ahead Liz.” Allen came to her and held her hand while she talked.

  “I didn’t know the ship would jump and wasn’t ready, I hit the wall hard. When I woke up he had me in his room, Rich. He told me that he was going to use me and then sell me when we got to his planet. He said that you sell girls who you’ve taken from Earth. When he tried to kiss me I spit in his face and he hit me.” Liz explained what had happened to her.

  The whole while she was talking the captain was rubbing his chin. He seemed like he was deep in thought for a bit, and then he looked at Allen.

  “How did you find her?” The captain asked him.

  “She came running around a corner. I had just heard her yell and was on my way to her. Right after her was Rich. He said that she was his, and that I didn’t have a choice in the matter.” Allen said.

  Again the captain shook his head and thought. He spoke to Allen in the foreign language that Liz couldn’t understand. They talked back and forth for a few minutes. She tried to watch their body language and figure out what was being said. She knew it had to be about her and maybe Rich too.

  The captain stood up and said. “I’m sorry for my son’s bad behavior. It seems that he has little sense in matters of dealing with people of any type. He will be locked up; don’t worry about him bothering you at all. As far as what we do, Allen stated he explained it to you. I hope that you enjoy your trip.” He shook her hand and was out the door.

  Liz looked at Allen. “Wow that had to be hard for him, his own son.” She said.

  He breathed a heavy sigh. “Rich has had far too many chances. The captain knows that if he let one more thing go, the rest of us would turn him in as well. That would mean that not only would Rich be in jail, but so would his father. In the long run his son can find another job. But the captain would be banned from most everything on our planet. He might not ever be allowed to even leave again. He’s a man who’s been in space almost his whole life. So he would blame himself for how Rich acted all the time. No matter how many times everyone would try and explain to him that it wasn’t his fault, he would still take the blame.” Allen explained the situation to her.

  “Still, I feel bad for him.” She stated.

  “Don’t feel bad for either of them. Rich needed to be off of the team, he had hurt many girls in the past. The captain will still be here, Rich though; I’m not sure what will be done to him.” He said.

  Liz caught a hesitation though as he was talking to her. She noticed it was the same type of hesitation he had when earlier he told her about what his job was. “I think you know what will happen, tell me.” She pushed.

  “He’ll be put to death. Everything that he’s done in the past will now come out. There is no use of hiding it. Somehow the captain will have to explain why he didn’t say anything in the past, but that’s on him. I don’t care; if he leaves I could be moved up and promoted.” Allen stated.

  “What does that mean for you?” Liz asked.

  “It means that I will be in charge and I could settle down with a woman. The captain can have his wife, or a chosen woman on board with him.” Allen said.

  “You can’t do that now? I’m on board now, right?” Liz asked.

  “I had to get approval from the captain, who had to call the planet. If I’m captain, I don’t have to do any of that. It’s a more prestigious job, and more benefits.” Allen explained.

  “So it was a pain for you to get me allowed to come with you? But you still did it?” Liz probed.

  He looked down at the ground. “It was a pain, but I really wanted to get to know you better. I didn’t want to have to wait until later in the night when we got back. I like you a lot, maybe even more than like.” He said.

  Liz laughed. “What is more than like?” She asked him, trying to see if he was thinking the same way she was feeling for him.

  “I think I may be in love with you. It was how you stared at me and grabbed my attention today. When I first walked up to you, I could feel my body beating in time with you. It’s one of the many ways my type can tell they are in love. From what I hear it makes it a lot more simple for us then it is for humans.” He added.

  “What are some of the other signs?” She asked curious. Then added, “Yes it’s more difficult for humans because we can be fooled by feelings of others and how they are with our hearts.”

  “One of the main one’s is the body seeming to beat in time with the person you are attracted too. Another is a flaring of our eyes with multiple colors.” He said.

  She stopped him. “Does it look like your blinking another eyelid?” She asked.

  “Yes it can I guess to a human.” He said.

  “I saw it earlier.” She pointed out excited about the discovery. “Are there more signs?” She asked.

  “Just one more and I’ve had it already. The only one I wasn’t sure about was the eyes. But I had thought I was before you told me that anyway. Not always will we have all three signs. That makes it interesting, because our body might be off a bit. Kind of like what you said, it isn’t always easy, and we do make mistakes.” He added.

  “Yes mistakes happen.” She agreed. “You aren’t saying we are a mistake are you?” She had forgotten that he had said the other sign had happened. Her fear was that he was going to push her away from him. Liz knew that she shouldn’t love him yet, but her heart was screaming out for him to touch her again.

  “No you aren’t a mistake; no all three signs happened with you, I’m sure of it. But that doesn’t mean that you feel the same way. I mean you’ve already said that you’ve made mistakes. Plus how do you realize you love someone?” He asked.

  “It’s just a feeling we get inside. I noticed you in the morning and couldn’t stop thinking about you all day long. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to find you in the room. Some people may say I fall in love too easily though. I just love the feeling of having someone to hug and kiss, and well of course do other things with!” She laughed a light laugh. “But I don’t know if you are telling the truth about how you tell for your species either. I have to take a chance, and I don’t know there is something a connection that seems to hold us together. I don’t get how I can feel this way about you. I am scared, my last boyfriend did say he loved me, well then he cheated on me. Wait what about the girls you take back and the testing? How do I know that you won’t do that still?” Liz questioned.

  “In our species we can only mate with many women before we marry. After the ceremony of marriage, our bodies will no longer respond to another female. That is why it is so important to make sure we have the right person. We can’t marry more than one time in our lives.” He explained.

  “Wow, if humans did that there would be a lot of people who would be extremely unhappy. I can’t imagine that, is it the same for the female?” She asked.

  “Just for our species. You won’t be changed in that way. We don’t mess with DNA’s of any other races.” He stated.

  “Does that mean we can’t have children?” She asked.

  “I’m not sure, there haven’t been any successful births on the planet as of yet.” He admitted.

  She wasn’t sure if she was happy or sad about it. She hadn’t thought much about whether she wanted children or not. Liz looked at him; she felt that just being with him would be enough for her.

  “We can always adopt a child. I don’t mind raising an Earth child.” He stated. “Or maybe we’ll be successful at mating. Really right now I think that is moving far too forward. I just need to know if you are willing to marry me or not.” He asked.

  Liz was taken aback by his lackadaisical way of asking her such a big proposal like it meant nothing much. “I don’t know it doesn’t seem like a proposal that holds much for the future.” She stated.

  “Liz, remember I’m not part
of your species, I don’t know how they do it on your planet. If you want something different, I can only offer me. I will make sure you are happy for the rest of your life, and never lacking for anything. But there may be times I do something that seems rude or insensitive. I don’t mean it to be that way. I can only tell you I love you and want you to be my wife.” He explained.

  “Now that was a lot sweeter! Yes I would love to marry you.” Liz said. “But if you don’t get the promotion how much will I see you? You already said that the men on board can’t have women stay with them.” Liz added.

  “Don’t worry I have my ways, since you’ve agreed to marry me now!” Allen said.

  She laughed, sometimes he seemed to make little sense to her. Liz smiled at him. “I hope so, it would be sad to only see you every once in a while.” She admitted.

  He stopped and looked at her. “No that won’t ever happen, I’ll make sure of it, and I promise you.” He said to her, his face showing how serious he was.

  “I appreciate that very much Allen. Liz said.

  “Let me ask you this though, if you had to would you be willing to live part time on Hasastasha and the other part on Earth?” Allen asked.

  Liz thought for a few minutes about it. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it as an idea. If that means we get to see other more than if you are on the ship and I can’t go.” She stated.

  “Good because I might be able to find something to do, but also so you know, if I’m not able to make enough in half a year, it might be longer we stay on my home planet.” He explained.

  “Can’t you get a job on Earth?” She asked.

  “I have parents and relatives who still live on my home planet. The money I make working goes to support my parents now that they are older.” He explained. “My planet won’t take Earth money as a payment though. So if I didn’t work there, well my parents wouldn’t be able to stay in their home. I can’t do that to them, they really don’t deserve to be treated that way.” He told her.


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