Ingrid, The Viking Maiden (Viking Maiden Series Book 1)

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Ingrid, The Viking Maiden (Viking Maiden Series Book 1) Page 12

by Naomi Jane Kelly

  Hagen and Selby both pushed from the ground in a hurry, muttering unkind words in her direction. They kicked dirt over the fire, then followed Jorg into the bushes.

  When they reached the river about an hour later, Selby announced that the girls would wash first, and no one objected. "You guys take off for a while and find a good spot to build a fire for us to dry our clothes and get warm."

  "Bossy," Hagen said, turning back toward the way they came. "And you better be wearing your clothes."

  Jorg laughed. "We'll get the fire ready. Come on, Hagen. Let the princesses have their baths." Hagen snorted and followed him away from the water.

  Ingrid smiled but wasted no time in getting her filthy clothes off and jumped into the freezing water.

  "Oooh. This. Is. So. Cold," Ingrid said between shivers.

  "Wash fast," Selby answered before scrubbing her face and neck while standing on the bank.

  Ingrid scrubbed as well as she could and then pulled her soiled clothes into the water with her, doing her best to rub off the gunk. Climbing onto the bank, she slipped her wet shift over her head, then wrapped only her apron around her, not wanting to put the heavier tunic on before it could dry. "Can you see through this?" she asked and turned a slow circle for Selby to look it over.

  "That works. The fire better be huge so you dry fast."

  Grabbing Ingrid's other wet clothes, they hurried back to the boys. High over the fire, a flat rack for the clothes to lay across was already built and waiting. The fire was burning well, and the girls crouched in front of it as soon as they arrived.

  "Thank you for building this," Ingrid said, between chattering teeth.

  "We didn't want to wait forever for the clothes to dry. It won't be enough but will take the chill off," Hagen said. Then added, "It was Jorg's idea."

  "Oh good, for a minute I thought you had gone all considerate," Ingrid teased.

  Deciding they should bathe as well, the boys headed to the water. Steam rose from the clothes as both girls stayed as close to the fire as possible and they'd barely warmed through when the boys were back.

  Ingrid tried to avoid looking at Jorg because the boys wore only their breeches and carried their shirts, laying them over the fire with the girls' things. Peeking through her hair at him, she felt her face warm, and she looked back toward the fire.

  "Your face is red," Selby whispered with a giggle.

  "Shh, it's just the fire," Ingrid answered with a grin.

  "One hour and then we leave, no matter what," Hagen announced.

  "Now who's bossy," Selby rolled her eyes.

  * * *

  True to his word, they were dressed and walking north an hour later. With no provisions, still damp and now hungry, attitudes threatened to turn bleak until they found a large patch of bilberry bushes. Helped by the sweet fruit, they continued ahead, leaving the forested valley and entering the moors by early afternoon. Yellow gorse blossoms, bright against the soft gray sky, dotted the rolling hills. Strong breezes bent the grasses in a dance and brought a fresh clean scent into the air. Picking their way around boulders and through deep ravines they made good time on the squishy, moss-covered ground. As they climbed to the top of a gentle rise, smoke rose on the horizon in a puff of black and gray. The breeze brought the smell of burning wood and something else--Ingrid couldn't quite make it out, or rather she did, but didn't believe it.

  "Do you think it's a pyre?" Ingrid asked, fiddling with her beads.

  "No, there's too much smoke. It's a settlement," Jorg answered.

  Keeping an eye out for invaders or worse, they approached the village with caution. They searched everywhere that wasn't smoldering or still burning, which wasn't many places. By the time they finished investigating, it was clear all the villagers were dead. A few lonely sheep and chickens wandered about aimlessly. The stench of burning flesh and wood filled their noses and stung their eyes. Most buildings were rubble and there wasn't anything they could do to stop the few flames that remained. Whoever had done this was long gone. Ingrid and her friends stood in what had been the center of the village stunned and silent, listening to the occasional cracks and pops of the dying fires. The smoke in the air thinned out, making it easier to breathe.

  "As awful as this is, we should try to find anything that can help us. Food, cloaks, maybe even a dead chicken or two," Hagen said.

  Ingrid and Selby looked at each other and nodded to him. "We'll search this way and meet you back here," Ingrid said.

  "Call out if you find anyone alive we missed. It would be good to know who did this."

  They scoured the village and brought back anything useful. It felt disrespectful to be gathering the things of the villagers while they still lay on the ground. Some were burned in their homes and others had died from vicious looking stab wounds or broken necks. No one wanted to talk as the group stood with their findings. Sitting down they mindlessly ate some pieces of dried meat and hardtack while their nerves settled.

  "Hagen," Jorg sighed.

  "I know. Let's get to it then."

  "What is it? Get to what?" Ingrid asked.

  "We can't leave these people where they lay. They can't enter the afterlife until they have been buried and prayed over," Hagen answered.

  "Oh. I'll help, too. I don't want to walk away from here without doing everything we can to help them."

  "Agreed," added Selby.

  "This is difficult work, Ingrid. And I don't mean just the digging." Hagen frowned at her hard, his eyes narrowed and his mouth set in a straight line.

  "I know," she said, "I understand what it means and I want to help these people find peace. Don't you dare treat me like a child." She looked him in the eye, her jaw tight.

  "Fine. We'll dig first, then gather the bodies." He and Jorg had shovels they found and handed her one, then they walked over to a large open area of flat ground. Hagen dragged his shovel in a large rectangle shape. "We'll start with this and see if it's enough."

  They spread out and jammed their shovels into the cold ground.

  Hours later, Ingrid's arms were wobbly and her hands could barely straighten from holding them around the handle of the shovel. Selby hadn't fared much better. They had buried all of the people they could find. There were twenty-three of them, all in a row. All four of them stood at the side of the mass grave and Hagen said a prayer to plead with the gods to open the doors to the place of the dead and let them find peace.


  It was growing dark by the time they finished and there wasn't time to move away from the village to sleep. A goat pen they had searched earlier still had usable straw, and they bedded there for the night. Ingrid didn't sleep well and kept waking at the slightest sound. When she slept, her dreams were filled with images of bodies and fire. Smoke stung her eyes and choked her throat. Swinging swords barely missed her head. Sweating and out of breath she'd wake, quick to look around and find the comfort of her brother and friends nearby. They were all sleeping this latest time, but fear continued to tingle the hairs on her arms. Moving as little as possible, she scanned around. By the corner of the building about ten feet away, she saw motion. Reaching out her hand, slowly, inch by inch, she touched Hagen. He didn't stir. His face was turned to her so she inched her finger from his arm to his nose. He batted her away as if she were an annoying fly. She touched again. This time his eyes opened, and she quickly put her finger to his mouth and mouthed, "Shh."

  He squinted his eyes and silently asked, "Which direction?" With the slightest of movement she nodded over his head. Wrapping his hand around the hilt of the dagger at his side, he pointed his eyes toward Ingrid's knife for her to do the same. Deliberate and steady, he pretended to roll over in his sleep for a better look. The intruders weren't fooled and slunk from their hiding position around the corner. Hagen and Ingrid both jumped to their feet calling to the others. Wolves as big as ponies stalked closer with bared canines and bright, hungry eyes. Jorg rolled on his shoulder and came up on one knee, axe in hand, wh
ile Selby crouched with a spear in hers. Hagen was slightly in front of Ingrid and Selby moved to her side. Jorg positioned himself in front of the girls with Hagen. Ingrid rolled her eyes at his protective move.

  He needs to get over this, I can take care of myself, thank you very much. Ingrid startled when Jorg darted a glance back at her and grinned. What was that?

  No words were spoken but with a spurt of speed Hagen and Jorg dashed forward to engage the wolves with Selby fanning to the right. Confused at whether to follow the boys or stay next to Selby, Ingrid lost the grip on her knife and it fell to her side just out of reach. Dropping to her hands and knees she snatched it up and scrambled toward the back of the pen. In the darkness beyond her vision, she smelled musty, wet fur. Coming toward her were a pair of glowing yellow eyes. A loud growl rumbled from deep inside the wolf's chest. Drool hung from wicked-looking teeth that were longer than Ingrid's fingers.

  In one silent motion, the wolf jumped. Diving to the side, she rolled away from its snarling jaws, flinging her arm straight up from the ground meeting with the shoulder of her assailant. The vibrations rocked her entire arm and she couldn't pull the knife free. Refusing to lose the gift from Jorg, she wouldn't let go and the wolf pulled her to her knees. The beast yelped in pain and yanked itself free, backing away but keeping his eyes focused on Ingrid. When their eyes, met Ingrid froze, every muscle locked and immobile. Panic bubbled into her center at how vulnerable she was standing there in the middle of the melee. Then, images flashed through her mind, one after another. The fight still shone in her peripheral vision, but ahead of her a man, not a wolf, stood. His eyes glaring and angry as he bled from his shoulder.

  "Who are you?" Ingrid yelled at him but the image dissipated. A wolf again, it lowered its head and prepared to lunge at her. When it sprang, Ingrid dodged, but added a long slice into its side to add to the shoulder injury. Yelping, the wolf fell to the ground, its sides heaving, yet it staggered to a stand, turning to face her once more.

  Suddenly by her side, Selby raised her spear to throw it at the injured animal. "No, don't!" Ingrid pushed the wooden shaft and deflected it as Selby let go.

  "Why did you do that?" Selby kept her eyes on the wolf as she yelled to Ingrid.

  "We need to keep it alive," Ingrid said calmly. She knew they were not facing an animal, but a man.

  Hagen and Jorg rounded the corner meeting up with the girls. Before they could rush the creature, Ingrid moved in front of them.

  "We need to keep this one alive, apparently," Selby answered.

  "Why?" Hagen sounded as confused as Selby.

  "Ingrid doesn't think it's a wolf."

  Worry lines creased Jorg's forehead as he turned to Ingrid. "Is this true?"

  "Yes. I believe it's a man in wolf form."

  "I know a way to find out." Moving faster than any of them had seen him do before, Jorg reached the wolf and pinned it to the ground with his knee to its throat. Blocked by Jorg's back, Ingrid screamed when she saw him bring his knife down into the wolf. The three of them stared in shock as Jorg stood holding what looked like a torn cloak made of wolf skin and a man lay curled up on the ground at his feet. Turning to the group, he threw the cloak to the side and pulled the man to his feet. "It looks like Ingrid was right."

  Ingrid felt numb, her skin was cold and clammy, and she did not understand what to do next. Standing before them was the man she'd seen in her mind, who seconds earlier was a wolf.

  Why is this happening? What is causing all of these beasts to surface? "We need to tie him." Breathing hard and needing to get away, Ingrid turned on her heel and walked out of sight around the corner, then bent over and wretched. They had eaten little in the last few days and only the acid taste of bile passed her lips. A hand lifted her hair away from her face and held it for her while she heaved. When nothing more would come out, she wiped her mouth and stood upright. Selby let go of her hair and rubbed her back.

  "Feel better?"


  "I wouldn't either."

  "I need something to rinse out my mouth."

  "This way, I know what you need." Selby took her by the hand and led her back to the goat pen where they'd slept. Picking through the pile of supplies they had gathered she found a wine skin. "Here, drink this."

  Without concern for what the blackened pouch might contain, she pulled the cork and took a long draw. The bitter taste made her cough but once past the first couple of swallows, she found it more pleasant. Warmth flared against her raw throat and wound its way to her stomach, spreading through her insides.

  "That's enough. You need to take it slow," Selby raised her eyebrows as she pulled the leather flask away from Ingrid. Feeling at once relaxed, Ingrid plopped to the ground and sat with her legs straight out and her arms slack on her thighs.

  "Hmm, that might have been a mistake?" Selby crouched in front of Ingrid and rubbed her arm, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

  "I'm ok. What am I supposed to do, Selby? How do I know these things? That wolf was--is--a man!" She threw her hands in the air and let them fall again into her lap. "This is too much." She closed her eyes and shook her head back and forth as if she could erase her surroundings. Footsteps sounded behind her and she heard the rustling of straw as Hagen and Jorg sat down on either side of her, leaving enough space so no one touched.

  "What did you give her?" Hagen asked as he looked up at Selby.

  "Wine. Want some?"

  "Sounds like a great idea." Taking the flask he drank deep before passing it to Jorg, who followed his lead. Ingrid intercepted it as Selby was about to take it back and downed several more swallows. All three of her companions reached out to take it from her and voiced their concern.

  "NO." "Whoa!" "Wait! Oh, Ingrid."

  Selby pried the nearly empty flask out of her hands and put it out of reach. "You've had enough."

  "It doesn't matter. I think I'm going crazy, anyway."

  "You're not crazy," Jorg sighed. "You were right out there. That was a man. It was some kind of mask or veil. How did you know?"

  "I have no idea!" Throwing her arms up and letting them fall into her lap again as she squealed. "It's like I saw him in my mind. As a man. I don't know how that's possible." She closed her eyes and shook her head, letting it droop to her chest. Her breathing slowed and she relaxed.

  "Ingrid? Did you fall asleep?" Jorg asked.

  Tilting her head at him, her eyes glittered, and she smiled a sleepy grin. "No. No-ot ye-et," she sang.

  "I see. I think you should and we can talk more in the morning." Jorg put an arm around her in an attempt to help her lay down.

  "You are so handsome," Ingrid said as she reached up and touched his jaw with one finger while snuggling into his arm at the same time.

  "You need to sleep," Jorg said gently while he tried to keep a straight face.

  Selby and Hagen both snickered, Ingrid heard them but didn't care. "Where is your dimple?" she asked, drawing her brows together and pushing out her bottom lip. Jorg closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath trying not to smile while his mouth tugged at the corners to defy him. "I want to see it." Ingrid put her finger on Jorg's cheek where the dimple hid. He lost his battle and grinned at her, causing her to giggle. "There it is!"

  "You really need to rest."

  "Oh-kay." She clutched the fabric of his shirt, pulling herself closer to him and laid her cheek onto his chest and closed her eyes.

  Hagen stood, putting his hand on Jorg's shoulder, and when his friend looked up at him, he said, "Remember, she is my little sister." He winked. Walking away to check on their captive, he snickered under his breath, and motioned for Selby to follow him.

  Jorg closed his eyes and shook his head, then held Ingrid a little closer, shuffling them both backward until he could lean against the side of the pen. Ingrid wasn't quite asleep and she could hear the others talking but she was too preoccupied with the strong muscles next to her cheek and the bicep under her hand. With her wine-induced coura
ge she drew in a deep breath to fill her senses with the grassy pine scent surrounding her before sleep pulled her away.

  * * *

  Cold crept into every crevice of Ingrid's body. A pre-dawn fog spread across the ground. Opening her eyes, she saw nothing but a white mist surrounding her and for a moment wondered if she'd died. The smell of straw and the lumpiness under her back made her hope she hadn't.

  I expect a much softer and more comfortable place to lay down in the afterlife than this. A noise assaulted her ears, and she smiled. The gods could not be that cruel to force me to listen to Selby's rattling snores for all eternity. How did I get here, though?

  For an instant, she felt a sliver of panic as she struggled to find her memories. There had been arms around her, a soothing hand rubbed circles on her back, then she must've fallen asleep. Panic rose up again as she pleaded with her subconscious to tell her it had been her brother or Selby who had comforted her, but it wasn't--she was keenly aware of Jorg's presence as his face flashed before her eyes. The last thing she'd seen before laying her head against his chest was his hand coming down and brushing the hair away from her face as she closed her eyes.

  Sensations tingled into her chest while at the same time something skittered around in her stomach. Mortified, she remembered the events before she slept.

  What in Freya's name are these feelings? This can't happen, not now in the middle of all that's going on. No matter how cute that dimple is. Oh, I remember telling him that! You need to get a hold of yourself, stupid girl!

  How she was going to face him again she didn't know, sure he would think she was the biggest baby. Before she could continue her thoughts, she heard a rustle of straw and froze.

  "How are you feeling, Ingrid?"

  She slammed her eyes closed as she heard Jorg's whisper. Maybe he'll think I'm still asleep.

  "I know you're awake," he said with a quiet chuckle.


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