Ingrid, The Viking Maiden (Viking Maiden Series Book 1)

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Ingrid, The Viking Maiden (Viking Maiden Series Book 1) Page 22

by Naomi Jane Kelly

  "Not only the gods; I know why as well. I had hoped it wasn't true," Agnethe said. "To keep you safe was all I wanted."

  "What do you know? Who am I?"

  "For generations in my family, there has been an unbroken line of women chosen to carry on a great responsibility. From mother to daughter the information has traveled without fail--until me. I learned early in my life that I was to carry on the tradition, but before I could learn how, my mother died. My grandmother had been dead for many years and no one else knew the story. Only one was to know that was the way it worked. As time went on, I forgot all about some old tradition told to me as a child. Not until you were born, and I was visited by a strange woman." Agnethe stopped and rubbed her forehead in small circles with both hands. Klaus moved to her, taking a seat at her side. Ingrid looked out the side of her eyes toward Jorg, hoping he would sit next to her as well. Her hands were trembling and her stomach was in knots.

  Selby jumped up from her spot and landed quickly next to Ingrid. "He can sit with you later. It's my turn right now," she whispered. As usual Selby's whispers traveled throughout the room. Ingrid grinned at Jorg's responding snort and even Plintze gave an amused grunt.

  "Who was the woman, Mama?" Ingrid had a suspicion that she already knew and had met her in the woods outside of Jorvik.

  "Her name is Eir. She is a Norn and a Valkyrie. It is her job to train the chosen daughter of each generation so they are prepared in case they are the destined one. I had only been told the story of how Freya's daughter left Asgard, fell in love, and married a human man. She hid herself among the mortal realm and lived a happy life as a simple wife and mother. When her oldest granddaughter was a young woman, she confessed her real identity to her because she couldn't hide her immortality any longer. She was still young and beautiful, trying to pretend that she was an old woman through magic. By then the spell had been cast and Freya wove the thread of the destined healer and volva into the lineage of her daughter, hoping to draw her back to Asgard. She never went back and has lived here among the humans she loves so much, waiting for the promised descendant to be born."

  "Freya's daughter? Hnossa?" Ingrid asked. Selby squeezed her hand when she felt Ingrid's breathing quicken.

  "No, her name is Gersemi, Hnossa's sister," Agnethe said. "Why do you ask that?"

  "I've been to Asgard."

  "You have? When?" Selby looked at her with a little flash of anger. Jorg pulled away from the wall and looked at her with the same expression.

  "I felt like I was going crazy and didn't want to believe what was happening, so I didn't tell you. I was also warned not to. Remember the night that I went for a walk after Hagen got hurt and I didn't make it back until morning?"

  "How could I forget, that's when I saw the Elves by myself while lover boy went to find you."

  Ingrid blushed as she glanced quickly at Jorg and saw his grin at the memory. "I was pulled into Asgard through a shining doorway and met on the other side by Hnossa. She took me to her home and explained the story of the spell, but her version was a little different. It was all so confusing. I was overwhelmed with the beauty--everything sparkled from gold and jewels and smelled like flowers and sweets. There were the most delicious things called cookies," Ingrid sighed. "I accepted everything she told me. She warned me not to tell anyone."

  "She used a portal because she didn't want Heimdall to know," Plintze said. Ingrid saw her mother flinch at his gravelly voice, forgetting that he sat in the corner. "I'd bet every piece of dwarf gold that she is working with Jarrick."

  "I think so, too. She told me that the Elves needed to restore the balance of magic between Asgard and Vanaheim. That's what Jarrick is trying to do. Both of them told me they were trying to find me before anyone could taint my understanding."

  "Another reason you should not go offering yourself up to the Dark Elf himself," Jorg said.

  Ignoring him, she turned toward her mother. "You said you met Eir before, that she came to you when I was born."

  Agnethe nodded. "She knew who you were and told me about the destiny expected of you. I didn't want to believe her--you were my baby, that's all. As you grew, you were such a happy child, sweet and loving toward everyone. And so small and fragile. I grew to believe she was just some crazy volva who'd made a mistake." Agnethe stopped and swallowed hard; a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  "Until I tried to save my sister," Ingrid continued for her.

  Both Klaus and Agnethe snapped their eyes toward Ingrid and stared. "I didn't think you remembered that," her father said.

  "I didn't until I healed that boy on the docks before we left for Jorvik. I had a vision of her and how I didn't help her. Just like how I couldn't help Hagen."

  "Her injuries were so severe and you were only a child. The way you tried though, I knew what Eir had told me was true. I convinced your father to help me keep it from you. When your sister died, Merin was her name, you were so distraught that you blocked the memories and we did our best to help them stay hidden. I'm sorry, Ingrid. Maybe if we'd been honest with you, if we hadn't tried to hide who you are, you'd be more prepared for all of this now." Agnethe covered her face with both hands, tears falling freely into her lap. Klaus kneeled down and cradled his wife into his arms while Ingrid watched the anguish they shared.

  They deserve to feel bad. Closing her eyes tight, Ingrid pushed against the intrusive anger. I will not let you win, Jarrick. Frustrated and tense, she jumped when a hand touched her shoulder. Jorg crouched down in front of her and took her hands between his and held her gaze. "We will fight him together."

  Biting her lip, she nodded, relishing in his touch. "Will I ever be able to hear you?"

  He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I think it's better that you can't." She shook her head and looked down at their hands. Jorg pulled one to his lips and kissed her knuckles. A throat cleared across the room, but they ignored it.

  "Alright, already," Selby said, still sitting next to Ingrid.

  Without looking at Selby, Jorg said, "You'll get used to it." Selby groaned and shook her head.

  "Maybe she will, but for now I'd like to deal with the issue at hand. We can talk later, Jorg," Klaus said with a raised brow and a smirk pulling his lips.

  Ingrid felt a small surge of heat in her cheeks. Jorg winked at her then stood and turned to Klaus. "I look forward to it."

  Ingrid stood and walked across the room to her parents. "I don't know if I could have ever been prepared enough for all of this. I wish I'd have known, but it's ok, I know now. Let's focus on what happens next and not worry about anything else."

  Agnethe stood and pulled Ingrid close to her. "I love you."

  "I love you too, Mama." Ingrid squeezed her mother and then pulled away to hug her father. "Before we do or say anything more, I'd like to see Hagen."

  * * *

  Ingrid followed her parents to another room where they found Helka sitting on the edge of Hagen's bed holding his hand and talking quietly to him. Selby hesitated at the door, but she walked in and leaned against the wall. Standing next to Helka, Ingrid watched as Hagen's chest moved up and down with slow, methodical precision but the rest of his body lay motionless.

  "May I stand closer, please, Helka?" Anger boiled up again within Ingrid at the sight of her brother, and she did her best to force it out of her voice as she spoke. Helka moved out of her way without a word.

  Aware of all the hopeful eyes staring at her, Ingrid closed her eyes and tried to settle her nerves. I can do this. Opening her eyes, she saw only Hagen, letting all other sights and sounds fade away. Unwrapping the annoying linen strip from her arm and pulling the tattered gauntlet from the other one, she let them fall to the floor. Slowing her breathing to match the rhythm of Hagen's, she felt a small tingle bloom in her chest. Warmth spread from her middle outward through her body, into her arms and down into her hands. Rolling her lip between her teeth, she hovered over his chest with her hands, bringing them down slowly until she touched him. Heat flo
wed through her arms into her hands and she held steady, closing her eyes to concentrate. A feeling of weightlessness came over her and could see a string of light flowing into Hagen's chest, searching out his pain. Ingrid watched as it moved like hair underwater, floating along in a graceful ribbon until it reached his mind. Images flashed one after the other; some she recognized, most she didn't. Then there were some of being in water, a man sitting next to a tree, walking through the moors and a flash of light. At the same time a jolt shot through Ingrid's hands so strong she winced, but she held firm against his chest until the sensation was gone. Opening her eyes, she felt dizzy and a little disoriented. Hagen didn't look any different as she watched for a sign that he was waking. Disappointed, confused, and frustrated, she pulled her hands off his chest and clenched her fists to her sides. As she was about to turn away, his fingers twitched. Grabbing his hand in hers, she held her breath. Under his eyelids she could see his eyes moving back and forth. "Hagen, can you hear me? Wake up now. Open your eyes," she commanded him.

  His throat bobbed as he swallowed, then made a noise. Squeezing his fingers, Ingrid leaned in and put her other hand against his forehead. Fluttering, his eyes worked their way open, and she started to laugh and cry at the same time. "Hi," he croaked with a raspy sound. Ingrid leaned down and put her head on his chest, letting the tears wet his shirt. She could hear the others crying as well. A heavy, clumsy hand slid onto her head and she turned her face to see Hagen trying to smile at her. Shifting Hagen's hand to the side of her cheek she leaned into it and breathed in the sweet smell of dirt and sweat before placing a kiss on his palm.

  "Thank you," she whispered. He smiled.

  Aware of the others watching, she rose and moved out of the way. Exhaling long and slow, she turned and saw Selby wrapped in Jorg's arms. Irrational anger flooded through her, replacing all joy in less than a heartbeat. Jorg raised his hand in an attempt to reassure her, but she pressed her lips together and glared at him. Stop touching her.

  Tapping Selby on the shoulder to get her attention, he moved her away from him and stepped closer to Ingrid. Staring at the floor, she tried to steady herself; her eyes roved all over the floor without seeing anything. "Ingrid." Jorg said her name quiet and gentle while lifting her chin to look up at him. "What is it?"

  Her chin wobbled against his fingers. "I get so angry so fast. I have to get him out of my head." Tears slipped through her lashes and Jorg pulled her in tight. Slipping her arms around his waist, she held onto him while she regained control of her emotions. After several minutes, neither of them made any attempts to pull away, but she knew they should. Without releasing her grip, she craned her neck to look up at him, smiling when he stroked her hair.


  "Yes. I'm sorry to be like that."

  "Don't be. It's not your fault--although I don't mind this part at all." His eyes traveled to her mouth and back to her eyes with a lazy grin on his face. Smiling at him, she raised an eyebrow daring him to finish his thought, but he looked over her head and tensed. Ingrid squished her eyes shut and lowered her face into Jorg's chest.

  "I think it's a good time for us to have that talk," her father said behind her. Dropping her hands to her sides, Jorg moved his hands to her arms and rubbed them as he gently pushed further away from her. Following her father out of the room, he turned and smiled at her before walking through the door. A thousand butterflies spilled out of her heart and she covered her mouth with her fingers trying to hide the broad grin making her cheeks ache. Startled, she jumped when her mother wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

  "I'd tell you to guard your heart, but I'm too late, I see."

  Ingrid could only nod.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Helka back at Hagen's side while Selby stood at the foot of the bed. Stepping away from her mother, she moved next to Selby, slipping her hand into her friends. "How are you feeling?" she asked Hagen.

  "Good," he rasped and put a hand to his throat.

  "You haven't talked in a while. It's been nice," she teased and wiggled his foot. Smiling, he closed his eyes and shook his head.

  "Just wait," he paused to catch his breath, "tomorrow."

  "Of course, I'm sure you'll have lots to say."

  "Come on girls, let's give these two some time alone," Agnethe said as she turned Ingrid and Selby toward the door. Ingrid squeezed Selby's hand as they walked out of the room.

  When they entered the main room, Jorg was gripped in a handshake with Klaus who slapped him on the shoulder before walking away. Ingrid met his smile and started to walk toward him, but noticed his mother heading in his direction so she hung back to give them some time.

  Jorg turned his attention to his mother with softness in his eyes. As her hand reached out to touch his arm, a rough voice barked her name. From across the room, Jorg's father approached the two, disgust curling his lip as he looked at his son. Ingrid ambled closer, trying to stay discreet yet feeling the need to be close for support.

  "Step back, woman," Jorg's father said to his wife. Bending her head, she stepped aside. Jorg's body stiffened, and he set his shoulders as if waiting for an attack. "I've done the best I could for you, boy. Tried to ignore what you are and believe you could be my son. You've proven you can handle yourself as a man now, so there's nothing more you need from me. Do whatever you need to, but don't come home. We've uprooted ourselves enough for your sake." With that hateful speech finished, he turned to leave nodding to his wife to follow.

  "Petr, wait for a minute before you leave," Klaus called out to him. Ingrid turned to her father, but Jorg kept his eyes on his mother. Klaus stood in front of Jorg's father. "I think you should reconsider what you said."

  "My family is my business, Klaus. I don't answer to you or anyone else about that."

  "That's true and I don't plan to interfere in the middle of your family. But, as the good of the village is my concern, I'd like you to reconsider your opinion of your son."

  "I will not. In fact I question your ability to lead this village if you plan to allow his sort to spend time with your daughter."

  Ingrid sneered at him and clenched her fists as she saw Jorg do the same.

  "You question me? Well, let me answer that for you. We don't need your sort spreading your plague to the rest of us. Jorg has a home here--you don't. Pack your things and be gone by morning."

  "You are bringing death to everyone. I'll be glad to leave this place." Striding to the front of the hall, he left with Jorg's mother following after him. At the door, she hesitated, holding onto the frame without walking through. Ingrid heard Jorg suck in a small breath and she held her own as they waited.

  Don't do this to him. Please turn around. Biting the inside of her lip, she kept herself from shouting out.

  Then, the woman who had saved Jorg, loved him as her son, protected him slumped her shoulders and left without a glance.

  Ingrid looked at Jorg and watched his eyes grow hard and his jaw muscles pulse. Before she could go to him, her mother caught her hand and stopped her. "Give him some time. Go to him later when there are not so many eyes to watch."

  "Are you saying that because you don't want me to be seen with him?" Ingrid hissed in a whisper.

  "Of course not and don't ever insult me like that again. I say it for the sake of his pride as a man. You will make it worse for him to go over there now."

  In her head, Ingrid knew she was right, but her heart ached to take away his pain.


  Selby tugged on Ingrid's sleeve. "Let's go back and check on Hagen."

  "Why do you want to do that to yourself?"

  "Nothing better to do, anyway." Selby grinned and looped her hand through Ingrid's arm, once again bringing lightness to a difficult situation.

  "Isn't Helka still in there? Won't you feel awkward?"

  "An hour hasn't gone by without her sitting by his side from the moment we dragged his heavy butt back here; might as well get used to it. B
esides, he's awake now and I want to know if he remembers anything."

  "You want to know if you've been caught," Ingrid grinned and nudged against Selby.

  "True. You know me too well."

  As they approached Hagen's room, Selby coughed and cleared her throat while shuffling her feet extra loud. "What?" she asked when Ingrid turned her head to stifle a giggle.

  "Nothing. He's my brother, so I don't want to walk in on anything either. It's good to know you have limits."

  Shelby shrugged and smiled as she lifted the door curtain and peeked inside. "Everyone decent in here?"

  "Selby! Come in and keep out the draft." Helka acted angry, but there was a blush to her cheeks.

  "How is our favorite patient?"

  "Why are you worried about a draft? Is there something wrong?" Ingrid drew her eyebrows together as she hurried to the bedside. The room smelled like mint and saffron from a small bundle of purple crocus sitting in a bowl.

  "I'm fine, feeling better every minute. She's being a mothering hen, that's all," Hagen answered.

  "You look good. There's color in your cheeks again." Hagen reached across his body to take Ingrid's hand, not disturbing the one entangled with Helka's.

  "Thank you. Helka has been filling me in on what happened while I was knocked out. Who knew my dancing, singing little sister holds the power of life and death in her fingertips."

  It feels like forever ago that I was that girl. Ingrid gave a half-hearted smile, "Don't you forget it. I'd think twice before you pick on me again." She poked his leg and broadened her grin.

  Lifting his hand from hers, he held it in the air, "No more teasing, I wouldn't dare. Promise," he said with a smile but his eyes were serious.


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