Earthdom: A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG (Ether Collapse Book 3)

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Earthdom: A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG (Ether Collapse Book 3) Page 39

by Ryan DeBruyn

Mr. Pips – A member of the A-Team. Tall wiry man with very blonde hair, and needs food immediately… according to Rocky.

  Nadine Shealds – Rockland’s mother.

  Nanoweave Under Armor – A piece of gear worn by the hero. It is form fitting, self-cleaning, and climate controlled by the nanobots inside.

  Nebula – Nebula is a giant cloud of gas in space. This can be caused by explosions of stars or the formation of new stars.

  Nipissing – A university / college in the town of North Bay.

  North Bay – is a city in Northeastern Ontario, Canada.

  NPCs – Non-Power Classes

  Odin – The name of the Star God. Otherwise known as the Sun.

  Oliver Grees – 13-year-old young man that Rocky met while entering Ottawa. Family was massacred by Corsair’s goons. Died during the Ottawa Exodus Struggle.

  Other Planetary Gods (spoken of) – Mars, Gelth, Krond, Sinfath, Helion Prime (Planet)

  Omega – A sapient golem who is a member of the Ottawa Knights. He was created from a historical building known as the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. A California beach bum personality that wants to try all the comforts of the old world. Master-Knight of Gaia

  Ottawa Knights – See Tao, Epsilon, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon.

  Pan’s Cloak – A piece of Cursed Regalia that may billow in unseen winds. It may even pull the user off their feet for no reason. This item was given to Victoria.

  Pangaea – Was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.

  Parliament Knight Golems – The Parliament golems are five knight brothers that are sapient. They wish to make a place for golems in this new world.

  Pebbles – An Ogre boss that controls time magic.

  Perception Skill – A skill that highlights things that you might not notice otherwise.

  Phalanx – A body of troops standing in close formation. In this book, an inverted triangle formation to break a charge.

  Planetary Essence – The secondary tier of energy need by Dungeons and Planetary gods.

  Planetary Leaderboards – A feature listing the strongest in multiple categories. Part of the connection to the EtherNet.

  Plasma Grenade/Mine – A grenade/mine that uses a Plasma reaction to create a miniature sun.

  Poison Pool – A part of the Envenom skill. Our hero can collect poisons and secrete a venom of his own based on the potency of his Poison Pool.

  Quests – Can be issued by Gaia directly (Red) or can be issued by Atlantean Net which is the system put in place by ancient Gaians to improve leveling and compatibility with Gaia and Ether.

  Questing – Accepting quests and completing them for Etherience. This is a common way to quickly increase levels within the Etherverse.

  Radar Globe – A device on Dahrix’s Battleship that he destroys with his laser ports.

  Ragnar – Another soul devoured by Apep, and is continually spun out to do his bidding. This individual is far less willing than Apothis and Rattlegore and resists the power of the Void god. His corpse is currently stored in Rocky’s Bag of Holding. Journeyman-Vanir

  Ragnar’s Longsword – A sword used by Ragnar and looted after his death. It is later unlocked by Zippo.

  Rat Hide Helm – An item that is dropped by the Rat Wolf’s and Bat Birds in book 3.

  Rattleshirt – Slightly manic soul devoured by Apep. Rattlegore can create a type of skeletal creature that is extremely powerful but territorial. The bones of the creatures he creates are extremely strong and don’t burn. Journeyman–Master of Bones

  Rattleshirt Breastplate – The official name of an item dropped by Rattlegore in Book 2.

  Rattlegore – Is a transformation of Rattleshirt using a special Skill and consuming all of Rattleshirt’s summoned creatures, however, Rocky and company mostly prevented this. Journeyman – Obsidian Bone Apostle

  Rebirth – A way to return an individual’s spirit to a living body. Requires high amounts of Territorial Etherience but can save a person from dying. Often a broken body can be healed to working order after severe damage. The return of the spirit will then revitalize the body and make it useable. Does not need to be the owner’s soul to be Reborn.

  Red Quest – A quest issued by Gaia herself. These quests are of utmost importance and often return balance to the world.

  Research Ships – A ship in the Guild Armada that is meant to research areas they pass through.

  Revenant Class – The Apprentice Class of Rockland Barkclay.

  Richard Sun – The leader of the Nippissing and Canadore survivors. He was a coach and professor at the schools and lead a great deal of kids to survive the Apocalypse.

  Rictus – A nightmarish race that Rockland runs into outside of Garnell’s shop, inside the Aretrean Bazaar. Sela mocks Rockland for his fear.

  Rockland Barkclay – Distant relative of Azrael, General of the Darkest Night, General of Cathodiem Guild. The main character of the story. If you don’t know that, you haven’t been paying attention. Dark-Revenant - Dark-Chimera Knight

  Rune of Protection – An enchanting Rune or Glyph that increases the inherent Ether defence of an item. This helps protect people from damage.

  Ryerson – A University in Toronto, Ontario.

  Selaphia Ardensai – Granddaughter of Selaphiel. Captain of Cathodiem Guild. Captain of a Century during the War on Mars. Ancestral guide to Rockland Barkclay but not blood related. Dark-Druid

  Seraphim Seven – A term for a powerful group of individuals in the Etherverse. Likely a guild and could be the remnants of the Cathodiem Guild.

  Shadow Clone – A skill Rockland gained in the Apprentice Ranks. Creates a copy of himself out of smoke that he can utilize in combat or reconnaissance.

  Shaman Class – A class that uses totems and often has a bloodlust ability. Assumed base class of Bam-bam the Ogre boss.

  Silver Spires – A territory that Sela grew up in. The home town of the Cathodiem Guild and a very beautiful place.

  Simon Hetch – A brother who makes a horrible decision to kill humans to save himself. Rocky lets them live but tells them to never be seen again.

  Skandranon – Summoned Chimera to serve as Leader of Chimera Roost, which has now become Algonquin Valley. Progenitor of Azoth.

  Smith – A nickname for Joaquim Smith.

  Snollygoster – Slang. A politician who is guided by personal advantage rather than by a consistent, respectable principle.

  Soul Blade – A weapon that is spiritually bound to the user. Gains power and is able to level up. Seems to change as it levels. Currently seems alive in Rockland’s hands.

  Sphinx – A mythical creature that is immensely powerful and often asks a riddle.

  Sphinx Golden Armor – Armor dropped by the Puzzle dungeon. This set is great for tanking and was given to Victoria.

  Spirit Realm – A realm that is outside of reality and houses Michabo. Our heroes end up there at the end of Book 2. This Realm was created as part of some long term plan to vanquish an evil.

  Stalwart – A class skill learned by Rockland in Book 3.

  Stealth Skill – A skill that Rockland learns in Book 1. He purchases it as a scroll in the Aretrean Bazaar.

  Steel – Leader of the Steel Wolfpack. Extremely large boss monster who evolved beside an iron mine, which led him to have fur with the tensile strength of steel.

  Taskmasters – Sapient Golems that are in charge of teams of slaves inside of New York. Some of the taskmasters are brutal.

  Tao – A sapient golem who is a member of the Ottawa Knights. He was created from a historical building known as the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. Extremely wise and well-versed in some of the mysteries of the Etherverse. Where he gets his knowledge is a mystery but he is soft spoken and takes over morning training for combat and Meditation. Master-Knight of Gaia

  Territory – A Territory is a piece of land that will level along with the leader who owns it. The Territory conveys many bonuses to the inhabitants and stabilizes E
ther flow, making the immediate area more structured for monster growth.

  Territorial Inventory Space (Reserve) – This is a Ethereal Space that is linked to a Territory. It can only be accessed in the Territory and acts like a safe with levels of access.

  Territorial Sphere – An item that is created when a Territory is broken down. This sphere can be used to increase an existing Territory size, create a new Territory or sold for a great deal of Crystals.

  The Grind – A term used to describe the end of Ranks when the Etherience needed to progress is so high that levels are very hard to come by.

  The Scourge – A ship that Amelia traded to the Grotto for allies and information.

  Tirahnya – A leader of the Biology Guild in the Guild Collective.

  Toronto – A massive city in Southern Ontario, Canada.

  Totems – A skill that creates objects with an Area of Effect. The effects vary, but include, shielding, healing, speed and others.

  University – The Canadian Equivalent of an American College.

  Uplink – A communications link to a satellite.

  Victoria Faris – A character introduced in Book 3. A member of the Grotto Military and a tank class. She is powerful and becomes critical to the group’s success throughout the book as parties begin to form.

  Void God – Opposite of a Sun God. The equivalent to a blackhole that is constantly trying to suck in more Sun Gods and Planetary Gods.

  William Shakespeare Statue – A golem that is converted from the Statue in New York.

  Did you find a word with an X?

  Yin-Yang golem – First sapient golem Rocky runs into. This golem is a little bit insane due to its nature.

  York University – A University in Toronto.

  Yuri – A member of the Grotto Council. A smith who was voted in by the people for all of their hard work in making the Grotto liveable.

  Zippo – Nickname for Jason Jackson.

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