The Complete Legacy Inn Collection: Four Sweet YA Romances

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The Complete Legacy Inn Collection: Four Sweet YA Romances Page 28

by Sara Jane Woodley

  Like the ferris wheel.

  My stomach flips as the plan forms in my mind. It’s perfect. When we get on, I’ll tell her the truth: that I’m not in love with Brooklyn anymore. That I’m falling for her, for real. This is my one shot, so I need to be sure I say the right thing.

  I can only hope that she feels the same for me.



  The lineup for the ferris wheel takes ages. It’s one of the most popular attractions at the carnival, and there are two huge lines on either side of the ride. Usually, I wouldn’t mind the wait, but Wes is silent, distracted. He shifts from foot to foot, lost in thought.

  It’s unusual for him, and I wish I could ask what’s on his mind. But, I’m afraid of the answer — it’s probably Brooklyn.

  I’ve been trying to behave as normally as possible around Wes for the past two weeks while trying to forget Brooklyn’s comments. But I can’t ignore the fact that she and Wes have a history I can’t even begin to understand.

  I got ahead of myself the night of the fireworks, I made the mistake of imagining that a different result would come from our carefully made plans. It’s not worth ruining our friendship over confessing my misplaced feelings for him — that would only make things awkward between us.

  I sneak a peek at Wes, and he’s chewing his lip. He looks a million miles away. Coming to the carnival was the next step of our plan, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t even care whether we see anyone here from Edendale High.

  I squeeze Hamlet and bury my face in the plushy blue fur, the joy of winning the stuffed animal long gone.

  When we finally reach the front of the line, Wes perks up. He smiles at me and I get lost in his eyes. We slide into a cart together and he leans close to me, grabbing my hand. The gesture is tender, intimate, and I once again feel the magic that I felt at the fireworks. “Anaya, there’s something I need to say.”

  My heart stops and then starts again double time.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. I — I’m not good with this stuff. With words. With saying what’s going on in my head.”

  He runs his fingers through his hair, gazing at the ground. I freeze, the blood pumping in my ears. What is he trying to say? Is it something about me, or maybe it’s about Brooklyn? I lean closer, desperate for him to continue.

  When he looks up, his eyes bore into mine like an endless tropical ocean. “I—”

  “Well, well, well.” A dangerously sharp voice slices through the moment. “Anaya Dewan.”

  I whirl around to see Isabella Hall and Lucas Therborn slide into our cart from the front of the other line. Isabella’s pretty mouth is puckered like she sucked a lemon slice. She yanks her hand out of Lucas’s grasp and sits opposite me.

  My heart plummets to the ground. What are the chances?

  “Hi, Isabella,” I mutter darkly. “Lucas.”

  “Great to see you,” Isabella hisses.

  The ferris wheel creaks into action and our cart sways as it ascends. Is it too late to hop out and disappear into the crowd?

  “I’m Wes.” Wes’s cheery voice startles me. He’s the only person smiling in our cart. “Anaya’s boyfriend.”

  That’s right. That’s why we’re here — to show Isabella that I have a boyfriend. I take reassurance in Wes’s confident tone and I force a smile. He holds out a hand to Lucas and, after a moment of hesitation, Lucas shakes it.

  “Iz, you told me her boyfriend was fake.” Lucas rolls his eyes. “He looks pretty real to me.”

  “Shut up,” Isabella snaps, glaring at me.

  I frown. Lucas is one of the Edendale Eagles’ star soccer players. He’s also a well-known bully around Edendale High, so they’re a good match. Though I shudder to think of the reign of terror they’ll have over school next year.

  “Are you guys dating now?” I ask before I can help myself.

  “None of your business,” Isabella tuts at the same time as Lucas says, “yes.”

  I raise my eyebrows skeptically. Until this past spring, Isabella was in a relationship with Jonathan. I’d guess he won’t be thrilled to hear that Isabella is now dating one of his teammates.

  Since being at Legacy, I’ve grown fond of Jonathan. He and Wes are good friends, and it’s become very clear that he’s not in contact with Isabella and doesn’t intend to be. He seems like a good guy and I don’t like the idea of Isabella hurting him too.

  “Does Jonathan know?” I ask. I barely notice that we’ve reached the top of the wheel. I can see all of Edendale from here, but all I can focus on is the tension in our tiny cart.

  Isabella presses her mouth into a thin line. “Like I said, none of your business.”

  Wes smiles at Lucas innocently. “Oh, you know Jonathan? He’s a friend of mine too. Small world.”

  Lucas glares at Wes, but he isn’t as intimidating as intended. He’s a few inches smaller than Wes, and a lot less muscular. “I didn’t know you went to Edendale High.“

  “He’s starting in the fall,” I say shortly. “He just moved to Edendale from Billings.”

  Isabella eyes Wes, her eyes narrow. “Convenient.”

  “Never thought I’d see the day that Anaya Dewan had a boyfriend,” Lucas sneers. His tone is not light or teasing, it's downright rude.

  My cheeks heat, but I try not to let him get under my skin. It’s easier said than done. I open my mouth to retort when Wes’s voice cuts me off.

  “Anaya? I know!”

  Wes smirks confidently and I look at him in horror. Isabella’s sour face lights up and Lucas snickers. Is Wes about to unravel the whole thing? Is he about to tell them the truth — that he’s my fake boyfriend?

  But, Wes is grinning, looking cool, calm and collected. “I practically had to beg her to give me a chance. Man, does she have high standards. Anaya’s the type of girl you have to work for.” He puts an arm around me. “But it was worth it. I’d do anything for her.”

  My heart sings and I relax into his embrace, warmed by his words. I know he’s only acting, but the truth is, I’d do anything for him too.

  Lucas’s eyebrows are so far up his face that they’re basically in his hairline. “I always thought you were too saintly to date a mortal boy, Anaya.”

  Wes gives Lucas the hardest look I’ve ever seen. His eyes are like diamonds. “Lucas, was it?”

  Lucas nods, smirking.

  “The reason you thought Anaya wouldn’t date a boy is because she wouldn’t.” Wes tightens his grip on my shoulder. “Anaya is beautiful, intelligent and kind. She’s the most inspiring person I’ve ever met. What she wanted was a real man, not a petty little kid like you.”

  That wipes the smirk off Lucas’s face. His cheeks explode in a sea of red and his eyes flash. He opens his mouth to respond, but no words come out. Lucas has always been quick to make fun of others, but I doubt that anyone has given him a taste of his own medicine.

  Meanwhile, Wes levels a charming smile in Isabella’s direction. “And if I were you, I’d consider my future dating prospects a little more carefully. Going from Jonathan to this guy? Major downgrade.”

  Isabella doesn’t respond. She’s floundering, her expression as dark as her personality. She’s lost for words and the silence is welcome.

  As if on cue, our ferris wheel ride draws to an end, the circle complete. Wes stands and I stare at him, as slack-jawed as Lucas and Isabella. Wes just risked his social standing at Edendale High by giving Isabella and Lucas a piece of his mind. I can’t believe he did that for me.

  Wes holds out a hand, his eyes twinkling, and I scramble to a stand. My heart swells, and I struggle to keep my emotions in check.

  It’s for the contract, Anaya. Remember, he did it all for the contract.

  “Well, it was lovely to meet you.” Wes’s voice is pure acid. “But my girlfriend and I have better things to do. Come on, babe.”

  He takes my hand and kisses it before we step off the cart. We take a few dignified steps, hand in hand, before brea
king into a run. We speed through the carnival together, leaving the flashy lights and happy music behind.

  We collapse on a grassy verge, laughing so hard I can barely breathe.

  “Wes!” I throw my arms around him. “That was incredible!”



  I hold Anaya close as we both shake with laughter. Man, it felt good to put Isabella in her place. Though I just met the girl tonight, I know her type. She’s fake and shallow and gets her validation by putting others down.

  Our laughter fades but I refuse to let go of Anaya. Holding her just feels… right. Then, she pulls away slightly, just enough to look into my eyes. My heart races as I meet her gaze.

  “You’re incredible,” I say, my words sincere. This is it. It’s my chance to tell her how I feel, that she is always incredible to me. I open my mouth to continue when she cuts me off.

  “Did you see the LOOK on Isabella’s face?” She bursts into giggles again. “Wes, you are such a good actor. What you said was pure genius, where did you pull that from — a movie or something? That was definitely Oscar-worthy!”

  My wide smile falters. She thinks that I was acting, that everything I said was fake. Does she not know that I meant every word on the ferris wheel?

  Anaya continues, not registering the fact that I’m no longer smiling. “I can’t believe you said that to her. And you totally put Lucas in his place. Where did you even come up with a speech like that? Brilliant!”

  I blink and my heart cracks.

  Anaya isn’t happy because I defended her, because I told Lucas and Isabella how amazing she is. She’s happy because she got what she wanted — Isabella believes we’re together, and the next step of our plan is complete.

  My stomach twists uncomfortably as a thought occurs to me. Does she truly think that I was acting, or is this what she hopes?

  Jonathan’s words rage through my mind — Anaya goes for what she wants.

  What Anaya wants is for people at school to leave her alone. That’s it. That’s why we made this contract in the first place. Maybe I got ahead of myself and imagined something that wasn’t real.

  Maybe I’m not the hero of this story, the knight in shining armor who saves the day.

  Maybe I’m just a pawn.

  I watch Anaya’s face light up with excitement and happiness. The contract is working for her, our fake relationship is allowing her to move past the drama with Isabella and Chloe. And, regardless of my feelings, Anaya is a good friend. I will do everything I possibly can to make her happy.

  I force a smile for my friend, my fake girlfriend, and shove my feelings far away.



  The excitement and thrill of the Edendale Carnival is extinguished the next day in a torrent of rain. My alarm goes off, early, and I wake to the steady beat of raindrops drumming on the roof of my cabin. I roll over and pull the covers around my face. There’s no way I’m going for a morning swim in this weather.

  I’m settling into another snooze when — bam! — someone pounds on my door.

  Confused, I check my watch. It’s 6am. Who would be wandering in the rain at this hour?

  I stumble out of bed and open my door.

  Wes. I should’ve known.

  He shoots me a beautiful half-smile and my stomach flips over. He’s soaking wet and wearing blue swim shorts with cartoon yellow rubber ducks. I’m suddenly very aware that I’m only wearing my pajama shorts and a tank top. I cross my arms over my chest and look at him skeptically.

  His turquoise eyes are bright and alert, and for a moment, I could swear I see a shade of pain in his gaze. But, in the next second, it’s gone. “Good morning, sleeping beauty. Did you sleep through your alarm?”

  I stare at him blearily. “It’s 6am. We went to bed, like, six hours ago”

  “You’re usually in the water at 5.45.”

  “It’s pouring!”


  I stare at him incredulously. “I don’t feel like going for a swim when it's so wet outside.”

  Wes shakes his head. “Anaya, you do know that swimming takes place in the water? And that water is, indeed, wet?”

  I grab a pillow off my bed and throw it at him. It hits him in the face and I smile smugly. “Aren’t you smart.”

  “Smart is correct.” He smirks. “You have two minutes to change into your bathing suit and get down to the lake. Training waits for no man and pauses for no weather. Do you want to win that swim meet or not?”

  I roll my eyes and salute him. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. That’s more like it.”

  I close the door and chuckle as I scramble into my bathing suit and brush my teeth. I’m now wide awake and I’ll admit I’m itching to get into the water. When I reopen my door, Wes is standing exactly where I left him.

  “Run!” He yells, and we make a break for it. The pounding rain soaks me in an instant, and my heart beats fast. We make it to the beach in record time.

  Wes is a few steps ahead of me and he dashes onto the dock. The rain has made the surface slick and he almost falls flat on his back. I snort, watching his arms flail around, but somehow, he manages to keep his balance. He slides along the rest of the dock smoothly, almost purposefully. He reaches the end and catapults into the lake.

  Meanwhile, I pick my way along the dock carefully, not trusting my clumsy self to do the same crazy stunt. I get to the edge of the dock and Wes is waiting, treading water with a big, goofy grin on his face.

  I dip a toe into the water and pretend to think about diving in. I make a show of placing my clothes and towel on the ground, stalling for time. Wes watches me patiently, looking slightly confused.

  That’s right where I want him.

  Go!” I scream and then dive in, kicking with all my might.

  It seems that my stall technique worked because Wes starts a second or two behind me. The lake is choppy, the rain blinding, but I tune out my surroundings and focus on moving forward. My mind is quiet, the world silent, as I push myself forward.

  I reach the floating dock at the center of the lake just a couple of strokes behind Wes. I tag it and whip around. We’re halfway, which means that there’s still time to beat him. I pick up my pace on the way back, swimming harder than ever. Fire burns through my limbs and I can’t see for the haze of rain pummelling the lake’s surface. I ignore it all and just swim.

  The dock gets closer and closer, and my vision tunnels. With one final push of adrenaline, I surge forward, my hand outstretched.

  I tap the dock a millisecond before Wes’s hand lands on it.

  I shriek and throw my arms into the air, exhausted but overjoyed. Wes flings his arms around my body and roars. He lifts me in victory as he’s gasping and breathless.

  “YOU DID IT!” He yells. The rain hammers its applause.

  I close my eyes and throw my head back, letting the raindrops pummel my face. “I finally beat you!”

  “And I’ve never been prouder.” Wes sets me back in the water gently, but his hands remain on my waist. “You’re going to kill it at that swim meet!”

  My body buzzes and my cheeks are warm. Our eyes lock for a moment, and my heart goes haywire. I quickly avert my eyes, scared that Wes can read my body's reaction to him. But, he yanks his hands away and pulls himself onto the dock in one swift motion. Of course, he’s not nearly as affected by me as I am by him.

  I float on my back on the surface of the lake, trying to catch my breath. When my heartbeat returns to normal, I dare to look at him, worried he can see what I’m trying so hard to hide. But he’s smiling down at me from the dock, confident and casual as ever.

  “When they interview you after you win, be sure to say that it's because you trained with me all summer.”

  I laugh, but my chest feels hollow. “When I become the next Michael Phelps, I’ll be sure to credit my summertime fake boyfriend for my success.”

  Wes snorts and I lift myself onto the dock, grabbing my towel. It’s stoppe
d raining now, but the sky is still a heavy, angry grey. Wes splays himself across the dock and I hesitate for a moment before lying next to him — not too close, but not too far. We’re friends, just friends.

  He closes his eyes, his face an indecipherable mask. I study him and a warm but uneasy feeling flows through my veins. I’m suddenly unsure what’s real and what’s fake.

  On paper, everything is going perfectly — Chloe and Isabella believe that Wes is my boyfriend; Brooklyn is jealous. But my stomach twists into an uncomfortable knot whenever I think about the situation. My feelings for Wes are anything but fake, no matter how hard I try to squash them.

  My mind returns to the moment Wes and I got on the ferris wheel, before Isabella’s interruption. What was he going to say? I’m scared to ask, but I know that it’s now or never. It must be important to him and I want to know what it is. Even if it hurts.

  "Hey Wes.” My voice sounds stronger than I feel. “What were you about to say to me on the ferris wheel last night, before Isabella and Lucas got on?"

  He looks at me with wide, alert eyes. He frowns for a moment, then sighs. "Does it matter?"

  I turn away and gaze at the water. "I'd like to know. If you want to tell me, that is."

  Whatever it is, I can take it. I'm strong.

  "Okay..." Wes trails off and chews his bottom lip, looking lost in thought. Then, his face clears. "I guess what I was trying to say is, you know Chloe?"

  What? Of course I know Chloe — the girl who has made my life miserable the last few years, the sidekick of Edendale High’s top cheer tyrant. Where’s he going with this?

  I search his face. “What about her?”

  “She kind of reminded me of Brooklyn.” Wes pauses and frowns at the sky, his face dark. “Actually, she and Isabella both do.”

  I stare at him, not breathing. He looks at me out of the corner of his eye, like he’s waiting for a reaction. I’m not exactly sure what he expects, what he wants me to say. I’d be lying if I said that the thought hadn’t occurred to me… though in the worst of ways. How Brooklyn acts around me feels eerily similar to Isabella and Chloe.


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